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[OFFICIAL] JYJ Kim Jaejoong - 김재중 Thread

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Jaejoong will appear on Ameba TV's "Premier Entertainment World's Casino King of the Game" on August 19 at 18:00 ~ 22:00 -4 hours special. Where only luck is required, It will decide who has the best luck in the entertainment world! abema.tv/channels/speci




JJ_Information @jj_information

8.19(日) AbemaTV   18:00〜22:00 石橋貴明プレミアム 芸能界カジノ王決定戦【←追加!!】 abema.tv/channels/speci
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8.19 (Sun) abematv 18:00 ~ 22:00 Ishibashi Takaaki Premium Entertainment world Casino King decision game [ ← Add!! ] abema.tv/channels/speci






Updates here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw

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[EN Sub] 07/23/2018 Kim Jaejoong “Love Music” 
Vid. Cr. 微光_hijj

[EN Sub] 07/23/2018 Kim Jaejoong “Love Music”




180724 Jaejoong weibo JJ860126JJ Update




 Jaejoong's appearance brings 4 shows to the TOP10 on Variety's weekly ranking! 7/9 ~ 7/15 2nd Kinki Kids Boom Booboom 7/14 3rd Dancing sanma palace 7/10 4th Konya kurabete mimashita 7/11 5th Downtown DX 7/12 As expected from the King! Cr.jj0610tomomi




今日はAbemaTV「石橋プレミアム〜芸能人カジノ王決定戦〜」 の収録してきました!! 春日さんとアレクシス・レンさんと春日さんのネタトゥースしてきました! 詳細はこれだよ! ap.x0.to/lp/bin?t=4718 #AbemaTV #石橋プレミアム #トゥース instagram.com/p/Blk8T0GBW74/


Translated from Japanese by Microsoft
[ jj_1986_jj IG & @bornfreeonekiss UPDATE] Jaejoong recorded Ameba TV's Takaaki Ishibashi Premier Entertainment World's Casino King of the Game today!! With Mr. Kasuga & Alexis Ren! More details: Twitter:twitter.com/bornfreeonekis IG:instagram.com/p/Blk8T0GBW74/
via JaeFans_Global



Updates here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw

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" From now I’ll do what I want to do" " Now I wish to show just as I am." #JUNONinterview (Trans: excerpt by @cloudnine0919 )

via momsykris


kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss



Sign says "Mr. Jaejoong"

Looking forward to performing “Beauty and the Beast” Live with Jaejoong Please stay tuned to Fuji TV after 8pm! ワクワク:blush:ぜひお楽しみに



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Jaejoong with friend (and fellow Prince) Yu Shirota after they performed in the Disney segment of the FNS Festival

kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss

王子様ユニット結成!J&U まだまだ出演します! #fns歌の夏祭り #ディズニーメドレー
Prince-like unit formed! J&u still appearances! #fns歌の夏祭り #ディズニーメドレー



























王子様ユニットJ&U!! デビューシングル 「Kiss of Prince」 ※本当にデビューして欲しい方は、リツイート


Prince-like unit j&u!! Debut single "Kiss of Prince" ※ if you really want to debut, retweet





Princely walk of course! #Jaejoong as Beast in #FNSうたのなつ祭り2018 @bornfreeonekiss


JJ_Information @jj_information


more here: Up to date news here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw

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More Jaejoong!!!


#FNSうたの夏まつり ジェジュンさん、この後も登場しますのでお見逃しなく! そしてみなさまも #FNSうたの夏まつり のハッシュタグを付けてツイートしてね! #ジェジュ

Jejung-san will appear soon so pls don’t miss it. Everyone, please retweet using the hashtag #FNSうたの夏祭り #ジェジュン
via rubypurple_fan 


Princely in black also! #Jaejoong at #FNSうたのなつ祭り2018










More news here: Up to date news here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw


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Our Prince #Jaejoong sang in ENGLISH w/ a singer who has sung same song w/ Peabo Bryson! So proud of @bornfreeonekiss! Only Korean artist there. He’s placed front and center during ‘thanks’ and mini interviews. #JJ is a beast slaying in Japan!


