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Street Fighter 4

Guest CK92842

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Guest Evil_Monkey666

This is not rumor

but hear this out February 18, 2009 - The two major Street Fighter characters missing from Street Fighter IV may not be so missing after all. In an interview today, SFIV producer said that Capcom managed to put some development time into SFIV renditions of Super Street Fighter II characters Dee Jay and T.Hawk, and may even consider putting them in the game if there's enough of a ruckus amongst the fans.

Speaking with Japan's Weekly Famitsu, Yoshinori Ono revealed that incomplete 3D models for the two characters have already been created. The development staff even planned out how T.Hawk would fight in the new SFIV world. He did not say why the two were kept out of the final.

Fans of T.Hawk and Dee Jay should still keep the hope alive. Ono said that if there's enough demand, the two could be in for a revival at any point. He didn't specify how, but we can picture an arcade update followed by download content for the home versions (free, of course!).



guess its time for some folks to speak up and get our free characters from Capcom! Imo both are good Characters And there is no way T. Hawk is a reason. Dee Jay maybe. but not thawk.

I'm hoping the release Yun and Yang too. They are in Chun Li's opening anime.

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Guest shessassy

i prefer SFII and champion edition, im old school hehe

im building a SF II arcade cabinet for the game room.

maybe if i get the jamma for IV i'd play it :sweatingbullets:

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So i played through arcade once... I definitely suck.. I couldn't beat Seth at Medium when he starts teleporting <_<.. I'm using the controller.. not even using the d-pad lol..

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Guest Tonyc402

So i played through arcade once... I definitely suck.. I couldn't beat Seth at Medium when he starts teleporting <_<.. I'm using the controller.. not even using the d-pad lol..

Dude , Seth is even impossible on easy mode lol. I practically had to put it in easiest just to kick his richard simmons. So you aren't alone lol .

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Guest jackalpupz

Haha Seth will make you want 2 break something lol. Was just playing on medium setting and when I got 2 seth, first round I was like "oh this guy is kind of easy". Than, second round comes and get owned in like 10 seconds, and same for the third round. Took me i think 15 or so tries 2 beat seth lol.

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Guest jackalpupz

lol good games BChizzle. I think ur a bit better than me but I got my win in there :P. I need a lot of practice, I always forget all my combos when I play real people haha. Was a little laggy though but manageable.

Tony: Ur from London? We would probably lag a lot if we played each other. I'm in California.

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Guest BChizzle

Haha my bad dude..Got disconnected. Good games though. It was funny how in the beginning of our first match.. we both jumped back and did a hadouken at the same time. lol

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Guest TrainDriver

so who here is a pro veteran and who here is a beginner?? i'm a beginner so i gotta learn all the timing and combos. should make playing online a pinkberry

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Guest BChizzle

By the way , for those with SF4 .. remember to INSTALL your game(theres an option in the main menu that asks you to do this).. because it decreases the load times by alot.. This works for the PS3 , but i'm not sure about Xbox360. :)

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Guest Tonyc402

lol good games BChizzle. I think ur a bit better than me but I got my win in there :P. I need a lot of practice, I always forget all my combos when I play real people haha. Was a little laggy though but manageable.

Tony: Ur from London? We would probably lag a lot if we played each other. I'm in California.

Im from London Ontario in Canada hhahah , not London England(In case thats what you're thinkin lol) . So lag wont be too much of an issue there. Ive played with a few friends who are from Cali .

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Guest hungrycollegeboy

so who here is a pro veteran and who here is a beginner?? i'm a beginner so i gotta learn all the timing and combos. should make playing online a pinkberry

I wouldn't say I'm pro, but i'm definitely not a noob, lol. Mediocre?

Anyways, I'm just waiting for the PC version to come out. Till then, maybe I can chill with my friend and play with him, hahahaha.

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Guest CK92842

Picked this up earlier today and spent a good part of the day playing this at a friends house and we made it through medium alright w/the 360 controller. Nearly defeated Seth with Zangief of all people. Playing arcade I could see gamers abusing the split second where someone can counter a special with another if done zippity quick.

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Guest jackalpupz

Im from London Ontario in Canada hhahah , not London England(In case thats what you're thinkin lol) . So lag wont be too much of an issue there. Ive played with a few friends who are from Cali .

haha oops. Yeah should be ok then. I was away when you sent a invite so we can try it out next time man.

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Guest iloveren

my brother just got this game and i freakin suck so bad its unbelievable. i cant even beat the first character on arcade mode easy. omg.. i just wanna toss this game into a fire.

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