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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Don't forget to let us all know the juicy detail or parts that you enjoyed. :D:w00t: i would download the eps but my computer is slow so i relay on input and screen caps and what-not you guys post. Thanks!! :lol:

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Guest lilsalsagrl

Sometimes you have to empty out previous episodes from the clubbox that you download from. After I download a few episodes I delete them from the file. I am downloading it right now. It was fine.....

Can't wait to watch it.......

it worked thanks for the help!

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PREVIEWS Episodes 136-140


ByungDoo who learns that OkDoo’s “Mr. Kim” is JaeMan, drags JaeMan to a deserted place and lands a hard punch on him. JaeMan takes a family picture decorated with a black eye. After the ceremony, OkDoo cries after KiWoong and HaeIn depart for their honeymoon on bicycles. Nara finds out that JaeMan had an affair with YooJung’s sister in-law and kicks JaeMan out of the house.

Don't get mad yall.... Just sayin....

I would wail like a pig if I gave my daughter to a man who took her away on a bicycle! :P:P :P

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Guest professor97

Squash is just like racquetball except the racket has a long handle like a tennis racket and has a smaller head--which makes the game more of a skill one than racquetball. You play on a court like racquetball--it's afast game as the the ball comes back quickly to the next person.

It's fun though. I miss snam's recaps--I finally have some time today to watch episode 136--so off I go and I'll be back with my questions for everyone, as usual.

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Guest professor97

Aw Nara the witch cried--can anyone tell me what she was thinking when she was lying on the couch?

You know what I like about this drama--it reminds me of what it is like to be in love. There's Sukhyun rubbing Jongnam's feet--that's love--totally engrossed with the other person. It's so sweet. :blush:

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Guest dramaok

Aw Nara the witch cried--can anyone tell me what she was thinking when she was lying on the couch?

You know what I like about this drama--it reminds me of what it is like to be in love. There's Sukhyun rubbing Jongnam's feet--that's love--totally engrossed with the other person. It's so sweet. :blush:

yea i actually felt a little bad for nara. even though i don't agree with her outlook or her way of dealing with her family, it must be devastating to realize seok hyeon already knows that she is not his biological mother. nara was thinking about how minsook is the reason seok hyeon found out, since minsook broke down and said she wanted to take seok hyeon back, last time when she was at nara's (when seok hyeon walked in).

and i agree SH is such a sweetie! their dialogue at the park:

SH: kim jong nam! oh do your feet hurt?

JN: yea i was walking around in pumps all day... i guess i was meant for sneakers afterall.

SH: i'll massage them for you.

JN: ayi. i'm fine now since i rested for a little while.

SH: but my hands are medicinel hands.

JN: but it must smell really bad...

SH: mine are so bad any smell of yours is perfume to me.

JN: (smile)

SH: when did k-homeshopping say they would call?

JN: by the end of the week.

SH: if k-homeshopping doesn't hire you i'll scout you.

JN: (sighs) you pick just the thing your mom would hate.

SH: i'd do anything to change my mom's heart.

JN: me too.

SH: how many ppl showed up today.

JN: lots. but i was really humbled. everyone else's education and resume were so good..

SH: why didn't you make your resume stand out too?

JN: what is there for me to brag about?

SH: lover! wellbeing vice president jang seok hyeon. how much more could you brag for?

JN: you really think you're all that.

SH: so do you wanna meet with the guy who's all that daily for an hour?

JN: what are you talking about now?

SH: (takes out fitness club membership) take this.

JN: what's this.

SH: it's fitness club membership. let's workout together.

JN: but this is expensive. walking around the neighborhood is excersizing and badminton is exercise too. cancel this (hands back card to SH).

SH: i'm too sleepy in the mornings i can't get up. so around lunch time or afterwork i wanna work out with you for an hour. so you take it, please, okay?

JN: then you should give it to your parents. when ppl grow old they'd need to work out more.

SH: my parents already have lifetime membership.

JN: is that right.


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Guest kawaiiyuki

yea i actually felt a little bad for nara. even though i don't agree with her outlook or her way of dealing with her family, it must be devastating to realize seok hyeon already knows that she is not his biological mother. nara was thinking about how minsook is the reason seok hyeon found out, since minsook broke down and said she wanted to take seok hyeon back, last time when she was at nara's (when seok hyeon walked in).

and i agree SH is such a sweetie! their dialogue at the park:

SH: kim jong nam! oh do your feet hurt?

JN: yea i was walking around in pumps all day... i guess i was meant for sneakers afterall.

SH: i'll massage them for you.

JN: ayi. i'm fine now since i rested for a little while.

SH: but my hands are medicinel hands.

JN: but it must smell really bad...

SH: mine are so bad any smell of yours is perfume to me.

JN: (smile)

SH: when did k-homeshopping say they would call?

JN: by the end of the week.

SH: if k-homeshopping doesn't hire you i'll scout you.

JN: (sighs) you pick just the thing your mom would hate.

SH: i'd do anything to change my mom's heart.

JN: me too.

SH: how many ppl showed up today.

JN: lots. but i was really humbled. everyone else's education and resume were so good..

SH: why didn't you make your resume stand out too?

JN: what is there for me to brag about?

SH: lover! wellbeing vice president jang seok hyeon. how much more could you brag for?

JN: you really think you're all that.

SH: so do you wanna meet with the guy who's all that daily for an hour?

JN: what are you talking about now?

SH: (takes out fitness club membership) take this.

JN: what's this.

SH: it's fitness club membership. let's workout together.

JN: but this is expensive. walking around the neighborhood is excersizing and badminton is exercise too. cancel this (hands back card to SH).

SH: i'm too sleepy in the mornings i can't get up. so around lunch time or afterwork i wanna work out with you for an hour. so you take it, please, okay?

