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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Thanks for the videos and news articles.
Found the translations in Baidu:
JIS: Hi everyone,my name is JIS.I played a gambler in TWTWB,i've been living a hopeless life till i met a woman who changed my life." Coming back as an actor",these words for me is a burden because i never felt that i left the entertainment business that's why i'm a little bit awkward by these.I'm not that great but i just happened to have good projects and spent more time in them.If we keep thinking about how good/meaningful the drama/movie must be,then naturally our expectations will be higher which will also increase the disappointment level.I just take it easy,no pressure.
SHK:Hi everyone,Im Song Hye Kyo.My character has gone through hardships especially after her father passed away.After meeting JIS' character,i found a new meaning to live on.
"How's working with each other?"
JIS: it's an honour for me to work with such a good actress,it's luck.Especially we know SHK's projects were successful,i count it on luck to be part of this drama.Because of Song Hye Kyo ,please expect more for the drama.
SHK: i've been hoping to work with JIS since long time ago,but it comes later than expected.I think we can work together earlier,but now we are more mature,confident and ready,so it's an honour for me too.We are enjoying the filming process,i'm thankful everyday.
"Working with Writer Noh for the 2nd time"
SHK:it's really really a blessing.Just that the project/drama itself is difficult to act in,that's why it's stressful.No actors can imagine our pressures unless they are in this drama.But often,after finishing each take,i can feel the energy and encouragement in words.That's why I try my very best to work hard with JIS.
"What's the difficulty in acting as a disabled?"
SHK: We went to meet the visually impaired,talking to them and doing my homework.Many had misconceptions and biasness against them including me.The first thing that came to my mind was " ah,i had no interest and concern for them this whole time"  it's inspiring and touching for me at the same time.For now my biggest concern and homework is to break the prejudices of people against them.Before they were visually impaired,they are just like us, men and women.I think we need to change people's perceptions of the disabled.
"Things to say to the audience"
JIS: Waiting for this drama to come has delayed our meetings.I'm working hard for the drama,working hard for the shootings as well as the productions.I'm hoping to receive all of your love and support for the drama by working hard .
SHK:The actors and crew members are working hard despite the cold weather,it's really hard.I'm looking forward to this good project which is the labour of love and sheer hard work by everybody behind it.JIS, this guy beside me and me are working really hard to shoot this drama.Hope we will receive lots of love when the drama is aired.
JIS: Sbs drama special "TWTWB"SHK:Please give us your utmost support.JIS: certainly
source:baidutranslated by: xiah91831

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Thanks to all dearies for trans and updating trans :x. Finally i get times to watch the video and reading khxy and Shanda's translations, thanks for all the hard works dearies...yay! i like what i see at the interview video, she was so prof...and i can see they have a friendly relationship...and our kyo, she is just too beautiful and so well manner ! And i also love the way she was praising all of the staffs and productions's hard work :x  ..no hard pressures please. Fighting!

Ah, JIS gotta lower his long legs kekke

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^if he don't....... he can't reach her cheek :))

wondering which part of the conversation that she's laughing about  :-/




 thanks so much everyone for sharing......

khxy, shanda, awesome trans..... thanks for taking the time    ;;)

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ƮҺªЙк'ς all 4 the translations.. Hope they release lot of NG or productions proses.. Love how in sung always want to be close n nice to her.. No wonder she said everyday is being thankfull.. With the hectic schedule ahead of her, bet they will still friend n no more huffttt..

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^yes, definitely can see that they are merely friends..... and going forward too  ;;)

@jasan, thanks dear....... gonna watch again.... i can also see jis' head, looks like he's laughing too   :)

SCs from the interview via nate -






didn't expect her hair is so long already...... she's so pretty, soft, gentle...... and still a lil shy    :D

and jis' hairstyle, so smart looking, neat....... love it ;)

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Guest jjsweeter0211

"Wind Blows In Winter" Song Hye-kyo and Jo In-seong at the ski resort

Source | 2013/01/22 | 


Pictures of Song Hye-kyo and Jo In-Seong were posted on various SNS sources on the 22nd..

