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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Hahaha yeah we all love alice nine for who they are *wink* they are the total package after all they have the looks, which are to die for according to my friend who is a new alice nine fan by the way and obviously they have such great talents.

All hail alice nine. . . may they continue making good music!

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Guest choco_chan

i'm speechless :tears:

if the fact saga got a girlfriend (that reina blah blah bleh bloh ~) ... is true, i'd cry all day !

no, not for me but for my shou-chan :tears: .

i heart the pairing sagaxshou A LOT AND A LOT *sobs sobs*.

how sad, after tora now saga's turn ... ;;_;;

hai, i'm sorry guys i was just so emotional.

and hello to everyone ^^. i'm a fan of alice nine since ... hm last september? xD.

& my fave one is DEF shou-chan.

as i said, i'm sagaxshou pairing-supporter :D.

wee? i don't know if i'm allowed to rant about couples here.

if i did, then SORRY AGAIN ;;_;;.


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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

^ it's okayyyy :3

to tell you the truth (as if it's not obvious enough ahaha), my favorite is shou too x)

however, that doesn't mean i don't love all the rest of alice nine. hotties~

but then when it comes to pairings (sensitive topic??) i like hirotoxshou HAHA

you know, alice nine is one of the rare bands that looks pretty much the same even without makeup (in my opinion)

not to say that other bands look bad w/o it cause a lot of them look cute

, but many of them definitely look different

ahah ~

i can't wait to see the 春夏秋冬 pv :) that song has such as "seishun" feel to it~~

now that i rewatch the preview, they seriously make a bunch of cute school boys = 3 =

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Guest ★★★

i use to love them,but not so much now

idk no new songs i like maybe?

but i will forever love hiroto

still my favorite member always lol.

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ahahahahaha....wow pairings now? MexTora :phew: , right.... <_< ...every fangirls would destoryed me....hmmmm....but anyways i'm not all into pairings b/c makes me jealous, but if i have to choose it'll be ToraxSaga. IF (noticed IF) possible, those two will make beautiful babies.... :D

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Guest choco_chan

^ it's okayyyy :3

to tell you the truth (as if it's not obvious enough ahaha), my favorite is shou too x)

however, that doesn't mean i don't love all the rest of alice nine. hotties~

but then when it comes to pairings (sensitive topic??) i like hirotoxshou HAHA

you know, alice nine is one of the rare bands that looks pretty much the same even without makeup (in my opinion)

not to say that other bands look bad w/o it cause a lot of them look cute

, but many of them definitely look different

ahah ~

i can't wait to see the 春夏秋冬 pv :) that song has such as "seishun" feel to it~~

now that i rewatch the preview, they seriously make a bunch of cute school boys = 3 =

yummyyummuuuu ~ hai, me too, they do look all so cool :).

ummm, from my view, like antic cafe, in their real lives, don't they look as a lil alike as they use make-ups too?

(haha xD, i'm cafekko nyah ~).

and i agree w/ you, that's why i'm addited to a9 more now :).

eh? shouxhiroppon? whyyy? 0_0. lol, hmmm, i consider them as good brothers, not like ... sagaxshou 8D

AHHHHHHHHHH; so that they're gonna have a new PV soon? nani? i don't even know about thatttt awhhh ~

lol pairings?

pair me with shou 8D

id turn gay for him almost x]

i dont think that was actually sagas gf lol

hm? you're a guy? lol, then i have to call you nii-san ne? 8D.

haha ANIAHHH, i can't give you shou, shou is A PROPERTY of saga haha xDDDDDDDD.

question guys ! ar we allowed to post videos/download links there?

i just think if it's just a picture thread, it's boring ~

what do you think?


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Guest BootyFulMeh

^you can borrow shou..but u can't keep him..lol....he belongs to me saga.......

we're paring now...lol...humm..i say sagaxnao....they are soo adorable together.....

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lol i'll join as well SHOU AND ME lols don't bash me hahaha just kidding. . . but anyways I LOVE SHOU. . . WE ALL LOVE HIM RIGHT?!!! well who wouldn't hahahaha

Im kinda not into the fan service thing haha making me jealous lols

But aside from shou I am also a HIROTO fan. . . gyah pon is soooo adorable. Tiny but packs a lot of punch especially when he's all fired up with that guitar!!

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Guest understanding_fiction

^you can borrow shou..but u can't keep him..lol....he belongs to me saga.......

we're paring now...lol...humm..i say sagaxnao....they are soo adorable together.....

why not just all of them as a group kinda started leaning towards toraxsaga after number six :3

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lol if HAD to pick a pairing other than myself

id pick .........


only cos they make a great duet in Q.

and does anyone know why my 411 doesnt link to my own 411 it links to the same thread, just diff page .. sad

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Guest mentalfiction

Alice Nine falls under the word perfection in my dictionary! ;D

Oh and wow pairings.

I'm a bit new to Alice Nine so I'm not very aware of the pairs

But if I had to, I'd pick....

Shou and me

Tora and me

Saga and me

Nao and me

Hiroto and me


Lolz, no not really, I'm not suicidal.

My favourite song is Yami Ni Chiru Sakura

Tora's hair makes me laugh in the PV :lol:

Hiroto's so skinny >.<

Eat, boy, eat!

But anywho, skinny or not, I <333 Hiroto.

Thanks for the pics spam you all!!

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I'm just gonna pop in and break the pairings replies LOL

Personally, I don't care with the pairings.

Anyways, the news about the DVD I wana get one!! >O<

I wana get the 2nd DVD :D

When I converted 5 250 Yen to AU, it turned out to be roughly $55 -__-

That's just the DVD alone, imagine the shipping!


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Guest ztech24

But if I had to, I'd pick....

Shou and me

Tora and me

Saga and me

Nao and me

Hiroto and me


Same here. Don't kill me you guys! *runs away* :vicx:

I was really liking Shou, but I switched to Tora overnight. I told you I didn't have a favorite yet! :rolleyes: But Tora~ is just so hot~ I couldn't help myself. I didn't like him at first (I think I said he looked like a dragon), but he really grows on you.

Oh yeah, thanks to everyone who said they like my wallpaper a few pages back. I really apperciate it. :D I made one of Tora last night and will post it soon.

Does anyone know of any alice nine interviews that have been translated? Video or text, doesn't matter. I haven't been able to find hardly any. *kicks language barrier* :tears:


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Guest mentalfiction

Same here. Don't kill me you guys! *runs away* :vicx:

I was really liking Shou, but I switched to Tora overnight. I told you I didn't have a favorite yet! :rolleyes: But Tora~ is just so hot~ I couldn't help myself. I didn't like him at first (I think I said he looked like a dragon), but he really grows on you.

Oh yeah, thanks to everyone who said they like my wallpaper a few pages back. I really apperciate it. :D I made one of Tora last night and will post it soon.

Does anyone know of any alice nine interviews that have been translated? Video or text, doesn't matter. I haven't been able to find hardly any. *kicks language barrier* :tears:


Lolz, same, even I thought Tora looked like a dragon.

But now I don't.

He's super sexy.

Yeah, I'd like to watch/read some interviews by them too...

Or watch a show they must have been featured on....translated, of course.

The other day my friend told me that she was watching a translated interview on Youtube....I'll ask her about that and tell you!

^ thanks for the link alice nine., I'll go search some time for interviews,

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