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Cute/sweet Text Messages/voicemails You've Recieved?

Guest calvinENG.fc3s

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He sent me a text while I was on vacation with my family~

"Have a good lunch my angel" -he packed me lunch that day. He said he woke up really early to make it for me ^^

And he sent this random text at night when I was about to fall asleep

"Sometimes, I thank God that you are my girl..."


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Guest bulguksu

this doesn't sound to special but it's special to me..

"have a safe trip... hopefully I can see you this summer"

the person who said this to me is mentally unstable at the moment but he is the sweetest guy I have ever met and just a really great person.

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Guest pepekins

haha back when things were going well with me and the person i liked, he always seemed to worry about me... for example, he would always ask me if my medication was ok (i had just been prescribed adhd meds/vyvance and it was making it impossible to sleep)

but one day he must have seen that i was up on facebook and so he immediately texted me:

'are you up because of your meds?'

i said 'no' and then he sent a text that made me feel the most loved i have felt in a long time, like he cared

'well then go to sleep! you have school tomorrow! and so do i!'

of course i still stayed up, but whatever

hearing that from the person you like makes you happy

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Guest AimeeDarlz

:$ okay so i'm really lucky with this, my boyfriend is amazing. 

Him; Ok so every night when im in bed thinking about you, it always makes me happy and smile :P 

Me; :$ yay i make you happy.

Him; Yes you do, you make me very happy.

Me; Good :) 

Him; And yah, i love you more than anything, You make me want to be a better person and i always think about you. I honestly don't know what i would do without you anymore. I miss you so much I can't wait till you're next to me and asleep in my arms... We're going to be together forever.  I will never stop loving you, and never do I want to not be with you. I think you are increadible, beautiful, and you are my girl and you always will be I love you so much, goodnight baby im guessing you fell asleep as per usual ;). Text me in the morning if you like <3 xox

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Guest Alyka

This was a random conversation from a guy. He's such a sweet talker~

Him: Let's talk about how much you love me. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

Him: How much do you love me?

Me: I don't know. How much do you love me? :P

Him: I love you a huge amount.

Me: What if I love you less?

Him: It's alright, I got enough love for both of us.

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I saved these conversations on my phone. They're ranging from yesterday to half a year ago hahaha. It makes me smile when I read em.

Guy1: To be honest, the cutest thing about you is the way you pronounce twelve.

Guy2: if ur still up, im here.

Guy2 (he was drunk): we stll needa kcki it (: whoa I got a smily fqac right. must meen ur special

Guy3: night super cool girl

He's generally mean to me, but I was in a bad mood and he called me by the name I wrote on his phone when I first met him. Kind of made me feel warm that he remembered.

Guy3: promise me right now that you wont take another shot until i come back. im just going to walk her out to her car then ill be right back. those guys over there are going to pressure you to keep drinking but tell them that you're going to wait for me. I promise you i'll protect you.

(this wasn't a text msg. we were talking in real life and he made me pinky promise him)

He also piggybacked me to the park, it was kind of cute.. haha

Guy4: honestly you're always on my mind, possibly all day long. i miss you

Guy4: okay to be honest im a little jelly

Me: Why?

Guy4: cause those other guys get to see you more

Guy5: I hope you "find yourself" trisha! im going to go to bed, and your tumblr is very vivid! i could never blog like this! you're amazing! goodnight trisha! i know you've been saying that you dont want to talk to people about your problems but just know that i've been around for a while and im not going anywhere trisha, im going to be here for you whenever you need someone to talk to or rant to or anything. just let me know. i wont abandon you trisha. i cherish you and a person and you're special to me. i've never met anyone who's done so much for people and yet you've rarely asked for anything in return. you're one of a kind trisha, so please don't lost yourself to drugs because i would really really really miss you. :(

Guy5: i really do miss you. when you get a chance give me a call! i miss your voice. i really do.

He called me 5 minutes before that to chat but I was busy ):

Guy6: Hi Trisha, you're probably sleeping right now since you told me you were and sorry if i wake you but I want to tell you something. My initial plan was to just text you goodnight and since I owe you a story hopefully it'll get cancelled out! Ever since we talked on the phone last night things have been interesting and I thought about you a few times. Maybe we can see each other for a little bit this week. The end.

Me: whatcha thinking about?

Guy6: you <3

Guy6: you blush?

Guy7:heyy just do your best. all you can do now is just go in and do your best. if i could, id give you a big warm comforting hug now. just imagine it for now ;D

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Guest lovely__xx

He had texted me a photo of an avocado tomato sandwich he had made. It looked yummy, so I told him to make me one.