The two shot a scene for the SBS drama "Wind Blows in Winter" at a ski resort in Kang Won-do. They are dressed for the cold and the side view of them show their extreme visual. Jo In-Seong is wearing a back pack and beanie.

Netizens say, "Just looking at them and they're good looking", "I am smiling at them" and more.

"Wind Blows in Winter" is a traditional mellow drama about a man and a woman. It is expected to be the best drama in 2013 and the first broadcast starts on the 13th next month.

Source : view.heraldcorp.com/v... ( English )

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Wow - it's so nice to see the whole cast together!! Can't wait to see the official promo photos, posters, etc. 
I really love Hye Kyo's hair, too. Bangs definitely suit her well.
Kim - ha ha, that is so cute that JIS 'lowered' his height for the photo ^^ He is such a good looking man. I can't believe I am just now noticing! hehe.
PutriN - Yes, Jasan is right. Kyo was laughing when she was talking about the project being stressful and that no other actors would ever know the amount of stress :)
Thanks everyone for the screen caps, news, translations, etc!!! 
Is it okay to say Running Man was completely false?? Or is there still hope? Honestly, I really cannot imagine Hye Kyo participating on a variety show, BUT you just never know, right?;) I also agree with Kim - seeing her at Berlin Film Festival would be a bigger treat!

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Guest sunshine4ever

This is a repost from That Winter, The Wind Blows's thread. I know I've really silently lurkered here, but I just wanted to say thanks so much to all of you (cannot list names since there are too many) for all of your contribution at That Winter, The Wind Blows as well as providing information here. Love all of you. Thank you! :)

Sorry to make you scroll really long for this one. If you wish to understand the text that is on the screen for the SBS Special Teaser, you can go here. It is too long, so I only post this here. I post it in the main drama thread though. ^^ I really hope that someone will sub this for us. :)

SBS That Winter, The Wind Blows Special Teaser
English translation by: chrissy96 @ Soompi

(if you take this translation elsewhere, please kindly credit to chrissy96 @ Soompi. Thank you very much)


Narrator: That winter, a wind blows through his desert-like heart. Because of a very heartbreaking event, you see.

Jo Insung: I, who want to live... met a woman who wants to die. I wonder why?


Narrator: The actor who communicates with his eyes, the actor with the best charisma of this century, the actor who has a handsomely chiseled face: Jo Insung. 

The actress with the jewel-like eyes, the actress you can't help but fall in love with: Song Hyekyo. 

Their first ever date... 

Last November, the script reading for That Winter, The Wind Blows took place. 

Many familiar faces started to pop up here. 

With the best actors and the best production crew, SBS will present a new Wednesday-Thursday drama, That Winter, The Wind Blows. 

In the beginning, the lead actor, Jo Insung and the lead actress, Song Hyekyo introduce themselves. 

The script reading start.

Here is Song Hyekyo, reading her lines sincerely, and writer Noh Heekyung, who reads along professionally. 

Song Hyekyo, who is coming back in five years time through the small screen, seem to have completely immersed herself in her character. 

The actors/actresses frequently have eye contact and become comfortable with each other. 

But suddenly… the child actress acting as Song Hyekyo's character when she was young, grabs the attentions of the adults. 

She shows surprising focus and emotional acting in front of the great seniors. 

Hahaha, you really are something. 

The script reading continues as the lead actors have a dialogue. 

Everyone watches their cooperation attentively. 

The two people who will portray an orphaned gambler and an heiress to a huge company. 

They load their emotions fully into their lines that you become confused if this is the script reading or the actual filming site. 

Thanks to this, the atmosphere is really good. 

Song Hyekyo, who smiles as if she is expecting good results, and writer who is working with her a second time, Noh Heekyung's pleasant expression is satisfying. 

Now, I can't wait for the drama. 

Jo Insung: Ah, you bastard. I think I'm too handsome.

Narrator: Yes, you are quite right. Not just a handsome guy, a too handsome guy, Jo Insung.

