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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man EP 126 LQ

avail @ my CB: http://clubbox.co.kr/creidesca

I have a question, how come it takes me longer now to dl from clubbox? Before I could easily dl episodes, now it takes me forever to dl even 1. I see a quick-download button but it requires a password or something. Do you have any suggestions?

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Episode 126 ~ SH & JN scenes translations

SH: Don’t go… You can’t go [there]. Please don’t go!

If you take even one more step, I don’t know what I’m going to do (I won’t be responsible for my actions thereafter).

JN: Why are you doing this? Let go!

time 2:19

JN: Why are you doing this? Stop this car now… Can’t you hear me? I said stop the car!

You’re not going to stop? Fine then. struggles to open the door Open, open, open!

Why are you doing this? You want to die together, is that it? Fine, let’s die together then. That’s what you want, right. JN grabs hold of the steering wheel, and the car swerves off the side of the road…

SH: You!... (calms down) Were you scared? I’m sorry.

JN: Was I scared? No. I’m the type of girl that plays with people’s hearts, didn’t you know? There’s nothing for me to be afraid of…

SH: I told you – I didn’t mean those things I said earlier.

JN: I’m telling the truth – I played with your heart! It was fun. You’re naïve & inexperienced/childish – you were perfect for me to toy with. Just like your mom said, I was just using you! But now I’m tired… so please go. I don’t like you, so please go!

SH: Even if you don’t like me, there’s nothing I can do. I’m not letting you go/giving you up for anyone.

JN: You think just b/c you won’t let me go that I’ll come running to you? Dream on, Jang Sukhyun!

JN’s phone rings and SH snatches it away

JN: Give me my phone!

JN: I’m sorry; I was wrong. Please go back. Let’s go back, please.

time 15:43

JN: Let go! Let go of my hand!

JN: If you drag me here like this…

SH: what am I (are you) going to do?

JN: Don’t you know my mom’s going to be worried? Seriously, there’s no one quite as childish as you. Is this how a 27 year old person acts?

SH: Everything you say is right, but… if I don’t do this, then we’re over forever.

JN: So what if it’s the end –

SH: Our love will be over.

JN: My mom is more important to me than this (some kind of) love. (sorry couldn’t quite make out what the word they were using here…) Love doesn’t feed you.

SH: It’s not “this kind of love.” You haven’t liked anyone before so you may not know, but try learning what love is.

JN: Why don’t you who likes being in love so much, go find another woman to love!

SH: No matter how angry you are with me, it’s fate – you’re suppose to end up with me.

JN: Even if the world turned upside down, that will never happen.

SH: Fine then, we’ll wait until the “sea turns inside out/upside down.”

JN: You’re looking more & more like a snake.

SH: What – a snake? Do you want to get bitten by a snake?

JN: I’ll kill the snake by stepping on it before I get bitten! (starts hitting SH, who tries to hold her still)

JN: Fine. Let me just call my mom. Give me my phone so I can call her, please?

SH: Even if you don’t call her, she’ll know we ran away together.

JN: What?! Ran away together?

time 21:07

JN: you think anything’s going to change just b/c you did this? Everything will go back to the way it was tomorrow…

SH: Things can change… as long as you make up your mind to.

JN: What is it that I need to make up my mind as to?

SH: I can give up everything.

JN: Like what?

SH: Everything that I have – things that other people want.

JN: Am I that valuable that you’re willing to trade it for everything you have?

SH: Yes, to me you are.

time 28:18

SH: You’re not going to eat?

JN: How can you eat at a time like this?

SH: You can argue with me or hit me all you want; just eat first.

JN: I’m not eating.

SH: You must not be that hungry. Don’t eat then… wow, this soup is really good.

JN: That’s not going to work on me.

SH: Fine, just try starving yourself for a week.

JN: We’re staying here a week?

SH: A week, a month, a year – who knows... My mom & aunt (your mom) both need time to think.

JN: Time to think about what?

SH: The fact that we both love each other. Our parents aren’t going to accept that readily in one day. We have to give them time.

