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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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Guest Envious-Sleep

[i'm 17]

If I had a soul, I think it would be completely withered by now.

Part of the problem is low-self esteem. I don't have very high self-esteem, but at the very least, I'd rather go for something comfy and at least somewhat flattering/cute than something that might make me seem "sexy" or desirable. A lot of the girls who do this get a boost out of guys hitting on them. It's wrong, but I guess it's understandable. People almost always associate expensive with good--good style, good quality, and it makes you seem better than other people if you have expensive stuff. I completely disagree (ForeverXII is pretty cheap, and they're good quality and unique in style), but apparently, these girls don't. They like that sense of being able to own the newest or most expensive stuff.

Also, I had this whole essay on why "Immaturity is UNDERrated" and looking at why kids want to dress like adults. To sum it up, it makes them feel like they're closer to independence, and further away from nagging parents.

The thing that bugs me is when people bring like, their whole make-up kit to put on at school, in the bathrooms. There's no counters or anything, so it's all on the icky floors or ontop of the icky sinks. Icky, much? D=

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Guest alucard454

I'm 15 going on 16! ^_^

I don't understand what's wrong with wearing abercrombie? It's just a clothing brand, where do you expect us to shop? Young World? But it doesnt matter, I don't even shop at abercrombie.

I DO, wear makeup. But all i do is draw a thin line of eyeliner my eyes and maybe some concealer. Is it so bad to to wear makeup? Wearing makeup makes me feel pretty. I like having that confidence.

I don't dress older but I don't dress like a little kid either.

I'm not just going to wear shirts that say, "I love ponies". thats for 5 yr olds.

I'm not going to wear just tank tops in winter or w.e.

I wear cardigans, long sleeves and other tops that dont over expose me.

Honestly, ALOT of my friends wear low cut shirts and high heels. not to mention their overpowering perfume smell. I find it a lil annoying because there my friends but they dont have to be little..."ladies of the night".


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Guest momoxai

As much as these girls totally make me wanna scream sometimes, their parents make me want to scream even more. What kind of parent would let their daughter go out like that?!

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Guest princess_rei

I'm ok with them wearing abercrombie and whatnot, i don't really care about the brands (although preteens wearing designer labels is kinda like wtf? you're gonna grow out if why waste the money?) but what does annoy me is when they prance around wearing poor excuses for clothing that barely covers anything. I think the problem stems from crappy role models, like Lindsey Lohan for example. let's not even discuss the whole rehab issue, these little preteen girls look at her strutting around in revealing outfits that barely count as clothing and think that it's ok or normal even to dress like that in public. they look up to her and think she's sexy and will therefore want to emulate her and be sexy too. but honestly, sexy 12 year olds? wtf? it even sounds wrong D:

and i almost forgot to mention the thong thing, 12 year olds should not be wearing thongs! it's not like anybody is gonna see it, so whats the point of wearing it? and if they do wear it so that someone can see it, then there is a BIG PROBLEM

oh ya, i'm 18 btw

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hahahaha!!.... its funny to see ppl younger than 16 do dress like that... but in today's society you can't help it. look at that young singer.. that little boy.. 4got his name. but god damn. he looks and acts too mature for his age. and all the other examples in the media.

but its also the parents' faults for allowing that to happen to their kids and not do anything about it.

or.. they are just rich spoil brats!

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Guest Pushover

I'm 13 and I'm turning 14 in April and.....


Especially the whole 'boyfriends' thing... when I was 12 the cool thing were boyfriends and it was so freaking annoying especially when they called the boy (who was 13!) hot, I was like , How in the world can he be HOT his body shape is the shape of a flat chested girls'!? I mean you can say he is 'cute' but hot? NOOOOOOOOOO

LV? Woah, my mom doesn't even have one... o.o and I can't even pronounce the full name...-.-?

My cousin is whatever just mentioned, low cut shirts, LV (!) wallet, gucci (or brand name) bags ... and she's a year younger than me! She is spoiled rotten too! But her parents stopped, it was too late though... in this whole month she only went to school for a week (cause she felt like it >:[!)... and her friend's think it's soooooooooo cool... I really wanted to slap them...

