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[[Alice `N I N E]]

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

fallen-anjoOL: XD... no, I don't think you're the only one who enjoy's that train of thought


I read the comments on the Mirrorball pv link and some fans really don't like their new style.

For some reason... I don't know how to react. XP I like their music... new and old. <33 though I have to admit they do great hard rock songs. I never liked listening to songs with some shouting involved... until Alice Nine came along~~

Puhaha, for some reason, when I look at the cover now... I think of pin up models. Ahem. Yeah. XDDD;

Anyway, their 'new style' has lasted for a bit, hasn't it? With TSUBASA and now, Mirrorball. Alpha had some of their heavy stuff, and White Prayer had The Last Empire which really surprised me when I listened to it. ^^;

I actually like how they vary between the two styles. Lighter to a heavier side.

.. I do miss some of their hard rock songs, though. :sweatingbullets: But I'm still happy with what they're producing.

And, omg, I agree with 'I never liked listening to songs with some shouting involved... until Alice Nine came along~~ ^^;

.. I ramble a lot. o___o;;

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i really like alice nine.s style, they've changed a lot throughout the years, at first their style was so much more messier, now it's like neat and tidy xD

they used to have a lot of stuff on their clothes, it had patterns on it etc. but since jewels i think it's been more of a uniform for them xD, neat and tidy as i said xD

Tsubasa i believe is a really neat looking uniform xD, reminds me of the black parade, but i shouldn't mention that lol

Hmm their music, at first i was like "ehhh" with their music, because i didnt really like shous voice, it was really messy xD

But after i listened to jewels (which i believe really really REALLY shows "shous" true vocal capacity) i began to love them o_o". Now i reckon shou's voice is really nice and different, to me it doesnt sound like many other jrock voices.

i never liked screaming till a diff band got me into it, im not gonna mention them (:

Their heavy stuff took me time to get used to, but everything to do with alice nine. for me now is like <3

But i prefer their softer stuff, however their 7 min ballad 虹彩 is like .. to long for me xD

i also ramble on too much o_o"

btw anyone remember how they got into a9? x]

a few days till the single comes out o_o"

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fallen-anjoOL : Yeah there are so many comments about Alice Nine.'s new stuff. I was never a fan of rock music till I heard Alice Nines song. especially White Prayer which is a big love love love for me.

I think that Alice Nine. has a flexible kind of music since they're able to shift from one style to another without actually losing the alice nine. touch. . . hehehe am I making any sense here? :P

I kinda miss their heavier stuff too but the current music they're producing now are still love. . . Nothing is wrong with change, actually its kinda nice that they're open to trying newer stuff right? Hehehehe maybe as fans it would be best if we also drift along with them neh? :sweatingbullets:

alice nine. : lols I actually just downloaded one of their songs and never really tried listening to it till some weeks later and after that the rest is history lols. I can't live without their songs now hahahahaha. . .

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the first picture i saw of alice nine. was the one where it has hiroto and shou and hiroto puts up his finger (:

i think you know what it is xD

i really thought they looked like girls xD

alice nine. became my favourite band around the time tsubasa came out : D

sigh how i wish i could go japan and meet those boys one day

problem is i dont speak english .. or engrish :]

btw. didnt i just steal the best username xD

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

But after i listened to jewels (which i believe really really REALLY shows "shous" true vocal capacity) i began to love them o_o". Now i reckon shou's voice is really nice and different, to me it doesnt sound like many other jrock voices.

i never liked screaming till a diff band got me into it, im not gonna mention them (:

Their heavy stuff took me time to get used to, but everything to do with alice nine. for me now is like <3

But i prefer their softer stuff, however their 7 min ballad 虹彩 is like .. to long for me xD

i also ramble on too much o_o"

btw anyone remember how they got into a9? x]

a few days till the single comes out o_o"

I thought Jewels was really emotional. I cried listening to it once. Ahahahs. I think his vocals are amazing in it. *0* (Yes, I say that at the risk of sounding too fangirly. :3)

Anyway, in the beginning, I stayed away from their heavy stuff but then I listened to Yami ni Chiru Sakura and BAM! Love. :blink:

Even though some people say Shou's voice is hard to handle, I actually quite like his voice. It's unique. Soothing, really. I think it's really good that he's striving to become better with his vocals too (voice lessons and all.)

Oh, I remember how! :D Bebo, puhahaha. I watched the White Prayer PV over and over again. ^^;

How did you?~

sigh how i wish i could go japan and meet those boys one day

problem is i dont speak english .. or engrish :]

btw. didnt i just steal the best username xD

Whereabouts are you from? ^^; Australia?! xDD;

Engrish is awesome, puhaha. :P (I'm suddenly reminded of Tora & Saga's english in that J-Melo comment thing.. ahahs.)