JN: I don’t want to hear the word “we/us” anymore, so stop saying that. And, ok fine. Let’s say we do get their blessing. Do you think I can really be happy knowing how my mom feels?

SH: So what, you think you’ll truly be happy if you married [iB]?

JN: Yes, I would be.

SH: Just starve!

Ajuma: It used to be our son’s room.

JN: Ajuma, you only have 1 room? Is there a hotel nearby?

Ajuma: You’d have to walk at least 20 min. down the road.

SH: That’s ok, ajuma. Have a good night.

Ajuma: You newlyweds sleep well, too.

SH: It’s cold. (goes inside the room…)

SH: What are you doing? Come in. You’re going to freeze to death outside.

SH: I layed out all the blankets. You must be tired; you should go to bed.

JN: All right. You can leave now.

SH: You want me to leave? I have nowhere to go.

JN: So what.

SH: That’s why I’m asking you – what should I do.

JN: Go anywhere.

SH: Where am I going to go at this hour? It’s late; I need to sleep.

JN: Go down by the sea or whatever…

SH: Ok, fine. Good night. (pretends to leave, then) Aren’t you going to be scared being all by yourself? Just tell me if you’re scared – I’ll stay by your side quietly.

JN: You’re scarier. I don’t need you, so hurry up & leave. (throws a pillow at SH)

SH: Ay-ish

Thank you soo much for the translations. oh my god.... SN is going to sleep outside? i don't think soo... JN wouldn't do that too SN even if she's richard simmons at him. i think she really wants to be with him she's just worried about her mom. wounder what's going to happen next. oh yeah how do you know what time the conversations took place? did you guys just guess the time?

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n5y17cgirl, thank you very much for the translations there...much appreciated as always. We're so far behind here, but just from reading that, I was laughing at Suk Hyun's replies to Jong Nam...hehe.

I find myself yelling at the tv sometimes asking and screaming "why are they only 30 mins!"

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Guest ChakHanSarah

Sorry for me saying this but this show is getting my nerves and Nara is sooo like annoying...it really bugs me...the show is starting to lose some interest to me...lol...maybe I am the only one.... :blush: ....

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Guest n5y17cgirl

you're all welcome. glad to have helped. :)

oh yeah how do you know what time the conversations took place? did you guys just guess the time?

I just referenced the time for the scenes as it was playing in Windows Media Player.

omg! can u do the same thing for epi. 127 later on.....I can't wait !!!! I'm too excited

I'll try to do that for today's episode, too, as long as you don't mind waiting. unless someone else can get to it before me??... the thing is, I can't download the episode until after I get home from work (once it becomes available on creidesca's clubbox); then I have to actually watch it & then translate (it's easier for me to translate by ear than reading). so it takes a little while... and since I'm on West Coast time/PST, that's usually around my bedtime when I SHOULD be sleeping. :P

Sorry for me saying this but this show is getting my nerves and Nara is sooo like annoying...it really bugs me...the show is starting to lose some interest to me...lol...maybe I am the only one.... :blush: ....

it's interesting that you say that. out of the 3 dramas that I'm concurrently watching (I know, I know :blush:), this is the only one where the storyline is actually going somewhere at the moment; the other 2 are just leaving me depressed... :rolleyes: haha

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I just heard an awful RUMOR....... I repeat RUMOR...... I am going to make it a spoiler just in case people do not want to know...... This came from another another fan board..SK is going to be doing a weekend drama soon. Since BB was extended 6 weeks he doesn't think he can do both dramas......SO..... He asked the writer and director to kill his character on BB off.......

This is just a RUMOR!!!!!!!!

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I just heard an awful RUMOR....... I repeat RUMOR...... I am going to make it a spoiler just in case people do not want to know...... This came from another another fan board..SK is going to be doing a weekend drama soon. Since BB was extended 6 weeks he doesn't think he can do both dramas......SO..... He asked the writer and director to kill his character on BB off.......

