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Cute/sweet Text Messages/voicemails You've Recieved?

Guest calvinENG.fc3s

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Guest Missinghimfornow

My boyfriend and i got into a fight one night, and he said "im tired.. Im going to bed. Good night." and then an hour later i was asleep, and he texted me "I can't sleep :\.. I keep thinking about you" and it was so sweet when i woke up :)

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Guest xrainy_day

Just some of the texts that he has sent me. The majority of our texts are super corny and all lovey-dovey since we're away from each other right now.

Him: Youre ridiculously cute and gorgeous when youre sleeping are you kidding me?


Him: I'm totally letting myself die in crysis* as I text you back.

*Crysis = video game


He gets up earlier than I do so he texts early every morning so that it's the first thing I see in the morning. Last Saturday he forgot to because the power rangers movie was on and I gave him a hard time about it.

Him: I would have loved to even call you in the morning if i knew you were awake :) youre waaaaaaaaay prettier than the pink ranger anyway

Me: Of course I am

Him: And i'm sure you can kick my richard simmons harder than the white ranger right now. Even if he transformed into the gold ranger

Me: Are you planning to butter me up using power ranger references?

Him: Nope. That would be tacky. But i really wish i could mighty-ly morph your anger into looove right now

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Guest kiss_bunny

hmm this boy i really like who i see like so often..there was a time where i didn't see him for 2 whole weeks-which felt strange cuz i see him couple times a week..

anyway, during that time, one night he texted me so we started to text back and forth. And every few lines, he would be like "i haven't seen you in a while.." "i haven't hung out with you in a while", "how have you been....i havent seen you in a long time". EVERY few lines >.<

And lol, he was basically trying to say he missed me but didn't want to say it..so i was like "awww, you miss me?". and he was just like "!!!whatever!!!!".

I thought it was cute how he seemed so embarrassed to say it XD

Another time, i texted him asking him if he wanted to hang out, but he got out work at midnight. Sometimes, we hang out after he gets out at midnight. but he was really tired that night. So he said he was really tired and "i miss you though..".

And i thought it was so cute how usually he's embarrassed to say that but he did this time XD

And one time he texted me that most guys think i'm pretty.

I thought that was cute <3

Hmm, Another time... when he left to go run an errand, he texted me "you look F**king hot today. I didn't want to say that in front of the other boys. That dress looks real good on you".

I know thats not really cute/sweet...but it hot me pretty flustered and blushy XD hahahaha.

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Guest bhaby gurl

i dunno if i posted this here or somewhere i cant remember lolXD

anyways... it was a pretty cute and pretty funny at the same time because his text was like this to me:

"hey (my name) i like u...do u like me too??? dont tell ur mom she'll get angry at me"

but den too late my mom was the first one to read it since i was sleeping wen he texted me lmaoXD and i dunno wat to say since i was like in 5th grade and he was like in 3rd or 4th grade at that time...

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Guest zettybloop

awh! some of these are the cutest haha :3 i get morning txts from bf since hes in a different province for the summer :(

"good morning baby :) hope ur day is as wonderful as your smile :) wish i was there to make you some nice breakfast in bed and wake you up with kisses cant wait to see you "

teeehee he makes me smile so much :)

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Guest amioneichan

"Just thought id text you so that youd wake up knowing that you're beautiful...and I mean that...just all around beautiful :)"

I didn't see it till the morning when I got up but it really made for a great start to my day x))

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After I teased him that before he is allow to kiss me we must discuss about it and set some rules.

-"I say kiss and we kiss, end of discussion."

Upset when I didn't agree.

-"You're probably a sloppy kisser anyways."

After he's back to his cheerful self.

-"Ok no kisses, licks!"

Before he went to bed.

-"Wish I was cuddling you."

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hhahhaa! i'm on vacation visiting my family. My boyfriend is the head hibachi chef at the restaurant I works at. He text me my schedule:

Him: Ok. I'm off Friday and Saturday too. I want to see you.

Me: Noooo!!!! You have to work. Please!!! I don't want to bother you!

Him: No. Don't tell me work when u come back. I will hate u if u don't let me know.

Me: You HAVE to work! You need money!

Him: But I need you more.

HHAHAHA! i laughed my butt off actually.

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Guest theotherwoman

Basically, my bf and I got into a big argument about his ex and him.

They have been spending too much time together, since she move back into town.

I know I shouldn't feel this way after 1 year and 2 months BUT I do not trust ppl easily~ Especially ex's.

We didn't talk/text/email (no contact) for three weeks so I wrote a letter and mail it to him:

the very first time I've met you...

a sweet small coincidence....

just like that.....

we are tied together.

His response thru a text message:

I'm a man without emotions..

I'm a man without a purpose...

without you~

I'm a man with an empty heart.

To be honest I wasn't thrilled with his text message...

It was a tad cheesy...


He show up the next afternoon for lunch date. :D

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Guest taylorturtlee

these are from my "ex". i don't really consider hi first boyfriend though because we never really saw each other after we started going out. ):

Well there was one time he wasn't feeling good because of a fight with his dad, and he didn't tell me about it, but me being my charming self, LOL, cheered him up without knowing and he sent me this : "ur amazing u know that?" gaaah. 

and one time i went to the market and came home to a surprise IM, telling me he loved me for the first time ^^

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I was at a tea party with some friends and had text him that there was a little one year old cutie who was practically glued on to me and his reply was:

-"Stay right there, I'll be there in 5 minutes. Tell that guy to back off or I'm telling his mom."

Just found it cute ^^!

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"Text me when you get home so I know you are ok"

"gangsters can't shoot, but you can't go there anymore anyways." <--- he meant about this park where there have been shootings so he prohibited me to go there haha.

"Okay I'll be at home waiting for you"

"I'll be dreaming about you."

"You're beautiful"

"I knew I could count >.<

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Discussing the first time we met.

-"The moment I said 'hi' to you, you were mine."

Telling him that my best friend and I are inseparable.

-"You're all mine and I'm not sharing you with anyone just so you know."

-"I adore you so much, you're too good to be true."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hiswendy

"I'm sitting outside my office thinking about you. Just thought you should know. Hope you're having a fun day."


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Guest pkwak

(making wishes on 11:11 is just kinda a thing that we do.. hahaha cause we're both born on veterans day, 11/11)me "I finally have a different wish at a 11:11" 

her "You do?"

me "For you to be here, right now. It won't work, but I'm wishing for it anways."

her "I wish I were there... With you :)"

= Me very happy smiling like a fool.

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Well here's a conversation and this girl I like.

I went missing mid-convo and this is what went on after I came back.

Her: Where'd you go?!

Me: My dog took my necklace and ran off, it's like he wants me to play with him.

Her: Well, you're mine! So he can deal with it.

I found it adorable.

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