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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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Guest MIKA.

im 15 and i wear none of the stuff you stated except heels

and i only wear them to special school nights or out dinner with family

i hate Gucci, Prada, A&F, thongs, perfume, and LV purses

all those stuff, i like to be different from other people

if i can tell that they're younger than how they look, it pisses me off really bad

and i hate younger kids dating

they break up in 2 months max.

it gets worse and worse every generation

hopefully, they'll understand it when they're older

that it's stupid

i totally agree with the dating thing XD it's so stupid...it's like they aren't even ready for it

and most of the time it's just because of LITTLE, short-term crushes

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Guest AliceAristocrat

I'm 14 and i wear make-up......sometimes

but just for fun.....not anything like extreme or anything ^^

I mean, i'm a girl....... it's normal for a girl to wanna wear make-up or dress up at a young age....

that's what i think.....

and i used to wear heels when i was like 12.........for fun.....they weren't really high either.....i stopped when my feet hurt haha.....and now i wear sneakers and stuff ^^

Like technically......when i wear make-up i'm just doing it for fun not really trying to be older than i am......cuz i like being young.....less responsiblities hehe

I don't like it when like 12-13 year olds wear something u should wear when u're like 17-25.......that's just like.....gross....besides they probably don't have anything to show yet -*-........and can u imagine what they would wear when they're like.......17......scary....

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Guest D e e

Man that picture of that 1994 year old girl with that bathing suit looks SO FREAKIN' OLDER. :B

I turned 13 on April 10. > o <

But I never do any of those stuff. I only use the makeup and heels part when my mom forces me to, when we go to parties. (Weddings,etc.)

Their parents should actually start to LOOK at their kids.

P.S } me + swimming = white t-shirt and shorts on. ^-^

I hate bikinis, they disguise me .. >_>'

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Guest sweetxmemory


I agree with roar00, they are throwing their childhoods away

the cool part about being this age is to EXPLORE your fashion sense, don't just stick to what the MEDIA tells you to wear you have to find YOUR own style

and makeup?? You have got to be kidding me, it just makes them look so desperate to look older... and in some cases they can even do their makeup wrong, and that make them look even worse... like some doll gone wrong

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Guest Saebin :D


lol, you're not the only one, don't worry :]

the 'work in progress/good to go' top is RIDICULOUS, seriously.

I feel like laughing when i see them trying to dress up all mature and all.

But i'm okay with the designer stuff - as long as it's authentic.


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Guest lolimois

it gets worse and worse every generation

hopefully, they'll understand it when they're older

that it's stupid

I love how a 15 year old is saying this. ha. ha.ha.

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Guest helennn

i'm 14, & i wear a&f/hollister quite often =X

i don't wear perfume, simply cause im too lazy.

i wear eyeliner, when i feel like it.

mascarra, occasionally, in fear that my eyelashes will fall off!

thats what my mommy says. Dx

most days when i go to school,

i just brush my teeth & comb my hair, cause i wake up too late anways.

in the begining of the school year, i would pick out my outfits, but then later on in the year, i just wear whatever.

it's always like that o___o;

i really don't like girls who go to the bathroom at lunch to fix their make up for the whole freaking lunch period.

namingly - this girl.

but when i see eyeliner a&f/hollister on younger kids,

it makes me feel funny. it kinda makes me ... angry o.o;

in a way, i don't like it for some odd reason.

i like cute little kids with mix matched clothes. (=

& matching twins are so cute. ROFL. so random.

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Guest AnnaQly-kao

OMDS O.O you can't be serious! Kids grow up too quickly these days! I dunno what it is but its like some kinda of virus and this applies to boys and girls.

Most kids these days loose their virginity before the legal age for crying out load! seriously what is it?!

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Guest ailannguyen

Ughhh, I'm 14, and seeing those kind of clothes makes me want to gag. I mean, honestly, if you were wearing those kinds of clothes at my school or whatever, you'll be known as a Sl*t. Thats a fact for sure. For my age, I just like anything thats like stylish, but at the same time appropriate for my age. >.<

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Guest xdeathberry

I'm about to turn 16, and I still don't wear makeup.


My one friend, on the other hand.. since 14, she's worn make-up,

perfume, revealing clothes..

and I was just like. "o__o omg. WTH ARE YOU WEARING?!"

It's sad, really.

She's trying to grow up fast.

Hopefully, she stops doing that sort of stuff when she reaches 16 or so.

She's only 15 and her next bday is next year.

