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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Guest petitebonbon

With the movie getting so big and popular, I feel like they could've done a better photoshoot for that mag and a better movie poster than the one they already have. If I remember correctly, Edward is very pale, but not like that kind of pale. On the mag cover that is. He looks rather like a zombie than an attractive vampire.

I never actually really had anyone in mind when I was reading the books so I don't mind the casting choices. Robert P grows on you after a while. I find that photos does not do him much justice. In pictures, he apppears as if he has a huge head LOL.

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Guest daisy_changstah

I am definitely watching this when it comes out. The trailer makes it much more interesting! It kills me that I have to wait such a long time for it!!!!

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Guest Silverlight

Please don't shoot. I still think Gaspard Ulliel would've been a better Edward.

But at least I think I'll be watching the movie now

Mainly for Miss Greene, who's playing Alice :3

Still iffy about Bella and Edward casting but I've accepted that I can't do anything about it. Hope the movie does well =D

LOL@ above: No. Hangeng is mine.

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Guest 1S0ULL

petitebonbon: Yeahh. The mag cover should've been done a lot better. But what can we do now? There is no use being disappointed. Just gotta wait for the movie to come out before we are disappointed =P . But I'm sure the movie will be great (:

I really want the poster SO badly . . .

Twilight is making me go crazy O_O .

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Guest kyu_six19

lol we're already on a new pg already?! XDD just like 6 hrs ago we started p304 o_o

the trailer makes me wish the movie would be released earlier xD

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Guest Special Kay

i remember when they were still shooting the movie and we'd see all the set pictures .... this thread would gain like 10 pages in a day! i was afraid to leave my computer in case i'd miss something big lol

oh and what type of player do you play a MOV file with? the trailer wont play in any of my players :huh:

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Guest lshluvr

Hehehehe, a vid of Taylor's describing his bad habit.


LOL I thought he would say that he says "ya know" a lot as his bad habit.

HAHA he's so adorable! I thought he would say something about the ya know thing too! maybe he doesn't realize that he's saying it.




And Krys' muscles...wooo :phew:

someone even just mentioning twilight makes me stop breathing and want to scream. i think i'm going crazy =(

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Guest babieblue545

I never really thought that much about the Entertainment Weekly magazine, but today at Barnes and Nobles in San Fran., I spotted the magazine. I have to say that it is SO HORRIBLE. It is even worse in real life than in the scans! The photographer and the editors didn't do Robert any justice at all. He's 2x hairier than the scan, plus he looked drunk and his hands and fingers were extremely dirty. I was so disappointed with it. I looked inside the magazine, though, and the other pictures were immensely gorgeous.

Edit: I think that's Kellan jumping on the back of the truck :)

- Jessica E.

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Guest vi4vi2002


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i can't wait to see this!! im' so excited.

i went out and bought penelope for the

four minutes of twilight xD

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Guest jessyjess

oh and what type of player do you play a MOV file with? the trailer wont play in any of my players :huh:

It's a quicktime file.

I never really thought that much about the Entertainment Weekly magazine, but today at Barnes and Nobles in San Fran., I spotted the magazine. I have to say that it is SO HORRIBLE. It is even worse in real life than in the scans! The photographer and the editors didn't do Robert any justice at all. He's 2x hairier than the scan, plus he looked drunk and his hands and fingers were extremely dirty. I was so disappointed with it. I looked inside the magazine, though, and the other pictures were immensely gorgeous.

Yea I know what you mean. I HATE the cover but love the inside pictures. I actually made my cousin drive me to 2 different bookstores (since the first one didn't carry it) just so I can see the mag in person then I purchased it because I really wanted the inside pictures.

Rachelle was apparently on ET Canada last night (or was it the night before). I missed it of course since I'm in the states now but here it is.


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Guest babiplucki

i'm probably gonna get my head chewed off for saying these things but i'm gonna say them anyways...

i understand that the movie is an adaptation but i got a few bones to pick with it...

1. Laurant having dreads in the movie is <_< i pictured straight silky shoulder length black hair or something like that. just not dreads...

2. the nomads looking like rock stars... :blink:

3. the vamps in twilights are suppose to be discreet even if they aren't "vegans" and in the movie, Charlie saying that "they found a body that looked like it's been attacked by an animal"...say what?! they are like the mafia, who "clean-up" their messes very well (or they gonna have some ancient vampires on their a$$.)

4. a little skeptical about the whole walking fast bit...that will either end up totally corny or totally fierce.

5. and in the teaser trailer in Edward's bedroom about the "i'm not afraid of you" part had a totally different feel from the preview on the Penelope DVD. the dvd preview got tamer. I liked the teaser trailer version better...had more angst/grrr-ness (i don't know what you call it) but it was just better...

i have said my bit and will now hide from getting stoned to death...*runs away*

Don't get my wrong, I love Twilight and will probably watch it like a bazillion times (and another bagillion times again when i get the DVD) like how I read all the books over and over again but I just had some bones to pick with the movie version...


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Guest babieblue545

^ 1. Well, Laurent isn't supposed to be African American either, haha. I didn't like the dreads at first, but Edi seems to suit it really well.

2. I agree with you about the costumes. I thought they would dress more normal, as though they're going on a long hike. I mean, obviously if they're wearing that kind of outfit, people are going to take notice of them, and that's a bad thing because vampires strive to fit in.

3. I also agree with you on this one. If they were newborns, it would be more acceptable (think Eclipse). But they're experienced, and of course they shouldn't leave a body like that. But I guess that scene is to emphasize how dangerous the nomads are to the Cullens and to Bella... aka, making it more dramatic. Either that or it's foreshadowing New Moon. Remember Laurent feeding near the meadow and how Charlie and the police force were investigating blood track from the missing hikers? It's almost the same thing as the feeding scene for the movie.

4. I don't like the jumping and the fist in the car either. It looks a little corny to me.

5. I actually like the one on the Penelope DVD better, because Edward was originally supposed to be joking around with Bella about being afraid. The teaser was put out as more of a horror genre, which I hated. Twilight shouldn't be advertised as that. So I think using that shot in the Penelope DVD was a smarter move because it doesn't make the movie look as though Edward is going to do something really scary, like rip her to pieces and eat her. And plus, Catherine and the crew have so many shots of the scene to choose from. Maybe the one on the teaser was just something they pulled out because fans were so demanding; they were just trying to satisfy most people by releasing it quickly.

I do love the scenes between Robert and Kristen, though. I'm just not that impressed with some of the stunts.

Don't worry about people throwing stones at you, haha. I think you make good points. Even if it's an adaption of the book, some of the added scenes and elements of the movie contradicts with the next few books. And if that's going to happen, then the background story is going to be all screwed up and whatnot. Stephenie read the script, though, and she approved of it... so I guess maybe that feeding scene is okay...

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Guest miki_chan

Thanks for the HQ of the trailer.


The trailer was pure love <3

it was like. OMG im speechless.

I just cant wait another moment.


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