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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest aloha69

Well, I just watched episode #56 with subtitles, and even knowing the ending, it was even worse than I had assumed.

I mean, it was like "snap", after some words from Rebeccas, of all people, DW suddenly comes to his senses. I mean, DW has been tracking STH crimes for almost all of his life...it doesn't make any sense that even for a little while he should think "his father wasn't all that bad." And his shocked reaction to Rebecca list of his crimes..again, these are the same things DW planned to nail STH from the moment he becamse a prosecuter. Whatever.

And then the cheap way they practically re-wrote Rebecca's story! I mean, really, having STH kidnap Rebecca, cut her open, kill her child, and dump it's remains on a cliff was actually a great motivation for driving her to the extremes she went to. But now, all that wasn't nearly as painful "as being rejected by the man she loved with all her heart". I mean, really, getting dumped was suppose to be more painful than her child's murder? The real motivation behind everything she did was STH breaking it off with her...???!!!!!

And also, I don't share the opinion with some of you that the ending is "clear". I actually would appreciate it the story more if it was clear. DC gets shot and then it fades to this horribly edited, bizarre scene where everyone is smiling goofily and talking to DC from his place in the clouds as he ascends to heaven!! In what century is that clear cut? It's a ridiculously open ended resolution. I feel like, after following these characters through over 50 episodes, we're all just left not knowing what happened to them. This isn't a hero dying in a classically tragic story, it's a copout, leave it to the viewer ending. Ugh.

I'm not one of this "in denial, die hard, DC just can't die viewers. I was taking the whole thing seriously, crying and appreciating seeing DW back to his normal self, before they cut to that goofy, goofy, scene. It's obviously a fantasy...DC could have had it before dying, or maybe he just went into shock and is being rushed in the ambulance as he fanasizes....what was filmed is not at all conclusive. Just bizzare.

Toss in the half a dozen subplots just left by the wayside...just ridiculously poor storytelling. Whoever wrote or decided on the last 12 episode should look into another profession.

I absolutely, agree 1,000 percent with you!

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I have finished ep.56. I really hate the ending. I don't know what was wrong with the screenwiter's brain when she wrote the ending like this. How come the good guy (DC) had a painful death while the bad guy as Shin Tae Hwan had a very light death. They didn't even show how the man who was Shin Tae Hwan's right hand died, and what had happened to the man whose name is Mr.Hwang. These two men deserve to have a terrible death as they did many bad things.

DW acted as a crazy man who didn't know what was right and what was wrong. How come a perfect prosecutor acted like that? He just listened to some rubbishy words from Shin Tae Hwan and did all the wrong judgement. At first, when there was nothing happened, DW was a smart man, but after he knew who he was, he became a mental person. If DW is really smart, then he should be able to distinguish what is right and what is wrong regardless of situation. That should be correct way since he is already professional. What a lousy screenplay.

I am really disappointed with the ending. The last ep was too fast.

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Guest ieyzAn

The kiss between SSH and LYH seems to be very real and HOT. I hope that they would kiss like that in real life. Plus LYH was very pretty in the part when she was holding the baby.

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She left the show a number of episode back. I believe her departure was both related to health issues and lack of direction of her character.

Forget about that girl .. the real question is where is Janice ??? did she went saeguk already ? I mean she became Iljimae's mother ...

But the ending with Rebecca and STH car slowly diving into the river and we see how Rebecca slowly closing her eyes, and STH from his terrified look and then changed to succumbed and accepting his death is ..... i kept rewinding that part .. I hoped that the writers would really add 'life flashes before their eyes' kind of moment ....

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Guest fjkuan

Forget about that girl .. the real question is where is Janice ??? did she went saeguk already ? I mean she became Iljimae's mother ...

But the ending with Rebecca and STH car slowly diving into the river and we see how Rebecca slowly closing her eyes, and STH from his terrified look and then changed to succumbed and accepting his death is ..... i kept rewinding that part .. I hoped that the writers would really add 'life flashes before their eyes' kind of moment ....

REally, we all can rewrite the ending better than what they had written and produced.

