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Posts posted by baduy

  1. The DramaFever subs are, as usual, basically accurate, but distinctly minimalist in places, skimming over, or leaving out altogether, things which give vitality and savor to the dialogue.

    Take the sequence early on in ep 1 where, the day following Hye Jeong's collapse, she walks with her daughter along the shore. The girl asks why they're going to Seoul, and instead of an answer, her mother asks her a question in return (although with our adult ears, we sense that this question is actually part of the answer to what the child wants to know).

    But the child shows that two can play at that game, and responds to her mother's question-in-lieu-of-answer with another question of her own. But not because she's being awkward. In fact, with a wisdom beyond her years, she's letting her mother know that she realizes that the story behind her birth is something her mother finds too painful to talk about yet, and that's why she's never asked her about it. That much is very plain from the Korean dialogue, but the DF subs truncate the lines so drastically that it's very much less plain in the English version, and viewers who can't follow the original lose out on a whole dimension of this touching little scene.

    Here's my alternative translation of the lines in question, which begin at around 00:03:40

    Why are we going to Seoul?

    You don't have a daddy like other kids.
    How come you've never asked me why?
    Wouldn't you like to meet your daddy?

    When I hit my friend Sook Ho the other day,
    how come you didn't ask me why?

    Well... because I know you'd never hit
    another kid without some good reason.
    I guessed it was something you wanted to
    keep to yourself in case it upset me..,
    That's what I thought, anway.

    Suk Ho said I had a barmaid for a mommy.
    I put up with it for five whole minutes,
    but he kept calling you a barmaid over and over.
    So... if there's something you'd rather not talk about too,
    about my Daddy I mean, it can wait till you're ready.
    But why are we going to Seoul?

    Another regular problem feature of DF subs is that things which Korean viewers read off screen, but which viewers who can't read Korean need to know as well, are often left unsubbed. [i suspect the subbers either don't see, or don't bother to look at, the video. Notice how a little later in this episode, the Walt Disney saying "If you can dream it, you can do it," which is visible in its correct original English on the gift card, gets subbed as "If you can dream it you can live it" when the child reads aloud from the Korean handwritten translation.]  

    The sign at the company building, alongside the congratulary garlands sent by other businesses, community leaders and well-wishers, reads

    30th Anniversary Celebrations of the Foundation of Shinwha Fashions.

    As well has helping sort out the time-sequence (we soon see another significant sign at that same spot some years earlier) that sign alerts us to the presence of one of the top three things Korean drama audiences seem to find irresistibly funny. Which are, in descending order of hilariousness: #1 Flatulence,  #2 Discovering too late that there's no toilet paper in the bathoom, and #3 Puns. This, mercifully, is a case of #3.

    The Company is called Shinwha (= Legend) Fashions. So the title of the Drama, as well as meaning "That Woman's Legend", also means "That Woman's Shinwha", implying that the company is in some sense "hers" and that the plot will reveal what that sense is. This would be clearer if the name of the company was indeed translated as "Legend Fashions" instead of being left  just transliterated as "Shinwha", especially since that translation wouldn't sound odd in English. Unlike the company that featured in the drama from which Park Yoon Jae has just emerged, which would have sounded pretty silly if translated into "Full Belly Foodstuffs", which was its literal meaning. Incidentally, the printed Korean inscription at the bottom of the gift card means "To welcome you on your school field trip visit to Shinwha Fashions", though I suspect in the English-speaking world that would more likely read "A souvenir of your..."

    It's also noticeable that the Korean translation of Disney's words is written in a a style that resembles the writing of a child with a careful and neat hand, but who hasn't yet quite mastered the skill of fitting each character into an equally-sized invisible square box. Korean elementary school exercise books are always ruled out with squares, even when they're not for math work, so that children can practise making all their letters just fit into those squares, and the teacher correcting their work can easily highlight the places where they don't manage to do that. Some adults write with such unequal-sized letters as well, of course, especially when writing something in a hurry in lipstick on a display window, a resemblance that's meant to strike us a little later...

    When the child's question about that the words on the card mean causes her mother to recall how Choi Soo Ho wrote them in her lipstick on the window of the self-same display window that her daughter was chided for defacing with her handprints, the notice we see beside that window on this earlier occasion is headed "1998 XXIV Olympiad at Seoul". It expresses the support and good wishes of Shinhwa Fashions for the national participants in the Games and their proclaimed goal of fostering "Peace, Harmony and Progress" and announces promotional events sponsored by the company between August 22 and September 19 (the Seoul Olympics themselves ran from September 17 to October 2 1988).

    The book Jeong Soo takes from her shelf as her mother sings her last ever song, and which is subsequently saved from the demolition squad and taken to her new room later in the episode, is a Korean translation of Frances Hodgson Burnett's A Little Princess, filtered by way of a Japanese anime version from which the illustrations we see come. Though this is a very well known children's classic all over the world, I think viewers of this drama might be well advised to brush up their memories of the plot (starting with the significance of a certain attic window...) [Although people in the Philippines might be equally well advised not to rely on the version contained in the 1995 movie Sarah, Ang Munting Prinsesa, which is one of the most unintentionally hilarious films I've ever choked on and often pops up on TV around Christmas in its country of origin, though it wouldn't appeal to non-Tagalog speakers or anyone who might wonder why a school "just outside London" has such a wonderful view of the Cairngorm Mountains some 500 miles further north.]

    The passage Jeong Soo reads aloud to herself is the one where Sara, after her once wealthy father has died in poverty, is being forced to work as a housemaid at the exclusive school she once attended. She is secretly visited in the sordid attic where she now has to live in isolation by one of her former classmates, and she shows how the power of her imagination and optimism raises her above her apparently grim condition and prospects. In the original behind the passage we hear, Sara tells her visitor


    The slanting ceiling is so funny. See, you can scarcely stand up at this end of the room; and when the morning begins to come I can lie in bed and look right up into the sky through that flat window in the roof. It is like a square patch of light. If the sun is going to shine, little pink clouds float about, and I feel as if I could touch them. And if it rains, the drops patter and patter as if they were saying something nice. Then if there are stars, you can lie and try to count how many go into the patch. It takes such a lot. And just look at that tiny, rusty grate in the corner. If it was polished and there was a fire in it, just think how nice it would be. You see, it's really a beautiful little room.


  2. As for Richard Simmons, it was interesting to learn he really exists. I'd always imagined he was a fictious relative of the Richard Stands who is well known among linguists who study children's language acquisition.  The reason being that a survey once established that a surprisingly high percentage of children in US Elementary schools are convinced that they face the flag every day and pledge allegiance to "the Republic for Richard Stands" 

    Children acquire language by assimilating new words and structures to ones they already know. Very few children at the age when they are taught this pledge have ever encountered a structure of the type "for  + which  + PROUNOUN [it]  + VERB [stands] ", but they all know the structure 'for + NAME OF A PERSON" , and "which it" sounds sufficiently like "Richard" for them to assume that's what they're hearing and think no more about it, especially since the notion of a symbol standing for an abstract entity is way beyond their cognitive horizon at that stage in their development.

    This may seem totally irrelevant to this thread, but to anyone who's attempted to learn Korean, where words that sound and are spelled the same (and were often distinguished by tone when first borrowed from Chinese) can have a whole range of quite different meanings, will understand how the same principle lies behind some of the traps into which subbers can fall -- and why Google Translate, which relies on a statistical frequency method that is basically modelled on how children learn language, so often produces especially wacky results when translating from Korean.