This is just a RUMOR!!!!!!!!

oh my goodness, if this happens I am just going to stop watching these dramas, , but last drama the ending just sucked, I am still not over that MSMD, geezzzz, so I sure hope this is a RUMOR.......

hey I have been reading alot and pretty quiet......but I have read enough to know .....I JUST CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL THE GAL whos name is MyApril reads this message, she is going to lite this board up with a scream we all can hear when she hears this better be RUMOR.....LOL....am I write MyApril...... :w00t::tears::o

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Guest professor97

I don't think that rumor will be true because BB is the number one drama in Korea so it may be to his advantage to stay on the drama. It's hard to believe there are going to be over 150 episodes. All I know if this drama ends a stupidly as MSMD did--I'm not watching K drama ever again. After months of being tortured I felt there just was not satisfying ending there. I can't see how the story can go on much longer--but if anyone has to die I hope its Nara or IB. Sorry IB ans--but to me he is ugly and he always looks as if he has eye make up on--like eyeliner--or am I just crazy :crazy: ?

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I don't think that rumor will be true because BB is the number one drama in Korea so it may be to his advantage to stay on the drama. It's hard to believe there are going to be over 150 episodes. All I know if this drama ends a stupidly as MSMD did--I'm not watching K drama ever again. After months of being tortured I felt there just was not satisfying ending there. I can't see how the story can go on much longer--but if anyone has to die I hope its Nara or IB. Sorry IB ans--but to me he is ugly and he always looks as if he has eye make up on--like eyeliner--or am I just crazy :crazy: ?

professor97 , I so agree with you on all points....IB looks like he could be JN mom's real son, does anyone think they look alike, boy looks like a dang girl, he is just bugging me, why would any guy with pride at least go after a girl who HE knows loves another guy so much.....good lord , he is just waiting for her to hate him in years to come if they did marry....sigh....just my two cents, I am getting a little tired of this JN pushing SH around, throwing things at him , yelling.....lets grow up now and move on...... or KISSSSSS HIM.....LOL....

I said earlier today professor97 if this rumor is true or SH and JN do not end up together, after MSMD......I am so not going to watch korean dramas for a long time, this is just not fun to look forward to anymore..... :tongue2:


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Guest dramaok

I just heard an awful RUMOR....... I repeat RUMOR...... I am going to make it a spoiler just in case people do not want to know...... This came from another another fan board..SK is going to be doing a weekend drama soon. Since BB was extended 6 weeks he doesn't think he can do both dramas......SO..... He asked the writer and director to kill his character on BB off.......

This is just a RUMOR!!!!!!!!

i hope it's just a rumor too. go joo won isn't the only one who's gonna be busy w/ 2 dramas. ki-woong's mom's in like 4 dramas. and hae-in's mom's in 2 dramas too. so i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed cuz i wanna see seok-hyeon and jong-nam marry and stuff. =D

thanks. lately clubbox has been working for me so i don't need these links but it's still very nice that you did this for those who need it. and 2 links. wow. =D


i've been thinking about the seok-hyeon birth parent thing a lot lately and i still don't really understand why kiwoong's parents had to give him up like that. i mean okay money and stuff. couldn't they have found some way to come up w/ the money they needed to cure him? without giving him away to nara and jaeman? from the storyline so far they seem to suggest nara had to be persuaded into the adoption so it's not like she asked for SH in exchange for money. too extreme in my opinion.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

professor97 , I so agree with you on all points....IB looks like he could be JN mom's real son, does anyone think they look alike, boy looks like a dang girl, he is just bugging me, why would any guy with pride at least go after a girl who HE knows loves another guy so much.....good lord , he is just waiting for her to hate him in years to come if they did marry....sigh....just my two cents, I am getting a little tired of this JN pushing SH around, throwing things at him , yelling.....lets grow up now and move on...... or KISSSSSS HIM.....LOL....

