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Ju Jihun 주지훈 - [Upcoming Drama 2024] Dominant Species [Movie 2023] Project Silence [Movie 2023] Ransomed


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Guest rivanaraja

I do not know what to say because I can not express, just say I love Jo Ji Hoon, I wish you luck and success.

Do Tarits sick or traveling what happened to her I hope to be good

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Guest lualm

Barcelona photo shoot 

 L'officiel Hommes Korea




@novchime I don't think he's endorsing any clothing brand right now. The last brand he endorsed and did a catwalk was BON way back in 2007 before Mawang aired, The last casual clothing brand he endorsed was Clr!de with Park Shin Hye in 2006. 
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Guest novchime

Hi @lualm,

Thanks for your answer.  It is amazing to note how many clothes and shoes he has!  His taste is also quite varied.  From formal to very casual.

Here is a video of JiHun when he was still young.  Good looking!

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Guest yannyayson

ANNYEONG!!!!  :-h :-h :-h Omo, it feels like its been ages since I've dropped by even though it's only been a week! I've missed a whole lot already!  :D:D
Bogu Shipda, Hunnies! :x :x Hope everyone's fine! and for those who are wondering, @Tarits has been doing great after her operation. She has always been a tough lady so no worries! Aja Fighting!! \:D/ \:D/ 
can't agree with you more, @sophiechoice! my heart is rejoicing that he ha become more visible and he's attending events here and there.. my heart's kinda overworked from pumping too hard whenever i see him!  :x :x well, my brain's at fault! My brains got JiHoon all over it too! hahaha! 
@cynder- yeah.. be it orange, purple or pink, he can still look darn manly on it! hell yeah, Lee Shin has that aura because Ji Hoon made him like that. No wonder after almost 7 years after Goong was made, here we are, still smitten by his swag to the infinity and beyond.. hihihi.. fangirling mode **ON**:x :\"> :\">  hahahaha! :)) :)) :)you had me at "this ahjumma is blushing" @goongfan11.. hehehe! guys will be guys and girls will be girls! we could always look at our JiHoon and gush all we want but that's that! :P  likewise, i do wish at times that I could go back in 2006 and be like 18 again so that i could act this crazy and expect people to understand me! hahaha! it's kinda hard and weird if people would know that i still act like a teenager with raging hormones even though i feel like i'm too old for this stuff.. :| :| 8-|   but hey! this is what makes me happy! i would drool, blush and act sappy and giddy whenever i see JiHoon to my heart's content in a "dignified" way! ( how? i don't know really, but i do try hard, really! i swear! promise! ) :D;) ;;)
waaahhhhhh!! i'm just so glad this page is right here so that i could blab all i want about my fangirling stuff without worrying that people would think i'm a lunatic! haha! thanks guys! >:D< >:D< :-*
@ziera25- thank you for the video.. :)  i sure hope there would be mooooorrreee news about his upcoming film! :D
just like you, @novchime , i spend way too many hours looking at his pictures.. hehehe.. i feel the happiest really when i see him and read news about him.. maybe i should ought to get myself a BF so that i could have a life instead of gushing bout JiHoon all the time! haha! geez! :)) omo! thank you for the videos! Aja fighting! 
Thank you sooo much, @lualm for the pictures! my heart's acting so crazily after seeing those pictures! haha! i'm so glad he's all over Korea! but i felt more glad after examining the picture and found out that yeah, he NEVER held hands with that lady! >:) sorry! hehehehe... this fan got crazy again... hehe! and why does his top at the MUE Loft event looks like a scrub suit??? :-O [-( :-SS @-)  (oh, if a nurse or a doctor turns out to be as cute as him wearing that scrub suit, i want to be a slave of that hospital. :P  i don't wanna be discharged, ever! ) but yeah, regardless of what he wears, he's still good looking... so darn cute! hehehehe! i remember when he wore a blue bonnet in Goong where they had the street kiss! :\"> :P :x  aaahhhhh.... he fares way better compared to the " historic :D " DKNY event look that we all went gaga about a few weeks back.. 
yeah, too much blabbering on my part, but hey, I MISSED YOU GUYS!!! :D :x :\"> >:DSorry for being too loud! hahaha! 2013042700526_1.jpgSaranghaeyo, JU JI HOON! :x :x :-*With all your Scrub suit top and your pants that i could never understand, Saranghaeyo, JiHoon-sshhii! :D :D :D

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Guest novchime

Nice @Yannyayson! You bring sunshine to this thread!  I was already beginning to miss you...  Good that I see you also in FB.  Hey, bonnet in spring color!  Like it?