I read that Janice is pregnant in real life. If they had known this, they should have written in something to phase her out. She's another loose end character that just faded or disappeared. She appeared once after episode 52, and it was not memorable. She's playing the mother of Iljimae, currently airing. So she started another contract and has no more time to act in EOE.

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Guest arieana

Wow that is great...it would have been so much better and sold more box sets......At first I read it wrong as fan fiction and thought it was a recap...I thought I had "missed something" but seriously that would have been so much better. I am trying to cleanse my brain of the ending today...still depresses me. What does help though is the outrage...I hope most people all over feel that way. Thank you

yeah, it's really good. for the one who don't satisfy with the real ending should go to http://www.viikii.net/channels/goto/eastofeden

and read the episode 57 from saboriana.

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Main Translators: ai*, veggieleaf

Timer: julier

Editor/QC: szhoang

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

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finally it has ended!! been so long.

I liked the beginning.. the middle dragged and it was boring.

The ending or towards the end picked up the pace, which was great!!

But I feel the they ended it too quick. Good thing Lee Dae Hae left while she can, cos her character was going nowhere.

And DW suddenly comes to his senses and turns good was abit weird. He turned too quick!

I really like Shin Min Wo's character. Their acting was superb! Feel sorry for him and yet happy for him in the end cos he changed. :D

Overall i wish this drama wasn't THIS long... shorter version but more compat will be much better.

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Guest arinkorin

oh, by the way,

does anyone know the actor that plays as Dong Wook's assistant or something?

He was the one who helps Dong Wook, and to make it simple, the good looking one. haha.

His face is familiar, or maybe not.

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Guest funkindagirl

Finally finished this drama and although I had been eager to let it go by the time I got to the last episode I was quite sad to part with it.

I thought the ending was so bittersweet. On the one hand its was soo sad DC died but then I was happy to see DW finally reunited with his family and accepting of MH. And DC could live on in his baby.

Shin TaeHwan had too easy a way out I think...I wanted him to suffer and rot away in jail for all the evil things he did.

Overall, the ending redeemed this drama in my eyes. It started out good, dragged for about 30 eps in the middle and then picked up again for the last 10 episodes or so.

Although it did frustrate me and was kinda hard to believe how evil DW got...and seemed silly how shocked he was at finding out about Taehwan's tricks to trap DC....isnt that expected of Taehwan by now?! I couldnt understand how he could be so untrusting of DC...but at least he turned good in the end.

If EOE had been condensed to 20 episodes it would've been an awesomely exciting drama.

50 episodes made it far too long and dragged out, so I am glad in a way to say goodbye.

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Guest suncine445

I like the ending.Though it is sad,it is realistic and I do not like fairytale ending .Officially the drama ended when DC dies. The last scene is just his wish .A lot of my friends also prefer this ending because it completes the whole circle about family love. It is emphasize DC love for his brother which is the focus for the whole series. His loveline is just a sidekick to the show. Glad that the PD chose this ending which is bittersweet. it stayed in viewers mind this way .

Again for me, Overall,the beginning of the drama is great, middle dragged way long in circle and too boring but the PD team redeem the ending of the series a bit for me.

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Guest ihatesats

when i finished EOE, my face was like this :mellow:

I only had two thoughts; first, what is going on???, and second, what is LDC doing standing against clouds lined with bursts of sun? Can it get any tackier??

I am rather disappointed with the ending. Now that I'm not as angry (watching 50 episodes tends to suck you in) I see what the original writer was trying to do. She had a few choices: have LDC die for STH, LDW, or Grace. She went with LDW because of the promise LDC made his father in the beginning, that he would always take care of LDW. But that is rather illogical because this goes against everything LDC is. Dying for a man who is not his real brother (so he didn't really keep his promise after all), not avenging his father (even though his father wouldn't have wanted it), and being unable to protect Grace as he has promised. That part REALLY makes me mad; how can he marry someone and leave her vulnerable even after promising her father he'd protect her?

The production team of EOE created something with so much potential but now they will live with people saying they had too much ambition.

MH and JH's story is very good actually, but that's about it.

I truly loved the first half of this drama. EOE started out amazingly: we see how LDC's childhood misfortunes (his father's death, his mother's obsession with revenge, his love for his brother, which I do think is a misfortune) mold him into an amazing man. Seeing how he had the magic touch and became so successful was inspiring. And the crucial twist: finding out that the foundation DC had built his beliefs on never existed-how was he going to cope with that?