But the better quality you have is your excellent focus on your passion.

Jo Insung: I got insulted that I wasn't good at acting a lot. But at that time, my dream to become a star shattered. At that time I thought to myself, "Ah, I shouldn't act if my goal is to become a star." That thought shattered. I started to think that an actor became venerable due to his acting skills. I started to think that the more I improved my acting skills, the more frequently people will look for me. I realized that if an actor cannot act, there was no need for him to act.

Narrator: On the other hand, with the flawless face of beauty, an actress with a deep connection to acting, Song Hyekyo.


Song Hyekyo: I don't know how to do anything else. I started doing this at a young age, so… yes. Yes… I didn't even go to school.

Narrator: Debuting at an age of 16 with a face like a doll, she grabbed the viewers' attention. This project, as an actress…

Song Hyekyo: Could you drop me off at the bus stop?

Narrator: …changed her life.

Song Hyekyo: Now I am an extrovert but back then I almost never talked and I only conversed with really close people. So many people thought that I ignored them.

Song Hyekyo: So, at first, when I started working in this industry, I had that kind of personality [of in introvert], and it was really stressful. This industry revolves around meeting people.

Interviewer: This job requires you to meet many people.

Song Hyekyo: Yes… But then as I got older and as I did many projects and as I met with different kinds of people, I become an extrovert.

Narrator: And with a statue-like face, he permits a glare like a wild beast, Jo Insung became an actor he is today because of his acting skills.

Narrator: With his innocent charm only, he was put in the top category.

Jo Insung: …Not only me, thanks to my costars and seniors, I am here today. There is zero percent that I am the reason that the drama becomes popular.

Jo Insung: I am still quite incapable, but I searched for the way to do better. I wondered, "What kind of problems do I have?" I have been attending acting classes ever since my debut. I really try my best.

Narrator: But he was not satisfied there…

Jo Insung: Why are you holding unto your pride? It's unlike you. You don't have any pride.

Narrator: In 2004, in the drama "What Happened in Bali", he successfully transformed himself once again. He was reincarnated again as an actor. With unique charisma and moving emotional acting, he received much popularity and rose to fame.

Jo Insung: With each project, there were failed movies, those failures became the most strength to me, I think.

Narrator: In any situation, he never loses his modesty and sincerity. He acted with Ko Hyunjung, drama "Spring Day", in it he showed superb acting.

Ko Hyunjung: It's strange, isn't it?

Jo Insung: Yes.

Ko Hyunjung: It's strange?

Jo Insung: Yes. Ah, ah no. You're pretty.

Narrator: From the movie "A Dirty Carnival", where he showed impressive charm… To the movie "A Frozen Flower", where he left a deep impression with his charisma… he has shown how a true actor grows without a rest.

Narrator: With that said, she who makes all men aflutter with the image of purity, Song Hyekyo… In the 2003 drama "All In", she left her mark in the industry.

Song Hyekyo: I did wrong. When I said I was going to forget you, I said it because it was so tiring to love you.

Song Hyekyo: Who told you to touch other people's food? Who told you to get this ready?

Narrator: But she was not satisfied with her booming popularity. An actress who is not afraid to digest different characters in each of her projects, who expresses sincerity every time, and who invites challenges, Song Hyekyo.

Song Hyekyo: I am not sure… what an actress is. It is at times very tiring and difficult. And as I continue on, I wonder if I am doing well and I keep on questioning myself. But I think this is something I need to solve as homework. As an actress.

Narrator: In the 2011 movie "A Reason to Live", she surprisingly showed emotional acting and this became her turning point. No longer a star with a pretty face, she became a true actress. That year in her honest acceptance speech for the Women in Film Korea Awards: Best Actress award, she confessed that her sincerity, covered in tears and sweat, was finally recognized.

Narrator: And in 2011, Jo Insung returned more manly and relaxed.

Jo Insung: At this moment, I feel as though I did a good thing going to military service. And I'm happy that you are welcoming me back with open arms like this, after my life at military service. Thank you so much for taking pictures of me and thank you so much to the fans that came from overseas to greet me.

