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[drama 2008] Spotlight 스포트라이트

Guest f0reveralways

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Guest Akombakom

Thank you, liquidfir, you're so kind!

:lol: Now it will be even more amusing to watch that part once more.

The expression on OTS's face when he realizes he will be subordinate to SWJ is... priceless!!! That's my favourite part. When he gets scared. Then he wants to quit the game (and I presume go home because it's late) to save face, but he can't escape... We get a glimpse of his real self, when he's off guard. Of course it's all the more exciting when he regains the captain role at once.

I hope there will be other scenes like this...

Thank you once more, you're great, and the rest of your "soompi reporter team" as well! B)

From now on I will try to keep up with the latest (although it's quite difficult from here, and my net is also bothersome)...

Yes, one more thing: let's keep on throwing in new ideas - I've got the feeling that the new writers follow the thread too, there were some parts of the show indicating it... <_<:) (Whether or not it's true.)


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Guest markho826

Welcome, Akombakom!

Again, my wish/guess list:

1.SWJ was selected for the new programme, driving the crazy senior mad;

2.OTS and SWJ spent more time together, hahaha;

3.OTS's team, especially the crazy senior and the vice cap, suspected that there's something more than ordinary working relationship between OTS and SWJ;


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When he gets scared. Then he wants to quit the game (and I presume go home because it's late) to save face, but he can't escape...

^^he got the call from Mr Hong at the station , an urgent news came up .so he was asked to go back since they are shorthanded at the station lol with only Hong and Mr ahn .they were so sure they can take care when the rest go on their short leave .it was the attack on the senator Kim .

I kinda of like that Vice cap . they should give her more screen time and then maybe through her , we can know how Cap was like in the past .lol ah and the father ...i guess soon he will be making an appearance

anyway here an NG from mbc site .lol .hair blowing NG i shuld say JJH keep getting NG beause of the hair .lol

. the scene between Cap and Mr Ahn in esp 6 , when Mr Ahn was still mad about how that arugment with Cap .tsk tsk .. .he get angry and frustrated Cap was too rude to his superior --;; any superior will be offended (and that why Cap came to say sorry because he know he overdid it . ) lol .Mr Ahn is fun ..at least not those evil scheming kind ..it make me wonder how was he as a CAP when CAP oh was under his charge .lol

NG for dl


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Guest markho826

Thanks Chief Shirley for the link.

I watched it on the official site.

It's so funny. The wind kept rumpling CAP's hair and a lucky lady (jealous...) had to fix it for him. The production finally used a board to block the wind...

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Guest shuky

Welcome, Akombakom!

Again, my wish/guess list:

1.SWJ was selected for the new programme, driving the crazy senior mad;

2.OTS and SWJ spent more time together, hahaha;

3.OTS's team, especially the crazy senior and the vice cap, suspected that there's something more than ordinary working relationship between OTS and SWJ;


Hahaha....I think we are all suffering from OTS' lack of overt expression of love...as for any romance, is there something going on between Chae Rim's brother and his rookie??? Wish the scriptwriters will tell us more about LSC and his girl friend.

And yes, chief, the scriptwriters should be tying up loose ends soon by introducing OTS' father and the history between both of them.

Love the NG clip, btw. And Liquidfir, I think when it comes to hair flipping moment in general, women do it better!!! Oh no!!Markho826 will clobber me to pulp for saying this!!!! :lol: Hey, but I did say in general. And Markho826, there were two ladies pawing JJH in the clip, his hair stylist and his stylist. Notice they are not your usual trend setters, more ajummoni???? Did Mrs JJH have anything to do with picking them for the job??? hoho...btw, do we get any lovely caps from JJH's mega fan today??? :)

Welcome Akombakom!!!

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Guest Akombakom

^_^ I know he gets a call, but that's at the end, when they suddenly finish the game. But OTS wants to leave earlier, BEFORE SWJ goes up to him! He is shaking his palm (like "no-no"), and he is pointing at his watch, like "I don't want to play this game, and it's late". Sooooo cute!!!

