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[jp Upcoming Drama] 絶対彼氏。 Zettai Kareshi. Absolute Boyfriend

Guest cee.jay

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Guest briatrix kiddo

anyone think they'll make a second season?

there's only one episode left and it doesn't look like it's going to end like the manga...

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Guest ethopia

i like epi 8... full of riiko and night moments...

night is still way hotter than 02 ^_^ ... 02 acts more human than night... but still night wins it all hehehe...

now im dredding epi 9-11... it looks like riiko is slowly opening her feeling for night... then when she realizes that she likes night.. POOF! :tears:

if there wont be a season 2 maybe there will be surely a SP :)

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Guest dionne_wu


Soshi explains his reason for resigning. His Aniki dismisses it as irresponsibility but feels it's better for his brother to learn to stand own his own two feet and experience a few hard knocks. Dad tells Masashi to keep Soshi's resignation letter for now. Back in the department, the staff learns of Soshi's leaving and they are shocked when Night announces that Riiko will be participating in the patissier competition with Soshi. Natsumi hears of the news as well. A hilarious moment ensues when Night barges into Masashi's office and starts calling him in affectionate terms. This is the first time we get to see a truely awkward side to Masashi other than his usual serious demeanor. He sends Night out in a bid to stop the nickname-calling while Natsumi watches, tickled pink. At Kronos Heaven, Namikiri notes the recent accelerated rate in which Night uses up his battery power. He continues to conceal Night's genuine condition while handing fake reports to his director. Riiko and Night step into Liberte and get a surprise. Who is that new staff hired? It is none other than Soshi who welcomes them with a grin. "Table for two?"

Night takes a blow when Soshi becomes the star of Liberte. Lady patrons would rather take their orders from Soshi than him. "SHOCK!" he falls into a comic moment dramatically. Soshi explains he will move out once he finds lodging. He is determined to stay independent. Another guest steps in. "WELCOME!" the 3 Liberte ikemen shout in unison. It is Namikiri who wants to check in on his precious. As Namikiri changes Night's battery, Lady Boss catches them in action. She looks somewhat troubled when Night confides in Namikiri that he really wants to make Riiko happy. Back in the bar, she questions Riiko about Soshi in private. "Riiko, you cannot have feelings for a robot." "I know, I know."

At home, Soshi joins Night and Riiko in taste-samplings. The ever man-hungry land lady zooms in and they all smile when she goes into esctasy after one bite of Riiko's carrot cake. Things are looking good for the two of them. Riiko's creation is finally entered into the competition. Soshi makes a trip to Asamoto to get his things. Natsumi invites him to sample one of her creations. They lapse into conversation about Riiko and Soshi talks about her fondly. Meanwhile, Mika has also left Asamoto. Night apologises for any wrongdoings on his part that might have caused her to want to quit. However she tells him that she is tired and starting to hate herself. Life is meaningless for her unlike Riiko, whom she is envious of because Riiko pursues her dreams bravely no matter how Mika made life difficult. "Riiko has always regarded you as her most important friend." "I'm not satisfied that Night, you, chose Riiko over me, but now, I somehow understand why." All this is happening with Riiko standing nearby. She and Night watch as Mika walks away.

Liberte's a crowd as the bar now has too many employees. Natsumi brings the unknowing Masashi for a visit. "Ma-kun!" "Aniki!" Bless Natsumi, credit should be given to her for constantly trying to bring the siblings together. Masashi is made to stay for a beer. Another cute moment happens when Night unwittingly interferes (as usual!). All of them watch as the brothers make reluctant small talk. Things still end on a bad note with Soshi upset. Why does his brother not understand?

The time has arrived for the results to be announced. How will Riiko fare? As she paces anxiously waiting for Soshi's call, he arrives to tell her personally. "Izawa...you did very well already..." Soshi says with a face full of regret. There is no big reaction on Riiko's part as she is already mentally prepared. But as Soshi walks away, she is puzzled by huge envelope stuck onto his back. "Hmm???" Soshi points to his back. Riiko shrugs and runs forward to catch a closer look. It is a letter of qualification. Soshi beams. "We are past round one!" "YATTA~ WE DID IT!!!!" "The next round would be the finals. Ganbatte, Riiko." "Yes!"

There is also good news for Asamoto. Like Riiko, Natsumi has made it to the next round. With staff all gathered, Night announces that Riiko has also qualified. They are astonished and impressed with Riiko's capability. She is now officially Asamoto's rival. Celebrations go awild at Liberte. Natsumi joins in. She applauds Riiko. "Riiko-san is so capable, no wonder this is the first time I see Soshi so enthusiastic about something." She proceeds to invite them to a day at the theme park.

