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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest annievy;

i was wondering if this was a good drama to watch? im sort of scared of the 50 episodes xD

im hearing good reviews on it, but yeah, 50 episodes make it seem like its going to be dragging out

for a while.

-- kinda sorta just want to watch it because kim bum is playing the younger version of the main guy xD

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i was wondering if this was a good drama to watch? im sort of scared of the 50 episodes xD

im hearing good reviews on it, but yeah, 50 episodes make it seem like its going to be dragging out

for a while.

-- kinda sorta just want to watch it because kim bum is playing the younger version of the main guy xD

He is in a major part of the beginning. So if you like Kim Bum, watch East Of Eden, at least the beginning. He is also very good in acting in this part of the drama. It is actually going to be 54 episodes, and parts will be a little frustrating, but for the most part, it's very exciting and I haven't regret watching this drama. I've been watching since the beginning when it started airing and I'm on epi 50, and I can't wait for this week to see the next 2 of the last 4 episodes. If you watch the begining of this drama for Kim Bum, you'll not want to stop watching the rest of the drama. :D

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What endings r u guyz hoping 4??

share ur thoughts n hopes

I suppose I hope for a happy ending as well, but it's also important to me that it makes sense and that it won't be too cheesy. None of the kdramas and kmovies I've seen ended in the way I expected, which was refreshing but also felt a little strange sometimes. I really hope that the biblical name of the drama isn't a hint towards the ending (Cain was banished "east of Eden" after killing his brother Abel).

I want DC and YR to be together. I want DW to make sense again. Not sure what to hope for when it comes to the DW/JH/MH entanglement. I used to be all for DW/JH, but JH's relationship with MH is also quite interesting and strong. Maybe MH will be happy doing good in the world, honoring the memory of his real father, even if he doesn't have any romance in his life. Is STH beyond redemption? I'm not sure. Perhaps the solution lies in forgiveness, like LKC's words to DC would suggest, you have to have a heart big enough... Then I like to think of YCH and OYH sitting together on a bench at a playground, watching Tae-ho play.

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Guest tofumui

ahhh i really have to start watching this drama, it sounds like a very good series but why must it be so long LOL

but there are such mixed reviews.. but no matter i'll watch it and make my own judgement

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OMG I just about cried in episode 49 when Ji Hyun was like,

"Please be free" and all that stuff about he should live his life without guilt.

And he goes, "You don't know the difference b/w the guilt and my love"

Please let there be a happy ending for Shin Myung Hoon and Kim Ji Hyun!

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Guest savingwork

OK I have this thought process going on..........Do you remember when the girl in DW office knew about the kidnapping information and it was just played off as her intuition? Also her thing for DW? Also the tatoo on her wrist? Not common for women in Kora those days as well in the US? So who's to say she isn't a gang plant?.....

Wow, Thanks for the history lesson, its really enlightening and makes following the story more interesting. I like your theory about the girl prosecutor ^^

Ha ha.it is certainly is and a cruel fact in the criminal world. It is a reality where back stabbing is an everyday norm of life for them.Power struggles has always been in" their brotherhood union" sadly.This is just the appetizer for DC.What DW told JH that DC's life will be shorten by that move is a cold realistic fact.


For EOE it is very important to protray to the world that no one is above the law and also social justice to the lost lives so that history will not repeat itself again.It is a challenge task for the writer and the pd team.Whatever the reason behind, it cannot ignore and escape the fact that GUK , STH and DC have a hand in the black money saga and that in itself makes them the guilty parties to the people of korea.It is difficult for outsiders to understand unless you are a korean living through these times.

I guess that is the reason YCH constantly warned DC from this lifestyle...sad..

I like your sentence ( i put it in bold), its difficult and not often done, but its one of those things that people strive to accomplish..

Also, you point out to an interesting plot regarding punishing those who had a hand in the black money. Each person did it with a different intention. Some repented (Guk) while others did not (STH) or didn't have the opportunity to do so (a disease to slam them back into reality :lol: ), while DC had good intentions behind his involvement... Still, the law can sometimes if not often be cold and maybe DC ...., who already told DW once to follow the law no matter who it was :tears:. I wonder how deep the writers will explore this plot.^^

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^ Hi saving wok thanks for your interest in the opinion put forward by xcesna regarding the law . I am glad someone brought up the political situation of korea at that time.I do feel for those like DC who were caught in the trap .As a humanity criminal lawyer, I have dealt with a lot in such situation and in reality they do not escape the judgement sadly. Sometimes it is a very sad and unfortunate case but in the eyes of the law it is look at differently.It really depends on how your defending lawyer built up the case history.

