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Guest loO4la

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Reading A Dance With Dragons (5th book of A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones series)

The A Song of Ice and Fire series is amazing by the way, like you've probably heard dozens of times. Give it a try. Lots of reading material there to keep you busy for a while, even if you're a fast reader!

Me too! I too totally recommend the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series - it is both INTENSE, and very long, but so worth it.
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Because of all the hype on 50 Shades of Grey, I tried it out. I had to skim read because it was so freaking offensive. I have never felt so offended by a book that makes me want to stop halfway (made a $5 bet with my friend to read it to the end) and actually burn this book to the ground...from the content to the writing to the lousy characters. I consider throwing it out to the neighbour's dog but of course it wasn't my book to actually do that...I honestly have so much bad stuff to say about this book but I'll keep it to myself. Thank god I didn't buy the book but I did earn $5, except I wish I had my time back. I recommend people not to waste their time reading this unless you're trying to make money out of your friends.
Wait! And they're making this a movie? Oh. My. God. *please be a box office flop*

After that disaster, now I'm getting started on The Fault in Our Stars. I'm watching Game of Thrones, but I'm considering getting the books too since I enjoy the tv series.

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Guest s_umire

After Dark by Murakami Haruki - Just passed the second chapter and wao I am so hooked on his writing style ;u;

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Guest kimtt

I've finally found the time to read City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare. Halfway through and I can't believe there's only one book to go!

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Guest iPhets

This thread just reminded me that my internet is capped, I have nothing much to do and I have the Game of Thrones book... so yeap will be starting that right now.
@Jen. : Not trying to defend the book because its just so, so horrible, but I can see it being decent-ish, as long as the scriptwriter does a good job and the author has NO say in it.
I've also heard that the series by Cassandra Clare is also horrible, haven't checked it out but yeah...

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Guest missyblue

my friend lent me her 50 shades trilogy. all i have to say is that good thing i didnt buy the books.

but i'm gonna try to read through the trilogy because christian grey's storyline is a little interesting.

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Guest karyee

^ me too! I'm on the 3rd book right now. I can see why a lot of people think the trilogy is garbage, but I like Christian Grey. The books aren't too bad for me, though I did not like the first one. 

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Guest Myss Blewm

I've also heard that the series by Cassandra Clare is also horrible, haven't checked it out but yeah...

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I just got done reading Kiss The Dead by Laurell K. Hamilton.
I enjoyed that book very much.
Now time to try and read...again...Brisngr.

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Guest B0B0*

^ I've read Divergent!! And also Insurgent. Honestly, I wouldn't say the books are that amazing, but it's a quick read and it can get you pretty hooked! 
I gave in and started reading the Fifty Shades trilogy. Hehe! It's not that bad and it definitely gets much more interesting in the later books. I'm on the third and my friends have told me that it only gets better, so I'm excited! The only thing I don't like is how she always uses the same words over and over and over again... Other than that, Christian Grey is to die for!
I'm also trying not to start 'The Song of Achilles' by Madeline Miller before Fifty Shades. I must finish the series before starting something new... but this book is amazing! I've read an excerpt on Amazon and Madeline Miller's writing style is incredible and this story is absolutely addicting! It was very hard to put down and after reading the except online, I ordered it ASAP.

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Guest Czareanah

Currently reading Ryu Murakami's In the Miso Soup. It's the first book of Murakami's that I've picked up and although I'm only on the second chapter, I am set on picking up more of his books. I would probably be farther along his book but it's a tad bit eerie and the only time I have to read it is at night. When I am reading In the Miso Soup, though, I just get goosebumps and end up forcing myself to sleep off the anxious feeling. 

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The Cup of the World by John Dickinson

Less than halfway...has potential but we will see :)

Still in knights, castles, and princess land after reading A Song of Ice and Fire series. This book has similar themes so it was nice to pick up.

Lots of myteries that must be revealed.

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Guest thespringmaid

Reading Fifty Shades of Grey - well actually I'm on the 3rd book now. The 3rd book is practically crap. The first and second books are bearable - really, even with the vague plot, kinky characters and mediocre writing.

It's okay, not good, but okay, especially for a story that sprung up from a Twilight fanfiction. Frankly, it wasn't all the kinky fckery that I find offensive, it's the lack of a good plot to give justice to the characters.

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Guest Leopoldine

Currently reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. 
And after that, I'll probably begin re-reading Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck. I remember loving this book.  :x

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Guest xx1word

I finished reading "Someone else's life" by Katie Dale and I think it is pretty good, but a bit repetitive. And is currently reading "A Game of Thrones", and is having trouble keeping up with the characters and the storyline...I find it kind of boring. I feel like dropping it, but there are many good reviews on it, guess I am going to try to finish it....

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