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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest misspinky

my heart broke when taeho kept crying for his dad. i do admit that myunghoon was a bit selfish in doing what he did but i guess that's just how some people deal with things that's the realism in this drama, not everyone can be so strong. they can be vulnerable too. as someone saying that MH was happy to go to the Lee's, you must remember that the Shin's (taehwan) is evil/killer so who wouldn't embrace the 'good' family

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my heart broke when taeho kept crying for his dad. i do admit that myunghoon was a bit selfish in doing what he did but i guess that's just how some people deal with things that's the realism in this drama, not everyone can be so strong. they can be vulnerable too. as someone saying that MH was happy to go to the Lee's, you must remember that the Shin's (taehwan) is evil/killer so who wouldn't embrace the 'good' family

omg i know. I thought i was crying a lot in ep 43, but omg

i was crying a river really in ep 44. I really feel so bad for

mh, he's not like accepted by anyone and what's he going

to do now ;_;

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I finally had time this weekend to catch up w/ EOE eps 43 & 44. I must say woah!!! The writers are definately doing a superb job in keeping us loyal fans of the show on our toes. As opposed to everyone that's complaining about EOE having no direction & is losing their interest. But when in real they are about half of the original EOE audience that just left to watch Boys b4 Flowers, teeny boopers!..lol j/k...

Anyways here's my thoughts on the Ep 43, 44 & possibly the up coming episodes!

YCH gave us spectulations about JH poissibly being STH's illegitment daughter in the early episodes. But the question is, than why would he let MH marry JH? Is he sick minded like that? I think not, cus he's also now scheming to get JH & his now known real son LDW together. Who's JH's dad?!? We now know it's got something to do with the importance of STH wanting to hold on to JH & TH. Some said the preist is the probably JH's father? no! I don't think so. Honestly my hunch is telling me to think way outside the box from everyone else, so I'm going to say it's LKC!!! DW & DC's dad! Cus if you think about it it does give reason for YCH to forbid DW at first to be with her. And now perhaps STH is feeling a lil remorse inside, debted, guilty for killing him & so want to make it up by taking care of TH?... of course it doesnt all makes sense either but it's something to think about. :D

And all this time the evil behind everyone's fate & destiny turning out the way they are now was being directed & pointed at Rebecca. But now my hunch again is telling me, Janice! There is definately something behind her story which has not been revealed yet. I would not be suprised if in fact she is the cause behind it all in causing everyone's fate to change. My speculations for this theory support would be the fact that her story's too descrete at the moment and it's always questioned as to why she's always protecting & feels sorry for STH. Why, If he did her wrong in the past as the story has been told? The only answer that probably makes sense to me is she feels guilty to having had caused something terrible to make STH the way he is.

Can't wait til the next episodes!

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Guest edenlove

But when in real they are about half of the original EOE audience that just left to watch Boys b4 Flowers, teeny boopers!..lol j/k...

YCH gave us spectulations about JH poissibly being STH's illegitment daughter in the early episodes. But the question is, than why would he let MH marry JH? Is he sick minded like that?

Honestly my hunch is telling me to think way outside the box from everyone else, so I'm going to say it's LKC!!! DW & DC's dad! Cus if you think about it it does give reason for YCH to forbid DW at first to be with her. And now perhaps STH is feeling a lil remorse inside, debted, guilty for killing him & so want to make it up by taking care of TH?...

The only answer that probably makes sense to me is she feels guilty to having had caused something terrible to make STH the way he is.

Thanks for sharing... but I have to say you have weird thinking!^^

Firstly, there's a survey that said EOE viewers age ranges from 20-49 (incl. men), teenagers (below 20) are just a minority not half.

YCH didn't like JH... yes she saw JH's mum being pregnant and not married, but there's no part in the drama that tells us "YCH thinks JH is STH's daughter". I don't recall that. I also don't see any possibility that JH is STH's daughter, as you said he is really sick-minded if he let JH married MH years ago, since both are his children back then (STH only knew about MH's identity in last 2 ep). STH does seem to know about JH's mum but it's a suspense for now.

JH can't be LKC's daughter... otherwise STH will treat her the same way he treated DC and DW. STH being remorseful and indebted to LKC? That's not the STH we all know.^^

In ep 44 STH told JH what has changed him to be someone today. He was being abandoned by his mum and spent hell time at the orphange, and from thereon he never trusted anyone. Janice was abandoned (and almost killed) by STH, so he should be the guilty one instead.