  3. In case anyone is puzzled about today's episode (60), when the kid wakes up and says he doesn't remember the accident, that's because he's been schooled to say just that by his mother.  Later, when everyone else has left, he asks her did he do a good job pretending, and she says he sure did. He has to keep the fact that he remembers everything, including recognising Seo Yeon as the person who abducted him, a secret until the time is right.  (Eun Soo is of course scared by Seo Yeon's threat to use the law to take the child away and raise him instead, as she would have a very good chance of doing in view of the way Korean legal practice handles child custody issues. She wants to collect sufficient hard evidence to put everyone who harmed her and endangered her son safely behind bars before telling the boy he can speak the truth publicly.)
































































    mistyrain320 said: Why did they go with the recycle get the guy drunk and he suppose to be the father story-line.  :(|)

















  5. Oh heck, yes. I missed the calendar bit.  So that really is likely to be a random pickup in the bar,  with no other plot--purpose than getting Se Yeon (in)conveniently pregnant so she can draw on Jeong Hoon's good nature, which as so often in Kdramas is hard to distinguish from plain stupidity.  And yet, today, he did seem to be showing a certain amount of delayed action common sense when Seo Yeon indignantly asked him can he really believe that SHE would do something as horrible as that to a child. To which he responded, yes, he can believe it, because he's seen now what sort of person she really is. But if he's going to fall for the "you got me pregnant" ploy just because he wakes up in bed beside with her with a splitting headache and no socks on, then I'll gladly sleep through the rest of this drama.

    Actually, I should have known it was a bad sign when I spotted that Jeong Hoon doesn't have a model of the Eiffel Tower in his bedroom.  I thought it was merely because the props department had run out of this much-in-demand item of male Kdrama bedroom furniture, but nearly all the good guys seem to have one, and the absence turns out to have been significant.

  6. @Auntie Mame,
    Yup. This drama is definitely giving us that "Fifties" feeling. Not the 1950's, but the mist of idiocy and insanity that gathers around daily-drama characters once the tenth week is over.

    Having collected enough evidence via her magazine cuttings collection and her Incognito Baseball Cap foray to jail Se Yeon and clear up the whole thing, Eun Soo today goes straight to her enemy and reveals what her evidence is before visitng the police. So, along come the Stuffed White Envelopes Brigade and the Needy Relatives Hospital Bill Payment Organisation and POOF! the evidence has gone, making Eun Soo look like a total nutcase, with Se Yeon now having the choice between having her arrested for criminal defamation or committed to an asylum for dangerous paranoia (the latter being the favored solution of Jeong Hoon's mother, who at least recognizes that the shock of what happened to her child is enough to drive any woman insane). Not to mention strengthening her mother-in-law's argument that she's not a fit person to be around "her" grandchild. It's especially infuriating that whenever the silly old cow says that, her dumpy square-faced elder son just says "Omma!" or "Ommmmaa!!" or, "Ommmmmma!!!", the only variation being the implied number of exclamation marks and doubled 'm' sounds, instead of saying "He's NOT your grandson, you stupid badly-permed baggage!"

    BUT, who's the guy sitting in the shadows watching Se Yeon drink herself silly, who we see coming forward to make a move on her? And with whom, according to the teaser for tomorrow, she wakes up in a hotel bedroom??  Are we supposed to recognize him? I can't, but that's maybe because I watch so many dramas that I get the identikit black suit squad members mixed up. And she doesn't recognize him either, beceause in the next episode preview as she sits up in bed, covered only by a duvet (albeit up to the chin, this being a morning daily where no exposure of collar bones is allowed except via off-the-shoulder wedding-dresses) she asks him who he is, before following up with the more easily answerable question as to what he has "done to her". Is he a crazed stalker, obsessed with the way she flaunts her tempting kimbabs every day on lunchtime TV? Is he a bit-part actor who showed up at the wrong studio lot and acted his part from another drama, and the production team for this one are so dopey they didn't notice till it was too late? Will we find out tomorrow? Do we care, much?

  7. Koreans themselves aren't good at translating their kinship terms into other languages (many Korean-authored textbooks for learners have quite serious errors in this area) so it's not surprising that Chinese, Japanese and English translators are often led astray.

    The usual problem is a failure to distinguish between half-siblings and step-siblings. This is because the Korean terminology makes a distinction for which Western languages have no terms, between, on the one hand, siblings who have the same father and hence share the same "blood", which makes them, from a traditional Korean perspective, "true" siblings, even if they have different mothers, and siblings who have different fathers and hence are not "true" siblings at all, even if they have the same mother. Translators tend to use the terms "step sibling" and "half sibling" indiscriminately for such siblings, since both types of kinship are outside the male "bloodline" and hence aren't "full" siblings.

    異母, the operative part of the terms used in that summary (the word is read  이모in Korean, but is completely different from the word  姨母, which has the same Korean reading and Hangeul spelling, and means "maternal aunt") , does indeed refer to siblings who have the same father but "different mothers" (the literal meaning of those characters), and hence are of the "same blood"  It is completely wrong here. Unless the writer of that character description knows something we don't, and Jeong Hoon's father was actually the father of Se Yeon and Dong Heon, in which case the writer of this drama would be even more twisted than daily dramasmiths tend to be.

    Man Bok, having brought about the death of Se Yeon and Dong Yeon's father (by manipulating him into taking the blame for financial malpractices for which Man Bok was himself responsible, leading him to commit suicide out of shame) then became the guardian of the two orphans and assured Dong Yeon (Se Yeon being too young at the time to be told of such things) that he would from now on treat him and his sister as his own children. But before long Dong Yeon overhead Man Bok telling his wife he had no intention of doing that as far as the company and his succession was concerned, an incident which, along with the boy's initial suspicions about his father's death, made him the implacable enemy of Man Bok, utterly determined to seize the company for himself and his sister at whatever cost to others. The three younger people thus share the same wielder of paternal rights and duties in a legal sense, but there is no other kinship between them.

  8. Thank you @rikimaiu for the  pointer to the "unblock youkou" plugin, which I wasn't aware of. Very handy for certain other mainland Chinese sites too.

    I've just spent an interesting couple of hours browsing the source code on github. and it's impressive stuff.

    I normally warn people about using proxies for such purposes, because a lot of people just find a free proxy in a list somewhere, configure their browser to use it, and then surf merrily away, not realizing that all their web traffic is now going through a machine in an unknown location with unknown administrators, who have access to absolutely everything they do on the web,

    But this extension kicks in only when a video liink on a range of specified sites such as youku is followed, leaving the bulk of your web traffic to take its normal route. Added to which, on all platforms apart from the Iphone and Ipad, it actually uses proxy code that runs on your own machine and which you can inspect. On Iphones and Ipads, however, it is obliged to connect you to an external proxy operated by the developers (hosted in the Amazon cloud) but since that happens only for the specified video sources and not for general web traffic it seems safe enough.
































































































    shondrea2 said:  Where can you watch Your Woman ? I've looked everywhere and can't find it.

































  10. While gene71632 is coming up with the recap for ep 30, here are some skeleton subs for that episode. As before, you can just paste them as it into a file, name it with the .srt extension and open it along with a raw in your player. The player will pick up the subs at the right time spots.

    The idiotic blind date scene is too obvious and stupid to need subs. The other bits I haven't subbed are mainly to do with Jin Goo's rather slow progress in undercover investigations. By the end of the episode, he strongly suspects that Chief Hwang is the one with connections to gangland, but he isn't sure yet, because he's discovered that Man Bok is packed to the brim with "Chiefs" of one unit or another, any of whom might be the "Chief" his blindfolded buddy heard being addressed.