Actually it really is a good plot for the writer to explore deeper the human suffering and emotion from people like DC who are caught in such situation unfairly. The flip side is even though it is a great opportunity as citizen of the world to reinforce it , In reality ,history always repeat itself. I do wonder too how the plot will evolve.The ending to eoe for me is it has to be a realistic finale for me.The end is just a means and the reflection of all the characters journey through the hour glass.Not all will end up well.

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Guest savingwork

Now that we are nearing the ending, I find myself having a lot to say about eoe. Here goes for the sake of my sanity and peace of mind^^ :lol:


OYH & sons

I am angry at OYH, OK I get she loves her son MH, but what about DW? The least she could do is save her birth son from her evil husband. Instead what do we see? a repetition of STH ruining his other son's life once again. Of course the blame is on the writers, PD-it’s a shame the excuse might be “there was not enough time to cover that part, the hospital scene of OYH-DW should be enough”. I thought by now OYH should be a stronger character. :phew:

In the same way as OYH attitude toward her sons, it was awkward seen STH throwing MH, his son of over 30 years and accepting DW, his enemy of 30 years just like that. So both husband and wife show consistency in behavior toward sons :lol: it's true once you live together for a long time, behavior do rub off on each other.


Who else want to see a wedding of DC YR. ^^ B)

I just had a thought of the 3 brothers having a wedding together: DC-YR, MH-JH (if they get divorce/remarry), and DW-new reporter... sorry I’m just fooling around!! :lol: :lol: You cannot deny it’s nice to see a perfect happy ending for such a long dorama. :D


About JH

JH n YCH are two people who I can never see forgiving each other. Not because the issue is complex or unforgivable (Uhmm…wait a minute why are they fighting to begin with?? :huh: ... Bingo it’s almost baseless!! )But because they can never ever understand each other. Both are of two different generations, two different levels of education. In real life, you have to admit that sometimes certain people can never fully understand one other. That’s why the only way for reconciliation is for one party to forgive and sacrifice even if she will not be able to be understood, might I suggest JH for the role. Since YCH is older, JH, who is educated should just forgive YCH and live in peace for the remaining life of YCH!! I mean JH will surely outlive YCH, and she’ll have TH for herself longer than YCH would…by doing so JH would show us what a merciful/forgiven person she is ^^(she did forgive and marry her rapist,didn't she? ) Am I been too harsh on JH, but life is hard anyway and sometime we must throw away our pride to live a simpler easy life..... O.K truthfully I'm tired of JH-YCH fighting and misunderstanding, a solution must be found quickly..:sweatingbullets:


I don’t see any reason why DW& JH who was married/divorced (?) cannot reunite if DC and YR did even after YR was married/widowed.

Yes, I'm one of those who felt kind of bad for DW&JH love story which ended due to MH and STH, but still you cannot deny that it was MH who actually raped JH not STH.

I mean you cannot deny that DW n JH still have feelings for each other ( or do they ?).Yes, it has been many years, Yes JH has been married to MH for 10 years happily(?) leading a normal married life. But if JH after reconsidering all these years she lived as MH wife decided to live and love only MH then I don’t want to see her with DW, who might get heartbroken for the second time ( remember military meeting with JH when she decided to leave him).

Throughout the show, it was shown that JH and DW have/will continue to have a special place inside each others hearts, so I kind of like the idea of them been siblings :sweatingbullets: : if they cannot be lovers at least they have something special to bond them together without been sad or regretful. Maybe only then DW can somehow forgive MH.


JH & MH were doing kind of fine as husband/wife. When MH married JH, he knew there was someone else in her heart, so yes he should’ve expected that he would suffer over that though and he should've accepted this suffering as kind of a punishment for his action. So I cannot feel sorry for him whenever he feels bad thinking how JH used to/still loves DW.

