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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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depends on the person..if the number is unfamiliar to me then i just let it ring and hope that it'll stop

but once..i let that happen and the person calling didnt hang up till 5 minutes later

if i know who the caller is..then i answer it in a somewhat calm matter

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Guest ohhlalakelly

It depends on the person, so I look at the Caller ID first.

1.) I'd click the button on the side of my phone so it'll stop ringing.

2.) I'll pick up and pretend i'm listening when i'm really not.

3.) I'll be grumpy and grunt a lot while talking, haha.

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usually ignore or turn it off.

work callled me once, and i picked up 30 minutes after i turned it off

realised that it was NOT my alarm, and it was a call.. turns out that i had to work

Got to work 2 hours late. ohwell.

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At first I thought this thread was about peeing cos you know how they refer peeing in the morning as morning calls LOL..

Anyways I answer with a dying voice haha.. and its usually my friends who come home from clubbing and then calls me.. for god knows what reason.. I wouldn't know since I start ignoring morning calls now haha

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Guest jjocelynnnn

I do not like it at all...

I usually wait for it to stop ringing. In some occasions I pick up and snap at them. I hate it when it's those stupid telemarketers... I feel like screaming once I find out its them wasting my precious sleep time

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Guest treehunny

if it's at an unreasonable time, i would probably ignore it and hope it stops ringing. if they call again, it BETTER be friggin important.

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Guest Lil_UsAgI126

-ring ring-

"Yes?? You have reached the fire station department, what can I do to help you?"

That's how I usually answered the phone if its like really early in the morning.

And most of the time the caller would hung up. LOL :lol: I'm so mean...

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I'd just lay in my bed, hoping it'd stop. That's only if it was my home phone though. However, if they keep calling back, then I'd eventually pick up if no one else bothered to. If it was my cell, I'd pick it up because it's probably important. BUT, if I'm too lazy, I'll just let it ring and it'll go to the voicemail. Phone calls don't seem to bother me all that much, despite the fact that I'm not a morning person whatsoever.

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Guest joongielove

When it's my boyfriend at 1 in the morning, I get irritated. But not mad.

When it's anyone else, i just mute it and go back to sleep.

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Guest suju sarang

truthfully it wakes me up better than my alarm clock..cause i usually just snooze my alarm when it goes off but when someone calls i answer within the first ring..its really weird..

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Guest dancingbymyself




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It depends on who is calling and how I'm feeling. I may either yell at you and be really irritated, or I may answer calmly, or I'll have a half asleep conversation with you which I will promptly forget or think it was a dream the next time I wake up.

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Guest nobody knows

I don't pick up the phone anyway

not my fault they'll be up and extra half hour trying to reach the girl who doesn't use her phone

okay truthfully..

I only give my number to people who I know wouldn't call me at stupid times >______>

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