Song Hyekyo: I really want to do a drama. I haven't met a drama that cooperated with me yet.

Song Hyekyo: I still haven't done many different characters so I want to play a character that I haven't done before. A distinct character…?

Narrator: These two greedy actors chose the project, That Winter, the Wind Blows. In the project Song Hyekyo plays a blind heiress.

Hotel employee: You really are the younger sister of Oh Soo who lives here, yes?

Song Hyekyo: Do you want to meet oppa? 

Narrator: And Jo Insung plays a gambler with a difficult life, who will show a passionate relationship with her.

Jo Insung: What are you?

Song Hyekyo: I'm Young. I received the letters. The ones you sent to me.

Kim Bum: If you are the grandson of the CEO of PI Group, I am Steve Jobs' secret love child.

*Person*: Oh Young. She's my sister.

Jo Insung: Your brother and I have the same first and last name. You know right?

Song Hyekyo: Excuse me, could you please read these letters?

Jo Insung: You… can't see?

Song Hyekyo: No.

Jo Insung: Everyday I think of you. I wonder how tall you've become. If your personality is pleasant. Without Mom, without me, aren't you lonely?

Jo Insung: I won't hurt you. Just wait a second. Your brother will come soon. In the last line of the letter, he said he loved you. See you.

*Person*: Hyung! Hyung! What's happened?

Narrator: A coincidence, but also a fateful meeting between these two was suspicious from the beginning.

*Person on the phone*: Young! Your father is in an unstable condition.

Song Hyekyo: Ajusshi…

Narrator: A woman who cannot see and her brother who dies in front of her. And he whose nickname is the same as him. What has happened to the two people who are across the road from each other?

Song Hyekyo: Taxi! x3

Narrator: This is the filming site that was filled with breathtaking nervous energy. We met Song Hyekyo who was having a discussion with the director and Jo Insung who had a big smile on his face while he waited for his filming time.

Narrator: Even in the cold of the middle of winter, they were trying to shoot the scene perfectly. Jo Insung took off his thick coat, with a serious expression he does his rehearsal.

Narrator: He shows great focus, even in this dangerous situation, without a mistake.

Narrator: Thanks to this, the scene was done perfectly.

Narrator: Song Hyekyo watches all this with a smug expression.

Narrator: Encouraged by his partner's strong support, Jo Insung seems to have gained confidence. But in a climate like this, looking good doesn't matter. Jo Insung, you've been caught. Even as a man, he is quite handsome.

Narrator: It is the female lead's turn. The scene is when she blindly calls out for a taxi.

Narrator: As a greedy actress, she is not satisfied with her first try.

Narrator: This is quite the predicament… there is no way I can help and my heart aches.

Seo Hyorim: Illegal poker, scamming… you can't get out of this.

Narrator: Living a meaningless life, Cheondamdong gambler, Oh Soo.

Jo Insung: What are you going to do?

*Person*: Either you go alone or if I can, we go together. I'll give you 100 days. 100 days from now.

Narrator: The sole heir to a powerful company, living a lonely life, Oh Young.

Song Hyekyo: …I'll be pitiful if I go. Being acknowledged among people? People accuse me behind my back! People are stepping on me from behind! People are celebrating my fear behind my back!

Song Hyekyo: I know that I am only called CEO. I am quite valuable for this project.

Jung Eunji: It doesn't matter if he dies right now. What's the reason for living to the extent of scamming people?

Jo Insung: I am alive so I want to live.

Kim Bum: You might die soon, what's wrong with being a fake brother for a rich family?

Jung Eunji(?): Do you have false hope in life?

Narrator: Going closer to the woman who wants to die, the man who wants to live.

Kim Bum: Is this a house? Or what? Hyung, you're getting 7 billion, 8 hundred million won. The money my dad needs, 1 billion won. I think there'll be enough here.

Jo Insung: Oh Young, let's have a talk. Young!

Narrator: And…

Jo Insung: I really missed you. Even if you're angry, let's just talk. I came all the way here to see the sister I love-

Song Hyekyo: I don't need the love you offer.

