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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

lumiyooni: Ahahs, aww, that's so cute. <3

nashi kanata:

fallen-anjoOL: XD before I actually thought about that... I really, really and I mean REALLY didn't like Saga and Tora... then I suddenly thought... what if they weren't members of Alice Nine? Then BAM! next thing I know... I'm watching a Saga fanvid, laughing and cheering.
... I personally thought Tora looked really scary when I first got into them. LOL. xDD; But then I grew to love his cool guitar skills. Saga, well... I forgot what my first impression of him was. -short term memory- :sweatingbullets:

I wonder what alice nine. would've been like if it didn't have all the members it had today.. :blink:

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Guest syunikiss

i received all three copies two days ago

i`m kinda annoyed though since the images for type B are being used on their OHP

btw they`re on the cover Arena Special, May, with their eraser concept

and i think ...

iwasfirstinlovewithsagabuttoracaughtmyattention =3

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^ohh thanks for the news! ah Eraser concept!! they feature in so many mags, i only have a small limited amount of money, so hard to choose which one to get T__T

haha at first i was all into Shou, Nao and Hiroto and i honestly didnt care about Tora or Saga >< haha and it took me like a month to realise the difference between Saga and Tora T__T hahah.

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oh eraser concept :]

i wanna see scans >___>"

if alice nine. didnt have any of its members it did now

i wouldnt't be listening to them

and mcr would still be my fave band


first time i saw saga and tora they looked really un-asian / i was like WOW O_O

espesh saga he looks half caste <3

still shou the pretty boy is my fave <3


YEAH saga and tora are kinda similar =="

lolita 23q has like 2 members that resemble saga and tora as well >____________<"

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Guest syunikiss

^ yeah i think someone mentioned it before

tora also supposedly has a younger brother who`s in the VK scene as well

ahhh and to anyone who owns any post-JEWELS period alicenine. CDs ... don`t you think the booklets kinda smell like candy O_________________________o or is it just me

ahhh the arena37 April scans for those who haven`t seen it at LJ yet;; for some reason, when i scanned the right hand page, it`s a little wonky =/

click the thumbnail, then the "view original size" link under the image to see the bigger version

2003048286725583924_th.jpg 2003099375157213267_th.jpg 2003057892852772097_th.jpg 2003045958862747721_th.jpg 2003086491497428193_th.jpg 2003076555316164032_th.jpg 2004346136628875951_th.jpg 2004373581164116425_th.jpg 2004323340159355430_th.jpg 2004381685298247279_th.jpg 2004364286015945256_th.jpg

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oh yeah~ I agree! X_X saga and tora have some similarities~ X_____x I remember I mistook Tora for Saga and vice versa... until I realized..... XD Saga was the blonde one with a perfectly shaped nose! lols

owwies! If alice nine didn't have the members they have now..... ;_; I would be heart broken~ I wub them all!!



thanks for the scansss syunikiss~ ^^;; I might be able to view them tomorrow though~ <33 my family's going on a trip!


just checked out the scans.... XD

tch tch~ Saga~~~~ -runs to cover Saga's chest- X3

Nao ish so adorable!!!

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Guest NO NAME?

haha at first i was all into Shou, Nao and Hiroto and i honestly didnt care about Tora or Saga >< haha and it took me like a month to realise the difference between Saga and Tora T__T hahah.

Haha! It took me awhile to distinguish Saga and Tora at first too because they look foreign compared to the other members.

Thanks syunikiss for the scans.

By the way, the MIRROR BALL performance on NHK is up on YouTube.

MUSIC JAPAN (2008.03.29) - alice nine. - MIRROR BALL


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the internet population act WAYY TO FAST !


ty for the link !



at the start shou looks tired but when he says his lines hhis mouth seems to look weird a bit? S:


LOL there's engrish in the song which i couldn't make out in mirrorball before :

"hide & seek"

"eyeliner" o_O


ever notice that when sometimes when shou sings a particular line in a song he tends to say it in some weird tune at the very end of it - like the tone gets higher? - okay im not making sense ><" but ill give an example - listen to the studio version of mirrorball when he sings "stairway" at the end of the word its a bit .. different?




the first pics of mirrorball had the costumes look a bit blue in contrast to what i see now where the costume is black =="

i love it so much more when i t looks black <3

i talk about random things wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

^ I tried listening to the studio version without looking at the lyrics and to be honest, I still couldn't pick out the english. :sweatingbullets: Except maybe for hide and seek, :lol:

-gets bricked- ^^;;

And the Saga back up vocals! :D

( Typing that reminded me of Q. ^_^ Shou & Saga both sound so awesome. xD; )

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Guest miranduh

LOL loves engrish <3

i love it when i can identify it :]

anyway can someone point out to me where itsays Show is his name on the OHP? me is blind..unless you mean SHOWBIZ? the title of his blog?? O_o?