But I doubt she's going to stop. lol

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Guest rukD2B

Man that picture of that 1994 year old girl with that bathing suit looks SO FREAKIN' OLDER. :B

I turned 13 on April 10. > o <

But I never do any of those stuff. I only use the makeup and heels part when my mom forces me to, when we go to parties. (Weddings,etc.)

Their parents should actually start to LOOK at their kids.

P.S } me + swimming = white t-shirt and shorts on. ^-^

I hate bikinis, they disguise me .. >_>'

LOLs. Me too! If I'm in the water, it's either a tank

or a t-shirt with shorts. I find it rather creepy that

a 12-year old cousin is wearing very provocative

bikinis to the beach. It freaked me out REAL bad.

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Guest Kouti-pocky

wearing hollister and abercrombie... i think is okay...

it's focused toward their age group (teens) anyways... whatever


i don't think girls that age should even BE wearing make up!

why do they need it?!?!

what is this world coming to that little girls are worrying about their appearances so much already rather than BEING KIDS and having fun!

there's way more things to worry about when times passes and they get older... appearance won't be even 1/16 of the problem

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I'm 18 years old.

But anyway, it really bothers me when I see young girls wearing A&F and Hollister and LV, Gucci, etc.

I know I shouldn't say this but one of my friends younger sister is like still 7th grade, but wears A&F, Hollister, Gucci, LV, AX, etc, etc. Stuff I CANNOT EVEN AFFORD. Like wth. Then again their parents are rich, so they get whatever they want WHEN they want. Pssh.

I just graduated from high school this year, but it seems the freshmen in high school these days get worse every year too.

Also they give the upperclassmen SO MUCH ATTITUDE.

At least it was like that for me when I was a senior in high school before I graduated last month.

Like Ugggh.

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Guest SillyyJenn

15. i see peple my age wearing all these name brand purses and i'm like 0_0

a bunch of people at my school wear makeup and they obviously don't need it ><

i've also seen a 11 year old wearing a super-mini skirt...those kind where you can sorta see their thong o.O

what have this world came to?!?!?!?!??!!!

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Guest CitrusFlower

Question: are you guys making these things up? All of these story seem very similar and most of the replys are about how much they hate this and that, the other ones are people telling what they wear to prove their not like that.

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Guest Shooting_Star<3

yes i agree with you.. i think they have no life when they dress like that... it isnt necessary for a 13-year-girl or younger...

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i am 13.

i dont wear make up o-o

damn, i do wear heals.. like the sandals.. though..

beach sandals perferably.

the only branded thing i have is



girls these ages are totally idiotic.

they wanna be older.

thongs is a big nono

OMG and like 10 year olds are wearing TNA?

god and they dont need bras if they are FLAT as hell.


the only make up i wear is like..

lip balm.

and if i look like a panda.

i use eye liner @_@

and my mom like frikin plucks my eyebrows because they look REALLY BAD.

but i dont go plucking them like thin as hell @_@

seriously. pounds of make up is pathetic.

i was at some birthday party

and this 5th grader was WEARING POUNDS of make up.

and heavy red lipstick

and she is like.. chubby. @_@

gawd and was wearing short shorts.


god. they get this from the influence of other girls.

@_@ god damn it.

thongs? the only way i would wear a thong if i had a white pair of PANTS.

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Guest NauticalJanine

well i'm 13, and most of my classmates naturally look really old. haha~! even if they don't have makeup and just wearing sweats, they still look older than they are. but back to the case, i honestly do wear makeup, but i don't see anything wrong with it, cause it makes me look better and its not like i smack on eyeshadow like you mature people do. and most of the time i'm encouraged to buy A&F and hollister clothes by my sisters who are OLDER. And i never dated before, but is it such a huge issue if 13 year olds date, i mean it's not like they're doing the nasty, or at least i haven't witnessed it yet, and even if the relationship lasts only for a month, who cares? we're kids anyway, isn't it best to have the shortest relationship possible? :huh: well i'm not defending every pre-teen out there, cause i have seen ditzy girls my age giving me the evil eye and wacking their juicy purses around. And also i've seen from many other threads, you guys stated that you started dating since 13, you wore makeup since 14, etc. so why are you saying it's so wrong that we're doing what you did? you might as well say you looked totally wrong yourself.

and also, why is it wrong to wear A&F, American eagle, or any other mainstream clothes if it was targeted for young teens? and as for designer brands, they do have kids items anyway and don't get all offensive all because they can own those things. and if anything, maybe the parents should be more controlling and not give in to their kids so much no matter how much we beg.

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Guest Aiki_Tsuki

i'mj pretty young too,

but i do think it's WRONGG

the only "far out" thing i wear,

is probabley hollister, abercrombie, & suchh

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