LDC: I respect him even if he's not real (lol that sounds weird). He sacrifices himself to protect his family and his love. He hit rock bottom and skyrocketed from there. I LOVE HIM (in a nonromantic, idol way). But I refuse to accept that he died just like that. How can he FORGET HIS PROMISE TO GRACE and just leave her when they're about to begin the rest of their lives together?

MH: I love this character!! At first I couldn't stand him, but his acting was superb. He's the brother LDC deserves =) and i'm glad they found each other. I'm glad JH finally appreciates him, but it took her long enough.

YR: I like her character and think her acting is fantastic, but I also feel so sorry for her. Both her husbands die within a year of marriage, and when she finally marries her love he dies like the next day (okay a few days..but that still sucks). So she has no father and no husband. She may have a baby, but we'll never know. Oh yea, now she's vulnerable to all the people who want her father's fortune. GG, LDC.

President Guk: I love this character too! I never hate him, even when he's wreaking havoc on LDC and GYR's love life. He's so charismatic; but there is an inconsistency. How can he say he thought of LDC as a son when he didn't even think LDC was fit to marry his daughter? It seems like he is only doing this because he has no choice; he is dying and LDC is the only one he trusts to protect his daughter. I understand his situation since he is terminally ill..

STH: he's a good actor. I don't feel sorry for him, but I don't hate him and I always enjoy his scenes. In the words of his mother, I like people who can admit they're evil and can't stand people who pretend to be good when they're not.


Rebecca: It was very clear her hatred towards STH was because he took away the most intrinsic trait of her womanhood forever: her role as a mother. That overshadowed everything else, even the fact that he played with her. So why did she end up confessing that unrequited love was her motive all along?

Dong Wook: He was always the spoiled, coddled baby so it's predictable that he will totally flip out if he thinks his mother and brother are accepting MH. Because he thinks he's losing everything but his glory as a prosecutor, of course he will try to hold onto it and remove all his obstacles. His obsession with catching DC is his way appearing tough and showing that he doesn't need their love. When STH showers him with attention, it is only natural he will start to warm up to STH.

YC: I skip over all her parts. That being said, sometimes I can't avoid seeing her here and there. Which brings me to this: why is she so crazy? You raised your sons as weapons for revenge and now you think it's okay to just tell them to give up?

I'm sad it ended this way but it's just a drama so I'll move on~

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Guest jiwoneex3

oh, by the way,

does anyone know the actor that plays as Dong Wook's assistant or something?

He was the one who helps Dong Wook, and to make it simple, the good looking one. haha.

His face is familiar, or maybe not.

was it the guy who looks like Jang Geunsuk?

tehehe, i swear, that really looks like him. the guy thats always next to the girl,right?

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Guest arinkorin

was it the guy who looks like Jang Geunsuk?

tehehe, i swear, that really looks like him. the guy thats always next to the girl,right?

well, I don't see Jang Geun Suk in him, but if you say so, that means he's quite good looking right? haha.

yeah, I think we're talking about the same guy.

dang, I wanna know his name :D

ahhhhh, it feels so weird this week without EoE.

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Guest 윤호 오빠 짱!

ahh! just finished EOE with my parents (finally!)

like everybody said, i got pretty bored of it during the middle.

i couldn't wait for it to end, but the last... 4-5 episodes? those were intense!!!

it really got me into the drama, making me love characters one second and then hating them the next.

i'm really glad that everybody came together as a family

when LDC died i was liike.. :angry: and :o AND :(

i personally did NOT like this ending.. that's why i'm pretending that LDC didn't actually die, but was actually at the door coming in

honestly, i don't think that's a good idea because people have been watching all 56 episodes to have a happy ending, right? where everybody is united...?

it seems like a waste to me

and i TOTALLY agree with ihatesats. he broke his promise with grace! i mean, everybody's been waiting for this couple to finally get together!!!!!!!!!!!!

i feel like i've been robbed, kinda lol

aww, it's gonna be weird not watching EOE anymore =/

i really liked this drama though.. probably because of SSH ;) hehe

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