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I finally had time this weekend to catch up w/ EOE eps 43 & 44. I must say woah!!! The writers are definately doing a superb job in keeping us loyal fans of the show on our toes. As opposed to everyone that's complaining about EOE having no direction & is losing their interest. But when in real they are about half of the original EOE audience that just left to watch Boys b4 Flowers, teeny boopers!..lol j/k...

Can't wait til the next episodes!

YEAHHH!!!! OHHHH WOWW!! i finally caught up just now :tears::tears: EOE really can break hearts...sooo painful too watch but you can't stop watching.. ARGGGHHHH!! EOE IS MAKING ALL OF US cryers of tears :tears:

BOF viewers weren't half of EOE's demographic viewers actually but a tiny sum...maybe at most 10-20% of EOE viewerships...most are adult and older adult viewers...

it is not a drama that a majority of teengers would want to watch to be honest...but i know some teenagers in Korea are still holding strong in watching EOE... and i'm proud of them...because it takes a lot to watch EOE...no happy moments yet...

even innocent little TH is feeling the pain :tears: it was the crying of a son wanting to be with his father....just like little Dong Chul running towards the mine screaming out of the top of his lung...

"APPAAA!!! DON'T DIEE!!!... " :tears:



*will cross fingers* for at least 1 happy moment in EOE... :unsure:

In ep 44 STH told JH what has changed him to be someone today. He was being abandoned by his mum and spent hell time at the orphange, and from thereon he never trusted anyone. Janice was abandoned (and almost killed) by STH, so he should be the guilty one instead.

Janice also said to OYH, "...if it's revenge you seek (against STH), then do not involved me..."

when STH called Janice from the phone booth...there was no remorse, no heartfelt gesture in return from Janice to actually wanting to see STH when he asked her to meet with him...i find that a bit strange...did she knew of the birth switch all along?? :blink: or could it be that Janice just refuse in wanting to meet with him...

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Guest edenlove

did she knew of the birth switch all along?? :blink:

Very unlikely. Janice really didn't want to get involved with him esp. after what OYH said. It's absolutely right for her not to come between STH and OYH, as she can sense OYH sounding like another revengeful woman. The birth secret is really his family matters that he should share/overcome together with his own wife.

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Thanks for sharing... but I have to say you have weird thinking!^^

Firstly, there's a survey that said EOE viewers age ranges from 20-49 (incl. men), teenagers (below 20) are just a minority not half.

YCH didn't like JH... yes she saw JH's mum being pregnant and not married, but there's no part in the drama that tells us "YCH thinks JH is STH's daughter". I don't recall that. I also don't see any possibility that JH is STH's daughter, as you said he is really sick-minded if he let JH married MH years ago, since both are his children back then (STH only knew about MH's identity in last 2 ep). STH does seem to know about JH's mum but it's a suspense for now.

JH can't be LKC's daughter... otherwise STH will treat her the same way he treated DC and DW. STH being remorseful and indebted to LKC? That's not the STH we all know.^^

In ep 44 STH told JH what has changed him to be someone today. He was being abandoned by his mum and spent hell time at the orphange, and from thereon he never trusted anyone. Janice was abandoned (and almost killed) by STH, so he should be the guilty one instead.

As you said! there was a "survey" that said EOE viewers were mostly in their 20-49 age range. And how many of those "survey" takers were actually of teenage years (13-18)?? Im sure they didnt even take the survey. lol Teenagers are trendy they usually go with the "fad", "what's in", ecte ct. SSH's popularity & comeback was what attracted alot of the younger viewers at the beggining from his previous works in AIMH, Summer Scent, ect. But now with LDH (HR) gone from the show too & no DC/HR coupling. A lot of those teeny poopers & also adult viewers(the so called 10-20% of the original EOE viwers) jumped on the next best wagon, such as BOF. The math isn't that hard to figure out if your really think about it. They're only 10 eps in their show & their thread here at soompi is already closing in at 500 post! And thy're airing on Mon & Tues too!? But wait maybe it's just a coincidence, that EOE's rating dropped as they started to air? Not! I think that pretty much justifies the fact that EOE lost a lot of viewers to BOF.