And also one of my favourite scenes is a laugh from him, when the man sitting next to him makes him put up his hand ("This is OTS!"). He's got a deep voice and this laugh is so cool... :blush:

AND the way he looks at SWJ, when she asks him who the prettiest of the group is. He can't believe his ears.

By the way, have you heard that JJH's little son was angry when his father was slapped in the face (episode 2, I think)? He wanted to slap the tv set! That is also really cute.

Ideas... hmmmmmmm...

- Maybe there should be some information about OTS's earlier life... former relationships... then SWJ could be jealous as well.

- Or... OTS could get to know SWJ's parents by chance... they are really nice people, and nice people usually have nice children (at least taught them nice things).

- Once SWJ went into a dangerous action with another reporter, and they acted like a couple. They carried a hidden camera. SWJ and OTS could ACT LIKE lovers as well!!! :rolleyes:



Markho826, Shuky, thanks for the greetings, it's nice to be here.

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Guest shuky

Episode 9: (SPOILER AHEAD)

I particularly like this scene, SWJ's lunch date with SJH, not just because the food looks so scrumptious, but it was how SWJ summarised her life as a journalist in one mouthful. On hindsight, I think OTS can learn something from SJH in expressing his feelings for SWJ :) BTW, it was this same date that got OTS worked up (changed in tone and facial expression) when he overheard SWJ making arrangements with SJH on the phone in front of him, well albeit with her back towards him.

SWJ's lunch with SJH @ IL MARE (?) restaurant (is that the celebrity restaurant own by Lee Jung Jae???) (about 26:27 mins

SWJ: I didn't know that they have such a restaurant here. I've not eaten something like this for a while. Feels strange.

SJH: Why? Do you feel uncomfortable? Shall we go somewhere else?

SWJ: No. If it weren't for today, I don't know when I could dine in such a restaurant again.

SJH: Then, from what you've just said, you definitely don't have a a boy friend.

SWJ: Yes. I don't have the time

SJH: It's because you are too busy. What's it like to be a journalist?

SWJ: A journalist? We are very busy and drink often. Every day, we do the same type of investigative work to gather news. Every time we have a meeting to discuss story ideas, the ideas get shot down by cap. We do voice-over for our story (when SWJ is in the recording booth reading her scripts) or do a live report. Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the week is over. I really don't know how time passes by so quickly.

SJH: From what you've just said, the terms that I know are fewer than the terms that I don't.

SWJ: The terms used can be technical in our trade.

SJH: Since you are carrying the bag, looks like you like it too.

SWJ: Of course. But, I'm not dressed for it now. If I knew earlier that we are going to dine here, I would have dress up a bit more. Why sunbae?

SJH: I think you look prettier.

SWJ: (*blushes) Really?! (*but obviously very happy)

*Do you think SJH was leading SWJ on here??? (although we know he's history by the next episode)

Going by what SWJ said, to be a journalist, you have to be able to drink a lot and yet live the life of a priest, given the strict code of conduct/ethics!!! Any takers??? Cap's your boss, you know. :lol:

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Hahaha....I think we are all suffering from OTS' lack of overt expression of love...as for any romance, is there something going on between Chae Rim's brother and his rookie??? Wish the scriptwriters will tell us more about LSC and his girl friend.

And yes, chief, the scriptwriters should be tying up loose ends soon by introducing OTS' father and the history between both of them.

Love the NG clip, btw. And Liquidfir, I think when it comes to hair flipping moment in general, women do it better!!! Oh no!!Markho826 will clobber me to pulp for saying this!!!! :lol: Hey, but I did say in general. And Markho826, there were two ladies pawing JJH in the clip, his hair stylist and his stylist. Notice they are not your usual trend setters, more ajummoni???? Did Mrs JJH have anything to do with picking them for the job??? hoho...btw, do we get any lovely caps from JJH's mega fan today??? :)

Welcome Akombakom!!!

thanks shirley for the ng clip itz SOOOOO funnie. the wind keeps blowing jjh's hair and he was like making fun of it. adorable i say

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Guest markho826

Shuky, JJH's hair flipping moment is adorable. It really seemed that he's making fun of it.

