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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest Deedlith

Question - What is going on with this show? I was enjoying it up to episode 44 and then it turns 180 degrees. From reading the summaries I'm getting a bit disgusted with DW's behaviour is all this an act to completely earn STH's trust in order to destroy him or has he completely forgotten where he comes from and who is his "real family"; if its the latter thats borderline ridiculous. If its the former, he's a heck of a strategist to fool everyone with this type of behaviour and a he-- of a revenge as well STH would have receive more than his just desserts. As for YR's fake pregnancy what's the justification for that, would love to know? Right now, I'm giving this show a break, I'll continue to download both subs and video files, when the drama is finished and when I have some time I might go and watch it. In the meantime, I'll just continue reading your comments and summaries.

One thing I have to say - The ending better be good and plausible or this show would be a waste of 54 episodes.

I've stopped at episode 26 due to lack of time but have been burning the episodes as WITH S2 subbed them... reading summaries and watching pictures for quite a while... You know, I don't like to admit it but unfortunately... GOD! The number of DVDs I've wasted! [imagine I've burnt the snoopy ver 1 Go per episode since the show was good to have it at top notch quality and this is what I get in the end -_-] I feel for the subbers... They must be real pissed to keep translating such a show to the end. I say we must make a standing ovation for WITH S2!!!

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Guest savingwork

Thanks Luv and cutegirl for pictures and torrent. :D

Question - What is going on with this show? I was enjoying it up to episode 44 and then it turns 180 degrees. From reading the summaries I'm getting a bit disgusted with DW's behaviour is all this an act to completely earn STH's trust in order to destroy him or has he completely forgotten where he comes from and who is his "real family"; if its the latter thats borderline ridiculous. If its the former, he's a heck of a strategist to fool everyone with this type of behaviour and a he-- of a revenge as well STH would have receive more than his just desserts. .............

One thing I have to say - The ending better be good and plausible or this show would be a waste of 54 episodes.

For me it all went downhill from ep 48

How much I wish your right chasen8888 regarding DW faking his behavior ,but for some reason I don’t think that would hold true. Also, I don’t want to get more disappointed, so I rejected that hypothesis form my thinking. And I share you frustration and just like you, I though many times to just quit watching but curiosity gets the better of me. :lol::sweatingbullets: I second your request for a good ending.please. :D

can u guys belive this new DW..........

hez calling STH papa now, and plus hez telling JH that u should forget the past, and come back to me.

hez all turning into the MH we saw earlier eps of the drama. you we're taking from me by MH, now u should be back where u belong. plus he wants to put the one and only DC, the brother who devoted hez entire life to him behind bars. The guy from maccao how many times? how many people hez gonna stab people in the back? geezzzzz I don't like the way the writer is turning everyting 360. :angry:

Wow kchild702', Did he really say that? :crazy::blink: I know I was going to be disappointed (just like how the writers sabotaged MH character in ep 44, I felt they’d have the capabilities to do the same for DW) but still it’s hard to believe.

I must agree that right now the best thing going on in eoe is DC-YR reuninion (But why are they running away in preview?? I hope there won’t be anymore troubles for them). If DC could have a happy ending I’d feel kind of satisfied even if DW turned bad. Life needs some hope. :)

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Guest kazenai

I think we should stop getting angry about the DW issue =( It's meant to be that way for him , the writer is trying to show his true colours , It's getting realisticly negative . Though EoE has been known to have a soap opera style of story telling , we all know it has more to come and more to be offered , let's not get dissapointed until ep 53 or 54 . I hope all the bad stop ends by ep 53 , so that in 54 noting is rushed , we have a positive view on their lives (hopefuly , 5 years later , you see DC & his family with lil dc , lol! YR would be a great addition to the Lee family =( unless the author does sumthin stupid)

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Yeah...DC must have a good ending. He sacrifaced so much already. Let's hope the script does not end up with something that have us screaming :)

I must agree that right now the best thing going on in eoe is DC-YR reuninion (But why are they running away in preview?? I hope there won’t be anymore troubles for them). If DC could have a happy ending I’d feel kind of satisfied even if DW turned bad. Life needs some hope. :)
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Daily TV Rating - [Monday 2009-02-16]


Nationwide Rank / Show / Network / Nationwide Rating / Seoul Rating + Rank {if different from Nationwide}

Boys Over Flower <꽃보다 남자> episode 13 (KBS2) - 31.5%

East Of Eden <에덴의동쪽> (MBC) - 23.8%

Terroir <떼루아> (SBS) - 5.2% (BT20), % (BT20)


Nationwide Rank / Show / Network / Nationwide Rating / Seoul Rating + Rank {if different from Nationwide}