By the way I removed one of the videos I posted.  I am not sure if the author wants it to be posted here.

Take care...

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Guest yannyayson


said: Nice @Yannyayson! You bring sunshine to this thread!  I was already beginning to miss you...  Good that I see you also in FB.  Hey, bonnet in spring color!  Like it?

By the way I removed one of the videos I posted.  I am not sure if the author wants it to be posted here.

Take care...

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Guest lualm

Jihoon watching the Mue Loft modeling event


sorry to disappoint but Jihoon was definitely holding the girl's hand...


all photos credit moonlight drop

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Guest yannyayson

annyeong hunnies! :D :-h :-h
i was about to react "violently"  and say a very loud "NOOOOOOO!!!!!, :-O :-O >:P she's not the one for you" about him holding hands with the girl next to him! hahaha! i had to check thrice and decided to scroll a little bit further.. yay! @lualm,  i was relieved, really! :D :D
and about the pics i shared, i think that they just held a special meeting for fans and they decided that that resto would be nice. it's not as if that the restaurant has those JiHoon pics everyday... my bad! i hope i really could undestand Japanese.. hehehe..
stay happy Hunnies! :x :x

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Guest ziera25


Hi everyone here !,

I didn't catch the hand holding joke, thanks, too slow lualm ! 

I could see JJH cheeky posed with his finger on his lip, but I would like to comment about the fashion clothes he wore - TOTALLY out this time !!

Even the bright yellow beanie could not complement the clothes, too plain,  must be appeasing (doing favors) to some fashion designers.

The transparent baggy pants more for ahjumma !! .

My fashion sense, it would look more fashionable with a sleeveless jacket and a big chain - groovy chain hanging down like the big rings he wore at the

Barcelona photo shoot.  Don't bash me too hard Mr Joo Ji Hoon and friends here !. 

By the way his buddy is coming out from MS on 4th May ?, so he will be happy to see him after 2 years !.

@ Tarits how are you getting on ?. Take care !.


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Guest Goongfan11




Hi everyone here !,

I didn't catch the hand holding joke, thanks, too slow lualm ! 

I could see JJH cheeky posed with his finger on his lip, but I would like to comment about the fashion clothes he wore - TOTALLY out this time !!

Even the bright yellow beanie could not complement the clothes, too plain,  must be appeasing (doing favors) to some fashion designers.

The transparent baggy pants more for ahjumma !! .

My fashion sense, it would look more fashionable with a sleeveless jacket and a big chain - groovy chain hanging down like the big rings he wore at the

Barcelona photo shoot.  Don't bash me too hard Mr Joo Ji Hoon and friends here !. 

By the way his buddy is coming out from MS on 4th May ?, so he will be happy to see him after 2 years !.

@ Tarits how are you getting on ?. Take care !.


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Annyeong, hunnies!!!! I missed you all....it seemed like i was gone forever...now am like catching up as fast as i can and lualm almost gave me a fright with JJH holding hands  :-O  #:-S  :-SS. Thank you for clarifying that right away..lol. Before i blab away...i just want to thank you all for all the pics, videos and links you all shared here. I don't have fb so this is all where i can get my fangirl fix  :P
Now I am really seeing the wide variety of clothes he wears...classy, funky and can be out of this world LOL. I have to agree with yannyayson...his top did look like a scrub suit. And just like you my dear...if we have him in our staff..i wouldn't mind working 24/7 :P...but really...i can't believe how he still looks good. I honestly could not understand the look he was going for but damn...he looks fine!!!! =P~ He can totally wear rags and gets away with it. He pretty much have everything that i liked in a man...dang it! I can't wait for his coming movie to come out...and HOPE that it will premiere here in LA...you can bet I will be right behind Tarits screaming my richard simmons off :D :D :D
Btw, any news about his upcoming movie?..what's the progress?
@yannyayson...i have to agree with novchime. you do bring sunshine to this thread. i can totally feel giving you a high five >:D< Please keep us posted about Tarits...nice to hear she is doing well. 