Proud of @bornfreeonekiss! The Only Korean artist in this #FNSうたのなつ祭り2018 instagram.com/p/BlqPwjLhxFl/



Such a beautiful voice and personality. It was a joy to perform with you Jaejoong ♪ Thank you☆ 감사합니다 美しくて繊細な歌声。ジェジュンさん、素敵な時間をありがとう御座いました☆ Thank you for watching! :blush:#FNSうたの夏祭り






http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw

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[Summary of News that @jj_information Shared] FNS Song's Summer Festival got the high viewer ratings of 12.2% that went instantaneously up to 15.1% on Disney Medley part! •sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20180726-










[Model Press] Jaejoong and Shiro/ta Y-u's "Prince Unit" J&U a "Desired debut" became a hot topic between fans on FNS Song's Summer Festival! Link:mdpr.jp/news/detail/17









via JaeFans_Global






More news here: Up to date news here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw

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[EN Sub] 07/25/2018 Kim Jaejoong “FNS Summer Song Festival”



#Jaejoong x Sarah Alainn Beauty and the Beast Audio Clear Ver.



【ジェジュン Instagram】 (訳)監視ニャン #ニャンスタグラム #監視 #ニャンイ(猫ちゃん) #ネネ instagram.com/p/BlsRhfsBJgF/






Updates here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw


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[Topstarnews] "Jaejoong has such an unrealistic appearance that he has earned his reputation as an idol-scaping character with excellent singing skills, high-level cooking skills, and friendly personality" Link:topstarnews.net/news/articleVi






up to date news here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw


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【To think about immutability and change】
Jaejoong Interview JUNON 2018.9

bibian'ᴗ' @bibian9


To think about immutability and change

"The thing that I guarded is【don't change.】 Actually, I think I have not changed so much." Early summer when he finished his first solo live tour, which has brought great enthusiasm.
While he saw at the flow of the Sumida River flowing beside the studio, he said. It is 15 years since the one and the only singer, Jaejoong, was born. Was not a simple 15 years, but his amazingly dazzling smile is the same as always. What makes him grow him, what he cherished ... he taught me each of them.

Jan.26.1986 born in Korea
Dec. 2003, debuted as a member of a group of five. As a top idol with three talents of singing, dance performance, excellent visuals, he had a big breakthrough even in Japan. He started solo activities since 2013, released albums, and gained an evaluation as a singer-songwriter. He also acted as an actor, many of the leading performances such as drama "Manhole ~
Pill in Wonderland".
After about two years of military service, he began full-scale activities in Japan from this spring for the first time in nine years. As the first step in solo activities in Japan, he released [Sign / Your love]. In this summer, he mobilized about 50,000 people in the live event [The Reunion in Memory], and also decided to hold additional live event on August 4 and 5!

For over 10 years, I've showed off, so now it’s good I am as I am.

Interviewer: First of all, what was your impression of this tour?
Jaejoong: I was able to sing new songs such as [Sign], I enjoyed talking with the audience and I felt happy.

I: In the talking time, the audience laughed and laughed, as you say that "Though I am not a comedian..."
J: There is no script, and the content to talk every time is different. Because the audience is different, the content I want to talk also becomes differently. In my live, not only the talk but also the song "Good Morning Night" is long. It was around 15 minutes at the first day's in Yokohama, but in Nagoya, the 2nd performance, it was around 25 minutes (lol)
The performance time also got longer and longer. Lol

I: How did you feel before the live performance?
J: I was not nervous. Even on the first day, basically it is a type I am not nervous about before live.

I: I heard that singing voice of your ballad was made with advice from producer Kiyoshi Matsuo in the early days of debut.
J: Yes. Until then, I imitated the voice of a new Jaejoong by myself. So, my throat got tired and tough. At that time, I received advice from Mr. Matsuo, kept that voice all the time, now it became my voice.

I: Then, what songs did you sing in a voice you did not make?
J: The voice when I sing rock is my real voice. For example, [Just Another Girl].
So, I think that you can enjoy various voices at my live performances.

I: Do you feel like dancing again?
J: Of course. But the dance alone would be lonely. However, when I do with back dancers, although there are band members already, it is too luxurious with about six dancers. Lol
Someday, I want to do it.

