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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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Guest mashimaro_is_luff

we are living in a different generation.. time move on

it's hard for these kids to know that it's not what they suppose to do when others older than them are doing the same

in the last generation.. it would be "wrong" for late teens or early twenties to mid-twenties girls to dress up like that and wear gucci but it's fine now.. so it might be wrong now but down the road, people will accept this

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Guest mochacookies

i'm 15 turning 16 :)

yea i'm still young, but i never dressed like 12-14 year olds now days...

i STILL don't dress like that. it scares me when 12 year olds go walking around the mall with their friends with heavy makeup... they looks like clowns... and i don't like clowns.... well i don't wear make-up yet, and probubly not going to till i'm in college but yea, creepy creepy creepy...

-i'm pretty okay with pretty much other things, it's just when i see them with makeup on and revealing clothings.... it just scares me.

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Guest Shiroiyuki

You know what? I was planning to make a new thread and rant about this. But then I remembered your thread and here I go:

First of all, i'm 16 going 17 and I wear MINIMAL makeup. (I only wear BB cream). I don't wear designer's clothes (because I don't have money). But IT IS really annoying when I see 11-14 y/o girls doing these stuffs that you mentioned.

And LOL, it seems like i'm not the only one who literally laughs at these kids. You guys better check out these YT channels and see (and laugh) for yourself:

meganheartsmakeup (14 y/o)

streetdolls (the older one is around 16 or something and the younger is sister is only FREAKING 13 y/o)

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Guest ParkNoEul

I'm 20 :) My opinion is....pretty much the same as everyone elses.....

20+ are trying to act too young for their age (I saw a granny the other day wearing a mini skirt o__o )

and the teenagers these days are trying to grow up waayyy to quickly. Children wearing mini skirts and tons of makeup is a big NO.

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12 turning 13

the only makeup i wear is lip balm (does that count?)

mostly i would never wear eyeliner or anything cause i get freaked that ill accidentally poke it in my eye XD

i think its disgusting for 12 year olds to dress like that because we're not even old enough to have boyfriends ==;

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Guest KS8745SJ

Gosh. Those middle school girls never really had an experience of fun stuff and the actual experience with pimples they can easily cover it with makeup

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I think the media has greatly influenced how people choose to live their lifestyle. It could also be the parents, older siblings or just someone they look up to. 

I think it is wrong for younger kids 12 - 15 years of age to wear thongs. & To think that it is sexy when its hanging out of their pants. Its sleeezy,.  &' It would be nice if you`d dress appropriately more like your age. I agree that some girls develop earlier than others so they have to wear certain things, and some shirts will look different on them than on another girl who's barely hit puberty. 

* &' Then some complain how guys don`t respect them,. Hello? Look at the way you`re dressed, your basically asking to get hit on, & disrespected. Not all guys are Mr. Prince Charming.

For makeup, learn to love your natural beauty,. Start taking good care of it on a young age using products that you only need,. Honestly i would kill to have a smooth, clear skin like i did back when i was 13 - 14,. I would not have to spend more money trying to hide my imperfections. Less is more, and honestly most guys don`t like makeup. They perfer natural beauty, &' if you`re taking good care of your skin, the less you`d have to worry and you`ll have more confidence being able to walk out the door without makeup. 

For perfumes, i think anyone could wear it if they please. Kids around 10 - 14 years of age, i think you can go through the day without wearing perfume. Some girls wear it to attract boys, and because they love smelling good,. Well choose a perfume that's not too strong, and also more appropriate for your age,. Thats what body sprays are for from Bath & Body works, & Victoria Secret. 

& For the branded clothes & accessories,. If you can afford it then go for it,. If its fake, don`t waste your money on it LOL,. I personally don`t like fake stuff thats why i said that. &' Plus there are cuter things that are more affordable. If you have an actual job, and you`re using your own money to go shopping you`ll learn how to spend it wisely. Sometimes i still go out & spend more than usual if i want to reward myself. Other times i just stick with less expensive clothes, and get more items than i would if i would have bought something more highend. 

Oh yeah, &` heels, girls if your still around what 12 - 15 years old ? Don`t walk around in 4+ inch stilletos. It just looks wrong,. 

&' Oh yeah i`m 20 years old :) 

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Guest sweetsummerx3


i saw this girl the other day...

she was about a head shorter than me (and i'm only 5'3!)

she dressed "older" than me (and i'm 16!")

well, not OLDER.... just..... sluttier? o.O

she was wearing a tight, low-cut, cyan colored tanktop that showed off her mid-driff and super short ripped jeans

she was also really tan, with straight hair, and lots of makeup

oh, and she was talking on her cell-phone while walking with her mom

to be honest, she looked like she was 5! (ok... not 5.....maybe around 10?)

but she dressed like she was in high school...

it was ridiculous

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Guest MyKoreanChopsticks

I'm 12 and in my school.. The kids they wear Gucci Bags (Which are bigger than them :L ) .. At school discos.. They were dress' the 16 Year olds would wear and high heels

(That's just CRAZY)

But i don't wear that kind of stuff.. People think i am 14 though which is.. .. errr.. quite old for my age xD

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Im 14 and a lot of the girls in my grade wear like low, tight tank tops/shirts that reveals a tooonn of their cleavage

It's really disgusting, because in some of ther fb profile pics, it looks like they're purposely squeezing their boobs together while wearing super low tops ><

Sometimes I get the feeling that it's only my school that is this obsessed about...how big they are o.0

But about little girls dressing older, they only so because everyone else around them is doing the same. The media is always telling us what is "in" and what's not. A lot of the time the tv and music scene arent exactly good influences.

