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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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I used to be a hardcore gamer, though I've stopped. I still game, more like console games since computer games are boring for me. Well I haven't mastered CS yet, but I want to XD

Gaming is fun, I know so many girls that don't game which is a shame :tears:

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Guest heartstation

female here ^__^;;

who plays video games . (:

especially fighting games and online ones .

but the role-playing game I play is Kingdom Hearts ... if it counts ?

playing things like final fantasy tactics make my brain hurt >__<

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sanochi

I wouldn't say I was a pro gamer but I love RPG games like Final Fantasy<3 <----- awesome game series

so I'm good with those kinda games :) I also like racing games like Gran Turismo! these cars are drool worthy and fighting games are too much fun :D

girls who play video games arent that appealing to me

if an asian girl knew how to play street ball, cross people over and break other guys' ankles while doing it, now thats appealing.

HAHA I lol'd at that, I think there will be a 00.01% chance you will find that kind of girl.

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Guest Xia-ya

Lol I used to be a hardcore gamer but after I started to work

I don't have time anymore.

My favorite games are Street Fighter, Racing (Any kind)

I always beat my cousin and little brother in it.

My friends think I'm weird because I worked at a game store.

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Guest superjen

im a girl!! and i love games!! ive been like sooo addicted to sims2 and maplestory. try to play games evrywer i g o but all my friends call me a baby <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest nirva_jj

Even I'm a girl, game is my life. But just RPG or hi-quality simulation (the sims series). Games will give you many benefits anyway.

I choose FFX for an example. There are so many bosses that are so hard to defeat. In that case, we should level-up our characters, like fighting ordinary fiends in some areas. Anyone who ever played this game, is surely hate that damn seymour-flux, right? he's so strong and really no mercy. I didn't remember how many times I failed. Fought and fought is really boring. But thanks God, I managed to beat him. After that, My patience made it progression. Jeongmal!

My mother even said that my short-temper was faded away.

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I'm a girl and I've played since I was 7 years old. My parents didn't let me go out much so I resorted to playing videogames with my bro. I've been playing games since then. I have a Nintendo DS, PS2, PSP, and I'm hoping to get a Wii soon.

I love to play RPG games or those fighting games like Tekken, Streetfight, Dead or Alive, and Super Smash Brothers.

I am currently addicted to Super Smash Brother Brawl and I can beat my cousin and brother with Toon Link only.

About two years ago, I got addicted to GTA. It's a violent game but it's soooooo funny!! I laughed so much playing this game!

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Guest motherducker

ima girl and heck yes, im a pro gamer ^____^

BUHAHA, kidding! I only play some games, I mostly like fighting games, not like maple story T____T

But current obsession game is SSBB =D

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I'm a girl, and I LOVE playing video games!

Mostly RPGs though and fighting games <3

Final Fantasy ftw! And of course Smash Brothers!!!

Currently I'm debating about getting Okami for the Wii, since I already have it for the PS2... choices choices... :/

And omg I cannot wait for Mario Kart! XD ahahaha

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Guest PrototypeStacy

i love video games! <3 <3 <3

my guy friends call me a hardcore gamer.


i love cs, sc, crazy arcade, guitar hero, ddr, diablo, popkart, and others, and i used to play maple story, gunbound, and ro.

<3 <3 <3

i live for games. haha, but it's taking a toll on my grades. :'(

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  • 3 months later...
Guest shufflez
I play~~ ^^

+Tekken, Samurai Warriors, Siren, Resident Evil, KILL ZONE, Final Fantasy, DDR (LOL)

LOL DDR, why did i find that so funny xD

i still play games when im bored, not really playing these days ;/

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Guest mizz.pandora

I'm a pro gamer! yayyys

*not quite a pro.. but uh, pro among girls?*


I love RPG games.. some online games as well.. final fantasy and sortss.. whoaaaaaaah! LOL

oh and I beat my bf in most games HAHAHA

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Guest kid4ever

ive seen girls play video games, they're pretty good for girls, LOL jkjkjk ahahahah BUT dudes play like, 100 times better

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Guest xdeathberry

I'm a girl gamer, but I ain't pro.


my sister's ninja at DOTA though


isn't the number one starcraft player in Korea a girl?

she's pretty too. haha

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i play video games too. i'm not that fond of playing online but i can play it. i dunno. some girls have their own reasons for not playing video games or stopped playing them. i used to be so addicted to playing video games. and i mean seriously. i can play all night just like you guys. i started playing when i was like 7/8 years old. don't remember what age exactly but thats what happens when you grow up with boys as siblings. yes, i've played the old nintendo game. even the game with the gun that you shot ducks with *if any of you guys remember*. yep, i played them. i even remember my brothers playing the old version of Final Fantasy. when Tomb Raider came out on the PS, i was totally addicted. i don't know why but i've played almost all of the Tomb Raider collection. see..now you know why some girls don't play video games or stop playing them. their addicting, time consuming, and not much of a guy magnet. i don't want my guy scared of playing games with me when i can kick his richard simmons :lol:.

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