I: Do you feel lonely when the live ends?
J: …Yes. I got cheers for everyone on stage and took a spotlight and after I finished, I absentminded in the hotel room.
The difference between on and off is so intense that I feel lonely.

I: Are two love cats comforting you at home?
J: Lol That's right.

I: Solo activity the first single [Sign / Your Love] got a big repercussion and recorded sales of 100,000 copies in the first week of release.
J: It was a long time since I was in Japan for the first time and I think that it is a very good result though it is my first solo single. I am very grateful to my fans. It is quite difficult, isn’t it? In solo, than in the group, not only popularity but also recognition falls down below half, that's why I thank you all the more.

I: Did you feel the pressure?
J: I did not. Of course it would be nice if it could sell a lot, but this time it is "a rookie's debut single". Even though the ranking is low, I thought that I should try hard from now.

I: You said at the press conference that you want to do live performances at Tokyo Dome or Nissan Stadium someday. Then you have to run the runway very hard.
J: I will run! I did performances several times at the Tokyo Dome, but in fact I think that as a solo, I feel strange when I stand on stage. I cannot imagine what I will feel. To perform live from the beginning to the end with my own songs that released CDs in Japan is the first priority.

I: What are your plans for the activities after this summer?
J: I'd like to do a concert tour again if I can, and I hope to release a single. Even if there are good songs, something I don't know unless actually recording. I have already recorded some songs and I am preparing various things.

I: You say "a rookie of 15 years of career", but 15 years ago and now, what is different?
J: I thought that coolness was the most important thing 15 years ago, I thought that was the pride of the group. But, when I look at the picture of the time, I feel that it is nothing special lol Just seemed to try to be cool. For over 10 years, I've showed off, so now it’s good I am as I am.

Lots of things I want to do. I cannot get married yet.

I: I think your beautiful voice is exactly a gift from God. Did your song's talent stand out from a very young age?
J: No. When I was a child, I was not particularly good at singing. I did not show my talent in music classes nor sing in front of my friends. I did band activities for a while only when I was in high school. I just like to sing since I was a little boy, I watched a song program and imitated singers. I also wanted to be a supermarket manager for reasons that I could eat a lot of sweets, Lol, but I had a vague dream of wanting to be a singer.

I: You were born and raised in Gwangju city in the south of Korea, you got auditioned in mid-teens and entered the entertainment industry.
J: Yes. It was 14 years old that I first auditioned. At that time there was a telephone audition, I sang on the phone. I got OK only by voice, then I went to the office of Seoul for an interview, but I failed. I auditioned again at the age of 15, when I was a 2nd in high school. I sang a song of H.O. T I was in love at that time. There was not a reply for a while after the audition, but a message of passing the primary audition came later and I was told to come to the final one. The final audition was a contest, I took the second place there and decided to go to Seoul to become a trainee of the entertainment office.

I: You are a large family with eight sisters, did your family support you?
J: I auditioned by myself without the help of my family. I told that I wanted to audition, but my sisters said "you cannot do absolutely." Some sisters cheer for me, but I think my sisters did not expect that I could really become a singer. My parents were not opposed to me, "do what you want to do."

I: After coming to Seoul, I hear that in addition to hard training, life itself was serious and you had a lot of part-time jobs.
J:I washed the dishes at the restaurant, delivered the chicken at the convenience store, and distributed flyer. I put a leaflet in the post of the entrance of the house. I did also newspaper delivery and did extra in the movie "Brotherhood".

I: I have the impression of you that you are a person who is honest with love expression to all, male and female, and so your character is truly loved by everyone. Do you think that there is an influence of the family as the youngest child of a large family?
J: Well ... I do not know if it has any influence, but it is certain that I am the most calm in my family.
My family is all very noisy. Lol
It is only me in my family who behaves carefully about people around oneself. My sisters are strong-tempered, even if they quarrel, they will not lose to anyone. Lol
Their voices are loud, I am the only one of Tokyo people, my sisters are like Osaka people.

I: You have many nieces and nephews. What kind of "uncle" are you?
J: My sisters says ”Study hard!" or "Don't do it!", and then, "If you cannot do this, Uncle Jaejoong will get angry." Lol
Actually I am not angry, I love nieces and nephews. Since I can only meet about three times a year, once in a while they will report on their growth such as "I'm trying hard on my studies" or "I eat such things". Cute.

