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♥Nishikido Ryo♥

Guest hiroko_666

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Guest vanggirlie

i was wondering when those concert pics were taken because it kind of look different from the NEWS New Year Concert. i hope this one comes out on dvd because i've read some funny translation of the concert from their jwebs.

i also thought ryo looked younger with his look in Attention Please. when i saw the CM i thought he looked more like a high school person than 25 years old. so that pic now confirms it for me. he still looks good tho and his hair in that pic matches him.

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Guest hiroko_666

i was wondering when those concert pics were taken because it kind of look different from the NEWS New Year Concert. i hope this one comes out on dvd because i've read some funny translation of the concert from their jwebs.

i also thought ryo looked younger with his look in Attention Please. when i saw the CM i thought he looked more like a high school person than 25 years old. so that pic now confirms it for me. he still looks good tho and his hair in that pic matches him.

I dont think its from their HAPPY NEWS YR concert~ i heard dey had another tour during spring for their new album~~~

hehe^^ i cant wait to watch attention please~!^^

here's a chibi ryo pick with yassan and maruyama. it's hilarious and weird at the same time.


credits to omgfangirl livejournal

an extra cute chibi ryo pic.


credits to meloenchen

one last chibi ryo pic. i posted this in the NEWS section but i'll post it here too.

it's mean/naughty chibi ryo


haha^^ for da first pic, i took me awhile to realize dat ryo had his boxers pulled up over his shoulder @@""~~

Love da ones w/ da panda~~ soooo cute^0^ and i wonder who's da kid Ryo's bullying~~@__@""~~

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Guest PunchNine

i HATE his hair in 1 litre of tears.

and he always look SO TIRED.

pretty good looking... perhaps the best looking from his group.

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Guest mensa

i HATE his hair in 1 litre of tears.

and he always look SO TIRED.

pretty good looking... perhaps the best looking from his group.

well from K8 he is the absolutely most gorgeous, but in NEWS both he and yamapi share that place.

this guy certainly has something special because i usually don't like skinny men at all but he somehow manage to look manly.

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Guest heygingersnap

i found out about this guy a couple weeks ago, and before that i didn't like anyone really from JE... but hoo boy. nishikido is just too pretty not to ignore. he's always seems sad, though, even when he's smiling-- which i think is cute. not to mention he's absolutely hot.

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Guest hiroko_666

random pixxx~~






from the drama "ganbatte ikimasshoi"


Ryo, singing his heart out






THIS ONE IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! chibi-pi x chibi-ryo!!! XD


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Guest hiroko_666

he was SO adorable as a kid XD *pinch*

how's his personality (off screen)like?

From watching some of their clips and reading his jweb, he seems to be kind of emotional (scorpio guys r quite emotional/impulsive). Lately, I heard his sister (2 yrs younger than him, which makers her...19?) just got married, and he was saying how he couldnt control himself during da wedding and kept crying. A lot of his fans know that he updates his jweb quite frequently and from how he writes and wt he writes abt, he seems to be a very thotful person (personally, i think he has pretty guud writing skills^^). Also, he's quite fond of reading, so wenver he gets da chance he'll read as much as he can (book worm?@@").

Quite freqently during shows and stuff he can be quite blunt, like he says mean things sometimes and even mean gestures (like hitting ppl) bt then deep inside he's a rili nice guy. I hear that he and yama-pi r very close frds. I read an interview before that if yamapi had to choose who to go out w/ if he was a girl, he'd pick Ryo XD!

some translations credit: 海の涙

2006.3.6 3:49~Kanjani Sentai 8 Ranger 3/9

Everyone, Konbanwa. How are you?

I'm fine.

Recently I finished SHOCK one step ahead of everyone. I haven't had 3 consecutive days off in a long time and I returned to Osaka.

It's the first time I've seen my family since the beginning of the year.

I've finally settled down.


Family is nice, no?

But it's not just family. My older brother's girlfriend, my little sister's husband. There are a lot of unfamiliar faces.

It's a little awkward.

From now on we'll get along well.