The four of them end up on a double date at an ocean park. They have alot of fun. Night and Riiko go for a rollercoaster ride and Natsumi pulls Soshi along too. But he squirms at the sight of the rollercoaster. He is afraid! Natsumi looks on disbelievingly, "You can't be kidding..." The quartet then splits up for an arcade game. Night displays his amazing robotic prowess. Team RiikoXNight beats Team SoshiXNatsumi hands down to a score of 16-0. They proceed to get some food and then go for a dolphin show. As the dolphins kiss their trainers on the cheek, Night tries to plant one on Riiko's. The other 3 turn and look at him. After the show, the two men hang out. Soshi tells Night, "You don't seem to be embarassed huh, always keeping the word love on your lips." "If there's love, then it is meant to be said out loud. Isn't that a natural thing to do?" "Yeah..of course." "Soshi, have you never told Natsumi before that you love her?" "Ah, how can that be?!" "I feel you should tell her..Riiko's smile makes me happy. I want to protect her happiness. Riiko's smile is my happiness." Just as Soshi seems to be enlightened, the ladies arrive back from the toilet. They leave for home. Soshi sends Natsumi home. As they walk, Natsumi tells Soshi to go to Paris with her if she wins tomorrow's competition. She feels Soshi and her will make a good team. Riiko and Night have dinner at Liberte. Night hands Riiko a present. It is a patissier chef's uniform. Riiko is touched. "You are indeed a perfect boyfriend." "That is because I love Riiko very much." "Night, for you, I will ganbatte." "I will for you too, Riiko."

It is the day of the finals. Night, ever the comedian, tries to support his girlfriend in the most dramatic way. Riiko is embarassed. The judges enter. They go to each contestant and sample their creations. At the same time, Namikiri turns up at Liberte at the invitation of Lady Boss. She speaks to him about Night. Back at Kronos Heaven, Namikiri's apprentice rats him out regarding Night. Natsumi has won the competition to present Japan in Paris with her chocolate and cayenne pepper creation. One of the judges, a french chef, approaches Riiko who stands a distance away. He tells Soshi and Riiko that he was reminded of the old Asamoto founder after tasting Riiko's cake. He shakes Riiko's hand and says, "I look forwad to seeing your potential." The Asamoto staff gather round Natsumi to offer their congratulations. Masashi is surprised when Natsumi credits her success to Soshi. Riiko apologises to Night for losing. Night waves her failure off.

"Natsumi, about Paris..." "Sorry about that, looks like I'd better go to Paris alone." "Eh?" Natsumi explains to Soshi her analogy of chocolate and butter akin to love. "I have already missed the best timing. The very day 3 years ago. Soshi, don't miss it like me." Soshi understands. "Natsumi, ganbatte!"

As Riiko sits looking at her uniform, Soshi joins her. They engage in conversation. Soshi thanks her. Riiko thanks him in return. "It is great to be working with you." Soshi steps forward. He seems to want to say something. In the background, we see Night at a distance. "I..." "Yes?" Soshi finally gathers his courage and confesses bravely. "I like you!" Riiko reacts. "Eh?!?!?!" "I like you..." Soshi repeats. Night's worst fear is coming true. He quickly walks over to stop things from happening. But it is too late. He stops short when Riiko tells Soshi, "Me too. I have been liking you..." As the two gaze into each other's eyes, Night raises a limp hand to his chest. The episode ends as he clutches at his breaking heart.

In Episode 10

Soshi discovers Night's true identity while Night continues to malfunction.

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Guest Justalilodreamer

i cant believe im saying this but i personally think the live is better than the manga itself. i think they did a pretty good job of changing things around.

The live makes more sense (maybe a bit more realistic?) and has more depth than the manga. In the manga Riiko was kind of a ditz so im glad they werent highschool students in the live. It would be awkward to have Riiko actually falling in love and doing it with a robot O_O so i kind of guessed that they would pair Soshi and Riiko together. Plus its considered a comedy and they usually end with a happy ending, it wouldnt seem right if they ended it exactly like the manga. Well i guess i cant exactly judge it now since im still on epi.7 haha

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Guest AiMango

just watched ep 7 & i couldnt stop crying.

-seriously, when we see that the kids are eating her cake, i started bawling. im happy that finally riiko is beginning to appreciate night a little more. but i really wanted to see

what soshi wanted to say to her. cant wait to see 02, omg i think it's akira from hyd xD

lmao fujiko. i love her character, but yeah she's gonna find out soon about night. the part where night is recharging at the hospital and the nurse sees him.. hahah i was laughing so hard :]

I read the full manga before watching this drama.. so i could tell within the first few minutes that they would change things from the manga. and yep, there were huge huge changes. i love both versions though.

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Guest Sango2893

Honestly,this drama got boring too me,It seemed to focus more on the "creme puffs" lol.

I may watch more too see if it gets any better.

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Guest xyunnie

Honestly,this drama got boring too me,It seemed to focus more on the "creme puffs" lol.

