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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest donilpark

and for the storyline. do we agree that JN and SH were intimate? okay i know i seem a bit obsessed with the issue. but it seems important to me. because i wanna know where the story is going. and if JN and SH were really intimate then there's the possibility of pregnancy in the storyline and i'd hate to see it go that direction.... if not then are JN and SH just pretending like they were intimiate so ppl have no chose but approve them being together? SH sort of implies to his mom that JN is 'his woman' and in the traditional caveman sense i interpret that as 'i had sex with her therefore i'm responsible for her now' and JN says 'sorry' to her mom when JO asks if she and SH were intimiate and the 'sorry' i interpret as 'yes i did i'm sorry'...?

Sorry to break this to you, but yes, they were, and Jongnam is pregnant.

I know, I don't like them doing that.

Adding insult to an injury, Sukhyeon will be sick with whatever disease that he had when he was a baby.

So, yeah, the writer is not trying to get too imaginative.

And anyone who's Korean--is there anything in your culture that allows for elopements--I've never seen a drama where anyone has run away and eloped--they've only talked about going to the US (We must be the elopement capital of the world--just curious because if I were Sukhyun I'd take "My woman" and get away from Nara. We know Jongnam didn't take her bribe or she wouldn't have to try bribing IB next. She takes the :crazy: award for the worst KD character ever.

It's called bossam. A man could kidnap a widow and get married. Because it was discouraged for women to remarry (although legally speaking, it was possible), one way of doing it was to do it secretly.

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Guest inyoungishot

thank you for the dialogue summary for episode 130, it was so good and ended in such a great way, could someone do episode 131? what did JN end up saying to Nara? what did she tell her take your money and shove it up your butt? hahaha

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Guest n5y17cgirl

some good news:


the wedding scene will broadcast on 4-4 and 4-5.

and for the storyline. do we agree that JN and SH were intimate? okay i know i seem a bit obsessed with the issue. but it seems important to me. because i wanna know where the story is going. and if JN and SH were really intimate then there's the possibility of pregnancy in the storyline and i'd hate to see it go that direction.... if not then are JN and SH just pretending like they were intimiate so ppl have no chose but approve them being together? SH sort of implies to his mom that JN is 'his woman' and in the traditional caveman sense i interpret that as 'i had sex with her therefore i'm responsible for her now' and JN says 'sorry' to her mom when JO asks if she and SH were intimiate and the 'sorry' i interpret as 'yes i did i'm sorry'...?

thnx for the pics, dramaok! I love that it's such a candid shot - the expression on everyone's faces in the group family photo! :lol:

well, since this issue seems to be rather important to you ;) (j/k) here are my thoughts:

It's looking more & more that way, esp. now after having watched ep. 130. To be honest, I personally would like to think that they didn't - that it was all just very innocent. But with rumors about the pregnancy storyline, this would have been the only time she could have gotten pregnant. (Now that they're back in Seoul and everyone knows about the two of them, they're not going to have much opportunity to be together, and it's not likely that they're going to run away again.) But yeah, like you said the choice of words that were used in ep. 130 are quite suspect...

1) Not only does SH tell him mom that JN is his woman, his exact words are "JN is my woman now" indicating that something significant has changed in their relationship. One can only guess what he meant exactly by that...

2) Then that scene with JN & JO... my first thought was that she was lying - just like she did when she first walked back into the house and JO asked her if SH had kidnapped her and she basically said that 'no, I went of my own free will.' She just wanted her mom to think that something happened so the two of them can finally be together... Then I thought, well maybe she's just really heartbroken about the whole situation and what it's doing to her mom that she can't even speak, so all she can say is "I'm sorry, mom"... as in "I'm sorry for causing you all this pain"... regardless of whether or not anything happened.

Either way, it's obvious that the writers definitely want us to think that they were intimate.


It look like donilpark beat me to it (see above). And he/she seems to know about the future storyline for a fact, so... I guess they did??

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Guest donilpark


It look like donilpark beat me to it (see above). And he/she seems to know about the future storyline for a fact, so... I guess they did??


2) Then that scene with JN & JO... my first thought was that she was lying - just like she did when she first walked back into the house and JO asked her if SH had kidnapped her and she basically said that 'no, I went of my own free will.' She just wanted her mom to think that something happened so the two of them can finally be together...

That's out of Jongnam's character. She's not deceptive, manipulative or sneaky.

That's not the way she would deal with things.

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Guest dramaok

thx for the spoiler. i read a similar newsarticle this morning.

the producer, lee deok geon, had a meeting with reporters and he disclosed the following about the storyline:

(warning you will not be happy):

1. jong nam is pregnant with seok hyeon's child from their one night together.

3. seok hyeon gets upset and his old disease comes back

4. everyone finds out about seok hyeon being min sook and jae do's child.

5. nara blames minsook for seok hyeon finding out

6. nara gets vengeful and kicks kiwoong out of 'wellbeing homeshopping'

7. seok hyeon is still resentful towards minsook and jaedo for 'throwing him away' for money

8. the grandma and minsook explain to seok hyeon about the circumstance why he was given to nara and jaeman (to save his life).

yikes they really should've kept with the original 150 episode plan instead of going to 170. now the story is out of control.