JN: then you should give it to your parents. when ppl grow old they'd need to work out more.

SH: my parents already have lifetime membership.

JN: is that right.


Thank you soo much for that little recap of what happen. What eps is that again. that was soo sweet of SH to give JN a membership card so they can work out together. aww! :P i thought it was cute how SH wanted JN to write on her resume that she is dating the VP of wel-being. He might have thought that the people at k shopping network would heir her if she did. but we know that she gets hired since she's jumping around with her mom. :D

It's fun though. I miss snam's recaps--I finally have some time today to watch episode 136--so off I go and I'll be back with my questions for everyone, as usual.

:sweatingbullets: I too miss snam's recaps. i relay on them more since my computer takes forever to download from the other site. i hope snam gets her computer back soon. or it would be nice if someone could post them. Didn't we have someone other then snam who also helped with the sreen caps and spot translation? Did that person go on vacation or something? sorry i totally forgot... Stupid school work! :fury:

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Guest professor97

Dramaok--thank you for that translation--he's so sweet. I know it is hard not feel sorry for Nara--but what relative takes your child from you--why not just give them the money? I know Sukhyun feels attached to Nara or else he would have already told her that he knows. It'll be interesting to see how it all evolves in the next few weeks.

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Guest jdlx24

just being COMPLETELY RANDOM, but.....

do you know who malja (the grandmother of KW and SH) reminds me of?

-- Mr. Roper from Three's Company :]

HAHAHAHA, i was watching 3's Company on nick at nite just the other day. :D

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Guest jdlx24


Even if it had all those cool balloons??? :lol::lol::lol:

This picture is absolutely adorable. They have matching couple shirts and all. AND the cool balloons are the icing on the cake :lol:

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This picture is absolutely adorable. They have matching couple shirts and all. AND the cool balloons are the icing on the cake :lol:

Is it just me, or does Hae-in look a lot better without the studio lights and makeup???

What's the word I'm looking for.....Human???



Do you think one of you guys could post screen-caps for the past few episodes?

It's what we with slow internet connection live and breath on!

Thanks... :D

And for all us lazy people! :D:D:D:D

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Guest luv dramas

I think bicycling off to their honeymoon with all those balloons is so cute. I think the writiers may have purposely done this because when HI was engaged to SH, everything was almost a business relationship with two people from rather well-off families tying the knot. In that relationship, I cannot imagine HI accepting the idea of leaving on a bicycle. In the beginning of the drama, she rejected KW because he was not ambitious enough etc. Like some people in this forum mentioned, HI seemed so uptight when she was with SH and when she started going out with KW everything about her seemed more relaxed. The newlyweds leaving for the honeymoon in this manner seems to highlight the new HI--relaxed, happy and in love! I just hope happiness comes tho JN and SH also. Speaking of SH, he seems a lot more relaxed now too!!

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Do you think one of you guys could post screen-caps for the past few episodes?

It's what we with slow internet connection live and breath on!

Thanks... :D

Yeap Yeap Yeapp... totally agree with you. The reason why i check this site like crazy... my friends think i totally need a new life. but hey that's what happens to me when i get hooked on somethingthing! :P:D:):ph34r::sweatingbullets:

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Guest ChiSoju

Ooohh, I hope we get more translations soon. It's so frustrating when you see two or three characters talking, the air thick with tension; one character will say something, and the other will look worried, and that piano motif will play, "dun-dun-dun-dun-DUN-dun-dun", and I'm like, "HUH?" :huh:

And, ATTENTION JAE-MAN! The jig is up!! :w00t:

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Guest dramaok

ep. 136 in asf from creidesca box:



sorry i want to help more but i have too much to do right now. ask questions and i'll answer though. really don't have time for doing caps and translations though.

hope someone will. where's myapril and ny5something girl????

snam! someone get her a new computer.

the clif hanger for ep. 136 is that seok hyeon asks minsook what she would do if kiwoong or dajeong brought home the one they truly love. seok hyeon asks if minsook would go against their true love regardless. minsook glances at nara and gets too nervous to answer. tadadada.....

i agree professor nara should've just gave minsook and jaedo money instead of taking seok hyeon but to be fair we don't really know what happened and i tend to think minsook realizes now that she made a mistake.... i'm sure it was tough for her but shouldn't stick by her own baby no matter what? iono i guess it's life or death. still.... i can see why seok hyeon resents his birth parents.

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Guest n5y17cgirl

ep. 136 in asf from creidesca box:



sorry i want to help more but i have too much to do right now. ask questions and i'll answer though. really don't have time for doing caps and translations though.

hope someone will. where's myapril and ny5something girl????

snam! someone get her a new computer.

the clif hanger for ep. 136 is that seok hyeon asks minsook what she would do if kiwoong or dajeong brought home the one they truly love. seok hyeon asks if minsook would go against their true love regardless. minsook glances at nara and gets too nervous to answer. tadadada.....

i agree professor nara should've just gave minsook and jaedo money instead of taking seok hyeon but to be fair we don't really know what happened and i tend to think minsook realizes now that she made a mistake.... i'm sure it was tough for her but shouldn't stick by her own baby no matter what? iono i guess it's life or death. still.... i can see why seok hyeon resents his birth parents.

I am soooooo sorry guys. I wish I could help with translations. but I haven't even had time to dl this week's ep. much less watch them... I'm actually hating my job right now - late nights in the office, early morning meetings... not enough sleep. :( hopefully, the craziness will end soon.

just thought I'd pop in to see how everyone was doing. I'll try to do some translating this weekend...

and yes, someone please get snam a new computer - quick!

thnx for the YSI link and quick recap, dramaok. :)

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