I may watch more too see if it gets any better.

I totally agree with you!

I went to read the manga after knowing that the manga focus more on Night & Riko, and I found that the manga is WAYYYY better than the drama.

In the manga, Night really tired his very very best to be a good boyfriend to Rikko & there are tons of very sweet moments.

But in the drama, it focus too much on the Rikko's dream/ambition. And upon reading the synopsis of episode 9, there isn't any much "chemistry" between Night & Rikko and Night start to get malfunction!? THAT'S TOO FAST! :angry:

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Guest xsilentangel


The distance between Riiko and Soshi is growing and Night and her are growing closer!

Lol 02 was Akira in Hana Yori Dango

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Guest shinhaku

thanks for ep 9 review, is ep 10 the last ep? i heard from some ppl that this is a bad adaptation from the manga, but having never read the manga, i like the drama, it's pretty realistic comparing to the manga.

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Guest Sango2893

I totally agree with you!

I went to read the manga after knowing that the manga focus more on Night & Riko, and I found that the manga is WAYYYY better than the drama.

In the manga, Night really tired his very very best to be a good boyfriend to Rikko & there are tons of very sweet moments.

But in the drama, it focus too much on the Rikko's dream/ambition. And upon reading the synopsis of episode 9, there isn't any much "chemistry" between Night & Rikko and Night start to get malfunction!? THAT'S TOO FAST! :angry:

I haven't even read the manga,I'm just tired of those creme puffs!

Like,I'm sure theres more to the plot than selling creme puffs,and the preview for the next episode I was on turned me off,simply because now she was talking

about becoming a pattissier!

Like,what about your robot bf who loves you lol. Plus the pattissier thing reminded me of my name is kim sam soon,so I was ugh!

It's just getting off topic.

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Guest mookie

^ so you just dun like cream puffs and ppl having aspiration of a job?!?!?! :blink: The character is a 20sth working girl, she's bound to have goals in life other than being with her robot bf. If the drama is solely lovey dovey, I'll be throwin up cream puffs for sure.

I've seen 9, I do think there are great romantic moments in it, and I dont find Night lacking in sweet gestures of showing how he loves Riko at all thro'out. At times, he's a bit too sweet, but then he's presumed to be programmed that way so Riko really cant realize he's actin on his free ego, having true feelings for her.

I do like the heartbreaking moment at end of 9, great job on Moco for showing the pain with no help fr like tears or other humanly gestures.

I dont think it focused too heavily on the baking or cream puffs or her wanting to be SOMEONE (in her case patissier). AGAIN, what's the big nono with this reminding you of My Name is Kim Sam Soon?! The similarity only lies in both of them striving be a patissier or having some kind of career goal which is ALMOST EVERY GAL. And you made it sound like it's a big ewww, which dumbfounded me in every way possible.

You must have a odd weird turnoff in pastry or bakers but most ppl dun go all gross out with the sight of well made dessert or cream puffs (not my fav either, but I dun find it repulsive as most of the ppl I know dont either). I find that giving the main character a career goal, whatever it is, gave her more dimension. And it grounded the drama for me. :) Moreover, I like her being able to focus on her aspiration and dun let her crush on her boss or whatever get too into the way of things and turn this into a sappy mess. This drama has a great balance for me, I think plotwise it's moving in a nice pace, it has elements of fantasy, love, laughs, entertainment and some serious heartbreaking moments to come.

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Guest GiRlli3

omg me and my sister just started to watch it and soooo addicting

but stop ..since it's soo sad to see night-kun sad><

stupid riko...

and soushi is not even cute [no offense he looks like a monkey]

but I'll continue tomorrow and there's 02??? ><

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i like the series personally..and i think it's not really an all out romantic comedy/drama that im used to seeing in korean series..for me whenever i watch japanese series, sometimes the romantic plot is not heavily shown..it's not too obvious, but it's there...

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Guest Sango2893

^ so you just dun like cream puffs and ppl having aspiration of a job?!?!?! :blink: The character is a 20sth working girl, she's bound to have goals in life other than being with her robot bf. If the drama is solely lovey dovey, I'll be throwin up cream puffs for sure.

I've seen 9, I do think there are great romantic moments in it, and I dont find Night lacking in sweet gestures of showing how he loves Riko at all thro'out. At times, he's a bit too sweet, but then he's presumed to be programmed that way so Riko really cant realize he's actin on his free ego, having true feelings for her.

I do like the heartbreaking moment at end of 9, great job on Moco for showing the pain with no help fr like tears or other humanly gestures.

I dont think it focused too heavily on the baking or cream puffs or her wanting to be SOMEONE (in her case patissier). AGAIN, what's the big nono with this reminding you of My Name is Kim Sam Soon?! The similarity only lies in both of them striving be a patissier or having some kind of career goal which is ALMOST EVERY GAL. And you made it sound like it's a big ewww, which dumbfounded me in every way possible.