Jealous, I say, of the two ladies/ajummoni.

Dun know if there's any vacancy in Sidus HQ?

Hugs, Akombakom, good ideas.

If the production team is to detail OTS's earlier life, they have to add more episodes.

Former relationships? SWJ's jealousy? Acted like couple/lovers? Great!!

OTS did talk to SWJ's mum after SWJ got injured on the face, blaming him for giving such task to her daughter and getting her into trouble.

Even though SWJ's parents are nice people, I wonder if they'll be on good terms with OTS because Cap always gives SWJ hard time and tough tasks...

Cap's caps---OTS' fashion show (credit: DC)





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Guest shuky

Shuky, JJH's hair flipping moment is adorable. It really seemed that he's making fun of it.

Jealous, I say, of the two ladies/ajummoni.

Dun know if there's any vacancy in Sidus HQ?

Cap's caps---OTS' fashion show (credit: DC)

WOOOOW!!!! Markho826, the caps are serious business!!!! .....Thanks so much!!!That should be enough to last till Weds!!! Have you ever visited him on set when he's filming???

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Guest markho826

Have you ever visited him on set when he's filming???

I've never visited him on set... but I've met him in person.

I can swear to god that he's really a nice guy. :blush:


A brief translation of a special 'Spotlight' programme aired on 2008-JUN-11.

SYJ said, "SWJ is a born great journalist with a determined attitude towards the protection of peoples' rights to information. She's indeed a person adheres to journalism with a dog-like tenancity."

SYJ said, "A journalist should pronouce correctly and distinctly. What makes it more difficult to take up a role of journalist is the fact that I have to present news with my eyes locked to the camera."

The director praised SYJ, "SYJ acts like a real journalist in the drama. She can do very well even if she is to take up an anchor in any broadcasting station."

JJH said, "OTS is a new try to me. It's entirely different from my roles in Dae Jang Geum and Love Letter. OTS is a calm, incisive, tough and tenancious person with uncompromising personality and great determination to fulfill the duties of a journalist. He becomes more sympathetic towards his subordinates in the recent episodes. I like his character and I'm glad that I can play this role."

(sidenote: JJH only mentioned Dae Jang Geum and Love Letter because those were MBC dramas.)

JJH said, "When my son saw on the TV that I got a nice slap in my face, he broke into tears. He then went up to the TV and slapped it, blaming it for being bad to his father."

JJH added, "He even thinks that I'm a reporter working at GBS Broadcasting Station."

When JJH was talking about the slap in his face, Mr. Ahn was sitting beside him. Mr. Ahn laughed his head off as he was the 'bad' guy who gave JJH the nice slap.


SYJ was wearing slippers when fliming her running to the hospital to see the old lady…

JJH was playing games on a computer while waiting for filming his part…

When filming the part the OTS presented live feed outside JJG's house, JJH's tongue was a bit stuck to his mouth (because the script was so long)... He seemed like discouraged after making repeated mistakes and he pretended to get mad and tried to tape the script on a staff of the production with a laugh.

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Guest shuky

I've never visited him on set... but I've met him in person.

I can swear to god that he's really a nice guy. :blush:


A brief translation of a special 'Spotlight' programme aired on 2008-JUN-11.

JJH said, "When my son saw on the TV that I got a nice slap in my face, he broke into tears. He then went up to the TV and slapped it, blaming it for being bad to his father."

JJH added, "He even thinks that I'm a reporter working at GBS Broadcasting Station."

When JJH was talking about the slap in his face, Mr. Ahn was sitting beside him. Mr. Ahn laughed his head off as he was the 'bad' guy who gave JJH the nice slap.