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Guest dramaok

The article doesn't say anything about this.

you're right. i read it wrong. big huge mistake. i'll edit my earlier post. now i'm happier. slightly happier. =D

other news:


real life father-son

lee sang won (doo man), and his dad, lee young ha (jae man)

will have their first 'together scene' during the drama's 148th episode which will broadcast on 4-5-06.

First of all, thanks for the pic!!!! I like the pic where everyone is there! First thing as soon as I saw OD, I looked for JM.......and there he is.....so far far away from OD! he looks embarrased and OD looks sad!poor them!

yup sad sad sad. haha to nara though.

pics from yahoo news

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Guest n5y17cgirl

The reason I said Nara has sisters was that she said that to Minsook about the wedding--it could have been just the subtitles being wrong as usual?

well, it's possible that they used the word "unni" in that scene you're referring to, which when translated means "(older) sister." but you know how in Korean culture they use words like "unni" and "noona" and "o-bba" a lot as a respect term for people who are a few years or so older, even if they're not blood-related. so maybe (and this is just a guess here since I don't know for sure b/c I didn't watch the earlier episodes of this drama) they did say "unni" which is why they used it in the subtitles, but they didn't literally mean "sister"... but thnx for the explanation/clarification! :)


That's out of Jongnam's character. She's not deceptive, manipulative or sneaky.

That's not the way she would deal with things.

thnx for the link/spoiler. I just skimmed it, and oh my...

I totally agree with you that that's way out of JN's character. If anything, she's too honest - to a fault - and tends to wear her heart on her sleeve. But the thing is, you never know what you're capable of doing in desperate/hopeless situations. It's easy to act "out of character" - it's human nature. I just meant that b/c she sort of stretched the truth before in saying that SH didn't kidnap her when JO questioned her about it (b/c in all honesty SH did technically kidnap her, but a lot of things happened since then... perhaps subconsciously she even wanted to escape & go with him... and she didn't want JO to think it was all SH's fault, so that's why she said that), maybe that's what she was doing here, too... But it doesn't matter b/c now we know (thnx to your spoiler) that they

[spoiler alert] did sleep together that night. :o

the producer, lee deok geon, had a meeting with reporters and he disclosed the following about the storyline:

(warning you will not be happy):

1. jong nam is pregnant with seok hyeon's child from their one night together.

3. seok hyeon gets upset and his old disease comes back

4. everyone finds out about seok hyeon being min sook and jae do's child.

5. nara blames minsook for seok hyeon finding out

6. nara gets vengeful and kicks kiwoong out of 'wellbeing homeshopping'

7. seok hyeon is still resentful towards minsook and jaedo for 'throwing him away' for money

8. the grandma and minsook explain to seok hyeon about the circumstance why he was given to nara and jaeman (to save his life).

yikes they really should've kept with the original 150 episode plan instead of going to 170. now the story is out of control.

thnx for translating, dramaok! yeah, I'm hoping they don't make things too complicated just because they have an extra 20 episodes to work with. give us some peace & happiness! -_-

other news:


real life father-son

lee sang won (doo man), and his dad, lee young ha (jae man)

will have their first 'together scene' during the drama's 148th episode which will broadcast on 4-5-06.

pics from yahoo news

I was wondering when they were finally going to have a scene together. I saw them on a special episode of "Happy Together Friends" earlier this year, when they had the cast of "Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man" on the show. (not everyone; just some of the cast members)

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Guest luv dramas

Under ordinary circumstances I don't think the two would have been intimate but with the situation the way it is--opposition from family, SH grieving about about bring adopted and their feelings for each other was fuel enough to let that happen. Whatever the case might be, I want SH & JN to be together and happy in the end....is that too much to ask??? I just can't live through another MSMD ending. So, I wasn't too happy when I read that SH is going to be sick again. If so, he has to recover so that we can have happy ending for this one. Also, wish he could reconcile with his real parents once he realizes why they gave him up.

Does anyone know of links that show the spoilers (shown above) that are in English?

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Guest Mme. De Giry

thx for the spoiler. i read a similar newsarticle this morning.

the producer, lee deok geon, had a meeting with reporters and he disclosed the following about the storyline:

(warning you will not be happy):

1. jong nam is pregnant with seok hyeon's child from their one night together.

3. seok hyeon gets upset and his old disease comes back

4. everyone finds out about seok hyeon being min sook and jae do's child.

5. nara blames minsook for seok hyeon finding out

6. nara gets vengeful and kicks kiwoong out of 'wellbeing homeshopping'

7. seok hyeon is still resentful towards minsook and jaedo for 'throwing him away' for money

8. the grandma and minsook explain to seok hyeon about the circumstance why he was given to nara and jaeman (to save his life).

yikes they really should've kept with the original 150 episode plan instead of going to 170. now the story is out of control.