And, yes, you snagged the best username. ;D

fallen-anjoOL : Yeah there are so many comments about Alice Nine.'s new stuff. I was never a fan of rock music till I heard Alice Nines song. especially White Prayer which is a big love love love for me.

I think that Alice Nine. has a flexible kind of music since they're able to shift from one style to another without actually losing the alice nine. touch. . . hehehe am I making any sense here? :P

I kinda miss their heavier stuff too but the current music they're producing now are still love. . . Nothing is wrong with change, actually its kinda nice that they're open to trying newer stuff right? Hehehehe maybe as fans it would be best if we also drift along with them neh? :sweatingbullets:

alice nine. was the band that actually introduced me to the 'jrock' genre and well, japanese music in general. ^^; It was White Prayer that introduced me to them, actually. Ahahs, so naturally, I have a soft spot for that song. :P

I agree with you, and yeah, you make complete sense ~ ^_^


I just realised, on the cover of SHOXX, Shou's holding a gun! 8D

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YAY! Finally watched both pv's (and not to mention downloaded)! XD... I had my sister reformat the whole computer just for that~ lols

Anyhoots~ Mirror Ball's Ok... it wasn't what I expected but pwahaha it was good! X3 my sister was rambling on and on about how Shou looks absolutely gorgeous. ^^;; Eraser... it kinda made me laugh. I like this version better than the Alpha one but it does sound a bit boyband-ish to me. xD

fallen-anjoOL: XD.... Pin-up models?? LOL~ well that's basically what I love about Alice Nine. They shift styles but they manage to retain the Alice Nine spice. Ahaha... again I must say that you're not the only one who loves to ramble a lot!

^.^... I also stayed away from the heavy stuffs at first. *.*... hey! Yami ni Chiru Sakura is one of the first hard rock Alice Nine song I heard (and watched) too! It was just Ok to me. *________________* and then came Kowloon! Gawd! I have to admit I'm still hung up on that song~ The PV was freakishly appealing to me too! *Q* imo Tora looks absolutely hott there!

LOL! You reminded me of that ENGURISH segment of Tora and Saga!!! -dies of laughter- Saga was hilarious! I also just noticed that Shou is in fact holding a gun when you mentioned it~ XD

alice nine.: first off... yes... you did snag the best username~ 8D... maybe I should change mine to Nao? Or... or.. Hiroto!

Ah yes~ I recall their very visual clothing style pv's. It was~ awwwesoommeee.... 8D I'm definitely aiming for Shou's/Hiroto's Gradation outfit. Their new outfits are just fine~ nothing excessive. +_+ plus, we get to see their somewhat natural beauty~

btw anyone remember how they got into a9? x]

ahaha... blame it on my sister! She was watching/fangirling over Akatsuki and Ruri no Ame at that time. She has this certain appeal to drag people to her fandom.

Oh and I just remembered this comment in youtube about Nao not liking fans typing "a" instead of "Alice". XD... it was funny~ the poster wrote it was Shou who said that and that everytime Nao sees "a9" instead of "alice nine".... he does a strange dance. O_O... then Shou looked concerned! x3... I wanna see Nao's strange dance! LOL!

SamLien: yep~ you're totally making sense. ^^... I think I said something similar to that in this post. O.o... well... somewhere in this post.

And of course~ I agree... we should just drift along with them and support them. They still make good music afterall~

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^haha i love your sig xD it's soo cute hehe

wow i never heard about how Nao does that strange dance when he sees fans type "a9" LOL. i only type a9 when im really lazy lol.

first i heard alot of alice nine before i got into them.. i always saw their pictures everywhere and i thought they were reallly pretty, especially Shou. honestly, i thought they were ALL girls when i first saw their pictures because i thought Shou looked like a pretty girl so i assumed the rest were :X haha. anyways i didnt get into them until my friend showed me their Number Six PV! haha the song was so catchy and i thought Shou was really hot. and yes it was then i realised they were all guys! LOL

and then after that i listened to a few more songs and then my friend gave me more of their music and then i become a fan xD haha

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Guest understanding_fiction

lol xD i think i had the weirdest introduction to alice nine

i was in my "nauseatingly cute bubblegum jpop" stage, and i was looking around for songs

and the "alice" in alice nine made me think that it was one of those girl groups xD

so i downloaded some of their songs and put it in my ipod

...you can say that I was shocked :3

but i was too lazy to erase them off so i ended up listening to them a few times while i set my ipod on random

and then i realized that i liked them<3

and :3 this is from a long time ago, but it's cute


nao falls, but as someone commented, it's cute how nao laughs it off, and how the other members come running to help, and then start laughing when they see that he's ok xD

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Oh, I remember how! :D Bebo, puhahaha. I watched the White Prayer PV over and over again. ^^;

How did you?~

Whereabouts are you from? ^^; Australia?! xDD;

Engrish is awesome, puhaha. :P (I'm suddenly reminded of Tora & Saga's english in that J-Melo comment thing.. ahahs.)