You must have a odd weird turnoff in pastry or bakers but most ppl dun go all gross out with the sight of well made dessert or cream puffs (not my fav either, but I dun find it repulsive as most of the ppl I know dont either). I find that giving the main character a career goal, whatever it is, gave her more dimension. And it grounded the drama for me. :) Moreover, I like her being able to focus on her aspiration and dun let her crush on her boss or whatever get too into the way of things and turn this into a sappy mess. This drama has a great balance for me, I think plotwise it's moving in a nice pace, it has elements of fantasy, love, laughs, entertainment and some serious heartbreaking moments to come.

There's nothing wrong with her having dreams,and goals in life,but spending 3/4 episodes talking about creme puffs and not

even selling one. Is where it gets tiring,like can we focus on something else,and develop more relationships.

With so many useless scenes theres no time for romance,Which will probably make the ending abrupt.

I wasn't being "eww" about the whole patisser thing,but the drama is SUPPOSED to be about a girl falling in love with

a robot against all odds ,which so far doesn't have that great of a chance happening. I just don't see her falling in love with

when every time he does something she's always super rude towards him.

This drama would be good say if it were around 20 episodes,so maybe then their would be enough time for sub-plots & creme puffs,but there's only 10 episodes.

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Guest Justalilodreamer

i like the series personally..and i think it's not really an all out romantic comedy/drama that im used to seeing in korean series..for me whenever i watch japanese series, sometimes the romantic plot is not heavily shown..it's not too obvious, but it's there...

thats what i like about jdramas. they dont need the whole make out session or dramatic love triangle to create chemistry between their characters :D

its a refreshing change if you're a kdrama fanatic (like i once was lol)

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I actually had a problem with the cream puffs too. I don't mind it as a sub plot, but as a main plot gets irritating. Since the title is called "zettai kareshi" not "patissier ni naritai (I want to become a patissier)". It's like when I went to French class learning French in University. But the teacher kept talking about food with one of the students in French and everyone else just sat around uninterested.

If people want to watch a food drama. I would recommend "my little chef" and "shota no sushi"

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Guest mookie

^ sorry this may sound preachy and off topic, but all French teachers I know have a passion for food, the few of mine are all food fanatics, it's part of their culture. You did miss out a lot if u find your French teacher talking about food or his/her culture uninteresting.

Really? Cream puffs really r that obnoxious here?! it was only in mins of the first like 5 eps... wow, I thought it's just a means to an end to spark up Soshi's passion in his grandpa's legacy and Riko's dream of being a someone. I didnt know it would warrant all these discussions when there's this hothothot Night (and Soshi is not bad looking either) I honestly dun notice anything with Night on screen. :lol: And isnt it a better illustration of what an absolutely perfect bf robot Night is if he can do everything to support Riko in her dreams and ambitions?! I find it much more attractive in Night with his understanding and consideration of Riko first and foremost than all his sweeping Riko off her feet and being all knightly.

For those not watching the drama yet, trust me, even if u hate cream puffs, its screen time is negligible if u r into hot guys! :D

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^ sorry this may sound preachy and off topic, but all French teachers I know have a passion for food, the few of mine are all food fanatics, it's part of their culture. You did miss out a lot if u find your French teacher talking about food or his/her culture uninteresting.

I don't know about that. The teacher got dismissed from the school cuz I guess there were many petitions/complaints about him from the class. Seems the other students weren't happy about it either. Liking food is one thing, but over discussion of it in wrong type of class is another. It wasn't a food class. It's a French class. People learn French. And you're right I learned nothing in that class.

And Night is cute and all, but the drama seems to make him an after thought. The show seems more centered around Soushi and Riko. And Riko just has this appliance that walks around and follows her.

It's like the article about robots said "Robots cannot choose you, they cannot reject you. That could become very boring, and one can imagine the human becoming cruel against his defenseless partner", said Evans. Although Riko wasn't cruel physically to Night. She was cruel verbally always saying "Go home. It's none of your business" and "you're just a robot". Anyhow I shall stop my ranting, it's ending soon. Can't get anymore worse I think since she's actually treating Night with some respect now.

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first time writing here.. yoroshiku~!! ^_~ i love zettai kareshi so much!!!! i watched all 8 episodes in a day... now i'm waiting unpatiently for the upcoming episode!! i wish Night really exist in real life.. and i cant believe that Hayami Mokomichi act with Aibu Saki again..!!!! they are both kinda cute in "Regatta"... i like Tenjo NIght and Riiko.. i wish the ending will be Riiko and Night.. but seems to be impossible ne~ :tears:


Ehhh???? i topped the page... ummm.. dunno if this already been posted.. but i like this pics~!! kawaii~!!



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