Oh and if I ever saw a girl who was what you call a 'prostitot' or if she had a very low cut shirt on (and etc.) and if I had the guts, I would bring her to a random police officer and accuse her of trafficking child pornography... (XD)

I have skinny jeans... two pairs (LOL) I only wear them occasionally when I feel like it...I barely own any skirts and I mostly wear sweatpants... when I wear skinny jeans I feel really self conscious too so I avoid wearing them and then I go borrow my younger brother's pants (hehehehe)

I wear make up (again when I feel like it) but only eyeliner and mascara (VERY annoying though)...

I never even went into an Abercrombie... but isn't there 'Abercrombie Kids' lol

I never even wore heels that were ONE inch, and those heels are for special occasions (!)

Anyways the whole point of this post is that I agree with you -.-

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Guest SoShi.Fan

I don't think abercrombie is bad for 12/13 year olds...

like abercrombie kids? ... the clothes there are freakin small and unless you're 12/13 you can't fit into them rofl.

well, unless you're small... like me.... then I can wear like a large but yea.

unless you guys are talking about A&F which is no different except for bigger sizes..

alsoo, I don't see problems with brand names. so they're rich. ok.

but,,, revealing clothing is likee wtff. we go to school to learnnn, not to show off you're underwear ><

I don't wearr revealing clothing.. mostly cause... my body isn't that great LOL.

but I do wear light eyelinerrr to make my asian eyes look larger (: I'mm a sophomore in HS. :P

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Guest soophantastic


many girls these days are being affected by the media and their twisted perspective of what a girl should look like

its really sad and i wish i could end just like i wish i could end world hunger but we all know that some things are impossible unless everyone puts in an effort =/

the shirt thing is disgusting

and that girl with akon is 14?! wtf she looks like 20 ahaha

kids just growing up too fast

back in my day, i wanted to stay young so i could get free food at restaurants LOL

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I'm 17 in like 2 weeks.

I once saw some 8 year old girl at the mall wearing LV, heels, lip gloss and a what I could only assume was a mini skirt for mini people. And my gosh, it looked so wrong.

My brother's 13 and when I drop him off at school or pick him up I see all these 12 - 14 year old girls going all hard out on the makeup and such. Don't have many complaints for guys since some guys around my school have pretty dressed the same for the past 7 years I've known them since Middle School who look like skaters.

But when I went to go pick up from brother from his middle school graduation disco, I went into the gym to get him and WTF is up with the girls?! They look like they were going to prom! The dresses, clutches, makeup... omg, shocked beyond words. And they're what? Age range of only 12 - 13. I wasn't even interested in makeup until I was 16. And these preteens cake on the foundation. YOU DON'T NEED IT!

It is sad seeing kids grow up so quickly these days. When I was 12 I was still stressing on how to catch my pokemon on my gameboy and 12 year olds now stress on how to put on their makeup -_-

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Guest Got-Daht-Boom-Dynamite

Well....Im 13......And While I Do Think Its Really Whorish When I See Girls My Age Freaking Wear Heals and Those Things.......Get prepared cuz ima write alot....ohkay.....not all of us dress and act this way...but some do...and for those who do....its not entirely their fault.....do you actually think that 13/14 etc. year old girls would be wearing this stuff unless their parents let them?...so blame the parents too....dont jus rant on the girls....also, do u wanna kno where they got that idea of super high heels, ohdee makeup, low cut shirts? from society...and who rules society? adults!...and when kids see adults wearing this stuff and acting like its the bomb and to be anyone in this world u hav to wear this stuff, they start wanting to wear it....we're not growing up fast on our own...we have help....u kno the saying "monkey see monkey do"? kids see...kids do...all over tv, the internet you see adults in this clothing....u see in KIDS stores items like these...so society did this to us..........so dont snicker at the girls...."snicker" at society...and instead of posting useless posts....DO something about..im constantly telling any girl i see wearing those things that she dont look right.......its not our fault.....adults invented society...we're trying to continue society..come on guys...give us the right ideas....dont give us the wrong ones and then complain when we emulate u.....id say more...but i think u get the idea....

