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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest ztech24

^Because it has Shou on it! Isn't that enough to make us like it? :lol: ^

I haven't seen Shou with any terrible hairstyles yet. Although, the one in the Eraser PV was quite odd. The grey hair...

Tora on the other hand, when he went with dreadlocks for the Yami Ni Chiru Sakura MV... "wow" in a bad way. Then I saw a picture and they looked terrible! Dreadlocks don't look good on everyone. But that mohawk he had really hot and also his Mirror Ball hair. There was also this one time, where his hair was sort of curled in the back but not in the front so it looked funny. :vicx:

But really, hair isn't that important since it grows back. Terrible personalities are harder to grow out. At least all the alice nine. guys seem lovely, even if they're hair needs help sometimes. :D

Does Shou really shop at "secondhand" stores? I have read this before many times, but I don't know if it's true or not. Thought you guys might have proof. :phew: It would be great if he did! I'm frugal and my mom loves frugal people! It sickens me to see celebs waste their money, so I would really love this. LOL~

Happy Friday! B)


PS> Oh yeah! In older pictures, Shou's eyes look humongous! *Look at the first post of this thread* [fangirl]HE'S GOT SUCH PRETTY EYES!!![/fangirl]

PPS> I'm glad Shou got his teeth fixed. :lol:

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^yeh i dont think i've seen Shou with any bad hairstyles either xD all the hairstyles he had, seem to really suit him! haha i thought the grey hair was pretty hot xD

haha yeh Tora's dreadlocks in YNCS o__O and i didnt like his hair either in Velvet PV >< haha though MIRRORBALL WOW haha he looked really hot with his hairstyle there xD

yehh Shou used to have really big eyes cuz of the makeup, i used to he scared of them but they are really beautiful! haha

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Guest mentalfiction

^ ^Haha yeah, those dreadlocks murdered me =P

And the laser beam blinded me O__O

I was in a state of shock for the first few seconds and then I burst out in manic laughter at how crazy he looked! :lol:

Agreed with the personality thing....

Some people are such b!tches

*shakes head* Pity...pity...


They are so adorable.

Yay, Shou's blog on the design of the PV collection...!


Btw...these guys update their blog bloody soon o.O

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shous teeth were really noticeable back when they were outta place xD

well toras hair doesnt really concern me x]

but the dreadlocks looked unattractive xP

i really liked sagas hair in fantasy what did he do to it?!?!

he's been cutting it short on one side

then leaving it long now xD

yeah shous eyes just stared at me in that pic

and i was like .. ew


^ thnx for the update btw =]

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Guest shiawasebeam

hmmm... somehow.. I think Shou looks funny when he speaks.

I'm not sure why, but especially in the Number Six movie.

something to do with his facial expression, I guess.....

that's just my random comment right there.

Ew, Tora's dreadlocks :S I hate those dreadlocks.

I like hairstyle a lot better now

Shou can make any hairstyle work for him..

Something do with.. okay I don't know, but it works.

Damn his sexiness.

But, I miss Hiroto's old hair from White Prayer :x

Although the blonde is okay. I just love Hiroto.

AHEM. they're all sexy blobs of visual-kei *grins*

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^yehh i noticed that too xD i think it's sexy :X LOL


^yeh i miss his old hair too, i think his hair is now kinda back to what it was, it's slightly darker now like a light brown/red

btw i noticed you're an aussie too =) yay more aussie alice nine fans ^^ we need more xD

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ahahahaha, wow! to me, Shou looks like a doll! big eyes x lip(btw, he's got pretty nice lips for a guy).

i have a problem with dreads, it's a 'no,no" for me--->no offence, but it doesn't matter how cool/hot/sexy, ect. the person is, dreads means dirty for me....no washing hair=turn off.

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^yes i agree dreadlocks loook dirty ><"

^lol hieu why are you tryna steal my shou P:

ROFL sif i'm tryna steal your Shou! Say that to the other fangirls on this thread man. XD Shou backlash! XD

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wow, i wish i have some fanboy friends, usually all my alice nine friends are girls, but that's cool...really awesome that boys heart them too b/c most guys usually X them out b/c of their apperances. That's sad due to the fact that they're judgemental about the band's apperances that their music wasn't even given a chance....well in most case that's been happening to me.

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^haha yeh that's cool. yeh i like how you're so dedicated to this band haha

^honestly i have more guy friends that like alice nine and visual kei o_O which is kinda strange.. most of my girl friends arent into jrock/visual kei =( which kinda sucks cuz i have no one to spazz with T__T haha

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Guest ztech24

hahaha, well

I'm already half gay for Shou

I don't need another guy on this thread wanting to be gay with me, especially YOU!

ROTFLOL! :lol: This is too funny! I'm used to being on forums where everyone is a girl, so I can't help but find this hilarious. Guy fans are... different. LOL~

I made another wallpaper of Shou this weekend (flip-flopping between Tora and Shou). All the A9 guys are so great, I really just want them all! But, I need to pay more attention to Saga the bass licker. And, the more I look at Saga the more European he looks? We were talking about this a few pages back (who looked "white" or whatever) and I have to say it's Saga. Not bad or anything. Dunno why~ just saying. Saga is reallly pretty though! And I saw a clip of him talking yesterday and his voice was deeper than I expected! Very sexy~~~ :vicx:

BTW guys, I can see if it's personal taste or whatever. But, my mom has dreadlocks and they're not gross. I can say this for a fact. People with dreads wash them as much "normal" people. I'm just saying~~~ :phew:

Most books about dreads will tell you they're fairly clean. :)

Peace out! (^__^)V


PS> I'll let you guys know when I upload the new wallpaper(s). ;)

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interesting, a friend of mine got dreads and she doesn't wash her hair so yeah the stereotype came out, anyways saga is sexy...i think his nose is probably the feature that makes him look white, other than that he looks kind of mix, well in some case it depends b/c in some pictures he looks asian to me.

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