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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"; [Upcoming Musical 2024.12.6~2025.2.16 : (Dracula) "Bloody Love"]


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Thank you @vforvintagevera and @celes80

A few more pictures from TH trip which was posted in this blog sponsored by Ken Block sunglasses: [source] CJH with Ken Block's sunglasses in the field ~ | Author ROKMC and KENBLOCK  http://blog.naver.com/lgd8018/220271062868



It seems he’s the one sitting next to CJH





cr to DC


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@celes80  Thank you for the translation! 

@booha  Much appreciate the effort to post up the latest :  the "golf pics"  &  "birthday fun" pics of our dear Oppa!  They are lovely!  So good to see him having a good time with his buddies!   

@chaybags55  Hey, I've done some touch-up for that "birthday card" I posted on fb last week.....hehe...and here's sharing with the gals on this soompi thread!

It's kinda simple...but from the heart!   Lol!


Chaybags55 & Celes80, thanks again for encouraging me to post this up here! 

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Guest chaybags55

@mei li its a labor of love that bday card. beautiful!!. btw i like your avatar .. Does CJH has a dimple??
Keep posting chingu! :x :x : :x

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CJH gave a video greeting to Mog Sang High School graduates in Mokpo city.

(003) “annyeonghaseyo” “To 2015 Mog Sang High School graduates”   (007) “I’m glad to have this opportunity to greet you” “I know it would be better if I visit there personally” “I feel bad I have to do it through a video like this”  (020) “I sincerely congratulate the 2015 graduated chingudle”   (024) “The work in the real world is going to start from now on. Please work hard for it and I’ll pray for everybody to have a better opportunity on the road”  (034) “Sincere congratulations to 2015 graduates” “Thank you”

<iframe title='졸업축하 영상' width='640px' height='360px' src='http://videofarm.daum.net/controller/video/viewer/Video.html?vid=veb19k2JMrkuWqMt2nwrm2k&play_loc=undefined&alert=true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' ></iframe>





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@chaybags55 said: @booha he is such a cutee even when he was still a child. I guess those are his parents ( i saw them at PolarisCat twitter too) and he got the good looks from his mom hehe

Good morning everyone!!  @AliciaA said: @chaybags55‌ ..i agree... His mom is a beauty.. meili29_at_hotmail.com_stv said: @vforvintagevera, you mentioned oppa is the only child...was wondering who that girl he locked arms with in that collection of early 20s pics...the pic which looked like he just went on a baroque costume party...please enlighten us! Thanks much!

Another picture shows him in ‘a baroque costume party...’   He seems to have full make-up (include eyeshades) with long hair.   He looks good with long hair. I can’t guess whether it’s from his high school years or right after because I don’t know about the school regulation on students’ hair in Korea.   I know he did singing during high school but I’m not sure about his stage acting.   Maybe he did it.   There is a picture in @PolarisCat Twitter which shows him singing with similar long hair.  So I assume those two pictures are from the same period. Maybe he did a stage play or it’s from some kind of a western prom party(?)

 @meili29_at_hotmail.com_stv    Welcome and Thank you for the wonderful card and the wonderful line!!





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Awesome!  Just too awesome!  Really heartwarming video Oppa sent to Mog Sang High School!  Thanks again!

Thought it had been so sweet of him to send that greeting & remember the graduating high-schoolers! So thoughtful, as always!

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Guest vforvintagevera

Awwww @booha, the video message CJH left for his high school alma mater is too sweet and awesome. But LOL at the beginning where he's pursing his lips, reminded me a bit of his Sunsoo from The Divine Move, especially with the combed-up hair xD
Holy moly! Choi Jin Hyuk has arrived in Taiwan and had begun on this whirlwind of press touring (very similar to what he did in Hong Kong). There's so much news articles and media content, I can't keep up!
To start, CJH stopped by Sanli TV station to greet his fans with a Happy Chinese Lunar New Year's for their program: Idols of Asia. IDK if they'll have a televised version of him actually going on the program where they'll formally interview him and let him play games, but for now it just looks like a press conference with the Taiwanese media of sorts. Here are a couple youtube of vids of him with the hosts.
There's a video embedded in most of the articles, so just click on the link to watch the videos.

id="h1" style="margin: 0px; padding: 8px 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; color: rgb(63, 63, 65); font-size: 26px; line-height: 1.3em; text-indent: 5px;"【更新】帥歐巴崔振赫抵台 百名粉絲機場接機0de1cea3d72e2f355e284d30e31956a2.jpgFull article: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150213/559445/
韓星崔振赫 入伍前來台 在韓劇《繼承者們》中扮李敏鎬的哥哥而暴紅的韓國男星崔振赫,趕在入伍前到台灣與粉絲舉辦見面會。(高興宇攝)在韓劇《繼承者們》中扮李敏鎬的哥哥而暴紅的韓國男星崔振赫,趕在入伍前到台灣與粉絲舉辦見面會。(高興宇攝)http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20150213003329-260404

