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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest lucky_moon

thanks so much!! when does the drama end? wasn't it supposed to have 50 episodes? i guess it ends with 60?

It's 56 Eps, so it'll end next week..

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Guest dreamloverShiWon

Am I the only one who wonders how are they going to wrap everything up in 3eps? I think DW will have a tragic ending..he has no love interest; the boss' daughter seems to have completely disappeared. There's no one for him and his career seems likely to go down the drain (most likely thanks to STH).

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Guest edenlove

seriously what happened to Hwang Jung Eum?

According to news (not sure of source), her character was criticised by fans as it resembled too much of MHR.

The writer/PD were forced to revise the script and most likely we'll see no more of her.

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The series is getting better and better... It is one hella breath taking episode.

I am pissing off LDW's character tsk tsk

SPOILERS for ep 54

- Jacky and STH joined forces

- LDW came to the casino and search for drugs and arrested YR

- MH was kidnapped by STH's allies

- DC is framed by Director Hwang with drugs.

- As DC is being transported, He was being saved by his people same as YR


-DC took YR to see his mother in the hospital

-DC will go to jail

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Guest marley

The plot for Ep 54 is cheesy and too predictable. The writer could have been more creative as this is the final stretch home journey for them. The element of suspense is missing greatly so far where it is needed most now.They are just trying to patronize the audience with the plot and failed sadly.Could have led to a bang for the finale next week but sadly they missed the chance again. All in a very medicore episode.The fate of DC is more or less sealed at ep54 by his action taken(last scene) in the eyes of the law.Mind you the Law judges differently from society unless it only can happen in EOE and not in real life.

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The plot for Ep 54 is cheesy and too predictable. The writer could have been more creative as this is the final stretch home journey for them. They are just trying to patronize the audience with the plot and failed sadly.Could have led to a bang for the finale next week but sadly they missed the chance again. All in a very medicore episode.

I feel that they will have a "last minute" twist....

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Am I the only one who wonders how are they going to wrap everything up in 3eps? I think DW will have a tragic ending..he has no love interest; the boss' daughter seems to have completely disappeared. There's no one for him and his career seems likely to go down the drain (most likely thanks to STH).

ME TOO ! There are 4 things that comes up to my mind

1. Will 2 more episodes be enough ?? they could probably give news about extending another 2 episodes

2. I wanna know how STH will die !! he is such an evil evil evil person I think Hell will welcome him like a long lost son coming home

3. How could DW be so stupid ??????

4. Where the heck is Rebecca ?? did she went back to America ??? Janice felt being a lobbyist in Seoul is to hard after Gook died, she decided to be Iljimae's mother and Rebecca ??? where did she go ??

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Guest cefiro_jk

Am I the only one who wonders how are they going to wrap everything up in 3eps? I think DW will have a tragic ending..he has no love interest; the boss' daughter seems to have completely disappeared. There's no one for him and his career seems likely to go down the drain (most likely thanks to STH).

I am looking forward to DW having a tragic death.

But I know he won't die and in the end DC will reconcile

with him. It's so unfair for DC.

He has no brain at all. After staying with the Lee family

for 30 over years, he don't believe DC's words and listen

to everything that STH told him.

He knew from Hwang that STH was the one who gave him

money to set up DC on drugs, why is he still after DC?

Really don't know how is scriptwriter going to end?

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I am completely disgusted with DW. He is even worst than STH. Bad blood do pass along from one generation to the next I guess.

So Hwang escape now? I hope DC won't suffer anymore from Hwang/gangsters/Jackie from Macau. I hope it will be a happy ending for those who deserved it.

I also wish DW a tragic death. He is so pathetic and I cannot stand him anymore whenever he shows up. He is stubborn and stupid. He probably should quit as a prosecutor. How can he be a fair prosecutor when his prejudice blinded him? I hope he is ashamed of himself (if the writer didn't kill him off) and resigned. He is no longer qualified to be a prosecutor who fights for the rights of the people. Enough said about him.

Well even YCH approves of DC & YR now. So I hope they will really be together at the end :).

I am looking forward to DW having a tragic death.

But I know he won't die and in the end DC will reconcile

with him. It's so unfair for DC.

He has no brain at all. After staying with the Lee family

for 30 over years, he don't believe DC's words and listen

to everything that STH told him.

He knew from Hwang that STH was the one who gave him

money to set up DC on drugs, why is he still after DC?

Really don't know how is scriptwriter going to end?