Afterwards like I've mentioned in past magazines, I played with the friend who's staying at the Nishikido household.

He should've had a 5 Rins buzzcut, but his hair grew longer.

I was a little shocked.

He wanted to appear more charming.

When I see him again he'll have cut it again.

Also, from now 'Attention Please' is starting.

The other day I went to try on the clothes.

They're basically overalls.

Fans of overalls please look forward to it.

You'll be lost in Nishikido fetish without realizing it.

That's all.


I'll work hard.

You'll see.

Don't be lost.

Kanjani Sentai 8 Ranger 2/16, 2/23, 3/2 :: 2/16

High Speed Commute

Doomo Konnichiwa.

This is the captivating Naniwa boy. How are you?

I am spending each hard day.

When did I start running? Sometimes I think of such things, but as long as I can see the rail that I should run on, I think I’ll run at top speed.

To see the places I can work hard on, to have to the chance to run, this is happiness.

To live, there are many obstacles and troubles, but there are my encouraging friends, my protective family, and the companions that are sharing feelings at that moment. Nishikido Ryo is truly blessed.

Everyone, please don’t be lost and continue to follow us in strength.

JWEB:: 3/2


Ehh…SHOCK, which I had been able to appear in for a month, safely ended.

In a blink of an eye.

Lately it feels that time is passing unbelievably fast. I wonder if I’ll live in such a hasty fashion till death arrives.

However, instead of idly spending Nishikido Ryo’s life, I think I prefer to charge with all I have now and afterwards retire covertly with the wife that I love but have not yet encountered.

From now I’m going to start filming for the drama.

Anyhow my goal is to surpass Haruto.

I’m a mechanic.

What should I do?

I’ll be 25 years old.

Will I be able to look 25?

Maa I’ll work hard.

Also please buy Eito’s album.

See you.

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Guest bubblepeach

From watching some of their clips and reading his jweb, he seems to be kind of emotional (scorpio guys r quite emotional/impulsive). Lately, I heard his sister (2 yrs younger than him, which makers her...19?) just got married, and he was saying how he couldnt control himself during da wedding and kept crying. A lot of his fans know that he updates his jweb quite frequently and from how he writes and wt he writes abt, he seems to be a very thotful person (personally, i think he has pretty guud writing skills^^). Also, he's quite fond of reading, so wenver he gets da chance he'll read as much as he can (book worm?@@").

Yeah, I think he's an emotional guy. He may look pretty tough & mean outside but deep inside, he's very emotional & caring when it comes to close friends & family.

I read the translation of his sister getting married. Man, the way he wrote it was so WOW & how he kept saying he's crying *scenes of 1 Litre of him crying pops out in my mind* Tears of joy, tears of sadness, tears of loneliness awwwwwww :tears::tears:

However, instead of idly spending Nishikido Ryo’s life, I think I prefer to charge with all I have now and afterwards retire covertly with the wife that I love but have not yet encountered.

Whoever is his wife in the future, is one super lucky girl.

I read this on someone's LJ.

One thing Ryo would say to his future son:

"Even when I die, don't cry. Only cry when your mother dies"


Gosh, I just love this man more & more <333

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Guest hiroko_666

I read this on someone's LJ.

One thing Ryo would say to his future son:

"Even when I die, don't cry. Only cry when your mother dies"


Gosh, I just love this man more & more <333

I was so moved after i read his jweb abt his sis's wedding ><

"Even when I die, don't cry. Only cry when your mother dies"

omg~ i read dat somewhere tooo~ >w<" he is seriously ....!!! i cant put it to words T~T ~~I LOVE RYOOOO^0^!!! Some things he says rili makes u feel *awwwwwww* inside~

From one of his latest interviews he was asked, "What’s the happiest thing about being in love?"

Ryo: Seeing the same thing at the same moment and laugh. It’s a happy thing to reach that kind of understanding with the person you like without much effort. What was P’s answer? That guy’s baka.


and I totally agree w/ u abt him acting all tough bt deep inside he's a very passionate + caring guy~~ ^_____^ RYO-CHAN DAISUKIII!!

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