And I didn't say YCH thought of JH as STH's daughter. In the early episodes she indicated that JH resembles her bloodline or somethign like that which would make you think she was refering to STH since at the time she hated JH too! But I'm not saying it's solid & cemented, it's just something everyone else that has paid attention to the show from the beggining thought too. Whatever the case we know one thing is true. YCH knows who JH's father is, which is why Im guessing it's DW & DC's dad. He was her pride & joy & so does not want to tarnish it by revealing his other mistress relationbships other than KS's mom. YCH was even always ill & bitter towards him in the beggining for what I thought was just her stubborness habit. But now that I think about it, that was probably a reason for her act in that kind of a way towards LKC. I think he has potential to be JH's father. But of course that's just an assumption from me. The other obvious would be STH's also knowing of who JH's father is. And Im sure he does. TH is the key to it all. If JH is not STH's daughter, which would be pretty sick minded of him to have let MH & JH get married. Than JH is definately the blood of someone of importance to him which is why he can't let go of TH. Whatever the case the revealation will be huge impact! And it's coming! Janice has been low key throughout this show. Again my hunch is telling me she is a key figure to why everyone's fate is ending up the way it is right now. The writer will throw in these kinds of weird twists & Im sure of it. I was actually one of the only ones that said HR & DC will never happen & it did not! I'm 1 for 1 already. I think I'm going to be 3-0 with my predictions, you just watch!

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And I didn't say YCH thought of JH as STH's daughter. In the early episodes she indicated that JH resembles her bloodline or somethign like that which would make you think she was refering to STH since at the time she hated JH too! But I'm not saying it's solid & cemented, it's just something everyone else that has paid attention to the show from the beggining thought too. Whatever the case we know one thing is true. YCH knows who JH's father is, which is why Im guessing it's DW & DC's dad. He was her pride & joy & so does not want to tarnish it by revealing his other mistress relationbships other than KS's mom. YCH was even always ill & bitter towards him in the beggining for what I thought was just her stubborness habit. But now that I think about it, that was probably a reason for her act in that kind of a way towards LKC. I think he has potential to be JH's father. But of course that's just an assumption from me. The other obvious would be STH's also knowing of who JH's father is. And Im sure he does. TH is the key to it all. If JH is not STH's daughter, which would be pretty sick minded of him to have let MH & JH get married. Than JH is definately the blood of someone of importance to him which is why he can't let go of TH. Whatever the case the revealation will be huge impact! And it's coming! Janice has been low key throughout this show. Again my hunch is telling me she is a key figure to why everyone's fate is ending up the way it is right now. The writer will throw in these kinds of weird twists & Im sure of it. I was actually one of the only ones that said HR & DC will never happen & it did not! I'm 1 for 1 already. I think I'm going to be 3-0 with my predictions, you just watch!

using your quote on the previous page by "thinking out of the box" ...you may have some good interesting plot points here and true EOE viewers will pay attention to little things...and i can tell from your comments...they are really dramatic indeed...JH being the daughter of LKC...

but the fact that EOE will end at ep54...it maybe too late now to introduce something that dramatic in the story...and it may not hold LKC in a good moral stance if they're going to push that thru...mainly it's because LKC having to 2 lovers (YCH/JJ) was already pushing it...and to come into a new revelation that he had a 3rd lover who had a daughter (JH)...it will be painful to accept that the moral plight of LDC is in vain...all because knowing that his father was himself immoral (adultery)...

ever since little DC has already sacrificed all his life to avenged his father's death...something not worth doing for an immoral father...

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Guest edenlove

EOE's rating dropped as they started to air? I think that pretty much justifies the fact that EOE lost a lot of viewers to BOF.

If you compare the KBS drama before BOF, it was below 10%. The minor drop in EOE's rating is not equivalent to BOF's gain (here we're talking about almost 20% increase for BOF from previous KBS drama). Also, news in Korea don't just quote TNS rating. AGB rating gives a different scenario = EOE's rating went up in some episodes.

Good luck to your predictions then.^^

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

If you compare the KBS drama before BOF, it was below 10%. The minor drop in EOE's rating is not equivalent to BOF's gain (here we're talking about almost 20% increase for BOF from previous KBS drama). Also, news in Korea don't just quote TNS rating. AGB rating gives a different scenario = EOE's rating went up in some episodes.

Good luck to your predictions then.^^

just thought you should know, but AGB is not a trusted rating company. Most companies like the big three: MBC, KBS, and SBS all use TNS, which is also why all the netizens trust it also.

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just thought you should know, but AGB is not a trusted rating company. Most companies like the big three: MBC, KBS, and SBS all use TNS, which is also why all the netizens trust it also.

That is correct. AGB is normally not taken into account. TNS is the one normally taken seriously by all the major TV stations

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Guest edenlove

It's fine to have a more established rating company over the other, but on the other hand, it's always good to have more than one option and not to be blinded by... monopoly.^^

AGB somtimes provides real-time rating, making numbers as live as the day's broadcast. Somewhat makes the rating process more transparent and interesting.