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Guest fjkuan

I think DW knows what he's doing all along, and he will finish STH at the end. This will be STH's surprise. He seems to be battling with the feelings of being STH's son. When he finds out that the drugs were planted in DC's casino by STH, and taking out the brakes from DC's car causing his mother to be fatally injured, he will do something then. Rebecca is yet to come back in the picture. Justice will be served at the end, hopefully. We'll see.

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Guest savingwork

I really hate the turn of events esp. for brothers

Summary of Ep 54

Please note the dialogue is not accurate..sorry I'm not fluent in Korean, although I wish I was. :sweatingbullets:

Spoiler ahead

STH, Hwang/Macou Ex gangster and Jackie meet.

Talk about slot machine, casino, TS

Jackie says DC is a worthy man?

Jackie said he cannot trust STH

STH gives him condition? Jackie says it ok

STH talks about drugs.

It seems STH is going to betray Jackie as well once he uses him against LDC.

JH and DW setting together in the park and she tells him what STH did to her.

She’s telling him to stop something…then she said something about herself.. .He tells her its OK… He calls her KJH and then tells her something about LDC and SMH. And leaves a bit angrily, but she stops him and talks about STH. He said please stop that..?

They stared at each other and she said something about them both (?) Then she left before him; DW is left alone once again. (This image keeps repeating a lot of DW standing alone.Are the PD and writers trying to justify his action of feeling abandoned/alone because I think they need more excuses for his behavior than that? It’s so frustrating /unbelievable :angry: )

Chief prosecutor calls DW in his office to look at a folder. DW is surprised and asked: where did you get this? CP asked: Why didn’t you….something.. DW says no that is not it. He denies something? DW is angry and he tighten his fist. They talk about tape. DW talk to himself (inner voice) that DC broke the promise like his father said he would (?)

He goes to his office; they tell him about drug and casino. He tells them something and later yells at them angrily. He's really worked up about DC betraying him... or so he thinks..

MH and JH barged into hospital room to see DC holding YCH hand,whose lying on the bed.( because of the accident, but YCH is ALIVE)

DC is shocked to see JH.

JH is so different now. She looks much happier/relieved. She seems to talk super nice to DC saying something and looking at MH.

DC turns to MH. MH is angry at STH and mentions TS and mother. (He wants revenge from STH action towards YCH by submitting STH illegal deals from TS). DC is trying to calm him down telling him don’t do something. YCH also begging MH not to do anything to STH…(This reminded me of the days of Lee DW when he used to go run up to STH whenever his mother and brother are hurt. Miss those old days.. :tears: )

Mom gets worried

DC takes MH out to talk to him away form YCH.

DC ask him how did he get JH out of jail. MH tells him something about STH (perhaps saying that he told the prosecutors he has evidence to indict STH).

DC mentioned something about his father and then his mother(?) It seems something is bothering DC.

But MH is angry and shouted something about his mother.. He cannot forgive STH..

JH comes outside and talks about STH in support of her husband MH.

MH talks about TS. JH says she knows something about STH/ she can be of help for MH to bring STH down. They make a nice team now.

DC is reluctant, but then says" OK.. I understand.. but…Be careful.."

At DA office

DW is completely out of it. He’s very very angry. ( when wasn’t he :lol: )

Looking at papers/photos

Someone enters giving him the photo of a man responsible for drug smuggling. He says something about International casino.

DW mentions LDC and drugs. DW is very very cold. DW smiles, well actually smirks!

Someone is hiding drugs in casino. It’s the same man in the last photo.

WG tells DC they are in trouble. ..drugs.. casino

Police arrives at the casino. DW meets YR and her gang.

DW vs YR.

He shows her a search warrant, (you can see the hatred in his eyes: you stole my bro.. :lol: )

He tells her something about drugs/Macau.. casino.

She leaves with confidence, he tells them to search everyone/everywhere.

DW enters YR office and sees his picture of graduation with DC. He tries to touch the picture but remembers DC destroying tape in front of STH in ep 53 and DC promising him at the funeral to get rid of tape. He then removes his hands and gets colder.

YR enters finding her office being destroyed by DW gang. YR looks worried.

YR talks to DW ..about the drugs issue? He tells her she doesn’t have to worry if its not true(?)

They talk about Guk.

YR asks DW if he really believes LDC will be involved in drugs(?)

He smirks and….

DC arrives..asks if grace something.. looks at DW..