    There's one point where I'd say the writer hasn't brought something rather important sufficently to the fore. I raise it here because I think it's very important for the psychological dynamics of the closing scenes, and I suspect it will remain so into next week's episodes (which I won't be watching after the shift to EU s summer time moves this drama's slot into the wee small hours here in the UK)

    It's very important to realize that in the scene starting at 00:11:43 , Eun Soo isn't revealing to Jin Goo that she's got her memories back. She is still keeping that a secret from her family. When she tells him that her name is Lee Eun Soo, that she wants to be known as such from now on and is going to apply for the appropriate identity papers, she is pretending that she knows this purely from her visit to the police station and her consultation of the old newspapers. If Jin Goo realized that she had since recovered all her memories, as well as merely discovered these bare facts, he'd be a lot more anxious than he already is.

    By withholding the extent of her recovery, she is testing him out. She hopes to get a convincing answer to the question she asks him that won't require her to divulge what else she knows and remembers (in particular, she would prefer him not to realize that she remembers all about Jeong Hoon, because she doesn't want their marriage to be disrupted, and her decision to put that part of her life behind her is at this moment very firm). But she does demand an explanation of why, since she's now discovered that all it took to establish her identity was a single visit to the local police station, Jin Goo never suggested taking that step in all those six years. If he has nothing else to hide, why did he hide that simple fact from her? And why did they go to the extent of faking her death and even organizing a funeral for her?

    The answer Jin Goo comes up with satisfies her - for a while at least. He explains that he realized that someone wanted to kill her, and so the best way to protect her was to make it appear she was already dead. And he adds that he thought she was traumatized enough by the loss of her identity, without the additional burden of knowing that someone had tried to kill her, and would try again if they knew she was still alive.

    That makes sense to her, and she apologizes for suspecting he had some  ulterior motive, and then thanks him for saving her life twice over. Once at the scene of the supposed accident, and then a second time by arranging the fake death that, she now realizes, protected her from her mysterious enemies.

    But although Eun Soo seems satisfied with that explanation, Jin Goo still fears the truth that might come out if she were ever really to recover her memories (which he doesn't know has already happened). Hence his anxious middle-of-the-night inquiry to Eun Soo about what would become of their relationship if she did get her memories back, and if what came back to her was something she would have preferred to stay forgotten.

    Later in the episode, she remembers him asking that, and it explains why she tells Jeong Hoon that there's absolutely no-one she can trust, since in retrospect, Jin Goo's explanation doesn't account for all his behavior, and she knows it.

    ---- snip -----

    00:00:06,714 --> 00:00:08,175
    Eun Soo!

    00:00:09,357 --> 00:00:10,293
    Please, we've got to talk.

    00:00:15,531 --> 00:00:17,140
    Vice President Kang,

    00:00:17,714 --> 00:00:19,372
    How many times more do I have to tell you?

    00:00:20,029 --> 00:00:22,524
    I am not Lee Eun Soo.
    I am Oh Yoo Jeong.

    00:00:22,904 --> 00:00:26,647
    So please never call me Eun Soo ever again

    00:00:26,893 --> 00:00:28,009
    Why on earth are you doing this?

    00:00:28,029 --> 00:00:31,916
    And why are you doing
    it to me, of all people?

    00:00:32,223 --> 00:00:33,980
    I know you've got back your memories.

    00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:35,441
    They've all come back to you.

    00:00:35,461 --> 00:00:37,000
    Vice President Kang...

    00:00:37,640 --> 00:00:40,119
    I don't know what you mean by that.

    00:00:40,513 --> 00:00:42,581
    I never lost any memories.

    00:00:42,745 --> 00:00:45,822
    - So there are no memories that could come back to me.
    - Stop lying like this!

    00:00:46,052 --> 00:00:47,595
    Of course you got your memories back.

    00:00:48,908 --> 00:00:49,975
    You know me.

    00:00:50,156 --> 00:00:52,044
    You know who I am. And you know about us.

    00:00:52,388 --> 00:00:53,537
    You know that. Eun Soo

    00:00:54,711 --> 00:00:55,270
    Eun Soo!

    00:00:55,516 --> 00:00:57,059
    Vice President Kang,

    00:00:58,241 --> 00:01:00,490
    - as far as I'm concerned...
    - Lee Eun Soo!

    00:01:01,934 --> 00:01:03,248
    Stop all this, won't you?

    00:01:04,353 --> 00:01:06,060
    The Warden of the Orphanage called me.

    00:01:06,503 --> 00:01:08,687
    . She told me you got your memory back.

    00:01:14,540 --> 00:01:16,822
    And just what has that got to do with you?

    00:01:18,086 --> 00:01:19,711
    If I have got my memory back,

    00:01:21,271 --> 00:01:23,602
    why should that be any business of yours?

    00:01:24,053 --> 00:01:24,800
    Eun Soo!

    00:01:25,172 --> 00:01:27,175
    Just as you say,

    00:01:27,684 --> 00:01:29,292
    I do remember.

    00:01:29,883 --> 00:01:31,738
    Who you are.

    00:01:32,297 --> 00:01:33,446
    Who I am.

    00:01:34,677 --> 00:01:36,696
    But what difference does that make?

    00:01:37,253 --> 00:01:39,026
    You see, I've become
    a different person now.

    00:01:39,748 --> 00:01:42,638
    So stop behaving like this,

    00:01:42,818 --> 00:01:44,230
    towards me,

    00:01:44,250 --> 00:01:46,200
    and my husband, repeatedly
    harrassing us both.

    00:01:47,928 --> 00:01:49,569
    And now I really am going.

    00:01:52,081 --> 00:01:53,214
    Eun Soo!

    00:01:53,706 --> 00:01:56,227
    <i>Whether it was you, or someone else...</i>

    00:01:56,247 --> 00:01:57,951
    <i>whoever made me like this...</i>

    00:01:58,509 --> 00:01:59,970
    <i>I will never forgive them.</i>

    00:02:00,578 --> 00:02:01,546

    00:02:01,956 --> 00:02:03,237
    <i>Never ever.</i>

    00:02:05,321 --> 00:02:06,980
    Why is she acting this way?

    00:02:09,498 --> 00:02:11,024
    Why are you acting like this?

    00:02:12,288 --> 00:02:13,766
    Eun Soo!

    00:02:15,588 --> 00:02:17,640
    For God's sake, why?

    00:02:19,189 --> 00:02:22,166
    So you want me to take these
    items to Oh Yoo Jeong?

    00:02:23,273 --> 00:02:24,012
    That's right.

    00:02:24,286 --> 00:02:25,600
    Don't say anything special about them.

    00:02:25,754 --> 00:02:27,414
    Sure. Don't worry.

    00:02:28,446 --> 00:02:29,805
    But ma'am...

    00:02:29,970 --> 00:02:33,648
    Don't you think that
    Oh Yoo Jeong is rather odd?

    00:02:33,903 --> 00:02:34,259
    In what way?

    00:02:34,697 --> 00:02:35,746
    To put it bluntly,

    00:02:35,961 --> 00:02:37,102
    your position...

    00:02:37,122 --> 00:02:38,845
    I think she's trying to usurp it.

    00:02:39,292 --> 00:02:41,163
    She comes on all friendly,

    00:02:41,373 --> 00:02:44,953
    but I get the impression
    she's out to bleed you dry.

    00:02:45,799 --> 00:02:46,857
    No need to be concerned.

    00:02:47,364 --> 00:02:49,436
    Just get on with
    taking her those things.

    00:02:50,056 --> 00:02:50,531
    Yes, ma'am.

    00:03:01,688 --> 00:03:02,847
    She's furious with me.

    00:03:03,787 --> 00:03:04,654
    But why?

    00:03:05,749 --> 00:03:07,200
    Why is she furious with me?

    00:07:33,299 --> 00:07:35,524
    My employer asked me to bring you this.

    00:07:36,450 --> 00:07:41,729
    This is a list of the sort of fare
    served in the very finest households.

