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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest loiiloii

i would answer calmly and when im sure its someone i can yell at, i'd yell at them. then politely tell them never to call my at such a horrendous hour =]]

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Guest BottleofSpite

It depends on how early.

If someone calls me at like 8-11,

I get really irritated and angry. But if

someone is calling me around 12-4am,

I don't really care unless I'm sleeping.

Sometimes I guilt trip them for waking

me up though, hehe :P

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Guest superlover

if i they really distrubed me form a good sleep i'd sound kinda grumpy.

but if i dont mind it, i'd just act normal.

either way i sound like a man in the morning LOL.

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Guest mmjess

i'd answer while being half awake. if it turns out the person called me for a stupid reason i'd hang up, i wouldn't even say anything.

i woke up this morning to a phone call. >_> my cell was right next to my bed and it scared me when it rang. it was 10:30am, and that'd be okay normally but considering i got home past 2 last night, and didn't sleep for a while after that..

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I look at the caller ID and if it's someone I don't know, I ignore it. :)

If it's someone I know, I mumble and if they can't hear what I'm saying, I just cut them off since like wtf, I want to sleep. == LOL. xD

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Guest heartofarose

i'm quiet for the next 10 seconds and yawn,

and speak in a really groggy morning voice. LOL xD

people go like 'oh did you just wake up ?' T.T; xD

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

Unless it's a dire need emergancy call I'll answer it.

On the other hand, I would cringe but still answer with a sleepy mumble/whine. LOL

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Guest sweetxbabbieexo

sleep in for 5-10 minutes more

but i need to get ready and it takes like an hour

so i have to wake up fast

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  • 3 weeks later...

if i slept at 3 am from studying

and someone called me while i was sleeping...

i might just keep sleeping and not even hear the phone

unless its right in my ear then i'll just say "helllllllllllooooooooooooooooo?"

really lazily..

it has to important for that person to call at 3am

if its not . then imma just hang up and say "tomorrow imma sleep"

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Guest Dragonlove

Pissed as HELLL cause nothing can be important enough to wake me up at four in the morning. Unless you're dying and you're calling me to tell me you're leaving all your possessions to me. I can never go back to sleep when I get woken up if it's any time after three in the morning.

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I'm the type to not hear the phone ringing since I'm a deep sleeper.

But when I do hear it, I usually ignore it. But some people.. not sure why... cause I don't pick up the first time, they call another 10 times in a row. THEN I will finally pick up and be like STFU -_-

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