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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2025: The Priest 2 (Dark Nuns) Upcoming Dramas 2025: Everything Will Come True (special appearance) & Show Business


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Guest soutsada7

I would die of happiness if it was wonbiniee LOL..

lol, me too...Wonbin is a hottie :wub:

anyone have a pic of Lee Byung Hun? I dont know who he is.

sure, I'll post up a pix of them together...let me search for it.

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Guest nofear11877

It'd be cool if she dates again and I want to see her in a happy relationship. I read something at Bi's thread that a fortune teller predicts that SHG would announce her love relationship in the year 2006 so I hope she meets someone good for her. :D *Crosses fingers* Sorry to BiKyo fans but I just hope that lucky man is not Bi.

lol, I'd be happy with whoever she chooses, but it'll definitely be a bonus if it could be Wonbin or SSH :P Cool, I didn't know about the fortune telling thing...hopes she does find the one :D

i agree with you soutsada and sweetmemories... im still crossing my fingers that if she was in a relationship, it wouldn't be Bi. (sorry Bi-Kyo fanatics) :sweatingbullets: but as soutsada said, i'll be extremely happy if she ended up with SSH. speaking of which he's scheduled to finish his military duties pretty soon! so there might be a possibility of them getting together. :rolleyes:

I would die of happiness if it was wonbiniee LOL..

hehe... :lol: i get what you mean Gita. ever since they co-starred in autumn tale, a lot of hopeful people are really expecting that they would date at some point. but you know... if that fortune teller is right, it might not be won bin cuz he won't be out of his military service this year.

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Guest soutsada7

i agree with you soutsada and sweetmemories... im still crossing my fingers that if she was in a relationship, it wouldn't be Bi. (sorry Bi-Kyo fanatics) :sweatingbullets: but as soutsada said, i'll be extremely happy if she ended up with SSH. speaking of which he's scheduled to finish his military duties pretty soon! so there might be a possibility of them getting together. :rolleyes:

hehe... :lol: i get what you mean Gita. ever since they co-starred in autumn tale, a lot of hopeful people are really expecting that they would date at some point. but you know... if that fortune teller is right, it might not be won bin cuz he won't be out of his military service this year.

squeal in excitement...it might be SSH :wishful thinking again: :w00t: yeah, gotta agree with you and sweetmemories that I'm not all that a big fan of bi-kyo although they looked so adorable together in FH...only on-screen IMO *don't kill me >_<*

anyway, here are some pix of SHG and LBH. Credit goes to Shanda @ SongHyeGyo.net






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Guest nofear11877

squeal in excitement...it might be SSH :wishful thinking again: :w00t: yeah, gotta agree with you and sweetmemories that I'm not all that a big fan of bi-kyo although they looked so adorable together in FH...only on-screen IMO *don't kill me >_<*

hehe... don't worry i won't kill you. :lol::lol::lol: in fact, im behind you all the way. so maybe both of us should prepare to be killed by the bi-kyo fans out there. :sweatingbullets: and like you mentioned they have a great chemistry in FH, but not really in real life. <-- this is just me. :blush:

thanks for posting 'em pics of LBH and SHK soutsada! :D

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Guest nofear11877

I don't know why, but I never liked LBH...

that goes for me as well Gita... since i saw them at 'all in' i didn't like him at all. :preparing to get bashed by LBH fans:

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

I don't know why, but I never liked LBH...

I felt the same way at first especially since I watched FH first and fell in love w/ Bi-Kyo so I was extremely biased before I watched "All In" but since SHK fell in love w/ LBH while shooting that drama I just had to watch it and see the chemistry for myself. I must admit... he's a REALLY GOOD actor. They're kiss scenes were so natural (especially since they were dating) and after seeing the pictures of them together I have to admit they looked like a really happy couple. The only problem I had w/ him was that he was 12 years older than her. Sure age is just a number but 12 years is a lot especially for someone like SHK who's in the prime time of her life. Anyways, I love Bi and SHK together but if they were to get together I hope it'll be later on in life since both of them (especially Bi) are so busy right now. Whoever it is that she'll spend her life with I just hope she'll be happy!

Wow... lucky fans in Bangkok... Bi's having his concert there on the 25th and 26th and SHK's going to be there to promote too!

