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How Late Do Your Parents Let You Stay Out?

Guest michikocolatte

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i have no curfew cos i usually dont stay out for no reason and it wont be later then 9pm.unless i have work,they will be more than glad to see me home late.lol.

im the same age as you except that im turning 17 in June.

and if its something related to school,they will allow like for your instance ur badminton practice...its only when im out with my friends..><

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Guest sushii_x3

- -;

I'm almost 15 and I usually never go out.

But then if I do, my mom lets me stay out till.. 5? Possibly 6.

My dad on the other hand doesn't let me go out at all.

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When I was a kid (before age 14?) I don't think I had a curfew, because honestly, it's not as if I had anywhere to go! haha. If I went out anywhere, I would usually be back by 8pm anyway at the very most. In high school, I was just rebellious so I did what I wanted and stayed out and slept over friend's places whenever (I caused my parents a lot of grief, I would not recommend doing this heh). I'm 23 now and am living at home, but I don't have a curfew of course. I just let my parents know if I'm gonna be gone for an extended period of time, and they call me if they ever get worried.

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Guest minie_k89

when i'm going out with friends, i can't stay out until 10pm..

sometimes i feel that i have no freedom...

nevertheless, i understand that my parents are worried about me...

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Guest justiiine

hmm, i don't have a "specific" and exact time for my curfew. it really just depends upon my reason for going out and who i'm with (;

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I d0nt even kn0w if i have a curfew given by my parents when hanging 0ut with friends.

I actually make my 0wn curfew. xD.

When im g0ing t0 hang 0ut with friends,

i tend t0 want t0 g0 h0me ar0und 6PM 0r 7PM. that's pr0bably the latest.

I, myself, am the 0ne wh0 d0esnt want t0 stay 0ut late at night.

My parents bef0re all0wed me t0 c0me h0me late which was ar0und 1PM 0r s0.

But that was f0r a sch0ol trip t0 a perf0rmance. s0 that d0esnt c0unt. ;P.

They allow me t0 g0 h0me late when im with trusted friends. :]

And plus i like staying at h0me. loools.

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Guest VindictusDame

mine is around 11pm. but before 11pm, my phone will start ringing, ringggg ringggggg and ringggggggggg . and i'll know it's time for me to go home. O.o

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Guest HEROsarleh

my parents arent too bad ~

i just have to be home before 12 am.

but i never go out till that late anyways except for parties/birthdays :]

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Guest nobody knows

right now, I'm 15

apparently, my curfew (when my parents aren't with me) in the winter is 6pm

(of course my mom doesn't remember I even have a curfew so yeah, I've stayed out later than that)

I don't know when it'll be when it's not winter o_o

...and I just got a curfew

2 weeks ago

and I've broken it already x_x

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bright eyes

the latest is before 2 in the morning at weekends and holidays but before 11 on weekdays but i sleep after 12 on weekdays anyways and the next morning they'll ask what time did u sleep and i'll say i dunno cause i didn't look at the time when i slept... i say that sometimes so that i won't get in trouble... i don't have curfews cause my parents don't even let me go to the nearest shop in day time cause they're worried... and btw, i'm just 13 so, my parents won't even let me go out with my friends and all but i don't really care...

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Guest Puurin

Uh... my curfew is midnight, if I'm not home by then I have to call.

If I call I can stay out pretty much the whole night.

Weird since I have Asian parents.

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