SYJ was wearing slippers when fliming her running to the hospital to see the old lady…

JJH was playing games on a computer while waiting for filming his part…

When filming the part the OTS presented live feed outside JJG's house, JJH's tongue was a bit stuck to his mouth (because the script was so long)... He seemed like discouraged after making repeated mistakes and he pretended to get mad and tried to tape the script on a staff of the production with a laugh.

Wah!!! Markho826, you've achieved god-like status in my eyes!!!...hoho..meeting the man in person. Is he really tall??? Do you have photos of his son??? He sounds so cute.

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Guest Akombakom

Yeah, Markho, you're right. Maybe the idea with the parents is not that good at all.

What about a nice reception, an elegant party or something, where they could wear attractive clothes (mainly SWJ, some really feminine clothes) and drink champagne together? And then OTS could take SWJ home (I mean, to her parents' place). And there could be rain while they are walking...

Or SWJ and OTS could go out somewhere in the countryside together. This office is not the best place for love affairs, is it?

Markho, could you please tell us how you met the man personally? It's so exciting!

I've read he is a total gentleman when he meets his fans.

(He is a gentleman EVEN WHEN he meets really annoying, impertinent fans... There was a girl who asked for JJH's half-eaten banana during the break of the Playboys' baseball training! Of course he gave it to her, but this might have been his lunch! Arrrgghhh...)


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Yeah, Markho, you're right. Maybe the idea with the parents is not that good at all.

What about a nice reception, an elegant party or something, where they could wear attractive clothes (mainly SWJ, some really feminine clothes) and drink champagne together? And then OTS could take SWJ home (I mean, to her parents' place). And there could be rain while they are walking...

Or SWJ and OTS could go out somewhere in the countryside together. This office is not the best place for love affairs, is it?

Markho, could you please tell us how you met the man personally? It's so exciting!

I've read he is a total gentleman when he meets his fans.

(He is a gentleman EVEN WHEN he meets really annoying, impertinent fans... There was a girl who asked for JJH's half-eaten banana during the break of the Playboys' baseball training! Of course he gave it to her, but this might have been his lunch! Arrrgghhh...)


yes yes i ttotally wanna see woojin and taeseok attending some company's event and she needs to wear a gown or something HOIHOHOHOHOH

and then taeseok will drool for sure

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Guest melodia

JJH said, "When my son saw on the TV that I got a nice slap in my face, he broke into tears. He then went up to the TV and slapped it, blaming it for being bad to his father."

JJH added, "He even thinks that I'm a reporter working at GBS Broadcasting Station."

When JJH was talking about the slap in his face, Mr. Ahn was sitting beside him. Mr. Ahn laughed his head off as he was the 'bad' guy who gave JJH the nice slap.

hahaha. that's adorable.

where did you find that clip?

also... when i read that syj wore slippers while filming the running scene to the hospital, i laughed because while i was watching i was thinking: "dang, how does she run in those heels?"

it's so good to see the cast working together.

happy watching, everyone!

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Main translators: s@nbi, counteract

Spot translators: saturn, Jinny

Timer: docmitasha

Editor/QC: ay_link

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translator: Jinny

Spot Translator: saturn

Timer: julier

Editor/QC: annchong

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translator: counteract

Spot Translator: saturn

Timing: victory

Editor/QC: ay_link

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translator: shirley

Spot Translator: saturn

Timer: wichitawx

Editor/QC: puela

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

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Guest Pyoungsang





Main translators: s@nbi, counteract

Spot translators: saturn, Jinny

Timer: docmitasha

Editor/QC: ay_link

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translator: Jinny

Spot Translators: Pyongsang, saturn

Timer: julier

Editor/QC: annchong

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translator: counteract

Spot Translator: saturn

Timing: victory

Editor/QC: ay_link

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translator: shirley

Spot Translator: saturn

Timer: wichitawx

Editor/QC: puela

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

Hmmm, I don't recall doing any spot translation for EP 4 ... did I do it in my dreams?? How dare WITHS2 invade my dreams for spot translation requests!!???? :lol: Uh oh ... I better hurry with EP 9!@!!

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