And, yes, you snagged the best username. ;D

alice nine. was the band that actually introduced me to the 'jrock' genre and well, japanese music in general. ^^; It was White Prayer that introduced me to them, actually. Ahahs, so naturally, I have a soft spot for that song. :P

hahah, my friend actually showed me them at the start of 2007, like the very beginning, and well i didnt really like them that much - soon after jewels came out and from there i started getting used to his lovely voice xD

months later - news of white prayer - which i have to admit sounds very jrock to me (sorry if you take offense XD)

then all of a sudden TSUBASA!! <3

<3 no seriously <3 .. oh and ruri no ame <3

oh and the j-melo thing lol, its cool how they actually responded to the show and that fan ^^"

i want to send a letter now XD

I live in melbourne lol :]

oh and bebo huh? i use that heaps : D, im always on that alice nine. band >___>" you'd probably know who i am

this one here lol

alice nine.: first off... yes... you did snag the best username~ 8D... maybe I should change mine to Nao? Or... or.. Hiroto!

Ah yes~ I recall their very visual clothing style pv's. It was~ awwwesoommeee

Oh and I just remembered this comment in youtube about Nao not liking fans typing "a" instead of "Alice". XD... it was funny~ the poster wrote it was Shou who said that and that everytime Nao sees "a9" instead of "alice nine".... he does a strange dance.

yeah i type a9 when i cant be bothered typing their whole name XD

a dance ey? let's go make nao dance :D

i actually watched FANTASY first, which is like a classic for me

yup im surprised no one took this username earlier x]

first i heard alot of alice nine before i got into them.. i always saw their pictures everywhere and i thought they were reallly pretty, especially Shou. honestly, i thought they were ALL girls when i first saw their pictures because i thought Shou looked like a pretty girl so i assumed the rest were :X haha. anyways i didnt get into them until my friend showed me their Number Six PV! haha the song was so catchy and i thought Shou was really hot. and yes it was then i realised they were all guys! LOL

and then after that i listened to a few more songs and then my friend gave me more of their music and then i become a fan xD haha

It's funny how people like us kinda just adapt to their looks o_o"

and immediately we'd know they're guys, well that's how i see them anyway o_o"

i thought shou was the BIGGEST pretty boy ever, envy envy xD

number six was a good song, i never found number six, as in.. that mini movie ):

lol xD i think i had the weirdest introduction to alice nine

i was in my "nauseatingly cute bubblegum jpop" stage, and i was looking around for songs

and the "alice" in alice nine made me think that it was one of those girl groups xD

so i downloaded some of their songs and put it in my ipod

...you can say that I was shocked :3

but i was too lazy to erase them off so i ended up listening to them a few times while i set my ipod on random

and then i realized that i liked them<3

ROFL! "bubblegum jpop" i recall one of my friends raging at bubblegum pop songs x], funny funny times - that's outta topic, but i used to be into jpop and all - which i still partly am, but now im all jrock ftw O:

when i first listened to alice nine. all i could say was "ewww his voice" but but

now i dont see it that :D now for me it's like "yay his voice!"

it's good that you were to lazy to erase them, but why would you just put the songs into your ipod without listening to the song first o_o"

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Guest understanding_fiction

ROFL! "bubblegum jpop" i recall one of my friends raging at bubblegum pop songs x], funny funny times - that's outta topic, but i used to be into jpop and all - which i still partly am, but now im all jrock ftw O:

when i first listened to alice nine. all i could say was "ewww his voice" but but

now i dont see it that :D now for me it's like "yay his voice!"

it's good that you were to lazy to erase them, but why would you just put the songs into your ipod without listening to the song first o_o"

lol :3 I do that a lot, just download a bunch of stuff and put it in, and then listen to them later xD

hehe, cuz I was introduced pretty late to alice nine, I heard their more recent songs, where shou's voice has improved a lot


I know nothing about guitars, but I have a question:

the way tora plays seems to be unique, it's hard to describe ^^; but i haven't seen other guitarists play like that

he... kinda.. um.. touches the strings in a certain way.. um lol i don't know how to explain it...

