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Small Faces...


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i total feel you except im a girl. everyone says omg! u have such a small head!! blah blah blah. i didnt notice it too until my sunday school teacher pointed out one day saying, ur head is the size of my fist! *sticks his fist out in front of me*

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Guest Autumn1430263885

i have the same prob..i have a small head -.- And a short body. So my head looks big on me ..XDD Yeah but it's not a bad thing~ I'd rather have a small head than a big head.

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Guest dancingbymyself

Haha I look like I have a big face because my features are kinda... large I guess. But when I take pics with people they're like omfg. Why does your face loooks so small. Haha, I passed the cd too, hahaha.

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Guest ji.eun<3

Whenever I go to the Korean hairdressers, the lady always gathers all my hair (and I look like an egg :( ) and says my face is small.

But I don't know if she means it as a compliment <_< .

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Guest xflyhigher

I'm Korean and I have a big face -__-;

But people compliment my double eyelids and nose (it's not .. 'pudgy' lol)

But yeahh if I had a small face with single eyelids and an ugly nose, maybe it'd be better ..?

Ah IDK about other people's opinions T_T


Hmm I thought of a personal drawback of having a big face.

I'm also taller than most other girls (i live in the states), so with my big face, i just look like a big person!

If I had a small face (with tall body), I'd maybe look graceful or maybe if people were delusional, beautiful. But no. I'm just a big person. With features that are appreciated only in Asia.

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everyone says a small face is good b/c

it matchs everything?

im not sure

i always hear that i have a small face but HAHAHA its covered by my FAT


but the length some go to get it..my cousin was soo jealous she did watever possible to get her face

smaller then mine.she messaged it and so much other stuff

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Guest EHNerJI

lol yeah, mostly for girls though... but my korean friend is always like "OMGG MY FACE IS SOOO BIG!!!" and like asking me how to make your face smaller roflll ...

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Guest simply korean

u can see if u have a small face by doing the cd test

put a cd in front of ur face

and if the cd covers most of it

ur face is small

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small face for girls is aesthetically pleasing to koreans

not so sure in terms of guys though... i think it's kind of gross when guy has small face ... especially if its smaller than my own, since i am girl

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if you follow the line from the top of the tape, it's directly in line of where her hairline would be if she pulled it off her face. Therefore it IS 19cm.

<s>and what is this CD test everyone is taking about?</s>

EDIT: I'm frightened by the CD test. I did it....and I have two inches...TWO MEASLY INCHES of head space left over. This makes me a freak....really.

i was curious and measure my face, from the hairline down just like the go ara's picture, and my face is about 19 cm too! but thats weird because i've always consider my face to be big =(..... i try the CD test too and it does cover most of my features.. it's kinda strange

oh btw, i think HIGH cheekbones contribute to a bigger looking face...... a lot of peoples want cheekbones but i dont.. maybe i can remove them by surgery..hmmmm

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Guest pisces31493

small faces are pretty

but overall faces are faces. lol

so it all depends...to me at least

i have a pretty small? face

buttt huge cheeks. ><"

so i guess it's not "small" lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kimeunjiiiii

Ever heard of paldeungshin? Uhh. It's like when your body is eight times the length of your face.... I think I'm a paldeungshin... But why would you want that small of a head? Man... I probably look stupid. <_<

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