    00:07:42,272 --> 00:07:42,993
    And in here

    00:07:43,102 --> 00:07:44,681
    are samples of how it needs to taste.

    00:07:45,101 --> 00:07:46,780
    Fine. I understand.

    00:07:46,881 --> 00:07:47,985
    Take a good look at all this,

    00:07:48,140 --> 00:07:50,221
    and when you've decided what precisely
    you're going to make get back to me.

    00:07:50,410 --> 00:07:53,250
    For this engagement party, you need
    to observe the very highest standards.

    00:07:53,524 --> 00:07:55,185
    Since my employer is hosting it,

    00:07:55,431 --> 00:07:57,311
    people will have very high expectations.

    00:07:58,060 --> 00:07:59,192
    Yes, I appreciate that.

    00:07:59,521 --> 00:08:00,953
    I live in this neighborhood, too,

    00:08:01,473 --> 00:08:04,616
    I have  a condo further up the hill.

    00:08:04,914 --> 00:08:05,799

    00:08:06,292 --> 00:08:06,821

    00:08:07,084 --> 00:08:08,370
    goodbye for now.

    00:08:18,322 --> 00:08:19,596
    What on earth's going on?

    00:08:21,686 --> 00:08:25,734
    Why is  she entrusting this
    engagement party to me?

    00:08:26,714 --> 00:08:28,548
    Because she thinks I've lost my memory?

    00:11:00,259 --> 00:11:01,974
    <i>I got that text message from Jeong Hoon,</i>

    00:11:02,522 --> 00:11:04,602
    <i>went to the place he said, and had that accident.</i>

    00:11:06,136 --> 00:11:08,280
    <i>I was left for dead,</i>

    00:11:08,435 --> 00:11:11,090
    <i>but Jin Goo discovered me and saved my life.</i>

    00:11:12,590 --> 00:11:13,685
    <i>But then...</i>

    00:11:14,069 --> 00:11:18,188
    <i>They reported me dead, and
    even arranged my funeral.</i>

    00:11:19,425 --> 00:11:20,676

    00:11:21,228 --> 00:11:22,178
    <i>Who was behind all this?</i>

    00:11:22,990 --> 00:11:24,523
    <i>Jeong Hoon?</i>

    00:11:25,216 --> 00:11:26,202

    00:11:26,850 --> 00:11:28,848
    <i>The Jeong Hoon I know wouldn't
    be capable of that.</i>

    00:11:30,719 --> 00:11:31,312
    <i>So who was it?</i>

    00:11:40,282 --> 00:11:41,533
    Can't you get to sleep?

    00:11:43,513 --> 00:11:45,274
    My name is Lee Eun Soo.

    00:11:46,494 --> 00:11:47,170
    I want to be known by it.

    00:11:52,445 --> 00:11:54,215
    And I intend to correct
    my registration documents.

    00:11:56,912 --> 00:11:58,522
    I can't carry on living

    00:11:59,088 --> 00:12:00,421
    as the non-existent Oh Yoo Jeong.

    00:12:03,426 --> 00:12:04,012

    00:12:04,604 --> 00:12:05,416
    That's the right choice.

    00:12:10,102 --> 00:12:11,889
    Just answer me one thing.

    00:12:13,782 --> 00:12:16,743
    All it took was for me to go to a police
    station and have my fingerprints checked.

    00:12:17,393 --> 00:12:18,462
    Why didn't you suggest that?

    00:12:20,771 --> 00:12:22,762
    Why did you keep things hidden from me all this time?

    00:12:26,784 --> 00:12:28,166
    Because I was afraid

    00:12:29,897 --> 00:12:31,275
    you might be killed.

    00:12:34,614 --> 00:12:36,666
    If you came back to life,

    00:12:37,360 --> 00:12:38,990
    I thought it was likely you'd be killed.

    00:12:41,269 --> 00:12:43,351
    You saw that newspaper
    article reporting your death.

    00:12:44,273 --> 00:12:47,143
    Although you survived,

    00:12:47,163 --> 00:12:48,314
    you had to become dead

    00:12:49,950 --> 00:12:51,358
    even to the extent of having a funeral.

    00:12:52,807 --> 00:12:54,235
    and so I arranged that.

    00:12:55,523 --> 00:12:57,896
    Somebody or other out there...

    00:12:59,677 --> 00:13:01,578
    wants you dead.

    00:13:03,419 --> 00:13:04,565
    They really do.

    00:13:17,360 --> 00:13:19,744
    Why oh why is she so furious with me?

    00:13:21,263 --> 00:13:22,239

    00:13:26,882 --> 00:13:28,143
    Eun Soo...

    00:13:29,069 --> 00:13:29,763
    Tell me, please.

    00:13:31,966 --> 00:13:34,481
    Something must have
    happened six years ago.

    00:13:38,666 --> 00:13:39,702
    I'm sorry.

    00:13:40,486 --> 00:13:41,894
    I should have told you the truth,

    00:13:42,810 --> 00:13:44,027
    but I just couldn't do it.

    00:13:45,033 --> 00:13:46,884
    To tell a woman who'd
    lost all her memories...

    00:13:47,370 --> 00:13:49,835
    that someone wanted her dead,

    00:13:50,710 --> 00:13:51,786
    I couldn't just
    bring myself to do it.

    00:13:56,011 --> 00:13:56,866
    I'm sorry.

    00:13:57,409 --> 00:13:58,787
    So... back then...

    00:14:00,216 --> 00:14:02,509
    Someone ordered me to be abducted?

    00:14:03,624 --> 00:14:04,660
    Who were they?

    00:14:05,193 --> 00:14:06,763
    Whoever they are,

    00:14:07,789 --> 00:14:09,388
    if they find out you're alive...

    00:14:09,720 --> 00:14:10,806
    But that makes no sense.

    00:14:13,150 --> 00:14:13,935
    What's the reason?

    00:14:14,347 --> 00:14:15,192

    00:14:16,530 --> 00:14:17,999
    Why do I matter?

    00:14:20,253 --> 00:14:21,219
    Why me?

    00:14:21,631 --> 00:14:22,597
    Why me, of all people?

    00:14:23,684 --> 00:14:24,478
    Why on earth....

    00:14:24,790 --> 00:14:25,736
    is it me they want to...

    00:14:25,977 --> 00:14:27,355
    I don't know that either.

    00:14:28,371 --> 00:14:29,679
    I only know one thing.

    00:14:31,831 --> 00:14:33,944
    If you reveal that you're alive,

    00:14:35,241 --> 00:14:36,833
    they'll kill you.

    00:14:44,056 --> 00:14:45,112
    So that means...

    00:14:46,369 --> 00:14:48,280
    you've saved my life...

    00:14:49,286 --> 00:14:50,685
    twice over.

    00:14:52,084 --> 00:14:53,392
    I wouldn't say that.

    00:14:54,046 --> 00:14:55,404
    I just...

    00:14:55,957 --> 00:14:56,732
    I just...

    00:14:56,913 --> 00:14:57,587
    I'm sorry.

    00:14:59,739 --> 00:15:00,906
    I'm really sorry.

    00:15:01,590 --> 00:15:02,405

    00:15:03,260 --> 00:15:04,326
    I just...

    00:15:04,477 --> 00:15:06,358
    You see, just briefly...

    00:15:06,851 --> 00:15:08,169
    very briefly,

    00:15:09,727 --> 00:15:11,196
    I doubted you.

    00:15:12,443 --> 00:15:14,388
    I thought you might....

    00:15:14,757 --> 00:15:15,662
    might have...

    00:15:16,065 --> 00:15:17,986
    been maliciously deceiving me.

    00:15:19,384 --> 00:15:20,843
    but of course you weren't.

    00:15:34,454 --> 00:15:35,923
    I'm so scared.