1. Cruel Temptation / Lure Of Wife <아내의유혹> (SBS) - 32.8%, 30.5%

2. Boys Over Flower <꽃보다 남자> episode 13 (KBS2) - 27.6%, 27.7%

3. East Of Eden <에덴의동쪽> (MBC) - 24.6%, 26.0%

4. The Road Home <집으로가는길> (KBS1) - 22.8%, 22.7%

5. KBS 9 News (KBS1) - 19.3%, 19.1%

6. White Lie <하얀거짓말> (MBC) - 16.3%, 16.8%

7. Don't Cry My Love / I Love You, Don't Cry <사랑해울지마> (MBC) - 14.9%, 15.6%

8. Korean Language Competition 우리말겨루기 (KBS1) - 14.2%, 14.6%

9. KBS Breaking News KBS뉴스속보 (KBS1) - 13.9%, 14.5%

10. SBS 8 News (SBS) - 13.5%, 13.5%

11. Every Morning 아침마당 (KBS1) - 13.4%, 12.6% (#13)

12. Innocent You / Purity <순결한당신> (SBS) - 12.3%, 13.0% (#11)

13. 6 Hour (KBS1) - 12.1%, 12.5% (#14)

13. Yasimmanman 2 야심만만2 (SBS) - 12.1%, 12.7% (#12)

15. Crisis Escape Number One 위기탈출넘버원 (KBS2) - 11.9%, % (BT20)

16. 시청자칼럼우리사는세상 (KBS1) - 11.7%, 11.2% (#18)

17. MBC News Desk (MBC) - 11.5%, 12.2% (#15)

18. KBS News Network (KBS1) - 11.2%, % (BT20)

19. TV Law Firm Solomon TV로펌솔로몬 (SBS) - 11.0%, 11.2% (#18)

20. Wife And Woman <아내와여자> ( KBS2) - 10.9%, 11.2% (#18)

Global Talk Show / Beauty Talks 미녀들의수다 (KBS2) - % (BT20), 11.5% (#16)

Here He Comes / He Is Coming Back <그분이오신다> (MBC) - % (BT20), 11.3% (#17)

Terroir <떼루아> (SBS) - % (BT20), % (BT20)

credit: kdramfanusa

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hi all! i've been reading this thread from day 1 and loyally watching the episodes but i'm getting so frustrated with the later parts (mainly eps 43-) and wanna vent my RAWRs with certain characters - namely, DW and JiHyun .. lol i can't stand them right now..

okay so here's my 2 cents worth of "WHAT THE HELL?!??!" for DW and JiHyun and some for YCH (mainly the writer's development of his character):

1) How can a person (DW) who has lived a certain way under strongly emphasized morals/values/principles like those of YCH and the love of his brother for approximately 30 years (!!!!) change SO abruptly 180 degrees in matter of days/weeks.. I understand that this is not your everyday/normal circumstances and what DW must face is incredibly difficult, but really, writer NahYunSook - i just can't force myself to see that a character whose values are so hardcore can turn so bad so soon (yes, i know there's only so many episodes that limits- but if so, the development should've happened sooner, and not rushed like it is now not making any sense).. i would rather empathize and be able to relate to the drama's development if DW became a hermit or ran away from his troubles or became alcoholic, or just anything! But i really don't think any human, regardless of bloodline and the innate attraction one might feel drawn to their real father, can turn like this - ESPECIALLY DW! i mean, let's not even talk about what he owes DC - does DW have any sense of pride/self-respect/and be able to hold his ground/rationality? i try to understand the point of view that gives DW slack claiming that his family (especially DC and YCH) pushed him away by not standing up for him and embracing him like they did for the old DW.. but i can't. DW is suffering from guilt/self-conscious/insecurity against himself and turning that around blaming his family/brother. He hates himself/who is really is/what he's becoming and can't accept it.. That's why he's in delusion and making himself actually think that his mom/brother are treating him as the bad guy - when in fact they're only responding in a surprised way to his increasingly ugly behavior. What's more annoying for DW is that deep down - he wants to become a more powerful/famous prosecutor, and he realizes that doing bad things like accepting STH's files is helping him be more successful/in the spotlight.. So, because he likes this new fame, what better excuse to get close to his ambition (via STH’s help) then by saying to DC and YCH that THEY are the ones who are pushing him away as if he no longer belongs to the Lee family… It's like the guy that farts is always the one who makes the loudest claim that he smelled it/or that he wasn’t the one who farter when no one else around is saying that he did/noticing it/blaming him... lol hope that made sense... :)

