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How Late Do Your Parents Let You Stay Out?

Guest michikocolatte

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Hrm. In elementary school until middle school I could stay out until 5pm. In high school my curfew was 9pm. I'm 19 now and sometimes my mom still gives me a curfew. During weekdays it's 1am and during weekends I can stay out as late as I want as long as I know what and what not to do.

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Before, when i was staying with my mom, i guess she didn't really care how late i stay out. she wouldn't even know. -__-

but then i moved to go live with my dad. he would tell me not to stay out too late. and he expects me see me in the morning. lol once he leaves for work, i go back to bed.

but yeah, i don't really think they set a curfew for me. they're really easy-going i guess. but sometimes, i wish they'd care a little more and lecture me or something. O.O i don't even get any worried calls from them when i'm out.

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Guest Marochi

I'm 14 & I don't really have a curfew. o.o

Honestly, I can come home whenever as long as it isn't TOO late. [ex. Past midnight-ish]

And I can't stay out too late on school nights.[Limit's like..10pm?]

My parents are really not strict.

But it makes me question how much they care about me. T.T LOL

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Guest brniz


whoa, i thought my parents were strict

i'm 13 and my curfew is 11.


Your parents let you out until 11 and you're only 13!

Gahh. My curfew is 7.

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Guest neshpa

Er, like 6PM?

I'm 14 but I don't mind. I don't really want to stay out past 7 anyway. Don't want to deal with rapist or anything.

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Guest janelleski

well, i don't know :D because they never said a word when i go home late :D i'm 18 and i believe that they trust me :D

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Guest hotkimchi

I think to solve the curfew issue, the best way is to attack it during the long run!

I remember having to go to bed around 9PMish during junior high and as years pass by, the hours would become later and later and now I am a 1st year college student and I have no curfew whatsoever!!! Also having a car can help a lot with combating curfews too! :D

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Guest sierra123

i don't really have a curfew.

i just tell my parents where i'm going and how late i'll be staying.

just this past week i went to watch a movie till 1AM.

my parents only care who i'm with :)

other than that, everything's good.

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Guest evolution_

I don't really have a curfew either XD

I just go out and they say "Not too late!". One time I came home at 4 and they were pretty pissed, but that was while I was still in high school. Now they don't care anymore since I'm in college. In fact if I go out and come home before my parents have gone to bed, they get surprised since they expect me to stay out late. Personally I don't like to be out later then 2 am.

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Guest 魚燕往返

I'm not sure since I've never stayed out much before. But the latest I've stayed out was around 11pm when I was in 9th grade.

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Guest ehytee7

don't have a curfew either but seems like i have one. see, whenever i ask permission to go out and i tell them i'm gonna be back at 9pm or 10pm, they're gonna react that it's late already. so i just try to go home early, but i hate it coz i'm in college already and they still hold me down. but when it comes with my older brother who is just a year older than me, they're kinda lenient. maybe coz he's a guy??

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Guest an_gelo

i'm 16. i actually dont have a permanent curfew. i just tell my rents what time i'll be home by. its usually diff every time but it seems to range around 9-10

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Guest lOveXJSoo

Well they can't control when or where I am when I'm dorming hehehehhe

But when I'm home it's usually around 11pm or later, depending on who I'm with

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UH; i don't ususally go out . . ><; in the 'night' since seriously. there isnt anything to do.

Plus, if i do go out (: at night, those have to be people .. my parents know.

Ohdam.yumnnright, they are strict :P Well; yeah.

I tell them if i am sleeping over at someones or at someone's party watever.

:) But since i am good girl, i am ususally home.

my curfew would be ranging .. 6-8pm .. if i had one.

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Guest superELLE

When I'm out with friends my mom will usually call me around ~10 to ask what I'm up to. On good days I can stay out until around 2:00 AM, but usually I just end up going home around 11/12 anyway.

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Guest suppaazn

i don't have a curfew.

but i always manage to come home before 8 because my friends have strict parents ><;; gahhh

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