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Nintendo Wii: The Next Generation Nintendo Console

Guest 1SwtDeception

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Guest Bathankaal

Nintendo has definitely kicked Sony out of the competition with this thing. They just started the new era of interactive video games.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Has anyone seen the new Princess featured in the latest Famitsu magazine? :huh:

She goes by the name Rosetta. My question is what happened to Peach? :(




You know, after all these years, Mario is starting to get so plot-and-character in-depth.

You know what I mean?

Like, the loss of side-scrolling when Mario 64 came around was perfectly okay, because the game really seemed like just a revamped version of an old-school Mario Bros. But then with Super Mario Sunshine and Paper Mario and stuff coming out... I'm still not used to it. I'm not used to having actual towns and stuff with actual characters (other than Peach and Toad, etc) that you talk to.

I much prefer having definite, set levels which you have to beat in order to advance to save the princess, just like Mario 64 and all the games before it. I guess that's because I grew up playing Mario Bros. 3 and beating Super Mario Bros. over and over again... But I suppose you can't stay the same forever.

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Guest Bathankaal

Rosetta is not an new character. She already appeared in a Zelda sound drama in Japan, as a farmer's girl maybe (i can't remeber very well...)

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Guest meow1203

I got a question for users who played RE4...

Pls tell me what're the weak spots for regenerators? I'm playing the game first time thus I don't have superb weapons, and the regenrators are taking forever for me to kill and waste my ammos.

Thanks in advance!

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Guest Take Five

^use the thermal vision sniper scope and hit the spots on it. grenades might work too but i'm not sure.

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Guest CK92842

^use the thermal vision sniper scope and hit the spots on it. grenades might work too but i'm not sure.

Thermal vision is right and trust me you don't wanna grenade them. Once they're on the ground they're basically seals with rabies. There are 3 weak points for the Regenerators so be sure to tag 'em all, else you'll be sorry once you run past them.

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Guest BR1TT4NYy

my friends just got me wiiplay(w/remote) and a nunchuck for my birthday

so now i have 3 sets of controllers ^^ almost there!

and guitar hero for the wii??


but its going to cost a fortune T_T

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Guest dudeman

Unless you're fighting off the Iron Maidens...in which case you might have to get them on the ground in order to hit the plagas on their backsides...just a forewarning. Or even a mine dart can work for their back plagas too.

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Guest DKYang

Anybody planning to get Mario Strikers next week?

I am.

I loved the demo for gamecube when playing it at the mall. My friends and I had a little tourney going on there. Then we stopped cause we saw Hulk Hogan. It was so random. O.o

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Guest pink eraser

I just got my Wii yesterday!! I've been searching for it for a month and finally my dad found one (he got the last one) and brought it home woohoo.

I only have the sports game right now and I'm wondering if I should just rent my games from GameFly for 22.95 a month because $50 a game is pretty pricey. Should I just buy the games?

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Guest CK92842

Gamefly saved me a bundle, there were so many Wii titles that didn't appeal to me so I for one recommend rentals. I currently own 3 Wii titles and 3 X360 titles, there are only a handful of games worth buying. I remember I used to kick myself for buying so many DC, PSX & N64 games in the past, a mistake I don't wanna make again.

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Guest xkrn4lyfx

umm right on a link it said "Those of you who fear any drastic change to your beloved franchise or the expected routine need not worry -- Rosetta won't be replacing Peach's role in this intergalactic adventure. As has been stated several times since the game's announcement, Mario will be touring the cosmos in search of his kidnapped love, Ms. Toadstool."

so sadly peach is still there (not a great fan of peach, i mean how in the world do u get kidnapped so much? it's like a fetish or something and always troubling mario to save her)

the new style of gaming, interactive may seem fun to others, but my roommates have xbox360 and i played gears of war, omg so good >< and i know wii will never have anything like that so i'm kinda sad. i'm thinking of getting wiifit and mario galaxy cuz they seem like the best titles out of all available so far (until brawl comes blazing out XD )

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Guest DKYang

Got Mario Strikers, it's a fun and challenging game when playing online. My battery went out in the middle of a 3 game series, so I lost that game. Pissed me off. Who else got this game?

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^I have it...and its alot of fun. Before the records were resetted today, I was at about 40-12 record. The wifi matching thing can get really bad...one of the first games I played online was against the #5 overall...it was helpful at the time since I saw how he played like.

