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How Late Do Your Parents Let You Stay Out?

Guest michikocolatte

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Guest aval-zo

when i think about it....i never had a curfew when i was younger. I just wasn't allow to go out as much as i can during my HS years and so forth. nowadays.... no curfews, as long as my parents know where I am going and approx. time I'll be back.

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i never had a curfew because...i was never allowed to go out

but ever since i entered highschool...i guess my parents are more flexible...they don't really tell me what my curfew is because i dont stay out late anyways

though...i have been home at 11:30 a few times :/ but they don't really care much (i guess?) because i usually only hang out with my two close friends...and my parents know them really well so they trust them...and i guess its also because me and my friends share the same nationality/cultural

Oh and even though i am allowed to go out...i don't go out a lot...i probably go out like twice a month :/

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Guest xDitslan

i am 14. my mom is pretty easy going so as long as i tell her what time i will be home i don't have a curfew. well as long as its earlier than 1 in the morning.

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Guest xdeathberry

Doesn't matter as long as I'm not with boys, as I so recently found out. lol

Never bothered to tell me that. =__=

And as long as it's reasonable and I call her.

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Guest kimshizzle!

oh goodness. For my mother it depends on a multitude of factors(how tired she is, the korean drama she's watching what time she slept, if she has to go to the gym tomorrow, etc.)

Usually i just tell her the time and she's like, "Be home early". But i usually can get away with 12-2am because she sleeps like a rock and i can just sneak back in my house ^___^.

But most of the time i'm back by 7ish because my friends have strict parents and won't let them out late : (

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Guest joongieforeva

i don't think i have a curfew

anyway i don't stay out late often

i think the latest i've been out is around 12 something am

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Guest cutieprincess431


my mom lets me stay out till like 8:30m or sometimes 9...:S

depends where i am going



my mom lets me stay out till like 8:30m or sometimes 9...:S

depends where i am going


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Guest xsupahme

im 12.

and my parents dont care -________-

its kinda weird for me but it has to be with a family member.

if its with girlfriends then its before midnight.

BUT on school nights its nine. =]

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Guest meilove

i don't really have a curfew. it's just better to be home before my dad but that's 7 pm but i'm usually out until 8 or 9. i don't like to be out late either. but a yr ago when i went to hang out i'd come home at 10 or 10:30.

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Guest simple*love

My parents wouldn't really careeee just as long as i tell them. But just not too far pass midnightt.

But on school days, of course not too late. Around 8?

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Guest mayoh

I rarely go out so i dont have a curfew.

But when i do go out, i actually take advantage of it and try to stay out as late as i can.

I mean, i'm always stuck at home anyways >____>.

The latest i've been out was till 1am with my friends.

And that was for a flippin' book release HAHA.

But at a friend's house, i've stayed out till midnight.

My mom always calls me around 7-8pm and tells me not to stay out late

but i end up going home late anyways...

it's not like i do it every night or every weekend.

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Guest x_priscillaaa

Latest, before it gets dark or before 8pm. -______-"

If my dad`s not there then I can come back before 12am.

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Guest fionahh

If no one's taking me home, I guess my curfew is around 9pm-10pm. There's the occasional 11pm/12am. If I'm at a friends house and I'm getting a drive back 12/1? I don't stay out past 12 often anyways. : )

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Guest najoong

It depends, i guess XD

i mean if its a regular hangout day with my friends or something, then its before 8:00pm most of the time. but if its like SIX FLAGS or HOLLYWOOD BOWL, then it doesn't matter. i usually come home at 1:00am or 2:00am from those big events. HAHAH

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