I: Do you imagine your future family?
J: To be honest, until about 2 years ago, I said to my fans, "I have not thought about marriage yet."
But, last year when I will be 40 years old I will be able to have a child, when my child will be 20 years old I will be 60 years old? Ohhhhh?
If I will be 50 years old, when my child will become 20 years old, I will be 70 years old....Oh my gosh!
So, last year I thought about marriage. After how many years is it good for me to get married?
But starting this year as a rookie, I will definitely not get married. Lol
This is a matter of my feelings. If I had been working as I was when I carried away, I might have thought "I'd like to get married this year," but I cannot do it now with my feelings. That's impossible. There are too many things to do.

From this year I will do what I want to do. Also I want to hear fans' thoughts.

I: Then, I will ask about your "now". Please tell me the contents of your thought as a percentage.
J: Friends, work relation · · · about others 20%, health, future, satisfaction 25% is about myself. 5% is nothing, space like glass, room for new things to be able to do. The remaining 50% (clearly) are about fans. (with shy smile)
To be honest, it divided from 5 to 3, from that time, the work I did according to my will was about 30%.
I think that the remaining 70% have done what fans wanted. There is a lyric saying "I want to make your dreams come true" in the song "Paradise" that I made. And I think there are many things that I've done so far. But from this year I changed my mind to do what I want to do. So, the percentage of fans is 50% in my thought.

I: But is not still a lot?
J: Is that a lot? But I have come to Japan for fans now, right? I want to do what I want to do and I want to listen to the fans' thoughts properly.

I: In the entertainment activities, what do you want to protect, or what have you protected so far?
J: How to tell my feelings, or not to let myself change. In fact I think that I have not changed so much. In the past, there was a time when I carried away. Lol

I: Again, what do you like about Japan?
J: There were lots of different things first, but I don't feel the difference now, so I like Japan.
When going abroad on a trip, we think that we must play, we must eat, but in Japan it is exactly the same as when I am in Korea, and I am relaxing while watching TV at home on a holiday. Also, it is good that no accident happens even if I do not disguise.

I: Are not you disguised? It is surprising.
J: Yes. I do not wear my cap and I seldom wear sunglasses. I used to be a very disguise in the past. I wear a cap, sunglasses, mask, but now not anything. When going to a supermarket or taking a walk, without any disguise. Even though Japanese people notice celebrity, they do not do strange things. I think the celebrity disguised as a messy one is doing something wrong. Lol I do not do bad things, so I am free to go out without disguise.

I: Finally, what do you want to tell your fans again?
J: Previously I was too happy just to decide one radio program appearance, but now I can do a lot of work. I got accustomed a little to getting a lot of work on television programs, but once again I thought, "Jaejoong will appear in Japanese programs" is that the fans always prayed.
So, even though I am busy, I am working with happy feelings and appreciation. I think that I must continue to respond with gratitude always from now on.

I: Are you happy now?
J: Of course. I am so happy that I cannot put it in words.


Updates here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw

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JJ IG Update

ジェジュン 20180729 Instagram #네네


[ jj_1986_jj & @bornfreeonekiss UPDATE] 

Audio: "Nene-ah, Why are you looking me like that? I will not go anywhere~ ....Nene-ah... I will not go anywhere~" IG:instagram.com/p/BlzkO1fncKq/ Twitter:twitter.com/bornfreeonekis
via JaeFans_Global

180729 Jaejoong IG UPDATE


[IG] Let’s just make whatever and eat #김재중

Hahaha my friend, that’s a very popular dish in Japan/Korea: Pork cutlet + Japanese Style Curry 

He is just teasing us

This dish is not simple to make but to him, the master chef  , it’s just “whatever”
via crystalmoon0213

kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss


Translated from Japanese by Microsoft
I saw it crying...

A TV program about soon retiring singer Amuro Namie & a TV personality Imoto, known as a big fan of her. 
JJ: I watched this while crying bitterly. 