Jo Insung: What you just said I'll just take that as you missed me.

Narrator: With just one glance, just one touch, they show deep and emotional acting. Jo Insung and Song Hyekyo's fantastic chemistry can be witnessed anytime, anywhere. While huddling in the cold to watch what they filmed, at that moment, a thoughtful Jo Insung discreetly gives Song Hyekyo a hot pack. This warms up each other and they continue filming. But there was one more thing he prepared.

Jo Insung: Do I need to lower my shoulder more?

Staff: No, it's ok. We can make this taller.

Narrator: They are in a situation where he needs to adjust his height for the angle of the camera.

Jo Insung: If it gets the job done more quickly, I can lower my shoulder.

Staff: No, it's alright. We will make this taller.

Jo Insung: No, I think it'll be faster if I adjust… You need many people.

Narrator: His thoughtfulness that shows anytime, anywhere. What can they do?

Narrator: They are comfortable with each other so it is only natural for the good acting to come out.

Narrator: The meeting between Korea's one of the greatest woman and man. I am envious.

Song Hyekyo: When you left when I was six, my eyes were fine. Meeting you 21 years later, I can't see. How do you feel?

Song Hyekyo: It must've been tiring. You must've suffered so much. Your brother suffers too, because my sister can't see me!

Jo Insung: When you're like this you look crazy. You are not confident with your handicap. You refuse help from others. What's wrong with you?

Song Hyekyo: Let's go.

Jo Insung: We are definitely very different. I wonder why?

Narrator: Between life and death. And love. In 2013, one emotional melodrama… this was That Winter, the Wind Blows.

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^ Thanks sunshine4ever for posting...and of cos for the one whom did the trans as well..much appreciated.

Thanks freshspring for pics..Seeing pic of the 4 pretty persons in 1 frame, yah...so excited  :x


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TWTWB Interview English Sub 

khxy, thank you so much for taking your time to translated the interview.  SHK is such a talented and beautiful actress.  From your translation I was able to understand how great SHK is :)

freshspring, thanks for telling me to post the video.  I am too shy to post in here.  I like SHK too she is one of my favorite actresses :)

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WOOW!!! i see iv missed a great deal of action in my beloved thread...hi chingus...yes,i had gone for a vacation(it was planned all of a sudden,so cudnt even inform beforehand,sorry :-( ).and just got bac..thanks for the concern dearies,i missed u all and this thread immensely and it feels great to be back here!!

kim & putriN: many many thanks to u both for all the wonderful updates and for keeping this thread so awesome and active..u both simply rock,tat goes without saying  :x

shanda: you are a gem,thank you soo much for translations shanda.. :D 

freshspring: thank you for the videos and pics u posted sweetie..yes i did watch the video and im watching it again for the nth time... :\">

khxy: thanks a ton for all the updates and translations,we are so very lucky to have you and shanda here..  ;;) 

also thanks to msriz,beth,jasan,jjsweeter,strawberry,kamille and all for the updates and posts...

sunshine4ever: hi,thank you soo much for posting the translation dear and also thanks to chrissy...much appreciated...

shaylaman: thanks a lot for the video dear,and a very warm welcome to you...happy to hear SHK is one of ur favourite actress,hope to see ur posts often and hope u enjoy ur stay here  >:D

 i totally enjoyed reading each and every posts and all the goodies on our girl...loved the updates on our C2 aka inhye couple and wahh,soo many breathtaking pics and the wonderful video...i knew SHK and JIS would make a great couple but watchin it in flesh literally takes my breath away...never expected such chemistry and never thought they would look soooooo awesome togethetr...god,cant wait for the drama..

here is a lil big bigger version of the poster... from baidu  :x


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^hi hi Su-Hae, long time no see. Good to see you are back. I am not good in dl stuffs etc..maybe someone here can help.

riaa....welcome back sweetie hug_zps0bd2222e.gif . Enjoy yourself with a lot of backlogging hehe..

Hopefully they will release some pics of the 4 :D

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