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong Hunnies!!!  :D:D :-h :-h
Hope everyone's doing great! :)>-
waaaaahhhhh!! i'm also trying to find a lot about his upcoming movie... can't wait to ogle and go gaga over him to my heart's content when the movie finally comes out :x :\"> :x ;;)  but frequenting here sure gives me a fix on my "thirst", "hunger"  for Ji Hoon! oh, by the way, how will i call this craziness i have for him??? Hunger or thirst????  i myself can't even put a label on it! =)) =)) =)) but one thing's for sure, i have a whole lot of things to laugh at about my behavior when i get old and really wrinkly! :D :D ;;) 
@cynder- if he would be a resident nurse on your hospital with that scrub suit and that baggy ahjumma pants, i'd be a willing patient! i would even consider being the guinea pig of that hospital! haha! :)) :)) oh, btw, thank you for that "sunshine" thingy up there! ;;) ;;) >:D< :xomo, i could only pray hard that you and @Tarits could get a yes from Richard Simmons... yey!! :)>- \:D/ =D>
and from what i know, @Tarits is getting better... let me quote the post of her sister about her condition.. "Update on Rita as of today, April 29. She will undergo a very minor surgery on her right foot today...and could have been released if not for this 2nd surgery. She may have to go to rehab or therapy. Nothing is definite as yet. But I will let you know, and pretty soon, she may, hopefully, return to facebook and use of the computer.Thanks!"

annyeong @NovChime! thank you for the video!! <3 i hope i keep seeing you around here and on FB! :D ;;) :x i hope you don't get tired of hearing from me, noona! hihihi! hello to @Goongfan11, @ziera25, @lualm- thanks for all the pics and informations! ^:)^ ^:)^ :x >:D< >:D< your posts keep me inspired all days of the week! hihihihi!@sophiechoice-amishuuuu!! hope to see you around more often! hi to @weende- let's be giddy together looking at him wearing that blue suit.. hehehe :\"> :P :x
and new pictures of Jihoon... yeyyyy!!!! He was pictured here attending the Nail Expo 2013... Uhm, why was he there, i don't know.. haha! can't understand chinese.. sorry! :D :D :Dcredits to the 7Headlines website,Yayimona and Amy's page..1367311625-2878276594.jpg?v=1367311626207162_441601729265258_1824733129_n.jpg

Keep Safe and Stay Happy, HUNNIES!! :-* :x :D ;;) >:D<

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Guest novchime

Who is the girl in the Nail Expo?  Is she the co-actress of JiHun in the movie?  According to the introduction to the movie, the co-actress plays the role of a nail artist (or something like that).  Could this be the reason why they are in the expo?

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Guest yannyayson

@novchime- that's what i was thinking too.. maybe it's her... we would know in a few more days.. i really have trouble understanding the translations on the internet.. hehehe!  :D:D:D

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Guest ziera25


@nochime, yannyayson, thanks !

Confirmed that is the actress ( I am not familiar with her name) that is going to be in the movie, suddenly many nail artists profession in k-dramas.

I hope there will be a profession -  para- gliding and surfing in k-drama. JJH could swim too !!



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Yes, ladies...that is her, Lee Yeon Hee. Perhaps they are both doing research for their movie?..or just plainly having their nails done  :))   =))  \m/...
@yanny..thanks for the update on Tarits! I pray that 2nd surgery will be done safely and her recovery will go well and quickly. As for JJH...I can see he is sustenance LOL :-bd
@ziera25...nice vid.

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i held my breath while scrolling @ubbie 's post! hahahahahahyou got me there ubbieeee  =)) =)) =))
i knew you were trolling at us but i couldn't help holding my breath from anticipating on who would be that girl but let out a devil laugh when i saw who it was. weeeeeeeeeeelucky girl able to hold hands with oppa like that.  [-O< [-O<

hello Hunnies!!! take care alwaysand @Tarits unnie, get well soon, we miss you!! hugssss  >:D>:D<

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