    00:15:37,361 --> 00:15:38,307
    Who can it be?

    00:15:39,320 --> 00:15:40,510
    And why?

    00:15:40,773 --> 00:15:42,895
    Why do they want to have me killed?

    00:15:44,243 --> 00:15:45,350

    00:15:45,853 --> 00:15:46,768

    00:15:47,009 --> 00:15:48,207
    do they want me dead?

    00:15:49,418 --> 00:15:50,480
    Why can that be?

    00:16:07,160 --> 00:16:08,287
    <i>Lee Eun Soo</i>

    00:16:08,971 --> 00:16:10,802
    <i>is the woman I love.</i>

    00:16:11,254 --> 00:16:12,321
    <i>I really and truly love her.</i>

    00:16:12,733 --> 00:16:13,819
    <i>and I promised to marry her.</i>

    00:16:16,230 --> 00:16:17,317

    00:16:17,789 --> 00:16:18,614
    are you asleep?

    00:16:21,159 --> 00:16:22,376

    00:16:23,191 --> 00:16:24,318

    00:16:26,842 --> 00:16:28,271
    Just supposing...

    00:16:29,458 --> 00:16:31,701
    you get your memories back,

    00:16:34,317 --> 00:16:35,444

    00:16:37,274 --> 00:16:38,854
    what would become of us?

    00:16:40,171 --> 00:16:41,680

    00:16:42,847 --> 00:16:44,738
    your memories come back,
    and you wish they hadn't...

    00:16:47,062 --> 00:16:48,118
    would you still...

    00:16:49,518 --> 00:16:50,996
    be able to love me?

    00:17:16,679 --> 00:17:17,745
    It isn't Jeong Hoon.

    00:17:19,106 --> 00:17:20,242
    It isn't him.

    00:17:21,419 --> 00:17:22,797
    He'd no reason for doing
    such an evil thing to me.

    00:17:25,825 --> 00:17:27,032
    But then, who had?

    00:17:27,555 --> 00:17:28,843
    If you're stubborn about this,

    00:17:29,788 --> 00:17:31,639
    you risk losing everything.

    00:17:31,901 --> 00:17:33,309
    The moment trash like you

    00:17:33,741 --> 00:17:36,256
    encounters a man way beyond your wildest dreams,

    00:17:37,075 --> 00:17:39,606
    you seem to lose all your wits.

    00:17:40,009 --> 00:17:41,286
    That's can't be so.

    00:17:42,262 --> 00:17:44,163
    It's impossible to believe.

    00:17:45,944 --> 00:17:46,839
    How could they...

    00:17:48,066 --> 00:17:49,303
    How could they?

    00:17:51,335 --> 00:17:52,593
    It's unthinkable.

    00:17:56,162 --> 00:17:58,114
    Despite what you said last time, Mother-in-law,

    00:17:58,566 --> 00:17:59,884
    I still want to go ahead.

    00:18:00,025 --> 00:18:01,554
    I'm sure I can do it.

    00:18:02,067 --> 00:18:04,250
    Please support me in this, Mother-in-law.

    00:18:07,086 --> 00:18:09,028
    So you're really set on doing it?

    00:18:09,353 --> 00:18:10,148
    I am.

    00:18:10,480 --> 00:18:11,305

    00:18:11,546 --> 00:18:14,182
    please let her do the work she wants to.

    00:18:14,373 --> 00:18:16,234
    Mom, Jin Goo is right.

    00:18:16,364 --> 00:18:21,233
    It's fantastic how she's stepping up to
    this huge Man Bok presentation project.

    00:18:24,039 --> 00:18:25,216
    In that case...

    00:18:25,810 --> 00:18:27,380
    you've got to promise me one thing.

    00:18:27,943 --> 00:18:29,100
    What's that?

    00:18:29,251 --> 00:18:31,574
    Don't use work as a pretext to mix with men,

    00:18:31,836 --> 00:18:33,667
    come home really early every day,

    00:18:33,898 --> 00:18:35,517
    and don't go gadding around after dark.

    00:18:36,372 --> 00:18:36,906

    00:18:36,926 --> 00:18:37,760
    But Mom,

    00:18:37,780 --> 00:18:41,127
    she can't do her work without mixing with men,
    she's got to be on good terms with people...

    00:18:41,305 --> 00:18:45,610
    Shut up!

    00:18:45,781 --> 00:18:48,930
    Remember what she did last
    time she went out to work.

    00:18:49,463 --> 00:18:50,439

    00:18:50,459 --> 00:18:53,456
    I don't want to hear tongues wagging
    about you in the neighborhood.

    00:18:53,919 --> 00:18:55,056
    You get my meaning?

    00:18:55,840 --> 00:18:56,544

    00:18:57,289 --> 00:18:58,808
    In that case, give it a try.

    00:18:59,342 --> 00:19:02,662
    I know you well enough to realize
    I didn't need to say all that.

    00:19:03,296 --> 00:19:04,211

    00:19:04,664 --> 00:19:06,454
    make sure you keep your promise to me.

    00:19:07,621 --> 00:19:08,607
    I will.

    00:19:49,268 --> 00:19:50,857
    Mr Hwang!

    00:19:50,877 --> 00:19:51,723
    Hello there!

    00:19:52,741 --> 00:19:53,765
    Is your boss out?

    00:19:53,925 --> 00:19:54,720

    00:19:54,861 --> 00:19:57,688
    She's a bit late coming back
    from the broadcasting studios.

    00:19:57,959 --> 00:19:58,794
    But what...

    00:19:59,679 --> 00:20:02,798
    There's something I'd like talk to you you about in
    connection with lunchbox presentations.

    00:20:02,818 --> 00:20:03,874
    Talk to me?

    00:20:04,903 --> 00:20:06,009
    That's right.

    00:20:42,586 --> 00:20:44,779
    I thought you were supposed
    to be the boss around here.

    00:20:45,041 --> 00:20:49,396
    So how come Dong Yeon's muscling in
    on the presentation arrangements?

    00:20:49,768 --> 00:20:52,203
    Sure, the marketing team should be
    involved along with our product development team,

    00:20:52,384 --> 00:20:56,282
    but by calling in the sales staff as well
    he's trying to sway the decision.

    00:20:57,368 --> 00:21:00,497
    You know who that lot will vote for, don't you?

    00:21:01,422 --> 00:21:03,937
    They'll say what they're told to, no questions asked.

    00:21:04,118 --> 00:21:06,421
    I hear they put their heads together so everything's sewn up.

    00:21:06,955 --> 00:21:07,488

    00:21:08,031 --> 00:21:09,841
    what's going to happen with Oh Eun Soo's proposal?

    00:21:10,023 --> 00:21:13,654
    Well, with Dong Yeon throwing all his weight behind his sister's bid...

    00:21:13,825 --> 00:21:15,525
    who's going to have the nerve to oppose it?

    00:21:15,908 --> 00:21:18,533
    I'm all in favor of fair competition,

    00:21:18,815 --> 00:21:20,897
    but this is a travesty.

    00:21:21,058 --> 00:21:22,597
    I've thought of a way forward.

    00:21:23,241 --> 00:21:24,076
    But if I tell you,

    00:21:24,579 --> 00:21:26,148
    you've got to keep it secret
    till the presentation session.

    00:21:26,540 --> 00:21:27,828
    So what's your idea?

    00:21:34,126 --> 00:21:36,510
    Gosh, that should work!

    00:21:36,752 --> 00:21:39,498
    Wowee! Absolutely brilliant!

    00:21:41,429 --> 00:21:42,133
    Jeong Hoon!

    00:21:42,344 --> 00:21:43,682
    This proves you're a real genius!

    00:21:43,819 --> 00:21:47,118
    Tee hee! What a smart kiddo you are!