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umm...is anyone having buffering problems with iMBC's on-air live TV?? :blink:

i'm getting a bit of a buffering stall every 5 min or so :unsure: and EOE IS ABOUT TO START!!! :crazy::tears:

ehehheeheh nevermind!! it's all good now AND JUST IN TIME!!! EOE ON NOW WOOHOOOO!!!


weeeeee DC/YR scenes with "Red Beans" OST on the background *wink wink* ;)

DC and DW are screaming at each other :crazy: (DW's office :unsure: uh oH!!) ARGGGHHHHH IT'S TOO PAINFUL TO WATCH THIS!! IT'S SOOO INTENSE!!! :unsure::o:tears:

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OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!! EP45 WAS GOOOOD!!! SSH AND YJH!!! AWESOME!! AND WOW!! HJH, she's really stunning in turning dark with her character JH...

YR was there as DC's refuge in a difficult time of his life...




ep46 is gonna be goooooddd!!!

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Guest savingwork

Hi everyone. I had some free time, so I decided to write a summary of eoe 45. Not the best :blush: but her goes…

Highlights of ep 45

• DW is being interviewed by the press?? STH and his assistant were watching the news. STH seems happy. (maybe its regarding the papers sent to DW in ep 44)

• DW vs DC in DW office. Seems that DC is being investigated I don’t know regarding what matter. DW and DC quarreled fiercely. ( this is the first time I saw DW shouting at DC so fiercely, but he still calls him hyung a bit tenderly like before). DC seems frustrated at DW's actions.

• DC left DW office after the interrogation ended; he was met by Grace. (I like how she looks and acts very mature now, don’t you agree?).

• Grace seems to comfort DC regarding something (maybe about DW being STH son?? or the investigation)

• DC and Grace go to the orphanage where he met MH and the priest. MH-DC look at each other and smile (has DC finally accepted MH?). DC played with the kids. (Its nice to see someone happy/enjoying his time in this drama, don’t you agree?)

• MH at the beach, JH visits him. MH's smile disappeared :tears: . JH asks him one more time if he insists on living with the Lee’s/or as a Lee??, he says yes. She then give him papers to sign (divorce + given her custody of TH :crazy: ) Personall thoughts--she’s more evil than STH, Rebecca and Guk, and more vengeance than YCH; sorry :sweatingbullets: I’m very frustrated by her actions. I don’t think she’s cable of loving anyone not even TH,who definitely needs his father She then tells him that his mother came to visit TH at his school. JH was angry and insisted that she would never forgive YCH.

I lost my thoughts here ... you can tell how I’m very upset with JH…anyway, next

• DW enters his house looking around maybe feeling a bit isolate/not belonging :tears: (just like when MH discovered the truth and stood by the gate of his house before entering). DW walks to the bird cage and stares at it with a sad expression. He then enters his mother’s room. YCH, aunt and stepmom seem to be questioning him? (about him being in the news/investigation) Sorry I really don’t know they’re saying. They mentioned Hyung (DC). DW's tone and voice seems on the defensive line to me. Then DC enters;they quarreled again. I believe DW says "I’m STH son" or I have STH blood. DW got up and left the room. KS tries to stop him but she could not, then DC runs after him and they quarreled again/exchanged words?? DW then left…

• STH looked at some papers and got angry as something is wrong with TS group. He receives a phone call. Guess who it was , the infamous “ Rebecca”!! I'm sure you hve already guessed her ;) . She started laughing at STH. "Cannot help but love the way she gets on STH nerves :lol: , although I don’t like her..” She mentioned something about MH, TS?? Also, she has held Janice as hostage.

• STH goes crazy, orders his assistant to get/beat MH??He also shows the papers to JH telling her that MH has betrayed them. JH could not believe him. STH then tells her something about DW and TS?? It seems that he relays on DW to save TS or something?

Preview ep 46:

MH is getting beat up someplace by the assistant. MH is dragged into STH office “OMG cannot believe how evil STH is :fury: . Even death is too easy of a punishment for this man. How could he look into MH face and beat him after he has been living with him as a father-son for more than 30 years :w00t:” ??

JH is meeting DW at restaurant. DW smirks then he glimpsed his mother YCH watching them.

DW and YCH having dinner they looked sad…

DW alone in the street looked to be in a dilemma/confused?? :tears:( I don’t know if he is turning against the Lee or if he is still going to prosecute STH ?? I hope ep 46 establishes a better understanding of where DW stands.)

DC is here to save the day yet again :lol: , as he rushes to the scene of hostage exchange: Rebecca and Janice on one side, STH and a beaten MH on the other.

DC beats STH; STH is on the floor??

DC and his gang carry MH to DC's house; there he meets a surprised DW...end :blink:

Cannot wait for tommorow :rolleyes::lol:

cute girl many thanks for the link :D

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