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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest mikamoui

hm. I doubt Tora did due to the fact that he looks the same from his high school picture and that he's 1/4th American, but I'm not sure! XD Make up does wonders also.


Lulz. Tora XD. His eyes do seem slightly small though o-o


But if they did do plastic surgery, it shouldn't be a big deal because they aren't idols.

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Guest yumi-chu

^ Yeh make up makes a huge difference.

I don't have examples of alice nine younger photos..

but if you take GazettE as an example (sorry, I know this is an alice nine thread ^^")

Uruha's eyes are teeeeeny without make up!

Yet on photoshoots/lives/etc with make up it looks much bigger~

A japanese friend of mine did say "I think alice nine had plastic surgery done" to me once.. but I refused to believe him xD;;

Plus it's no big deal, we're going to continue loving them just as much

and fangirl over their hawtness all the same!

Lol @ Shou's english, it's funny how we thought the english words were japanese DX

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Guest strawberrylove

idk abt shou's kid days but a few years back

shou's eyes use to be O.O

now there average sized. and i really doubt he did plastic to get them smaller agn X)

the miracles of makeup~!


i think the english mistaken as japanese is in mahjority of jrock songs -_- LOOOOL.

"get out and follow the light" sounded japanese i swear D<

(same with gazette's "until your distress sleeps" >.>")

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^ Yeh make up makes a huge difference.

I don't have examples of alice nine younger photos..

but if you take GazettE as an example (sorry, I know this is an alice nine thread ^^")

Uruha's eyes are teeeeeny without make up!

Yet on photoshoots/lives/etc with make up it looks much bigger~

A japanese friend of mine did say "I think alice nine had plastic surgery done" to me once.. but I refused to believe him xD;;

Plus it's no big deal, we're going to continue loving them just as much

and fangirl over their hawtness all the same!

Lol @ Shou's english, it's funny how we thought the english words were japanese DX

Yeah I agree about Uruha. I think he looks really different without make up D:

Shou's English is just so adorable . .

Plastic Surgery? Hmm I think they did not, but if ever they did I dont really mind. But perhaps their continued exposure to the public and their progress brought about the changes in their appearances. They're just getting the hang of how they'd make themselves look prettier beforeXD

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Guest Dracolicious13

I doubt alice nine had surgery. Shou's eyes became smaller if anything XD they just all wear make up...you'd be surprised by just what can be done with make up without having to result to plastic surgery

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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

Japanese are the most "non asian" looking Asians. Alot of them could pass for caucasians, well, maybe Italian or Spanish.

Shou's always had big eyes... Also he wears circle lenses and junk.

Does anyone have any old pics of hiroto? xD

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Guest Vivichi

^Lawl. I never knew "ready go," "through the dark," and "profile" were in the lyrics... XD. Poor Shou and his bad English >__<. Actually, to be honest, until i looked up the lyrics of Blue Planet, I never knew that whole song was like 98% English. o__o. I just sang along to whatever sound I heard. I think his English might be getting better though XD. I understood the English in Drella...a bit haha. On the other hand, Hiroto's English doesn't seem bad from the White Prayer live.

LOL BLUE PLANET IS IN ENGLISH? wowowow. i find it really adorable though.

i dont think they had plastic surgery.

Their eyes aren't really that big. I mean they are big compared to normal people, but normal people can't be idols without the right look.

It's not hard to make your eyes bigger, just get some circle lense(contact type thing) to widen your pupils and your eyes would look bigger.

That is what my friend does. She became a lot prettier with bigger eyes. I'm pretty sure that is what they do too. :]

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^if your pon's biggest fan!

then i must be shou's ;)

let me hope samlien doesnt steal number 1 fan spot from me LOL.

i think he meant dont get hurt cus samlien got hurt :(

but thank god everyone is safe here <3

and so are alice nine~

so did anyone do anything special for pon's bd? :D

LOL....alot of people will be fighting u for that one.

@AiriinxKumori Lawl. Well I see your posts in a lot of threads that I go to. XD, and since your avatar and sig are both pretty I'm like "OMG PON" XD. Uhh..I'm a pretty big alice nine. fan in general xD. [can't pick a favorite :\]

aha really? we share common interestes. xDDDDD aha yes B) i am so pon-ful.

love is distributed fairly

^ hrmms i cant rember any tora fanservice ones! come to think of it ive seen none O.O'

+ welcome.

oh my shou <3 im quite happy shou made it to 16th considering many ppl dont know jrock D:

and haha. KJJ (L) he's not even japanese LOL.

i'm so impressed that he beat GACKT!!!!!!!

O.O thats amazing. gackt take back ur title! xD

oh we finally came on the topic of alice nine and the taboos of

plastic surgery. well tora and hiroto look the same comparing earlier pics

till now. and neither have that weird nose is so perfect it looks plastic. neither

does nao. he looks natural

shou and saga is questioning since they have the plastic nose-ish look ><

but u never knows since u can't find anything on them unless they say so

here's the request pics of hiroto at the his earliest. i think around 19 with his old band Baquepia




when he was featured in a magazine


and this is supposedly either his high school picture and/or pic with no makeup


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Guest mikamoui

@Vivichi Yea, most of the lyrics to Blue Planet is English. Last Empire also. XD

@AiriinxKumori Pon-ful XD. Nice to finally see you in the alice nine. thread though (:.

Hiroto's hair looks purdy in the first and last picture lulz. Hiroto is the darkest skinned in alice nine., but that last picture...he looks amazingly pale

There were pictures of Saga and Shou in their old bands, but i'll find it later lawl.

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Guest Vivichi

omg hiroto looks so young in those pictures. Like a boyy. but now he is a handsome MAN :D

i love his imperfect teeth. :]

it reminds me those of a beaver's. and i love beavers they are so cute. x)

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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

Hiroto is a cute beaver..

How did Shou fix his teeth? Isnt the only way through braces?


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Guest yumi-chu

Was Shou a beaver before? :D

If so, anyone have pics of his beaver days? Must be really cute!

Something random..

I saw this pic and the hair and face shape reminds me of Shou so much!

(Nightmare's vocalist)


credits to alice9gotgame

It's like so many people have his hair (or similar to it) nowadays.. my Shou :(

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Guest mikamoui

^Wow. I actually thought that was Shou o_o. Since the recent photoshoots were kind of in that style.

@Taeho shush, let me be cool with my inaccurate percentage. lawl. <__<.

I don't think Shou had beaver teeth, just really messed up teeth lawl. Maybe he got veneers?

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Guest strawberrylove

oh my! D:

i really thought it was shou when i was scrolling down quickly ;__;

such a pretty boy X)

shou with beaver teeth *^* (tora had curly hair XD)


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Guest Vivichi


Hiroto is still a beaver, though his teeth don't show as much as before.

@yumi-chu THAT LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE SHOU! I SERIOUSLY THOUGHT IT WAS HIM. I was about to spazz before i read (Nightmare's vocalist).


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Was Shou a beaver before? :D

If so, anyone have pics of his beaver days? Must be really cute!

Something random..

I saw this pic and the hair and face shape reminds me of Shou so much!

(Nightmare's vocalist)


credits to alice9gotgame

It's like so many people have his hair (or similar to it) nowadays.. my Shou :(

Random reply: OMG!!!! It's YOMI!!!!!! *spazzes* Oh wait I like Sakito more!!! *whacks head*

"my Shou"= :)

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Guest mikamoui

Oh. haha I was wrong >__< about shou not having beaver teeth


from saga's blog~ for some reason it gives me a vibe of him saying "Saga-chan deesu!" haha

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