Now you cannot deny MH loves JH, but if he could be happier living apart from JH (divorce) I don’t blame him for doing so. Still, he cannot abandoned his son and the father-son bond need to continue no matter what JH feels regarding that. For that reason I’m upset that MH left TH and JH in DW's care to begin with in ep 44!! I'd like to think he made an irrational decision under a stressful day (funeral). Wrong, Wrong move on MH part :crazy: . I mean if he wanted to give JH happiness by reuniting her with her first love, Fine, but why TH, he should never hand his son to some other man (what was the writers thinking-given MH extra negative point, you cannot blame me for not sympathizing with MH character :( )


I never really hated JH until 2 things: her persistence to live with evil STH even after MH left and not letting MH see his son for whatever reason. I could understand her ambitions and desires in pursuing her business, but there comes a time when you have to admit defeat and just look elsewhere. Given TH a family, considering she accepted and started to love MH, is more important than money, especially after birth switch was revealed. I hate to judge anyone-even if they are just characters :sweatingbullets: - but I got to say I love the way writers are depicting JH as a person who is flawed/close to reality.. I mean no one would/could give up such life style that easily, it takes time to adjust to new life transformation and set new priorities (family: father-mother-son or money/status). But the question remains: what really is on JH's mind? We’re almost going to find out.. a little more patience... :phew:


About DW

Can he ever forgive MH for stealing by RAPING his girlfriend? :crazy: Realistically if you were DW can you forgive MH?

Now if DW wants DC to forgive STH, doesn’t that mean that DW should in return forgive and accept MH? By the way, I don’t think STH deserve forgiveness yet as he showed no sign of repentance, so yes that is one very difficult/impossible request DW!!!-

The Lees adopted MH too fast, it’s awkward. :blink: Am I supposed to be happy with MH-reunited with Lee scenes? But the scene is as awkward as DW and STH setting together, which is quite disturbing. Just like JH said, Blood tie are really scary!!

I’m sorry but I just cannot find MH-DC scene touching :tears: , I actually skipped that part; I just cannot believe DC-DW are over. If the brotherhood tie is reestablished, then I will have absolutely no problem with the new DC-MH bond, not that I’m against DC-MH, I’m just saying it’s awkward…Sorry for repeating the same word over.. :lol:

How YCH affected DW behavior and thinking:

I wanted to say that DW-YCH are very close together in sense that DW was like YCH only son. He lived his entire life with YCH unlike DC, who spent time in Macau and at Guk residence…So for that reason I was sad with her reaction and mistrust in DW, as well as DW leaving her- However, when I recall YCH character of always mistrusting and doubting DC (gangster/attempted murder/stealing) to the point of disowning him, I realized it was just YCH being YCH: always harsh when treating her sons under such situations.

Now I can understand/but not necessarily agree with DW reasons for attacking DC when it comes to Guk/casino. It’s all because of what he’s been hearing YCH say all these years. Remember-if you re-watch earlier episode-YCH always repeated two things over and over that I’m sure it was engraved in DW heart but at that time he loved his brother deeply to think/accept those facts. But now that DW is feeling separated/detached from DC it all came out unconsciously because DW is just like everyone else flawed. ( and I'm sure many brother and sister often fight with each other) Anyway,These two things are:1-DC will destroy DW future because of his involvement with Guk. 2-never accept DC money because it is illegal, dirty money.

As much as I love DC DW bond, I cannot forget YCH-DW bond; remember DW is everything in YCH life. She sacrificed her whole life for him. I hope DW would not do anything stupid to hurt his mom. No mater what...

I’m desperate to see DC, DW and YCH happy again together as part of one family. I hate how OYH not showing signs of wanting to be closer to her new-found son, neither does he? weird...


