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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest Krn_Track_Star

well my sister puts up a good fight in tekken against me and she has beat alot of guys at the arcades that play tekken =). im such a great teacher in tekken. hehehe.

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Guest roach

I'm so into all kinds of games from CCS (Magic the Gathering), to console games (Gears of War, Halo, GRAW, Final Fantasy, Soul Calibur/Blade) to pc games (WoW) to board games and card games. The only games I'm totally and absolute horrible at are fighting and racing games. I really don't care about ratings or graphics as long as the game if fun.

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Guest lusceil

^^uwahhh Yohi's siggie and ava...T____T the good ol' RO days.. gawd i miss them! now its into pc rpgs for me, heard of falcom anyone? the japanese company that makes legend of heros and other oldies. their newest games are real nice. check them out~ <3

but meh, i'm like the only girl in my area that plays halo with the guys... any other girl like that here? care to move to my state? haha. ;D


o___o omg, anyone see the ffxIII trailers??? >____< craziness. saving up for a ps3 it is!

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Guest flipcherri

hmm..i'm a girl and i love playing video games..online games!!^^mostly MMORPG like maplestory!!hahaxD but um..i also play like kingdom hearts, FF-X2, grand theft auto,DDR(woot!=P)and more..lol

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Guest *Kayem7289

I'm a girl and when I get into video games, I GET INTO IT! I don't usually play anymore, but I'm actually pretty good.

I prefer fighting games to rpg games, I need my action!

I could probably whoop most people in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 with my Psylocke lol, and almost any other game similar to it. So yeah, watch out for this chick!

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Guest February

I've always been a gamer (I recall playing on my hand-held tetris console at the age of 4!), always will be.

But I'll admit, gaming isn't as captivating as it use to be.

I still love playing, but just not quite as obsessively as before.

I remember being hardcore at MMORPGs like RO, and WoW.

Thinking back on how much time I spent to hit max level and get high end gear for both, it really depresses me, lol.

Now I've completely quit RO (for over 3 years...), and my boyfriend and I have decided to take a break from WoW.

As for console games, I'll still play one when a good one comes out. :)

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Guest BR1TT4NYy

i loveeee video games!

i used to play CS..i guess its pretty manly.. but oh well, it was fun..

and currently im in love with my Wii xD

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Guest monchichi
Has anyone heard or played Rayman Raving Rabbids?

oooh. The ad to that loooks sooo much fun!!! I really want to save up for the Wii and just lock myself up in my room just going through all the games!! But I heard Wii's not that good in the long run as compared to PS3, quality wise?

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Guest shoko86
oooh. The ad to that loooks sooo much fun!!! I really want to save up for the Wii and just lock myself up in my room just going through all the games!! But I heard Wii's not that good in the long run as compared to PS3, quality wise?

Who told you that peice of crap?? :lol: Infact, its the PS3 that has issues. :sweatingbullets: ... or at least that I've heard of.

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Guest monchichi
Who told you that peice of crap?? :lol: Infact, its the PS3 that has issues. :sweatingbullets: ... or at least that I've heard of.

Hehe ~ cool... I'm saving up for a Wii then. Should be able to get it + Twilight Princess next month, weeeee~!!

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Guest straw.ME

lol I play video gamessometimes.

well before.

dun play it no more because my brother wont let me -_-;;;

so yepp.

~Meishsh0rt <33

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Guest xx.ashleyy

im a girl & i play video games.

and i know a lot of other girls who are into video games as well.

so the fact that girls arent into vid games isnt exactly true =]

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Guest BoAayu

I always thought a "Girl Gamer" was an LEGEND in my mind. Why can't I find one that plays them more then I do and has a passion for them? Well, a true-girl gamer would be more like it I suppose. Sure they're SOME that play MMO's mainly the casual console ones too with..Personally, in most mmorpgs, i avoid women because it seems all they want is attention ( I am NOT hating ) And they seem to bring a lot of drama to the situation, unless they are older and mature. Not saying you ladies do by any means I am just saying. But What about the ones that dedicate themselves to gaming. That take them seriously - LEAVING out there friends and family? (Like me :P).

I consider myself a Hardcore-true-passionate-heartless Gamer. Most of them I come across aren't very skilled in them (Mainly consoles games), Maybe just one I came across. I believe she was #1 leifang in the world in dead or alive. She handle my richard simmons in DOA:U on Xbox-Live (But that was when I was a "A+" HAHA!) Now I am #1 Ayane in all of DOA. Anyway: I show no mercy when I come across a girl in an online game. Sometimes us men overreact to girl gamers because we have always perceived gaming us a male "thing" you know?. Ha, even if I had a relationship with a girl who plays games more then me I bet we wouldn't even have time to each other. But w/e. I'm to busy gaming for girls anyway....Someday.

Sorry if my post is drenched with----ignorance,stereotyping.

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Guest MoonChild

I'm a girl and I play games. I'm avid for video games when I am on my break from school and work. My favorite genres are RPG, fighting, and strategy. Some of my favorite games include Shadow Hearts series, Suikoden series, Skies of Arcadia, Romance of the Three Kingdom series, and Soul Calibur series.

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