People have been complaining about disconnectors, but i've only faced two.

anyways, if anyone needs help I found this post at gamefaqs that was really useful...


Posted 8/6/2007 12:11:56 AM

Well, you are probably wondering how you can become really good at this game. SOME people think it's good enough to suck up to expert european players, pretending that you are one of them. This is NOT the way to go about it, and you will only be good in your own fantasies.

For me, the key was youtube. The europeans have already done the hard work for all of us, and all we need to do is what they do!

This is a very key video showing (almost) every possible way to score other than just shooting:

This video shows a unique way of scoring called "serving it up":

This video shows how to stop "hammer spammers":

This video shows how to score warp goals with boo and also how to score possessed ball goals w/ boo:

And of course, we can't forget the series of gamesw/ the almighty SiggiP vs. the Euro-Elite brucedlx: http://www.youtube.com/user/brucedlx


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Guest DKYang

I watched the first clip and is it me or do they charge up pretty fast? It looks like they get it done in 2 seconds when it takes me about 3-4 to get the charge.

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Guest RS Trax

My reply to my closed thread: I still say my thread is still worthy. If it must be, then be it, but at least change this thread name to how I had mine: "• Wii News & Updates"


Hey all, sorry for the late update. My schedule was really tight yesterday so I didn't have much computer time to write.

Anyway, latest news first. There's a new Wii Firmware update version 3.0U; It's been a while since our last firmware update so here's a list of what's up:


- Digital Clock added to the Wii Menu right under the channel bar

- Forecast Channel now displays the current condition (cloudy, raining, etc.) directly in the Wii Menu in the Forecast Channel box

Wii Shop Channel Redesigned (Visual aesthetic is the same, changes made to organization and browsing methods mostly)

- New Welcome screen detailing 4 Recommended Titles and the points they cost (gone is the title screen bar that had linkable games). The title bar can be clicked on to bring up a list of 20 recommended games.

- Titles You’ve Downloaded was moved to the main shop menu

- New ways to browse (by genre, etc.)

More details at Source: Vooks

Also, notice to all Wii owners with modchips! The update will disable all modified Wiis so be careful before you update to make sure that your modchip manufacturer has this backed up. \:D/


Now for yesterday's classic game releases on the Wii Shop's Virtual Console.


Wave Race 64

Nintendo 64

1-2 players

rated E for Everyone

1,000 Wii Points




1 player

rated E for Everyone

500 Wii Points




1 player

rated E for Everyone

600 Wii Points

Yay! Wave Race 64 was one of my initial games I bought when I had the N64. I remember setting my best records, unlocking everything.


Upcoming title, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock has updated us with 11 new songs:

- Miss Murder (by AFI)

- Through Fire and Flames (by Dragonforce)

- Number of the Beast (by Iron Maiden)

- 3's and 7's (by Queens of the Stone Age)

- Suck My Kiss (by Red Hot Chili Peppers)

- Raining Blood (by Slayer)

- Reptillia (by The Strokes)

- Paranoid (as made famous by Black Sabbath)

- Cities on Flame (as made famous by Blue Oyster Cult)

- Mississippi Queen (as made famous by Mountain)

- La Grange (as made famous by ZZ Top)

The entire list consists of over 70 songs making it the Guitar Hero game witht he most song.

Activision also retains all the key features of the previous versions of the game while offering new features such as multiplayer mode, boss battles with actual rock stars (Slash), online play and downloadable content.

Guitar Hero II is due out on October 29, 2007.


Some new details has been revealed at the Smash Bros. Brawl official website, Super Smash Bros. DOJO!

New character introduced is Ike from Fire Emblem.


along with his special moves: Aether and Eruption

Castle Siege from Fire Emblem is confirmed:


Confirmed characters, Shiek and Ganondorf will be returning to the game.

There will also be single-player mode in a side-scrolling action as well as an adventure mode where you learn more in-depth background about the character you choose to play with.



New items revealed such as the..

Smoke Ball


and Pitfall


where if you walk on it, you'll fall down off the stage.

I guess that's all the writing for today. I needa hit up the studio in a bit. See ya next week! \:D/

Catch up all previous Wii News & Updates I've written @ my Xanga blog

// Roth

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