EOE is very disappointing to me because I was really looking forward to seeing DW vs. STH and all the dilemma/turmoil DW would be facings as he is prosecuting his own father for the sake of DC and YCH whom he supposed to love. But what do we get? DW vs. DC, which make me angry because like what Guk said DC is kind of innocent: he’s more of an extra; DW should go after those big guys; the real evils. Yes DW your father is one of them , so wake up already. <_<


Book Worm

DW who always immersed in books is incapable, at least not yet, of confronting the real world. The real world which is not always Black and White. Do I blame him? Not really, its not his fault, its due to inexperience.. Will he learn in time? that is the next step he needs to take. I am sure many of you, especially if you are students experienced that or will. I personally fought my dilemma of separating what's in books/dreams of perfection from real world. Although we all hope for a perfect world and aim to establish one, as DW is trying foolishly, or maybe bravely depending on how you want to see it to prosecute all those rich corrupt people to cleanse the country. Which seems impossible, yet noble don’t you think…but what is the cost, DW is losing his sense of reality? He already lost the sense of who he is? LKC son.. NO then Who, STH…. :wacko: One sure thing is his sense of identity as a Prosecutor of the Korean Republic. Ep 50 At least I have to be a good prosecutor.. That he’s new sole focus in life.

For once I want to see DW saving DC..

I cannot believe the writers are taking that route of DW vs. DC over YR ( a girl) ( if it's not MHR then its YR) :lol:

How could DW misunderstand his brother?!! Didn’t they once talked about marriage. I know he hates Guk, as he feels Guk & his daughter put DC life in danger ep 39. With this attitude, he showed himself to be too self-absorbent and inconsiderate of his brother feeling which was too painful to watch.. considering they were too close once upon a time :tears:

What I hate about the new SDW character is that he doesn’t trust his brother anymore, and says hurtful words to him…bad bad reaction…. He’s so rash and seems unloving to his brother. I guess he's totally blinded with being this Perfect Prosecutor. Which is kind of sad and annoying.. “My destiny as a prosecutor should be lived properly at least” (translation credit viikii.net)

I agree if he want to prosecute DC but be nice to your brother in words. And please let’s not forget about prosecuting STH.. I wanted to see STH suffer more over hurting his own son and almost killing him, ep 43 was not long enough.

Sometimes I sense that DW is jealous of DC, I mean who isn’t? even Guk is. What has DW accomplished other than becoming a prosecutor, Nothing much. he failed the first time he summoned STH ep 31-32 which I loved (perhaps the only DW vs. STH in DA office scene); he failed when he summoned Guk and DC. Even in a previous episodes he told DC that DC is smarter than him, as DC told DW he’ll be acquiring TS electronic . Sometime I wish EOE could add some flashbacks to earlier episode, I think it would make more profound effect but there’s no time left.


About STH

Even if STH dies I wouldn’t be satisfied, we all die, but evil people must pay the price--go to jail already or suffer by losing all the wealth you amassed during your long conscious criminal life, or even lose your so called only-son “DW” as I doubt STH “loves” him as much as he claims it. (Realistically speaking how could he love DW if he didn't love MH as a son??? :unsure: )


I was annoyed as Guk told DW that he is evil and DC did illegal stuff but "STH is the truest evil".?? Wasn’t it Guk who asked to have STH killed a couple episodes back? The way I see it is that Guk has or at least "had" the same capabilities and mindset as STH (eliminate those who block his way). In other words, if Guk was in STH place, he might have done the same thing by getting rid of LKC, and DC would be just as revengeful towards Guk as he is towards STH. Role reversal?!! Yes, just like YCH, I've always been upset whenever DC got involved with Guk no matter what the reason was because eventually if he gets caught, it wouldn't be a good ending..which begs the question: was it worth it? How do you measure the worthiness?? could it be worth it one minute and not the other??!!

However, Guk gets point for wanting to cleanse his soul as he saw death approaching. I wonder if STH would feel regretful if he was the one instead suffering a terminal disease..? Who knows? In this case, although I feel bad for Guk having cancer, I see that his disease was a blessing to him as it returned him from darkness to light ^^while STH still indulging in his so called luxurious life and good health.

…So what is the point I’m trying to make? Right now I am interested in STH fate. I mean the whole plot in EOE was about getting revenge from him, wasn’t it? The Lee brothers and Rebecca invested their whole life on this desire... What are we going to get for his ending? Is he ever going to regret and repent? It is very difficult for a person to change at an old age don’t you think? But what is most difficult is for a person to admit that he lived his entire life wrongly when there are may others that lived in the same way- Guk, and other politicians? Ep 43 STH kept defending his life style as the only method for his survival-it’s disgusting yet real how he’s so convinced of his way of life, which made DW a-die hard-righteous-seeking incredibly angry at him.