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Guest Jamieâ„¢

aww I liked lbh & shk together ^^

news article:

상하이 찾은 비, '송혜교와 열애 사실무근'

[마이데일리 2006-02-17 09:45]


[마이데일리 = 베이징 이용욱 특파원] 팬택의 MV식 광고촬영차 지난 11일 상하이를 찾은 인기가수 비(23)가 지난 15일 상하이 현지언론과 짧은 만남을 가졌다. 언론 및 팬들과의 접촉을 줄곧 피해온 비는 뮤직비디오 광고에서 상대역으로 출연하고 지난해 홍콩의 액션스타 리롄제와 '무인 곽원갑'을 열연해 주가 상승중인 미녀스타 쑨리(孫儷·24)와 함께 기자들을 만났다.

16일자 보도에 따르면 뉴욕 공연을 마치고 이내 상하이를 찾은 비는 감기에 걸렸다며 다소 피곤한 모습을 보였으며 연말쯤 '레이니데이 인 상하이(Rainy Day In Shanghai)'가 이뤄질 수 있도록 노력하겠다고 밝혔다. 광고에서 상대역을 소화한 인기배우 쑨리에 대해선 '실력있는 연기자같다' '인상이 깊다'며 높은 평가를 내렸다.

쑨리가 이상형은 아니냐는 질문에는 '재밌고 따뜻한 분 같다'며 즉답을 피했고, 송혜교와의 스캔들 관련해서는 '단지 친구일 뿐'이라며 "오해말기를 바란다"고 말했다. 상하이콘서트에 게스트로 출연할 가능성에 대해서도 '송혜교가 바빠서 가능성은 거의 없다'고 답했다.

한편 15일 열린 비의 기자간담회는 소속사에서 지정한 한국 중국의 각각 1명씩의 사진기자에게만 사진촬영이 허락돼 현지 언론의 불만을 샀다. 한 잡지사의 여기자가 사진을 몰래 찍다 들켜 보디가드들과 심한 몸싸움을 벌이는 해프닝도 벌어졌다.

현지언론은 '한국연예인이 금을 캐기 위해 중국에 와서는 주객이 전도되는 상황을 자주 일으킨다'며 너무 콧대를 세우는 데 아쉬움을 나타냈다. 비는 16일까지 상하이에서 5일간의 광고촬영을 마쳤으며 17일 베이징으로 이동해 새로운 일정에 돌입한다.

[송혜교와 단지 친구일뿐이라고 밝힌 비. 사진 = 마이데일리 사진DB]

(베이징 = 이용욱 특파원 heibao@mydaily.co.kr)

- NO1.뉴미디어 실시간뉴스 마이데일리(www.mydaily.co.kr) 저작권자 ⓒ 마이데일리. 무단전재&재배포 금지 -

translations anyone? :lol:

there were like 3 articles like this, I really wanna know what its talking about. ^__^

edit: btw, whats going on with this picture file thingy for SHK pics..? lol if anyone hasn't made it yet, I'll make it ^__^ or I'll just contribute pics if its already up.

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Guest lornranger


aww... thanks guys for consoling me. :tears: it didn't actually fall on the ground... it got hit by a pillow--> a very fast moving pillow. i'll get it fixed by the end of the week. i can't leave my laptop at home cuz i have my homework files in it and i need those files this week. it's just the screen that's broken, the main system is still functioning properly. and you know what??? its ridiculous that i have to pay $400-$700 just to get it fixed!!! :fury: i bought the insurance but the insurance doesn't cover the damage, which sucks cuz what's the point of buying an insurance if it doesn't help at all??? :fury: hmp... i say its a waste of money.

Hmm you can actually get the files on your hard disk without paying much. If you have a desktop at home, simply connect the cable (video out) to your monitor and you can see the output on your monitor. :)

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Guest soutsada7

I don't know why, but I never liked LBH...

I second this :sweatingbullets:

that goes for me as well Gita... since i saw them at 'all in' i didn't like him at all. :preparing to get bashed by LBH fans:

yep, me too...been prepping for a while :phew::sweatingbullets:

sorry to all LBH fans...<

anyways The reason why I didn't watch "All In" was because of him...

I didn't watch all in yet, but will later when I get a chance to, but I don't think my opinion will be swayed either way.