but i really love how he plays it, he looks so carefree and he makes it look so effortless

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lol :3 I do that a lot, just download a bunch of stuff and put it in, and then listen to them later xD

hehe, cuz I was introduced pretty late to alice nine, I heard their more recent songs, where shou's voice has improved a lot


I know nothing about guitars, but I have a question:

the way tora plays seems to be unique, it's hard to describe ^^; but i haven't seen other guitarists play like that

he... kinda.. um.. touches the strings in a certain way.. um lol i don't know how to explain it...

but i really love how he plays it, he looks so carefree and he makes it look so effortless

yeah, same here i love rewatching thier MV whenever tora does his guitar solos b/c i love how he plays, very cool.

i guess we're all going back to memory lane, well the first time i've heard about alice nine was from my friend since she's into manga/ anime/ drama etc. she told me about them. it's funny, i decided to check them out, but wasn't really into them until fantasy...so i decided to save/ download some of thier songs, didn't bother to listen to them until last summer when my fangirl moment hit me...yes gotta admit i like music, but i'm not really into the whole fangirl stuff until alice nine which is weird b/c i used to love, love flytothesky when i was in 7th grade which is something totally different and i thought that would be the last band that i would ever consider being a fan off b/c i thought the older i get the less this stuff i would like, but anyways i'm probably not making sense now...

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Guest shou_haido9

alice nine. on the cover of the March issue of SHOXX.


..Am I the only one who enjoys the idea of alice nine. + nice looking car? ;D


Nope~! You're not ALOOOOONNNNEEEEEE~~~!! XD

How about this...I snag the car and Shou!!! haha....XD *fangirl mode*

yeah! I think Alice Nine and a nice looking car is a good concept!

ahaha... blame it on my sister! She was watching/fangirling over Akatsuki and Ruri no Ame at that time. She has this certain appeal to drag people to her fandom.

Yeah! Blame her fandom on me! I actually heard of Alice Nine a year before I became a fan. I was trying to avoid their band for some weird reason. Well, 1 year is not that long compared to the 8 long years before I became a L'arc~en~ciel fan. O___o??!!!!

Anyways, back to the topic. A friend of mine from Friendster asked me if I know Alice Nine. I said "I have heard of them but i never listened to them." And so she sent me a link of Ruri No Ame and Akatsuki.

So I watched the two links. First it was Akatsuki, my reaction was...OK it was nice and got my attention. I'm starting to like them already. But when I saw Ruri No Ame, haha....the moment I saw Shou's face...I knew I am already converted~! XD

After seeing those two vids, my first reaction was...."Shoot! Where are their other songs!!! haha...." Lolz...i really have a soft-y spot for Ruri no Ame....XD

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i didnt notice that link of alice nine. on the cover of shoxx o_o

they look like those women car models

cept alice nine. are more appealing to me : D

ruri no ame is really different from their usual stuff ain't it xD

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I just realised, on the cover of SHOXX, Shou's holding a gun! 8D

ohh wow i didnt even realise that o_O i just thought he was just pointing.. when i look at the pic again it looks like a mic LOL.

i havent seen the larger scan yet xD

the cover is still superrr hot haha

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Guest understanding_fiction


plucking the strings maybe?

im not sure, is there a clip of him really emphasizing on the way he plays, i could watch it? S:


it kinda shows more on the performance of tsubasa on music japan and on the eraser PV

the shape of his hand, and how he ... plucks? the strings is different from what i've seen other guitarists do

i am so in love with his hands because of it T_T

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

so many topics going on HHAHAA!!

btw, the shoxx magazine cover is really hot :)

haha i think shou's holding a gun? (lol, i'd be happy if shou shot me. JKJKJK )

i think i fell in love with alice nine when i heard fantasy, the tune was very touching.

but then i think it was official when i saw the White Prayer PV

it's just like..true love at first sight TA'HAHAHAA.

their make-up have been less and less these days & i like it

but then i kind of crave those old days.

maybe in the next album they should be like BAM! full out make up :D ahah

just out of curiosity, would japanese karaoke have alice nine songs?

i would like to sing their songs in a karaoke

although it wouldn't be half as good as shou <3

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^hahah yeh after i saw/heard White Prayer i got more into them xD it's still my all time fav song haha.

yeh i also like their look nowadays with the less makeup hehe.

hm where i live, they have quite alot of alice nine songs in this particular Korean karaoke.. im sure Japanese karaoke will have alice nine songs too hehe. i havent checked at the Japanese karaokes here because they are soo expensive ><

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Guest understanding_fiction

lol T_T i actually can't sing along to most of alice nine's songs

it's hard because of his way of singing

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