    00:21:47,973 --> 00:21:48,808
    Let's do it that way!

    00:22:59,470 --> 00:23:00,969
    That's right, Attorney Kim.

    00:23:00,989 --> 00:23:04,428
    I'd like  you to help her through
    all the legal procedures.

    00:23:05,817 --> 00:23:07,628
    Good. We can meet up later
    and I'll tell you all about it.

    00:23:08,622 --> 00:23:09,789
    That's fine.

    00:23:12,062 --> 00:23:13,159
    Eun Soo...

    00:23:14,567 --> 00:23:16,810
    The first thing is to get you back your name.

    00:23:24,880 --> 00:23:26,298

    00:23:27,274 --> 00:23:29,467
    Yes, Oh Yoo Jeong speaking.

    00:23:29,920 --> 00:23:32,294
    My name's Kim, I'm the Man Bok chief attorney.

    00:23:32,706 --> 00:23:34,969
    Vice President Kang has asked
    me to get in touch with you.

    00:23:36,106 --> 00:23:36,881
    He has?

    00:23:37,514 --> 00:23:38,581
    Ms Oh, or rather...

    00:23:38,943 --> 00:23:40,260
    Ms Lee,

    00:23:40,373 --> 00:23:45,367
    I'm calling to offer you help with all the
    legal procedures for getting an ID card.

    00:23:46,509 --> 00:23:47,384
    I see...

    00:23:49,104 --> 00:23:49,798

    00:23:50,241 --> 00:23:51,840
    I appreciate it,

    00:23:52,796 --> 00:23:53,922
    but in fact...

    00:23:54,244 --> 00:23:55,894
    that's something I'll see to myself.

    00:23:56,503 --> 00:23:58,555
    Please pass the message on to Vice President Kang.

    00:23:59,128 --> 00:24:00,828
    I'm grateful for his offer of help,

    00:24:01,180 --> 00:24:02,548
    but I can't accept it.

    00:24:04,007 --> 00:24:04,691
    That's right.

    00:24:04,973 --> 00:24:06,522
    Thanks anyway.

    00:24:09,187 --> 00:24:09,992

    00:24:10,706 --> 00:24:12,396
    She turned the offer down?

    00:24:14,879 --> 00:24:16,066
    I see.

    00:24:16,559 --> 00:24:18,078
    Thanks anyway, Attorney Kim.

    00:24:19,315 --> 00:24:22,858
    Since the young lady says she'll sort it out
    herself, we'll just keep a watching brief for now.

    00:24:23,128 --> 00:24:24,093
    That's right.

    00:25:10,922 --> 00:25:12,179

    00:25:12,803 --> 00:25:14,332
    Yes, Ms Ma?

    00:25:15,016 --> 00:25:15,660

    00:25:16,314 --> 00:25:18,828
    The presentation format's been changed?

    00:25:19,595 --> 00:25:20,178

    00:25:20,329 --> 00:25:21,506
    Right, I'll do that.

    00:25:21,717 --> 00:25:23,497
    Yes of course, I'll come straight over.

    00:25:23,799 --> 00:25:25,006

    00:25:25,922 --> 00:25:30,539
    So, you've decided to make the decision on
    the basis of single lunchbox priced at 5,500 Won?

    00:25:30,710 --> 00:25:34,610
    That's right. We thought that asking
    for five different sample lunchboxes

    00:25:34,630 --> 00:25:37,319
    would just make the assessment more difficult.

    00:25:37,651 --> 00:25:38,436

    00:25:38,607 --> 00:25:41,484
    just make the best lunchbox you
    can at the 5,500 Won price point.

    00:25:41,655 --> 00:25:44,041
    There'll be ten assessors.

    00:25:44,061 --> 00:25:47,650
    But someone else may show up,
    so prepare eleven, just in case.

    00:25:48,273 --> 00:25:49,440
    Right, I understand.

    00:25:49,716 --> 00:25:51,955
    Don't worry. You'll do fine.

    00:25:52,095 --> 00:25:53,353
    Thank you.

    00:25:53,926 --> 00:25:55,636
    I appreciate all the trouble you've taken.

    00:25:55,757 --> 00:25:57,829
    Oh, don't mention it. But...

    00:25:57,990 --> 00:26:01,917
    Vice President Kang is waiting
    here with something to say to you.

    00:26:03,472 --> 00:26:04,056
    I see.

    00:26:04,217 --> 00:26:05,233

    00:26:10,699 --> 00:26:11,544
    Ah, there you are.

    00:26:11,715 --> 00:26:12,580
    Have a seat.

    00:26:14,190 --> 00:26:16,312
    I hear there's something
    you wanted to say to me.

    00:26:17,368 --> 00:26:18,887
    Sit down first.

    00:26:26,189 --> 00:26:27,929
    Are your presentation preparations going well?

    00:26:28,261 --> 00:26:29,448

    00:26:31,208 --> 00:26:31,983
    Eun Soo...

    00:26:32,375 --> 00:26:33,361
    What is it?

    00:26:33,612 --> 00:26:35,564
    The reason you're pushing me away...

    00:26:36,218 --> 00:26:37,254
    I've got to know what it is.

    00:26:37,586 --> 00:26:38,290
    Why, oh why...

    00:26:38,310 --> 00:26:39,296
    That day,

    00:26:39,678 --> 00:26:41,177
    the day of the accident,

    00:26:42,143 --> 00:26:44,346
    I got a text message from you.

    00:26:45,161 --> 00:26:46,780
    Saying that you would explain everything

    00:26:47,001 --> 00:26:48,581
    if I went to the Blue House at Yang Pyeong.

    00:26:48,913 --> 00:26:49,687

    00:26:50,814 --> 00:26:51,930
    What on earth do you mean?

    00:26:52,474 --> 00:26:54,395
    I never sent you any message of that kind.

    00:26:54,536 --> 00:26:55,924
    You didn't?

    00:26:57,224 --> 00:26:58,683
    Then who did?

    00:26:59,568 --> 00:27:01,228
    It was sent from your cellphone number...

    00:27:01,248 --> 00:27:04,299
    Anyone and everyone could have used that number.

    00:27:04,567 --> 00:27:05,845
    Apart from which,

    00:27:06,165 --> 00:27:07,706
    I'd lost my cellphone that day at the airport.

    00:27:08,090 --> 00:27:10,100
    So how could I have sent you that message?

    00:27:10,863 --> 00:27:11,597

    00:27:12,079 --> 00:27:12,762

    00:27:13,432 --> 00:27:15,273
    You've found out where Kim Tae Seong is?

    00:27:16,651 --> 00:27:18,029
    Grab that bastard right away.

    00:27:18,557 --> 00:27:20,501
    You can't let him escape.

    00:27:20,791 --> 00:27:22,278
    Go grab him right now.

    00:27:22,820 --> 00:27:23,638
    So that's what happened.

    00:27:26,599 --> 00:27:27,507
    But how...

    00:27:27,906 --> 00:27:29,580
    how could you suspect me of doing that?

    00:27:30,322 --> 00:27:32,545
    Surely, you didn't imagine I could...

    00:27:32,685 --> 00:27:33,689
    Right now,

    00:27:35,189 --> 00:27:36,657
    I don't feel I can trust anyone at all.

    00:27:38,093 --> 00:27:39,052
    I simply can't.

    00:27:40,488 --> 00:27:42,735
    Not even you, whatever you say.

    00:27:43,061 --> 00:27:44,800
    For the last six years,

    00:27:45,282 --> 00:27:47,214
    I've lived imprisoned within dark walls.

    00:27:48,559 --> 00:27:49,789
    Who I am,

    00:27:50,220 --> 00:27:51,456
    why it is that I'm here,

    00:27:52,197 --> 00:27:53,356
    Not knowing...