then he is still shou ah?

thanks for the scans...i will save them tmr :3

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

^ I don't know if it says Show in the other languages, but when you go into the English part of the OHP, go to the member pages and yeah. "Vocal Show" :w00t:

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the internet population act WAYY TO FAST !


ty for the link !



at the start shou looks tired but when he says his lines hhis mouth seems to look weird a bit? S:


LOL there's engrish in the song which i couldn't make out in mirrorball before :

"hide & seek"

"eyeliner" o_O


ever notice that when sometimes when shou sings a particular line in a song he tends to say it in some weird tune at the very end of it - like the tone gets higher? - okay im not making sense ><" but ill give an example - listen to the studio version of mirrorball when he sings "stairway" at the end of the word its a bit .. different?




the first pics of mirrorball had the costumes look a bit blue in contrast to what i see now where the costume is black =="

i love it so much more when i t looks black <3

i talk about random things wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much

lols... i'm surprised not much people notice the thing about Shou's mouth when he speaks. ~.~... nuuu... I thought that problem was already fixed??? -dies- oh well~

about the costume... O.O... maybe it's because of the lighting?

ahaha... the fastness of the net population might depend on the fanbase. XD... in any case, Alice Nine's fanbase is really, really fast~

^ I tried listening to the studio version without looking at the lyrics and to be honest, I still couldn't pick out the english. :sweatingbullets: Except maybe for hide and seek, :lol:

-gets bricked- ^^;;

And the Saga back up vocals! :D

( Typing that reminded me of Q. ^_^ Shou & Saga both sound so awesome. xD; )

LOL! I have that same problem sometimes.... ^^;; though... sometimes I know Shou's singing something english... x.x... I just can't figure out what. And then when I look at the lyrics finally I always have the, "OH! So that's what he was singing!" reaction.

hey! at least you even got the hide and seek part! I got nothing! LOLS!

it took me some time before I could appreciate Q~ <33 t'was......... awesome


ai0no0ff thanks for the clippie!

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Haha! It took me awhile to distinguish Saga and Tora at first too because they look foreign compared to the other members.

Thanks syunikiss for the scans.

By the way, the MIRROR BALL performance on NHK is up on YouTube.

MUSIC JAPAN (2008.03.29) - alice nine. - MIRROR BALL


HAHA yehh that's what i thought too xD

btw thanks for the link! i just watched it! woah Saga, Shou and Hiroto's hair colours look kind of similar!

Hiroto looks good in the colour though, i personally like his hair better darker coloured >< but he pulled off the blonde really well too!



at the start shou looks tired but when he says his lines hhis mouth seems to look weird a bit? S:


LOL there's engrish in the song which i couldn't make out in mirrorball before :

"hide & seek"

"eyeliner" o_O


ever notice that when sometimes when shou sings a particular line in a song he tends to say it in some weird tune at the very end of it - like the tone gets higher? - okay im not making sense ><" but ill give an example - listen to the studio version of mirrorball when he sings "stairway" at the end of the word its a bit .. different?




the first pics of mirrorball had the costumes look a bit blue in contrast to what i see now where the costume is black =="

i love it so much more when i t looks black <3

i talk about random things wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much

yehh Shou did look tired.

wow i didnt even know there were those English words LOL i think i only heard "stairway" when i was listening to the song

LOL! I have that same problem sometimes.... ^^;; though... sometimes I know Shou's singing something english... x.x... I just can't figure out what. And then when I look at the lyrics finally I always have the, "OH! So that's what he was singing!" reaction.

LOL yeh that's like me too haha. like i know he's singing in English i just cant make the words out and until i see the lyrics

! haha

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I dunno if this is where I should ask but could someone post up pics of Hiroto with this hair?


The colour doesn't matter as long as the style's the same.

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Hi Rai-Rai =D hehe

yes i got some pics of Hiroto with that hair, i actually first fell in love with him when i saw him with that hair <3 hehe




credits: cant remember most of them, probably some from this thread and others from forums xD

hope those helped

after looking at these pics again, i miss his hair like this haha.

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umm to find "show" i got a pic

i printscreened shous part of the page


hope that helped

i like when shous name is spelt "Shou" or "Syou"

Syou was on thier myspace <3

^ i always liked hirotos hair

he always seems to have the best hair

him & shou

but shous had the same hair for quite a while now o_o"

i listened to the studio version of mirrorball and picked out the engrish partts quite easy - i jsut watched the live clip once and i could remember the parts >__>"

i dont know what eyeliner would have to do with Mirror Ball


maybe some story about someone who dresses up and wears eyeliner

reminds me of a song that goes "so put on your clothes in drag, so put on your black eyeliner" xD

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