I felt the same way at first especially since I watched FH first and fell in love w/ Bi-Kyo so I was extremely biased before I watched "All In" but since SHK fell in love w/ LBH while shooting that drama I just had to watch it and see the chemistry for myself. I must admit... he's a REALLY GOOD actor. They're kiss scenes were so natural (especially since they were dating) and after seeing the pictures of them together I have to admit they looked like a really happy couple. The only problem I had w/ him was that he was 12 years older than her. Sure age is just a number but 12 years is a lot especially for someone like SHK who's in the prime time of her life. Anyways, I love Bi and SHK together but if they were to get together I hope it'll be later on in life since both of them (especially Bi) are so busy right now. Whoever it is that she'll spend her life with I just hope she'll be happy!

Wow... lucky fans in Bangkok... Bi's having his concert there on the 25th and 26th and SHK's going to be there to promote too!

really? wow, lucky Bangkok fans indeedy...a two-in-one deal of a lifetime :P:D

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lol, I'd be happy with whoever she chooses, but it'll definitely be a bonus if it could be Wonbin or SSH :P Cool, I didn't know about the fortune telling thing...hopes she does find the one :D

I would jump for joy if her man is SSH. I have been a SSH and SHG fanatic ever since Autumn Tale. They are my #1 favorite couple aside from CTH and SHG. Won Bin is hot but I don't think he looks that great with her but he is ok too.

LBH seemed so loving and caring towards her based on the pics of them together. No wonder she was struck hard by their breakup but hopefully she finds someone better than him. (Just don't be Rain) :)

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Guest cutiebear

i'm a Bi-Kyo fan and it follows that my first preference for this pretty lass is Bi! :excl: but if not, it should be someone who will make her happy and loved!


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Guest sweet_treats1812

^i second that! whoever that guy is, jst as long as he's a good man to her and takes good care of her...then that's alright..

hmm..i was looking at those pics of shk with lbh..and in some of those pics i noticed that she looked older and more mature than she really is..hahaha~must be the make up or smthing..

bi and shk are going to bangkok to promote two different things huh? *sigh* y cant they come to the US?! :lol: gosh, wat wishful thinking...

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hmm..i was looking at those pics of shk with lbh..and in some of those pics i noticed that she looked older and more mature than she really is..hahaha~must be the make up or smthing.

I think the makeup and outfits were supposed to give off a mature look to match up with LBH in terms of compatibility. He is over a decade older than she is. :lol:

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I would die of happiness if it was wonbiniee LOL..

ditto.. I second that :)

I don't know why, but I never liked LBH...

hhm..hhmmm...me too esp. ever since he coupled wit SHG , he's quite gud in beautiful day (wit CJW) tho..

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Guest bubblieri

thanks for all the answers you guys to my question about when shg and lbh dated :) gosh!! there's really no straight answer as to when the broke up...before or after full house

(skylar @ Feb 20 2006, 04:35 PM)

I can't imagine what it must have been like for Hye Kyo when she and Lee Byung Hun broke up. She is a consummate professional for managing to act in Full House (very well, I must say) in the midst of a very painful time in her life.

yeah, i was just thinking the same thing. she was really strong....

She was heart-broken, that was for sure. I read somewhere that during filming Full House, she said (off filming) that she saw flashes of image of LBH's back. The crew felt sorry for her.

awww...that's really heartbreaking T-T

(sweetmemories @ Feb 20 2006, 02:53 PM)

I read that she broke up with LBH at the end of the filming of FH. The newspaper even made up stories about Rain being the third person in her relationship with LBH. I don't know if that is true or not.

sighhh....never know what to believe :)

(Gitakawaii @ Feb 20 2006, 05:20 PM)

I don't know why, but I never liked LBH...

yeah, same here. even before i knew he had gone out with shg, i don't know. he didn't appeal to me very much.

well, i'm a bikyo fan :) i'd love <3 to see them get together. but even if it never happens, i pray that they find that someone special who will be the right one for them :)

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Guest sweet_treats1812

^yep yep..

still, i find it sad though..and i feel bad for her..looking at their pics, they jst seemed so happy :( then again, i admire shk for being the woman she is now..in spite of everything, she's still doing really well..

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