And just on side note to DW: shouting at DC in the office back in ep. 45 just b/c you’re a high and mighty prosecutor is a no-no. You do realize that the whole reason why DC is being accused is b/c so many of the “bad” things he had to do for GookDaeHwa was in order to save your life/rescue you/protect you… rawr. hehehe <_<

2) JiHyun…. omg – rawr. So, I get why she hates the Lees (namely YCH).. we ALL get it. Yeah, YCH said some things/treated her in a way like 10 years ago that wasn’t nice.. BUT OMG – get over it! In the beach scene with MyungHoon (divorce request scene) in episode 45 – I couldn’t believe it when she was yelling at MH b/c she actually had the nerve to compare YCH/DC’s hate/unforgiving of STH to her own hate/unforgiving of YCH… um, what?!?!? Yes, I too despise YCH for her ignorance/temper/using the law to get TaeHo back etc etc but um hello – earth to JH – YCH didn’t kill anyone/spend her whole life conning people/killing people/bribing/etc etc for her own greed.. how can she compare the two situations and make it seem like she has any excuse for being unable to embrace YCH? And her whole delusion of thinking that MyungHoon “left/abandoned” her and TaeHo to choose the Lees…wow. How can she say that? The man had no where to go! And I think JiHyun is full of baloney everytime she uses TaeHo as an excuse in saying that she lives entirely for him to give him a great future… Yes, it might be 20% of why she’s doing what she’s doing, but really, she’s only thinking about herself – her ambition/her greed/her success/and most of all her pride (being unable to embrace/forgive YCH).. If JiHyun truly cared ONLY for TaeHo, then she should know that it is better to raise him in the Lee household full of love/morals/values rather than keeping him closer to STH – yea, great idea JiHyun… I’m not blaming her for being greedy/ambitious – if she likes the power/wealth so much why doesn’t she just marry STH??!? Just leave TaeHo out of her excuse… :angry:

What YCH was thinking of – to get custody of TaeHo through the means of law – that was simply wrong… It’s unspeakable to just snatch a child from his mother b/c the bond between mother/child cannot be broken like that – unless mother is unstable/danger to the child…and yes, YCH is the grandmother, but she is being selfish/greedy too by using “bloodline” as an excuse for wanting TaeHo NOW after she treated him harshly when she thought he was STH’s bloodline… YCH is soo ignorant/unreasonable that I feel the frustration for the other characters who have to deal w/ her and actually have to converse with her… :wacko:

Overall, there’s no doubt I’m gonna finish watching this drama b/c I’ve come this far and of course I love all the actors and their skill AND I have to see the resolution of this conflict.. I hope the writers won’t randomly/abruptly resolve it in 1 episode or something… :unsure:

Hehehe I can’t type anymore b/c I’m getting more worked up, but I hope some of you can understand what I was trying to say and I apologize if I offended anyone who is currently supporting/or is a fan of DW and JiHyun w/ the way they’re behaving.. thanks for reading! :D

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*still hoping that DW still has a good heart deep inside* :tears: despite how i've gotten to hate him recently <_<


i love how in these scenes DC and YR talked in codes :ph34r: regarding the troubling situation




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Guest kchild702

Wow kchild702', Did he really say that? :crazy::blink: I know I was going to be disappointed (just like how the writers sabotaged MH character in ep 44, I felt they’d have the capabilities to do the same for DW) but still it’s hard to believe.

I must agree that right now the best thing going on in eoe is DC-YR reuninion (But why are they running away in preview?? I hope there won’t be anymore troubles for them). If DC could have a happy ending I’d feel kind of satisfied even if DW turned bad. Life needs some hope. :)

about that papa thing? no he didn't actually say it but when STH said my son he reply yes sir..... and when he wuz interigating DC... DC tried to talk about the old times and how DW wuz the families happines and their dream. DC said if ur going the route STH is headed u will tumble.

DW: stop it.... whatever you may say... ur enemy or a killer, hez still my father. <------------ this part i couldn't believe he said that.... that shocked me.

Eps...43 when STH had rebecca captured and STH found out his real son is DW... from there he still hated STH. He wuz reminding him of how STH tried to kill him, by having him under arrest and taken to a torture place and kill him by torture.

all of a sudden hez defending hez belove father and trying to put DC behind bars.

the series is jumping too much and giving us headach. when Lee Da Hae said she couldn't even understand her character..... I think she may be referring to this type of stuff.

plz feel free to correct my mistakes.

About that JIHYUN thing..... he did say that for sure. 100% fact.

