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Your Phrase

Guest sparklnshine789

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Guest NightMidst

I say "huh?" idk i'm the kind of person who don't get stuff alot

I also say "I'm working on it" but truthfully, i'm just lazy hehe ^_^

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Guest Pipita

I am known at my Univ for these words.

- WTF? (which I also had on my car)

- The Focken' and the chiat (Puertoricans say it like that, so I sort of had it stuck, now I say it alot)

- What the FFFFFF

But known for -"Chiat" and "WTF".

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Guest mai_anne

I unno but a lot of people here say 'yo' at the end of every sentence.

Where you going yo?

that was sick yo!

I don't get this yo!!

oh yeah, and lawl. derived from lol.

It'd be like "Hahaha!..lawl~"

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Guest justiiine

LOL mine's "shet tae shet" lately. haha i've been using it in text messages. i use it when i'm pissed at something 0.o"

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Guest perezosa

i have a lot. hahah.

but right now it has to be, "that's FIERCE!" or "yo mama."

i occasionally say, "rarara ..." or "EL OH EL [LOL]" ...

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