Him: I'll think about it

Me: Meanie. Make me a sandwich! bahahaha

Him: Nooooo! ok, maybe...

Haha. Doesn't seem like much, but it made me smile. :)

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He's my best friend, and was on vacation away. He waited all night to get on skype with me, so when I came home and got on skype he wasn't picking up so I texted him that I'll just talk to him later. Because he didn't bring his phone he was texting me from a online text place? And he was spamming my phone so I'd wake up and I told him it was late so he said;

"I fell asleep waiting for you dummy. Lets fall asleep on skype, hurry."

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Guest shikonari

I had just said goodnight to him and his sister on Skype. I thought he had already gone to bed, but fifteen minutes later he sent me this ^ ^


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Guest Anngotpho

This was awhile ago but I was supposed to meet him at his dance rehearsal but I was jumped and had to stay in the police station for a really long time. I was scared and super traumatized. He called several times but I couldn't pick up. I talked to him later that night and told him what happened but I was really tired so I went to sleep. The next morning, I got a strange voicemail from him. It was the song Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion playing and after it finished playing, he said "I love you." Maybe it's not really special to others and doesn't make sense but I was really touched because I was really emotional and traumatized.

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hehhehee. DELETE DELETE!!! I find it too corny and regret sharing it!

BUT, I will share a moment. The boyfriend was mad at me because I told him I found out that he was never home when he text me that he's always home. I didn't really care where he was since he's always drinking with his friends at the casino and he still makes time to keep me company until I fall asleep. So, I wasn't taking it to the heart as I used to be. I just wanted to let him know that he shouldn't lie to me, but he got mad and tell me that if I don't believe him, he want me to stop texting him. I was like ok.... SO, since I had no ways and too much pride to text him first, I wrote on each of the cigarette in the new cigarettes I bought him. The next day, I told my sister to give it him at work since I was off. Instead, my sister gave it to one of the annoying chef who always pick on me. He smoked it instead of my boyfriend and found out about the messages I left him.

GRR... he sent me a text photo of the cigarettes with another chef smoking it. I was mad and embarrassed. But, when the boyfriend finally got the cigarettes, he text me and demanded me to let him see me even though he was at work. He took off work and came to see me. hehhehe. He told me two days later that at first when he hadn't got the cigarettes, he didn't want to see me at all. But, the moment he received the cigarettes with messages from me, he immediately had the urge to come see me right away.

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Guest Machitoshi

had a short simple convo through txt with a close guy friend few days ago that I thought was really sweet since he isnt the type to really show emotions. so I guess I knew it was his way of saying he missed me and I thought it was sweet (even though it kinda made me sad too)

"when are you back?"

"after summer ends, why what's going on?"

"nothing's going on"

5 mins later

"that's why you need to come back."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest amira_masri

Me: Why are you so nice to me? I mean, you're not as nice before.

Him: Is it wrong? You don't like it?

Me: I'm just asking. I always wonder about things :P I mean, something must've happen till you're this nice.

Him: Do you want an honest answer?

Me: No one likes lies =.=

Him: Honestly, my feelings towards you grew stronger than I thought. Every time I think about you, I realized you've done so much more than my previous ex. Even though I spent more time with her than you while we were still together, that did not mean anything as compared to the times the both of us spent together.

We were best friends before and I would've never expected us to get together, since he has always treated me like a friend and nothing else. I was really shocked and somehow mellow when I got this IM, cause I'm terrible at reading between the lines and would not see it if a guy likes me.

Ever since then, the sparks began and we're still standing strong celebrating our sixth month anniversary in a couple of days! <3

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Guest soulmate.

A guyfriend wanted me to go play with him, but I couldn't go because my overprotective parents grounded me from going out.

Him: tell me why they won't let you

Me: my parents think going out a lot increases the risk of me getting kidnapped.


Me: WHAT? You are going to die!


aha, i thought it was adorable.

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Guest missorrowrei

My guyfriends are all mostly pretty sweet. They usually send really sweet texts when they wake me up from naps. I have a random one saved that says 

"You're my little mooncake :)

xD It made me laugh. 

I was saying how I got a bruise from one of my friends dropping me when he was carrying me and he said. 

"I'll buy icyhot right now and drop it off at your house. It will be a blast."  (At 12:28 am) Haha. Never happened cause I wouldn't let him do that, but the thought was sweet nonetheless.

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