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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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^Yeah hospital makes me kinda scared as well. The irony is I have to go to the hospital like everyday because Im taking up a course related to medicine lol. ANyway thats off topic already.

I think Nao visiting shou was sooo sweet. He's a very very thoughtful, nice and caring friend. And very responsible leader as well.

When he mentioned that Nao was the only one who visited made me wonder what happened to the other 3. Hmmm maybe they've been busy???

Alice Nine members are getting quite sickly lately. I hope hiroto, saga and nao won't get sick as well.

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Guest NO NAME?

^ Yup, you can make your 411 thread whenever you want.

Back to the topic. Whoa, I didn't know that Shou was in the hospital. Poor Shou. I'm pretty late in reading their blog entries. Thanks Joanna for the news on that.

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

^ I read in an interview that his waist is only... 30 inches. o__o; And that he can't spin a hula hoop more than two times. XD;

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When Shou mentioned the blood-stained buckets... :mellow:

Typical Nao, bringing Shou food. xD;

By the way I just read your fanfiction about alice nine and its soooo cute, I can't believe I just saw it a while ago >____<

Anyways. . . Hehe yeah shou mentioning that bucket of blood gave me a pretty bad mental image.

I just thought this new development about shou is. . . . well kinda important so I immediately posted the link to his blog translation on the previous page hahaha. . .

I was actually worried after reading the news in an a9. fansite so I immediately checked out shou's blog >__<

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Guest mentalfiction

Shou was in the hospital? O__O

How come I didn't know about this?

Pfft, do I ever =P

And aww, that's so sweet of Nao to bring the Belgian waffles.

I want some now :lol:

Hospitals used to scare me too, but at age 8 the dentists found out I had this HUGE problem in my teeth and I have to make constant visits so I'm getting kinda used to them (<--I 've been going there for 6 effin' years!!)

People call school their second home, hospital's mine xDD

ANYways....back to Alice Nine.

Poor Shou, no one came to visit him D=

Hey - where were all the fangirls? xD

I think nobody informed them, because otherwise the doctors would have to minimize visiting hours for the number visitors coming in and out. Or rather - in.

30 inches?! Shou's pretty skinny. Nao should get him more of those Belgian waffles.

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^lols yeah I think Shou's a bit skinny. Nao should bring him more food, after all he do talk about food a lot so maybe he should influence shou a little bit with his attachemnt with food. lol

By the way I just remembered I also have a problem with my tonsils and I was actually thinking of having it removed as well but when I read the part where he saw the bucket of blood and the thought of dying I think I'd reconsider that option lol hahahaha

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^ I quoted this part from shous blog transalation in alice9 diaries

"It's nothing particularly serious,

but since I had a predisposition for swollen tonsils because of chronic tonsilitis. . . "

He also mentioned that he's able to eat now

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Guest mentalfiction

Uh...isn't that because when you get your tonsils removed your mouth feels like really sore and all...


I dunno, never got my tonsils removed.

And haha you don't wanna do it because of the bucket of blood/felt like dying part?

Well, I dunno what it's like to get tonsils removed, but there's always blood, and it really isn't that much *shou said he saw blood stains* and he probably felt like dying because of what the anaethesia does to you. It makes you feel dizzy and nauseous and you feel like you can't eat anything because of the pain.

Maybe it's not the same feeling like when you get your tonsils removed, but that's how I felt for my surgeries...

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^ Hmm I dunno what it feels like when you undergo medical procedures coz I havent been in one yet. And I wont probably like to be in one anytime soon lols. I think tonsils are removed because of the inflammation or the infection. . . hmm I guess so. . .

Yeah blood stains but still its blood and I hate seeing blood :crazy:

Another topic. .. hmm has anyone seen the alice nine pictures on Shoxx may 2008 issue. Darn they look so hot in those pics. .

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wow, i missed posting on this thread for 2 days and it increased already...slow down people, j/k.....omg i hope Shou is ok after getting his tonsils removed. A friend of mine got hers removed and she couldn't eat so she lost a lot of weight, btw how exactly do you get your tonsils removed? anyhow Shou stay strong and please Nao contiune feeding him...for the sake of himself, alice nine, their music, US (the FANS), etc....and basically for the sake of EVERYTHING!!!!

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^ the one where they are in eraser uniform?

there's a shop in melbourne with a load of japanese important magazines

my friend showed me

and he specifically told me aboutit cos he say alice nine. on the cover cos he knows how much i love them

so yeah

its the shoxx may issue as well ^^"

even though i already have the scans im gonna buy it - $ 30 down the drain



^wow? so thats what anesthetic does to people xD

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