(Trans. of tv program, sorry I missed the beginning. ) 
Imoto: While waiting for you at the airport with a lot of Taiwanese fans, I was happy to know that you are supported by such a nice people. 

I’m very proud of being your fan. Till September 16 I’ll support you with all my soul. 
 (cloudnine0919) JJ’s fans all share Imoto’s feeling in many ways. The only difference is JJ has returned to where he should belong to and not retiring.
cloudnineJJ @cloudnine0919

via yakamoz109


More Updates here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw



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明日のスカッとジャパン2時間SPにジェジュンが登場! 今回は一体どんな神店員を演じるのか!? 気になる内容は、明日夜7:00〜 『コード・ブルー軍団が全員登場!2時間SP』 にて! お見逃し無く! #フジテレビ #スカッとジャパン #コードブルー #ジェジュン
Translated from Japanese by Microsoft
Jaejoong appeared in Japan 2 time SP and tomorrow's refreshing! What kind of a god clerk do you play this time? Contents to be anxious, tomorrow night 7:00 ~ [Code Blue Corps appeared all! Two hours at SP!

via yakamoz109




Sarah Alainn mentioned Jaejoong during a radio interview...




재중찬양  @admireJJ_bot



【yu_shirota(城田優)さん Instagram】 「FNSうたの夏まつり」 放送から数日経った今でも、ものすごい反響があります。 instagram.com/p/Bl1ppUanBXA/

[Yu_shirota (Yu Shirota) Instagram] Even now, a few days after the "Fns Uta no Natsu matsuri" broadcast, there is a tremendous response. instagram.com/p/Bl1ppUanBXA/



More news here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/23- 7/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-723-7292018.html?spref=tw

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Another Japanese TV show with JJ coming soon...


  • 8月10日(金)夜11:40〜0:10 フジテレビ 『ネタパレ』 ひょっこりはんのイリュージョンネタにアキラ100%...:flushed: 今日もジェジュン:heart: 8月もジェジュン:heart: ずーっとジェジュン:heart:#ジェジュン #Sign #NowPlaying


Translated from Japanese by Microsoft
August 10 (Fri) 11:40 PM Fuji TV [Neta Palais] the illusion Neta Akira 100%... Even :flushed: today Jaejoong :heart: August Jaejoong :heart: and Jaejoong ❤ #ジェジュン #Sign #NowPlaying



Jaefans* Global™  @Jaefans_Global



Jaejoong's appearance in 2 short dramas on #スカッとジャパン is topping trend-at-tv site's rankings!! Real time: 1st place
Daily: 1st place
Weekly: 4th place #ジェジュン #Sign #NP




More  here: http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/30- 8/5/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-730-852018.html?spref=tw

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30.07.2018 Jaejoong & Yamapi & Hangeng weibo live


veronicha __


midoyot JJ





Emily Chan @emiko_51


news here:

http://JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 7/30- 8/5/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/07/jyj-news-week-of-730-852018.html?spref=tw


Note: Hangeng and Yamapi are in a movie together (just released in China)

Each are good friends with JJ


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[PT TR] "Friendship Without Borders" Video Chatting among Top Stars of Three Countries: #김재중 X Han Geng X Tomohisa Yamashita m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=213&a




via crystalmoon0213


Jaejoong/ Hangeng/Yamapi convo 

via veronicha_

Morning J @morningj_china

[Translations] Jaejoong & Han Geng & Yamapi :love::love:#ジェジュン #Sign #NowPlaying Video: m.weibo.cn/6012126127/426





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180801 Jaejoong IG UPDATE

via midoyotJJ 




JJ Weibo Update

【ジェジュン JJ860126JJ weibo】 밥먹었어요? (訳)ご飯食べました? weibo.com/6519755475/GsE zzx.sinaimg.cn/mw690/0077eeen ※Vプラス会員以外はプレビューのみ
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Our #Jaejoong pointed out before that #Nene looks like @bornfreeonekiss. Now, they have similar mole on their cheek LOL instagram.com/p/Bl8fD71h_gu/ #JJ is life! #Sign #NP




[IG] Our Nene has spots on both of her cheeks #김재중 Cheek Spot Kitty instagram.com/p/Bl8fD71h_gu/ 
via crystalmoon0213


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