Plus, they might really like the style, so they'll want to wear it. Everyone experiments before finding their own colors. So don't be too harsh, as long as it isn't obscene or innapropiate, I think it's okay.

We've all been through the process of blending in and trying to find ourselves. Times have changed, so you can't always compare from your own childhood.

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I'm 18. And i started wearing mascara like...this year...and that's all i use. I still don't wear perfumes, designer clothes, etc. And I've never casually worn heels yet...for some reason I feel awkward in heels. At this bakery one time i was with my younger sister thats a freshmen in hs (I'm going to college this year) and the cashier asked if i was the youngest and if my sister was the oldest =..= i'm 5'7 and my little sister is 5'0..

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Age: 14

It does creep me out to see all these girls wearing these makeup and tight clothing but I think its because society has pushed us to this, and seeing all the ad's for the clothing makes us WANT to look like that. For a 14 year old I wear straight jeans and shirt and nice cardigan. But in my school I see a lot of people where those super tight skinny jeans, high tops (which look horrible on them btw) and EXTREMLY tight and revaling shirts. I don't have a problem with the bags or anything, but don't have a designer bag (yet I have tons of them...why am I saying this?) because you don't even deserve it at that age yet.

Thongs..UGH, I had to wear it once for a wedding cause the dress I wore was kinda see through fabric (not my fault, I hated the dress too) and I swear, its just a wedgie you cant take out.

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Guest Rynaga

honestly, i'm not sure what to think. i mean, i see toddlers (ages 3-5 yr olds) at the waterpark wearing bikini type swimsuits. sometimes it is kind of odd at times seeing young teens wearing heels, tons of makeup, false lashes if they overdo stuff.

my outfits are usually conservative but every now and then i like to dress in skirts and wear dramatic makeup for fun when i'm out at night. i'm 22 by the way, but some people still think i look "12". so even if i do look young, am i not allowed to still dress the way i want to? i'm also flat chested, so i have nothing much to "reveal" >.>

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Guest GDZY.cookielove

wow. those people are like desperate housekids XD they should enjoy their young lives more.. like me  *nods head* i don't even wear makyup and my friends are like 0_o what is wrong with you.

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Guest imkiwiyournot

I am 15, Male. I personally think its a waste of money for girls to be into such EXPENSIVE fashion at such a early age and it doesnt make them special just because they have a gucci. I dont think they notice that EVERYGIRL around them has either a gucci or a juicy couture. I personally love my own style and think its unique because I do my best to find clothes i like to wear that also looks good on me, but no one else has the same style/clothe.

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I do see a lot of younger kids wearing Abercrombie, but I understand their stuff is pretty expensive. and as for LV and Gucci bags, either they must be fake or their parents are loaded O_O I don't see why someone that age needs a designer bag anyway. I don't see a problem with 12-13 year old girls wearing some makeup, but a full face shouldn't be worn until she learns how to take proper care of her skin, distinguish good- from bad-quality makeup, find what's right for her skin type, and then wash it all off properly at the end of the day.

btw, it was R. Kelly involved in the scandal with the 14 year old girl, not Akon. I only know because there was an episode of The Boondocks about it. :)

oh and I'm 21.

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Guest Illicit

Whoa, I even think 12-15 year-olds are too young for that. :ph34r:

But I guess it's become okay.

I found it more appalling when so many students in High School brought designer bags to school instead of back packs. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest rawrrawrr

In my old school(its k-8) there is this six grader that wears a lot of makeup. Her other friends also wear it but she cakes on foundation. I swear she looks so freaky. They wear skin tight clothes. I think they were the same last year too.

Personaly I find nothing wrong with kids that wear brand names. If they have the money why not? If they're parents don't mind its no differnet than regular shopping.

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age: 14.

so many girls i've meet that are around my age get really ridiculous with the way they dress :\ my school even held an assembly in eighth grade for just girls telling us that if anyone continued to dress inappropriately, everyone would get a call home. it was really unfair, considering a good 75% of the girls were innocent kids that dressed nice. just a few who ran around wearing supersupersuper push bras with v-necks and their thongs poking out their too tight yoga pants ):

but really, yeah i'm guilty of wanting designer things, wearing thongs, wearing make-up, push bras, & having a boyfriend. but i think it matters more how you represent yourself. i wear make-up thats light (eyeliner, mascara, & concealer sometimes) and cover myself up... there's also plenty of other classy 12-14 year olds. it's just that the bad ones get noticed more :P

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