LDW.. there is no drugs here. They look at the picture and talk. DW picks up a book and throws it at the picture.. :blink:that was shocker.

DC is angry and sigh: OK .. they talk

DC asking him to stop. ( My inner thought!! This is stupid)

DC talks about STH hurting mom

DW: what STH missed up your brake? Is he stupid/a fool to do that (?)

DC looks as if he's ready to cry. (While I am ready to beat up someone for the insanity and unbelievable behavior of DW?)

DW yells

DC screams

Mentioned ??friend…Mother

INETENSE ?? I cannot watch anymore!! But I'll contradict myself and continue :lol:

Seriously, as much as you loved the brotherly scenes in earlier episodes you will hate these later episode of brother enmity.

DC really wants to cry.

They return to subject of drugs

Oh NO.. Guess what? ..OF course they found Drugs.. 4 bags.. (Thanks dear dad)

DC is in complete shock..

DW looks at him coldly

YR :this cannot be true it's wrong

YR defending casino and Guk and..

DW interrupted Guk accumulated his money by drug trade(?)

DC is speechless.. IN his mind..No this cannot be true

YR: tells him it’s me not DC then take me..

DC: Grace stop it.

DW: Take YR to DA

DC grabs him.. DW remembers the tapes and shouted at DC: PROMISE. YOU cannot keep promises. DW completely lost it.

ANOTHER HARD EP TO WACTH..Almost stopped watching, sorry i keep repeating my frustration :sweatingbullets:

DC left alone in disbelieve.. This makes no sense how could DW not believe DC.. Its’ a set-up stupid. How could DW not doubt STH???

STH arrives to his office

.. JH.. she’s in the basement with the secrete record searching for something…

JH enter STH office. He’s shocked.

Laughs nervously. Come in JH….

She calls him: “Father.. No President STH..”

They talk about TH(?)

He shout at her.. she is challenging him. He laughs. She says a lot.

JH is confident because there is papers in her bag that would indict STH, but he doesn’t know as she leaves. STH realizes that she might have something against him

MH is preparing papers at TS electronics. Receives a call. ..Its STH.

STH is angry …TS…talks abut JH and prosecutor.. How did she get out?. They both yell at each other. Calling each other SMH.. STH..

MH is angry bc he hurt his mom… Talk….threatened MH by JH and STH ends the call. MH angry yells STH??

STH is really upset and looks in his draw but he cannot find something. “It cannot be that…?” He yells at secretary.. OK// I think it the keys to the secrete file room. He calls he’s secretary and both go inside and found missing papers. You can imagine STH anger at this point.

Secretary: What are we gong to do? GET MH RIGHT NOW!!

DW is passing by his boss prosecutor. Who calls him and talks with a smirk. STH is your father right?...

DW is mad and receives a call. .from..dear dad/STH. ..”Why ..did you call ?” DW wanted to hang up. But STH tells him about TS and MH..DW: "What did you say? Please stop doing this. " DW yells at STH and then slams the phone in anger. Everyone else in office look at him. (My advice: ANger management. :lol: , but then again who won't be angry at STH!!)

YCH is visited by TH and OYH in hospital.. Nice scene

OYH says something.. I’m sorry and bows..

MH came in. and Awkward both mother and MH..

JH gives MH the papers.. MH looks worried as if it’s he’s last time to see everyone.

He talks to TH

Is MH going to be the next LKC?

He talks to both mother before he leaves and to JH. She says something like sorry and holds his hands.

MH gets off taxi to where? He’s walking. Secretary waiting for him.. (why did he fall in the trap? How could he trust STH? everyone is actind stupid in this episode DC, DW, MH all being trapped..) Anyway, he gets kidnapped. More trouble to come!!

DC waiting anxiously with uncle at the casino office.. Both talk about YR situation and Macou.

DC receives call form Hwang about MH and gives the phone to MH who yells:

Brother don’t come.. don’t?

DC yells ..MH… MH

Says something about STH & casino

It’s bad to be in gangster the whole family is at risk that’s why I supported YCH and DW to leave casino. But it's too late now..

“Don’t touch my brother”. Hey agreed on something ..”where are you”

MH is stressed because he’s brother is being dragged into a trap.

Meanwhile DW receives a call about drug..deal..? Smuggling … YES…DC is being set up by STH and Hwang. But DW is not smart enough to figure it out yet, or he is evil enough to ignore that fact :angry: .

This is bad..

At the port.

Waiting for Jackie? and opened a bag of drugs.