…I keep seeing the forgiveness and repentance as possible themes in EOE. We’ll see what theme the writers will end EOE with.^_^



With all due respect to the writers of EOE, I have to say-as a viewer- in my humblest opinion, if the writers decide to kill off one of them or both (DC &/or YR), it would be the lamest ending ever ever. I don’t care who dies, but it just cannot be DC, YR or STH.


sorry,I completely got carried away.... :phew:^_^

Hang in there guys/girls we're almost there. :P

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Guest savingwork

^ Hi saving wok thanks for your interest in the opinion put forward by xcesna regarding the law .......

Thanks marely for your interest in my comment, and I really do appreciate and enjoy everyone in soompi for providing us with historical/political background, pictures and links and comments. Everyone has been great. :)

It must be interesting on your part watching eoe with your education background in humanity criminal lawyer!

Hope we continue to enjoy eoe till the very end despite the harsh realities of life, law and human psychology it might depict.^^

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Thanks marely for your interest in my comment, and I really do appreciate and enjoy everyone in soompi for providing us with historical/political background, pictures and links and comments. Everyone has been great. :)

It must be interesting on your part watching eoe with your education background in humanity criminal lawyer!

Hope we continue to enjoy eoe till the very end despite the harsh realities of life, law and human psychology it might depict.^^

Very interesting in the beginning though obviously there are flaws in others .I must admit I started watching because of SSH comeback and LDH.The write up on their characters interest me to see this drama.Like right now I am following C&A SJS comback with HJM and SHJ.EOE's plot could have been better. I was expecting a more epic drama from EOE. Hoping that the writer could give a good script but it has become very messy as it progresses. Anyway,lets just hang on for the finale.

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Guest hsbc211

first things first~~ i really love this drama!!! no matter what others say~~

i know it's a bit long and MBC DID say the drama is 50 episodes long...lol

but seems like they're not planning to end it so early...

i love BOF too but we can't compare both dramas

coz they're just totally two different genres~~so let's not bash each other :P

now that EOE is near the ending...i'm crying almost every episode

so really curious how the ending's like...

P.S. really dislike (truthfully dislike is an understatement) DW nw~~

i know he's facing a dilemma since STW turned out to be his father

but still how could he treat his brother like that, after all DC has done for him

he's turning into a replica of STW whether he admits it or not...

on the other hand, i think YJH is doing a great job...hehe

first time i see him not as 'Mr. Good Guy'

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Guest bibidep

Yes, a wedding of DC and YR will be in episode 52 or next week episode 53 because I saw in the preview today. Funeral of president Gook also

in today preview, DW and DC hit each other very bad.

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ok definitely this pic really make my day. I'm not a shipper but i'm expecting a happy ending. and this might be one of it. PHJ told in a korean news that EoE will have a happy, good ending. So with 3 episode left. I hope DW will find his true soul. Who is angel and demon. and MH and JH will have good ending. After what she heard today (between STH and Mrs Shin's conversation) hopefully she will understand the reason why MH betrayed his dad. and DC will live happily pursue his loves.

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Guest savingwork

ep 51 was intense, but ep 52 based on the preview will be even better.

Preview –Major Spoiler:

The long awaited fist fight between… You guessed it: DC and DW is happening. :crazy:

A wedding is taking place…..Yes, its DC & YR :D

Guk dies…as DC is attending a funeral. :tears:

JH is sent into DA office. Don’t tell me that DW is going to prosecute JH as well. :blink:

MH is talking to STH regarding JH , are we seeing MH to the rescue :lol:

DW is getting even more famous as his name shines in newspapers, father STH is happy. (The one person who shouldn’t be, actually is) :angry:

Sorry if I made any mistakes preview was kind of fast… :)


I found links for EOE OST if anyone is still looking for them:




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JH is sent into DA office. Don't tell me that DW is going to prosecute JH as well. :blink:

MH is talking to STH regarding JH , are we seeing MH to the rescue :lol:

i have feeling that STH let's JH take the blames (maybe not all but partially?? .. maybe) and that's the reason why MH come to see him and confront with him.

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