Also some pics of CJH arriving at the Idols of Asia filming:B9tE5-wCYAAUS-f.jpg
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Thank you @vforvintagevera  I just saw CJH had a new CF shoot for which he had a new haircut.  I couldn’t say it’s the most fab looking one but ‘appledaily’ Taiwan said about CJH ‘wearing sunglasses, wearing a black leather and white tights, very handsome’  and it means that his handsomeness wasn’t affected by it.   I saw in one of the videos a fan gave him a present in the airport.  She seems very polite but I thought it’s kind of endearing seeing her hair band with JH’s name(?).  So these two hosts from ‘ettoday’ came wearing doctor’s gowns to emulate EC. I guess EC is popular in Taiwan too.

PS At first I wasn’t sure why he did it. I guess this kind of thing still gave him a dry mouth. But after seeing it a few more times, that gesture gave him more of a human face. hehe

Few more pictures from the airport




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“Jin Hyuk-a  what took you so long? ㅠ ㅠ”



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Thanks a lot for photos .at least , different expression from Thailand airport, in those photos, he seems so cold.it seems , there is something jumping on his nerve. really that bond hair was strange and funny, it seems he saying to himself,pretend , don't saw that, all of them are nice persons came to see me , don't think they are a little strange.another clutch , it seems , he bought some of them at once.good news , new CF . actually , when i saw photos from airport . I feel , hes legs are more Shaped , in compare of  P&P time.good choice , his legs really have pretty form.

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Thanks much @booha and @vforvintagevera for all the news!!
So much news!! I'm going crazy reading everything (still can't finish, prob will read it later tonight). 
Here's a long video of him at the airport and the number of ppl was just crazy.

So many videos!!

@booha - can you help translate the videos, if there is anything interesting?


Jin Hyuk oppa was very shocked at the number of people receiving him at the airport. He said he was shocked that so many people from overseas recognise him. 

And lastly, casting news of the Love Vampire, Cast, if anyone is interested. LOL.If there's anything you all want to know regarding the movie and/or him, let me know and I'll try to translate it (but most of it, we have already discussed it in prev pages).http://love-vampire.com/cast.html


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@celes80  It looks like the first video, his arrival in the airport, was done by someone either from the media or a fan group(?) with permission to do it because CJH stopped and gave a brief greeting.  It’s an entertaining video.   At first I got the impression that he didn’t feel comfortable but it wasn’t so.   When I watched again with a full screen and paused frequently I could see he was enjoying the attention.  I had fun watching this completely smitten man in a red jacket following CJH. He was over the moon being next to CJH.  At one point CJH turned around to look for his group, and this man happily waved at CJH. I hoped CJH gave him smile and not his aloof and cold expression.   However I was glad to see that he continuously smiled at CJH.   I know CJH is tall but in the video at the beginning I was mildly surprised to see how tall he actually is when he could stand out in the crowd like that.

(video #1) ( partial translation)


(307) It’s a pleasure/Nice to meet you (ban-gab-seub-ni-da 반갑습니다 )  I’m CJH. This is my first visit to Taiwan. I feel wonderful. I had a restless sleep last night and I’m a bit tired but I really hope to do well for the event.  Hope to receive a good response   Thank you (gam-sa-hab-ni-da 감사합니다 ) (Someone behind the video camera says ‘Thank you’ )

(video #3) (translation)



(003) “annyeonghaseyo” “I’m honored to have this opportunity to greet you in Taiwan”   (010) “2/14 is valentine’s day. I’m going to meet you at a such special day through FM so I feel proud and excited. I’m happy about it.”   (022) “Hopefully we will have fun and a pleasant time together tomorrow” “For the next two years I will not be able to greet you. Till then I hope I will be remembered by you. Please keep your expectations of me.”  (039) “Please be happy and be healthy always” “gam-sa-hab-ni-da”

@almaseabi said: Thanks a lot for photos .at least , different expression from Thailand airport, in those photos, he seems so cold.it seems , there is something jumping on his nerve. really that bond hair was strange and funny, it seems he saying to himself,pretend , don't saw that, all of them are nice persons came to see me , don't think they are a little strange.another clutch , it seems , he bought some of them at once.good news , new CF . actually , when i saw photos from airport . I feel , hes legs are more Shaped , in compare of  P&P time.good choice , his legs really have pretty form.


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