I said earlier today professor97 if this rumor is true or SH and JN do not end up together, after MSMD......I am so not going to watch korean dramas for a long time, this is just not fun to look forward to anymore..... :tongue2:


I also agree with professor97 and okie... IB does look like JN's mom son... but it's no surprise isn't one of the team members in HI department SK's father's real son? so it doesn't really matter. but i hope he dies or get's hit by a truck or have SK punch him .... He's soo annoying!

i hope it's just a rumor too. go joo won isn't the only one who's gonna be busy w/ 2 dramas. ki-woong's mom's in like 4 dramas. and hae-in's mom's in 2 dramas too. so i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed cuz i wanna see seok-hyeon and jong-nam marry and stuff. =D

thanks. lately clubbox has been working for me so i don't need these links but it's still very nice that you did this for those who need it. and 2 links. wow. =D


i've been thinking about the seok-hyeon birth parent thing a lot lately and i still don't really understand why kiwoong's parents had to give him up like that. i mean okay money and stuff. couldn't they have found some way to come up w/ the money they needed to cure him? without giving him away to nara and jaeman? from the storyline so far they seem to suggest nara had to be persuaded into the adoption so it's not like she asked for SH in exchange for money. too extreme in my opinion.

I don't think go joo won will leave the drama. many actors do more then one drama i'm sure he can handle it. I think they took his words "getting killed off" out of context. He might have told the writers to have him in the hospital... have JN and everyone rush to the hospital, like Hi did for KW, thinking that he was die. BB is such a hit... why leave?.. it's only for a few more week(do to the extention. besides if they like they could film BB faster and have it finish filming before he starts the new one. That's what they did for the end of FRIENDS.

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Guest professor97

Here's what I think about the adoption of Sukhyun. I think Nara wanted to--but pretended she was being forced because that would give her the upperhand and she wouldn't feel as though she would be in debt to Minsook. Now I think a good sister-in-law and brother-in-law would have given the money to the family to save the baby, and not have made the child their own. Most likely Sukhyun had to go the United States and it was more expedient for the rich couple to go there.

Nara has set up poor Sukhyun to believe the "big family" wants money and money and of course throughout the show Minsook's family has needed money, and Sukhyun has known that so Nara if she was "forced" to take the baby--she surely is working hard to get Sukhyun to be as far away from his family of birth as she can.

If anything I think Nara is an even bigger stinker :fury: than I originally thought. Anyway that's what I think and I hope Sukhyun gives up Nara--she's a beast. Grrr.

And she's going to be all annoyed when Haein marries Kiwoong--she'll probably fire Haein.

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Guest jemima

I just heard an awful RUMOR....... I repeat RUMOR...... I am going to make it a spoiler just in case people do not want to know...... This came from another another fan board..SK is going to be doing a weekend drama soon. Since BB was extended 6 weeks he doesn't think he can do both dramas......SO..... He asked the writer and director to kill his character on BB off.......

This is just a RUMOR!!!!!!!!

The rumour is true, ....because last Monday I saw in KBS Entertainment News there was a coverage of new KBS weekend drama, which one of the main cast is Goo Ju-won (Sukhyun).

It means you can see him (Goo Ju-won) in the whole week :D

Thanks littlegurl !!

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Guest squallie

The rumour is true, ....because last Monday I saw in KBS Entertainment News there was a coverage of new KBS weekend drama, which one of the main cast is Goo Ju-won (Sukhyun).

It means you can see him (Goo Ju-won) in the whole week :D

Thanks littlegurl !!

OMGoodness, if this happens, the world will end. I don't believe his character is gonna go anywhere though. Atleast, I hope not.

I can't believe how slow this drama is getting. AND irritating. I'm irritated at characters that I used to like alot. Which is Jaeok. Tsk Jaeok, tsk, this woman is gonna murder me with her annoyingness. Her AND IB.

I think Jongnam just needs to run away with Sukhyun and live in Japan or China. They would have such a peaceful and life. YES, anything is peaceful without Nara there.

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Guest grrly

The rumour is true, ....because last Monday I saw in KBS Entertainment News there was a coverage of new KBS weekend drama, which one of the main cast is Goo Ju-won (Sukhyun).

It means you can see him (Goo Ju-won) in the whole week :D

Thanks littlegurl !!

Yes it's true that Go Ju Won will have another drama with lee tae ran and others could that be the rumor that is true and not killing off his character in BB??? I hope that's the case...

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