~ the workings of a 13 year old girl stressed out by how much adults try to grow us up and complain when they succeed.....

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Guest isaranghae

I'm 14

I think Abercrombie is okay, though I don't wear it.

This describes many of the kids in my school, like the whole having boyfriends at age 11.

It's sad to see what the next generations are becoming into...><"

I mean okay I do wear lip gloss and line my eyes with a brown eyeshadow but when i see some of my peers that look beautiful without makeup cake their faces with foundation, concealer, blush etc...it sort of drives me up the wall.


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Guest lil_viet_girl204

i agree to this so much. i see girls in my school wearing makeup and fixing their makeup in washrooms and i feel like... ugh, how obsessed are you with yourself?

im 14 and the younger girls wear makeup. us grade 9's dont really wear makeup.

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Guest k.kawaii-

I think it's wrong. I'm 15 turning 16 in April (HORRAY!) and whenever I go to the mall, I see this group of girls wearing brands I don't even own. Yes they probably are rich... but just the fact that they walk around the mall with so much confidence annoys me. The dirty looks I get from these 12 or 13 year old girls disgust me. And you know what? I give them dirty stares in return because I'm not going to be glared at by these kids who think they're better than me.

It's mean but they shouldn't be acting that way. They're 12 for goodness sake! Wearing so much make up at a young age isn't necessary. I don't even wear those foundation powders or whatever they are.

Another rant I would like to share are those 13 year old girls who always stick their lips out in pictures while posing on their side view and making it seem like they have big boobs.

Bottom line, they should just act their age.

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Guest __herodreams

I'm 15 & I don't even wear make up, nor I do I feel the need to wear make up. 12 year olds that do that .. they just make themselves look .. weird? It's too much.

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sry for cutting your post ^_^

but i have to agree about the dirty looks part. gosh don't even get me started on it.

every time i go out just to casually grab lunch or just casually shopping (i only wear a shirt and short shorts because its easy to take off and put on) i get all these little kids staring me down. like WTF? just because i don't cake myself with makeup and wear fancy clothing and all the bling i have every time i leave the house, doesn't mean they're better than me. serioussssly... and its even worse when i'm taking public transport =.=.

while im on the topic, i got a few dirty stares from lil girls today. im just standing around waiting for a table..minding my own business =.=. so i just gave them a couple of dirty stares back. it was sooo tempting to go up to them and go "hmm you have a fat nose, fat lips and you're ugly. now shooooo off. and oh btw i can see your bra...wait do you even have boobs?"

tbh most of them can't put on makeup properly and don't even have much of a fashion sense >.>

and on top of all that, all those cheap drugstore makeup that they're caking on so much is going to ruin their skin so bad in the future...(not saying drugstore makeup is bad, but most of these girls don't even know what they're putting on their face)

(im turning 18 this year)

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I don't find abercrombie much big of a deal, it's just a brand of clothing [that i sadly cannot afford LOLOL, LUCKY KIDS D:]

Perfume is eh, for me, I don't wear that stuff but I don't find it wrong to wear it, AS LONG AS YOU DON'T PUT LIKE 100 SQUIRTS AROUND YOU, it's perfectly fine .

But young kids wearing SUPER SUPER heavy makeup and very exposing clothes ? That's bad .

I'm currently 14 & a freshie @ hs. (: . I don't wear makeup at all, because I do not want wrinkles when I'm 18, lmao .& I like to go natural (: I don't mind people wearing a little makeup, it's girls thing so yeah that's fine, but some people make themselves look like clowns, & what's even worst is kids younger than me have those clown faces already ;_;"

I get what you guys mean when you see those kids at the mall. They look at me like ---- . Ugh, they annoy me >.> I remember these two girls were walking in the mall, obviously UNSUPERVISED . And they were dressed all fancy with *shining* jewelry and stuff, revealing stuff lmao . I was waiting in line to buy dipping dots [LOLOL] && they started to stare at me like they're saying "Why is there a poor beggar in my place?" And I'm like $#^#$^ YOU [in my mind] & got my dots and left D:

I'm like ranting all sorts of places so yeah, lmao .

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