MH is tied

They say something about DC

He’s here

MH struggle to be free.

DC arrives

DC meets Hwang, and see MH

MH mouth is taped. You know why, so he won’t shout: : It’s trap DC, Don’t be fooled you too, and so the story would never drag, but.... :sweatingbullets:

DC asks if MH is ok

DC anxious..looks at MH and then hand in the bag of money.

“Now let MH go.”

MH shaking his head.. no don’t do it.

DC looks worried and puzzled he feels something is wrong but what is it?

DC hands in the bag in exchange for another bag ( which has drugs but DC does know it yet)

DC finally realizes

It seems as if Hwang is telling him this is STH present for you.


Police arrives

They are armed.. Do you predict someone getting shot?

Hwang pretending as if he knows nothing.. Saying You ..DC ..Smuggled drug

This is very bad

MH is taken away in the car by DC gang. They remove the tape from his mouth. He shout take me back.. DC is being tricked but no one listens?

They show DW bag of drugs

And drag DC to police car

DW tells DC this is proof

DC begs.. .. its STH

DW not listening.. .”take him in.”

I am really hating the way things are turning between DC n DW

DC is shouting/begging DW

DW not listening

DW spot Hwang

“It you”

DW almost called for police using his phone but Hwang told him to be quiet. (DW being the good dog of STH, listens?? :blink: )

DW gets closer to Hwang.

I am guessing her :DW “You…put the drug” (?)Hwang: Your father told me to do so. LDC(?)

DW just left Hwang leave on the boat waving bye to DW. :wacko:

Its over DW can never ever redeem himself. BY the way Thanks very much writers, j/k :lol:

But wait things are not over yet..

Police car with DC in is stopped by someone.


DC is taken away in another car, his gangster n Doksa helped him.

DW is angry… And yells LDC as he leaves.

DW shouts at YR: where is LDC …in DA office

YR talks to DW about something?? They took YR to ?? jail as well.

YR in police car.

This is cheesy!!

Now again they are blocked by two seemingly disabled cars. Police get beaten by the gang and YR is taken away into another car..

DC WG look from afar in a car waiting for YR..They hug.. are you ok

Uncle says something. Leave right now. Both of you


I did not like this ep



DC and YR on the run but first they meet YCH in hospital.

Jacki angry

DC in jail

I really hated this episode.

They need more explanation as to brother rivalry. And why are they causing DC YR more troubles..sigh.

I think I’m going to have to imagine my own ending of the brother reuniting :lol:

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Guest beibe87

ME TOO ! There are 4 things that comes up to my mind

1. Will 2 more episodes be enough ?? they could probably give news about extending another 2 episodes

2. I wanna know how STH will die !! he is such an evil evil evil person I think Hell will welcome him like a long lost son coming home

3. How could DW be so stupid ??????

4. Where the heck is Rebecca ?? did she went back to America ??? Janice felt being a lobbyist in Seoul is to hard after Gook died, she decided to be Iljimae's mother and Rebecca ??? where did she go ??

that's what i exactly thinking about..how do they manage to finish the drama just by 2 more episodes? coz i see many things haven't settled yet, and not forget to mentioned there is pretty much new problem came in surface..how could they finish that?

and personally, i smells the ambiguity of the plot of this drama coz some actors and actress have been shown in the previous episodes.. and even in the preview of next episode..where they have been up to? why i can't see the link between them anymore? i wish they have good ending for this drama...the ending that can answer all questions for all problems at the end..coz it will be useless if i watch drama that have ambiguous ending..which make me wondering for the rest problems that have been settled..

thanks lot for the link..

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Guest savingwork

Thanks cute girl for torrent link. :)


I don't see DW as an EVIL person. But he is simply STUPID, which may be even worse than being evil. He’s actions, deductions and the way he goes around his work feels random and without thoroughly thinking. Actually, he’s head is not in control anymore, and he is completely driven by his emotion.. Which reminds me of when DC used to warn him not to let his emotions get a hold of him as a prosecutor. Very faulty character. Maybe he should quite being a prosecutor..like what many suggest!


As for eoe plot: Maybe we are judging too early and we need to wait till the ending. But like most of you said with only 2 episodes, it’s doubtful how the writers will wrap everything with a nice explanation. While the plot is not the best, although it really had some great potential, the awesome acting is what attracted me/continues to eoe.

2 more episodes left. :phew:

Let’s hope for a meaningful ending.^^

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