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The irony of all these is that the writer is making all the main characters flip 180 degrees.We see that in MH , JH, DW ,GUK, and STH.We have yet to see the flip on YR and DC ???.Actually they did try with YR's character(her mental condition in the ayslum) and then they pull back for whatever reason leaving her character change in a limbo..Is it the intention of the writers I wonder?To me the only saint one is DW's birth mum.It becomes unconvincing when it follows a set pattern.Poor script writing all in all..

No wonder HJH wrote in her message that she is finding it difficult to understand her character.But still she has put in a very professional job doing it.She said that she is looking forward to her job with EOE ending in 2 weeks time. That tell us a lot of what is really going on BTS.-very messy you can bet on it..

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DW: stop it.... whatever you may say... ur enemy or a killer, hez still my father. <------------ this part i couldn't believe he said that.... that shocked me.

Eps...43 when STH had rebecca captured and STH found out his real son is DW... from there he still hated STH. He wuz reminding him of how STH tried to kill him, by having him under arrest and taken to a torture place and kill him by torture.

all of a sudden hez defending hez belove father and trying to put DC behind bars.

the writers/pd need to show the full fruit of DW's conflict to the audience, and us much as some soompiers may think the "new" dark DW is not believable, Chinese Boards and Korean Boards are all in the majority and see his tranformation as understandable...

the series is jumping too much and giving us headach. when Lee Da Hae said she couldn't even understand her character..... I think she may be referring to this type of stuff.

plz feel free to correct my mistakes.

with all due respect to the talented LDH...she was referring it to her character not the overall storyline...she wouldn't know what would happen in ep 41 and on...her exit was on ep 40...

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Guest edenlove

the writers/pd need to show the full fruit of DW's conflict to the audience, and us much as some soompiers may think the "new" dark DW is not believable, Chinese Boards and Korean Boards are all in the majority and see his tranformation as understandable...

^^ Yes... the majority are applauding the good script writing and acting in recent episiodes. Good analysis by viewers as well.

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Guest kchild702

the writers/pd need to show the full fruit of DW's conflict to the audience, and us much as some soompiers may think the "new" dark DW is not believable, Chinese Boards and Korean Boards are all in the majority and see his tranformation as understandable...

with all due respect to the talented LDH...she was referring it to her character not the overall storyline...she wouldn't know what would happen in ep 41 and on...her exit was on ep 40...

OH no i'm not criticizing the scripts not at all and i'm not saying she's a bad writer .... i just think that they should show full details of it you know not jumping around too much thats all. I know i can't write scripts like that no way... but the writer is turning 360 on this. i think so, dont know about u guys but i'm not liking it.

and Lee da hae...when she said she couldn't understand her characther... i'm saying maybe this is part of the reason. MAYBE

yes i read wut da hae wrote about that character that she couldn't understand it. so i just thought maybe that wuz the part of the reason.

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OH no i'm not criticizing the scripts not at all and i'm not saying she's a bad writer .... i just think that they should show full details of it you know not jumping around too much thats all. I know i can't write scripts like that no way... but the writer is turning 360 on this. i think so, dont know about u guys

and Lee da hae...when she said she couldn't understand her characther... i'm saying maybe this is part of the reason. MAYBE

yes i read wut da hae wrote about that character that she couldn't understand it. so i just thought maybe that wuz the part of the reason.

gwen jan ha ;)

it is safe to say that EOE does not follow the typical "Kdrama Forte" it is on a league on it's own, not all will like it but i'm glad internationally (asian region mostly) it's getting a lot of positive comments...and in Japan ppl are just getting impatient HAHAHAHAH :P , i read some of their boards :( i feel bad for them, getting EOE contents cut off from youtube.jp...but at least they can get on viikii and aja aja...EOE ep1 in April is soo far away for them but the hype there about EOE is uncanny :blink:

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Guest kchild702

gwen jan ha ;)

it is safe to say that EOE does not follow the typical "Kdrama Forte" it is on a league on it's own, not all will like it but i'm glad internationally (asian region mostly) it's getting a lot of positive comments...and in Japan ppl are just getting impatient HAHAHAHAH :P , i read some of their boards :( i feel bad for them, getting EOE contents cut off from youtube.jp...but at least they can get on viikii and aja aja...EOE ep1 in April is soo far away for them but the hype there about EOE is uncanny :blink:

ah la suh

but just don't like the way the writer is doing 360 on this.

but it's her hard work and i'm not criticizing her skills just don't like the way it's headed.

nae mal ah la deet ji?

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Guest star17s101

cant wait for tomorrow!~ i really hope things turn out alright for meh favorite couple YR&DC keke

and yeah im really not liking how DW is turning into his father...but anywho i think the writers are trying to show everything the good and bad sides of him and im sure in the end the old DW will be back :] or else...

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