    00:27:53,955 --> 00:27:54,715
    Not knowing

    00:27:55,732 --> 00:27:57,773
    who on earth I was for six years of sheer hell.

    00:27:58,204 --> 00:27:59,215
    Eun Soo!

    00:27:59,665 --> 00:28:01,745
    There's no-one I can trust.

    00:28:02,920 --> 00:28:03,653
    Eun Soo!

    00:28:03,673 --> 00:28:04,658
    You have your answer now.

    00:28:05,611 --> 00:28:06,892
    So I'll be leaving.

    00:28:07,947 --> 00:28:09,145
    Eun Soo, just a moment...

    00:28:09,982 --> 00:28:11,636
    Vice-President Kang,

    00:28:12,704 --> 00:28:14,030
    I've said all I'm going to say.

    00:28:14,545 --> 00:28:15,607
    so I'm leaving now.

    00:28:15,981 --> 00:28:17,081
    It's been six years.

    00:28:18,730 --> 00:28:19,592
    For six whole years,

    00:28:19,850 --> 00:28:21,717
    there's been not a single day, not a single hour,

    00:28:22,077 --> 00:28:23,133
    when I've forgotten about you.

    00:28:24,157 --> 00:28:24,866
    But you...

    00:28:25,632 --> 00:28:27,441
    you aren't willing to grant me just ten minutes?

    00:28:28,728 --> 00:28:30,273
    Not even ten minutes?

    00:28:33,434 --> 00:28:34,065
    Eun Soo!

    00:28:35,077 --> 00:28:36,281
    Six years ago,

    00:28:37,794 --> 00:28:38,869
    it all ended between us.

    00:28:40,278 --> 00:28:41,431
    That night at Yang Pyeong,

    00:28:42,409 --> 00:28:43,755
    the night of the accident,

    00:28:45,113 --> 00:28:46,291
    it was over between us.

    00:28:48,699 --> 00:28:49,529
    I really have to go.

    00:28:57,336 --> 00:28:58,167
    Eun Soo.

    00:29:22,079 --> 00:29:22,961

    00:29:23,282 --> 00:29:24,538
    <i>are getting engaged in April,</i>

    00:29:25,040 --> 00:29:26,366
    <i>and married in September.</i>

    00:29:32,966 --> 00:29:33,764

    00:29:34,266 --> 00:29:35,869
    your memories come back,
    and you wish they hadn't...

    00:29:36,732 --> 00:29:39,907
    would you still be able to love me?

    00:29:46,027 --> 00:29:47,051
    Yoo Jeong!

    00:29:47,239 --> 00:29:48,634

    00:29:48,792 --> 00:29:51,213
    Have you been visiting the
    Product Development Division?

    00:29:51,644 --> 00:29:52,133
    That's right.

    00:29:52,371 --> 00:29:53,659
    People have been telling me...

    00:29:53,878 --> 00:29:56,086
    how much effort you're putting into this presentation.

    00:29:56,337 --> 00:29:57,953
    So you want to compete with me?

    00:29:58,442 --> 00:29:58,951
    That's right.

    00:29:59,382 --> 00:30:02,318
    I don't mind if you win this lunch-box contract.

    00:30:02,627 --> 00:30:05,337
    I've already got lots of
    connections with Man Bok.

    00:30:05,697 --> 00:30:09,961
    So if it's just about the lunch
    boxes, I'm happy to make way for you

    00:30:09,981 --> 00:30:10,843
    What do you think?

    00:30:12,748 --> 00:30:14,906
    If you want the lunch box contract so badly,

    00:30:15,144 --> 00:30:16,882
    even at this late stage, I can pull out.

    00:30:17,256 --> 00:30:18,852
    I'm not the vindictive type.

    00:30:19,419 --> 00:30:21,129
    Strange, but when I see you,

    00:30:21,149 --> 00:30:23,490
    I actually feel like letting you win.

    00:30:23,788 --> 00:30:25,115
    Isn't that weird?

    00:30:25,687 --> 00:30:27,753
    Maybe we were sisters in a previous life.

    00:30:27,773 --> 00:30:28,957
    So, how do you feel?

    00:30:30,838 --> 00:30:35,388
    I've never felt this way before
    about a rival in my own field.

    00:30:35,589 --> 00:30:36,464

    00:30:37,012 --> 00:30:37,713
    Ah yes...

    00:30:38,164 --> 00:30:41,612
    I'll be sending you my ideas
    for your engagement party catering.

    00:30:41,632 --> 00:30:43,500
    Ah, that's great.

    00:30:43,654 --> 00:30:44,632

    00:30:45,321 --> 00:30:48,711
    You'll be the lynch-pin of my engagement party.

    00:30:48,907 --> 00:30:50,092
    I'm so grateful.

    00:31:17,885 --> 00:31:18,684
    Good afternoon.

    00:31:18,954 --> 00:31:21,246
    - Good afternoon.
    - You're headed for the Man Bok HQ, I guess?

    00:31:21,497 --> 00:31:23,422
    I'm going that way myself.

    00:31:23,707 --> 00:31:24,820
    Ah, I see.

    00:31:25,039 --> 00:31:26,275
    Hop into my car.

    00:31:26,353 --> 00:31:27,280
    I'll give you a ride.

    00:31:27,486 --> 00:31:29,391
    No, it's all right, I'll get a cab.

    00:31:29,507 --> 00:31:30,672
    But we're both going the same way.

    00:31:30,872 --> 00:31:32,616
    It's not like it's any trouble for me.

    00:31:43,410 --> 00:31:44,440
    In you get.

    00:32:05,650 --> 00:32:06,815
    What's wrong with the car?

    00:32:07,336 --> 00:32:08,264
    Just a moment.

    00:32:08,907 --> 00:32:10,008
    Why's it doing this?

    00:32:10,163 --> 00:32:11,000
    What's wrong?

    00:32:12,184 --> 00:32:13,723
    The engine just stopped.

    00:32:14,920 --> 00:32:16,362
    But this is a car I only just got..

    00:32:16,735 --> 00:32:17,939
    So what should we do?

    00:32:18,396 --> 00:32:19,291
    Hold on a sec.

    00:32:19,665 --> 00:32:21,590
    I'll call a rescue service, they'll soon fix it.

    00:32:21,873 --> 00:32:22,903
    It won't take long.

    00:32:23,154 --> 00:32:24,712
    In that case, I'll get a
    taxi the rest of the way.

    00:32:24,860 --> 00:32:25,330
    No, need.

    00:32:25,491 --> 00:32:26,386
    Just hold on.

    00:32:41,005 --> 00:32:43,442
    [Honey, are things going well?]

    00:32:43,770 --> 00:32:46,052
    [i wish I could be there to support you today.]

    00:32:46,322 --> 00:32:47,951
    [but I can't, because of work]

    00:32:48,715 --> 00:32:49,449
    [Good Luck!]

    00:32:49,938 --> 00:32:50,530
    [show your stuff!]

    00:33:15,570 --> 00:33:16,214
    Eun Soo?

    00:33:16,516 --> 00:33:18,786
    I mean...  Yoo Jeong?

    00:33:18,948 --> 00:33:19,998
    She's not here yet.

    00:33:20,384 --> 00:33:21,266
    I guess something's gone wrong.

    00:33:22,169 --> 00:33:23,796
    She called to say she's on her way.

    00:33:25,502 --> 00:33:26,970
    What can have happened?

    00:33:43,192 --> 00:33:46,192
    It's time to start the presentations.

    00:33:48,683 --> 00:33:51,220
    But Oh Yoo Jeong hasn't arrived yet. We can't start.

    00:33:51,765 --> 00:33:53,065
    Besides, there's still five minutes to go.