I'm sorry if this may sound rude (but I'm not Korean, and I can't read Korean to save my life)...I just wanted to ask if this article is legit (i.e. non-tabloid)? If it is, then :tears::tears::tears:... Note to producer/writer/whoever has power over the story: It's already going great! Please don't mess it up... :( I'm still hopeful though. SH might get his old disease again, but it doesn't mean he has to die. Right? Please, someone back me up here, I'm really going crazy!!! :tears: Don't let it be like...I don't know...SH dies, leaving JN with his child as the only reminder of him. Aaaggghhh!!! I want a happy ending! :( I want SH's "Suk-jong's oppa, hurry up and come" imagination to come true! :(

Does it ever say what will make SH upset enough to make him sick again? Is it still because of him being really MS's son? Or (don't tell me) because JN is pregnant (even as I'm writing this, I'm thinking it to be highly unlikely)?

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:tears: Don't let it be like...I don't know...SH dies, leaving JN with his child as the only reminder of him. Aaaggghhh!!! I want a happy ending! :( I want SH's "Suk-jong's oppa, hurry up and come" imagination to come true! :(

They've done worse...The writers will have to go into hiding :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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Guest kawaiiyuki

thx for the spoiler. i read a similar newsarticle this morning.

the producer, lee deok geon, had a meeting with reporters and he disclosed the following about the storyline:

(warning you will not be happy):

1. jong nam is pregnant with seok hyeon's child from their one night together.

3. seok hyeon gets upset and his old disease comes back

4. everyone finds out about seok hyeon being min sook and jae do's child.

5. nara blames minsook for seok hyeon finding out

6. nara gets vengeful and kicks kiwoong out of 'wellbeing homeshopping'

7. seok hyeon is still resentful towards minsook and jaedo for 'throwing him away' for money

8. the grandma and minsook explain to seok hyeon about the circumstance why he was given to nara and jaeman (to save his life).

yikes they really should've kept with the original 150 episode plan instead of going to 170. now the story is out of control.


These are the story lines they hope to work with,.... which means that they hope to use them. They can always start with them and then change it. Hopefully SH doesn't get upset about JN being pregnant. I thought he would have been happy. It might give then a reason to be together.

Oh yeah, in the family pic of KW and HI wedding why do you think SH is looking at JN funny. He looks like he's glaring at her. JN seems to also be looking at her mom weirdly too.

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Guest professor97

Obviously, Sukhyun getys sick because of the stress of his mother, the wicked witch of the world--he's probably delight Jongnam is pregnant--now the elders have to accept their relationship. Nara will probably try to make IB claim the baby as his to make Jongnam look like a "Bad Person" as she frequently calls her.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Obviously, Sukhyun getys sick because of the stress of his mother, the wicked witch of the world--he's probably delight Jongnam is pregnant--now the elders have to accept their relationship. Nara will probably try to make IB claim the baby as his to make Jongnam look like a "Bad Person" as she frequently calls her.

Nara could do that... but i don't think Ib would do that.. i mean if he really loves/likes JN he would want her to be happy. bet Nara would have a fit... she might try to get JN to have an abortion. that evil person, who knows what's she thinking.

I would be sick too if i had a mother like that. wonder if he's going to tell JN... i think he will and that would make their love even stronger and want to get married faster. Now they would have two good reason to get married. Hopefully everyone would agree. i think HI and KW would be on their side. Speaking of KW and Hi, I can't wait for their wedding.

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After reading this last page my heart is heavy.......... :tears:

JN and SK just want to be happy. Everyone should mind their own business....

As for point number 3 mentioned in the article could this be SK way of leaving the drama for his new show??????

I think we all will be sad if all those story lines comes to past.....

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Guest snam124

(warning you will not be happy):

1. jong nam is pregnant with seok hyeon's child from their one night together.

3. seok hyeon gets upset and his old disease comes back

4. everyone finds out about seok hyeon being min sook and jae do's child.

5. nara blames minsook for seok hyeon finding out

6. nara gets vengeful and kicks kiwoong out of 'wellbeing homeshopping'

7. seok hyeon is still resentful towards minsook and jaedo for 'throwing him away' for money

8. the grandma and minsook explain to seok hyeon about the circumstance why he was given to nara and jaeman (to save his life).

thanks for the spoilers dramaok!! you're right, there's not much to be happy about with the direction they're going with the show :( i wish they would just end this drama at 150 episodes like they originally planned. The storyline is getting absurd as they stretch it out!! I'm a little sad that JN and SH's night together wasn't innocent (why was she fully dressed?) but I'll be happy if the outcome is a baby and marriage (and a healthy SH!)

I know I asked this before, but does anyone know what illness SH has? I never figured it out and couldn't find a translation into English.

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As for point number 3 mentioned in the article could this be SK way of leaving the drama for his new show??????

I vote yes :wacko:

I know I asked this before, but does anyone know what illness SH has? I never figured it out and couldn't find a translation into English.

Did you read the article? I used the Google translator and it came up with "an inveterate disease" for what is wrong with Suk-hyun...

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