    00:33:53,934 --> 00:33:54,643
    Min Dong Yeon's orders.

    00:33:55,788 --> 00:34:01,870
    If a presenter hasn't arrived with
    only five minutes to go, that's a bad sign.

    00:34:02,198 --> 00:34:03,898
    In the lunchbox business, time is of the essence.

    00:34:04,097 --> 00:34:05,044

    00:34:05,166 --> 00:34:06,048
    start the presentations.

    00:34:07,226 --> 00:34:08,868
    No. There are still five minutes to go.

    00:34:09,042 --> 00:34:10,696
    The time announced was 3 pm.

    00:34:11,063 --> 00:34:12,692
    So we'll start at three precisely.

    00:34:22,341 --> 00:34:24,278
    It all went as planned.

    00:34:24,690 --> 00:34:26,377
    She isn't going to make it.

    00:34:28,309 --> 00:34:29,879
    It's three o' clock now, time to start.

    00:34:31,186 --> 00:34:32,190
    Mr Oh,

    00:34:32,461 --> 00:34:33,240
    Please begin.

    00:34:33,477 --> 00:34:35,002
    We'll start then.

    00:34:35,175 --> 00:34:37,261
    Since she didn't arrive by the appointed time,

    00:34:37,666 --> 00:34:40,968
    the representative of Lunchbox
    Enterprises is  disqualified from...

    00:34:47,353 --> 00:34:50,314
    Oh Yoo Jeong of Lunchbox
    Enterprises has arrived.

    00:34:51,177 --> 00:34:52,226
    Please begin.

    00:34:53,124 --> 00:34:53,716
    In that case,

    00:34:53,736 --> 00:34:58,036
    we can proceed with the presentations
    for the lunchbox contract.

    00:34:58,274 --> 00:35:00,058
    Each presenter must
    observe strict time limits.

    00:35:00,302 --> 00:35:05,737
    and I'll start by asking Ms Oh Yoo Jeong
    to make the first one.

    00:35:33,786 --> 00:35:34,971
    Good afternoon, everyone.

    00:35:37,357 --> 00:35:38,561
    My name is Lee Eun Soo.

  11. Given that gene716932 is taking a well-deserved break, here's my take on ep 29

    Yoo Jeong and Jin Goo arrive at the movie theater in a mellow mood, looking forward to a nostalgically romantic evening out. But that mood is soon shattered by the appearance of Se Yeon and Jeong Hoon. It becomes clear (not least to Jeong Hoon) why Se Yeon insisted on going to this particular movie showing. She suggests they take the time for a coffee together before the movie starts, and steers the conversation round to how Jin Goo and Yoo Jeong came to meet, whether they were each other's first loves, as she and Jeong Hoon were, whether they are certain that they'll also be each other's last loves, as she and Jeong Hoon are, and so on. Jeong Hoon can take no more of it and insists that Se Yeon leaves with him without seeing the movie. Left to themselves, Yoo Jeong admits to Jin Goo that she'd rather go straight home, too, and so they do, their evening ruined. More grounds for off-set mother-in-law grumblings about undutiful wifely behavior.

    Reflecting on her observations of how Jeong Hoon and Yoo Jeong reacted, Se Yeon concludes that it's plain now that both Jeong Hoon and Yoo Jeong know the truth. But it doesn't matter, she reassures herself, because that knowledge changes nothing, since Eun Soo is already married to another man.

    Dong Hee's team, evaluating the tenders next day, are surprised at the quality of Yoo Jeong's submission, and at the competitive prices she's offering. But they are worried about choosing her bid on its merits over the one from their boss's fiancée and future daugher-in-law to the company President. At the same time, they are still shocked by the discovery of the resemblance between Yoo Jeong and Eun Soo. Supposing she really is Eun Soo... wouldn't rejecting her bid get them into even worse trouble with Jeong Hoon? But they decide that backing Se Yeon, as they've already promised to do, is the safer bet. While they're pondering that one, Dong Hee is on the phone to Yoo Jeong, asking can they meet up again because there are a couple of minor issues that didn't get cleared up the previous day. Yoo Jeong is happy to agree.

    Before leaving home for her meeting with Dong Hee, Yoo Jeong asks her brother-in-law where Jin Goo's new workplace is, since he hasn't told her. Puzzled why his brother kept this apparently harmless information from her, he supplies it. Yoo Jeong is, of course, taken aback to discover Jin Goo has taken a job with Man Bok. Before she can think any more about the implications, she gets a text from Se Yeon, saying something's cropped up, so she can't keep their appointment for that day (supposedly to give her details about the catering requirements for the engagement party). She'll send her the information separately later.

    At the same time, Dong Yeon is telling his his assistant about Jin Goo getting a job at the company. They realize he must have some scheme in mind and resolve to keep a close eye on him. Down in the transportation department, Jin Goo is getting more information about Kim Tae Seong from his new senior. He hasn't come up with anything definite, except that there's a rumor Tae Seong is involved with gangsters. And the rumors also have it that those gangsters have links to someone very high up in the Man Bok company, though no-one is sure who that is.

    After a scene that will delight the hearts of all Country Ajumma Pants enthusiasts, but which I'll skip over, we go back to the company for weightier stuff. En route to her meeting with Dong Hee, Yoo Jeong encounters Dong Yeon at the elevator. He clearly gets quite a fright, but quickly recovers and says they met a while ago in Jeong Hoon's office, does she remember? He is of course anxious to find out whether she remembers him from long before that meeting, but she puts on an act of thinking it's a harmless question with a harmless answer': "Yes". He's also caught off guard when he discovers why she's come to the building, but he tries to hide his alarm at this further encroachment of someone he's anxious to keep well away.

    But back in his office, Dong Yeon says that encounter convinced him that Yoo Jeong really has no inkling of her true identity or their past dealings, But his assistant is not so easily fooled. He points out that people of her lowly status normally feel a little awkward in the unexpected presence of someone so important. But Yoo Jeong showed no sign of being at all disturbed.  He finds her self-possession distinctly suspicious, a clue that she may indeed be deliberately faking ignorance.

    Coming into the office, Yoo Jeong is rather effusively greeted by Oh Gil Soo, who apologizes for not having introduced himself properly the previous day (because of his shock at her "resemblance" to Eun Soo) and who knocks her off balance for a moment by the well-meant conversational gambit of noting that they share the same family name and asking which Oh clan she belongs to. He belongs to the Haeju branch of the Oh's, so what's her clan? Now since she isn't an Oh at all, Yoo Jeong hasn't the faintest idea which clan she belongs to or where the ancestral shrine of that clan is located (Haeju is in North Korea, so the ancestral shrine of Haeju Oh's like Gil Soo is barred to them). Yet their clan affiliation and the location of its ancestral shrine is something that every native-born Korean is taught at an early age (and it's another of the various stigmas attaching to Korean orphans of unknown parentage that they belong to no clan and so have "no roots" as is so often remarked of such people in Kdramas.) So poor Gil Soo has doubly put his foot in it. He's asked a question no orphan should never be asked, and on top of that a question that makes Yoo Jeong anxious that her inability to answer it might reveal her false identity. She's at a loss for words, but Dong Hee, realizing why, steps up to save the day, telling Gil Soo to keep his genealogical hobby out of the workplace.

    It soon emerges that the "minor issues" Dong Hee called Yoo Jeong back to "clear up" actually amount to giving her extremely valuable statistical inside information about the tastes, preferences and purchasing habits of the company's customer base. Yoo Jeong gulps visibly, but settles for the considerable understatement that this information will "probably help" her pitch her presentation effectively. Dong Hee is quite unashamed about the rank favoritism she's showing (though of course she conceals its real basis, which has nothing to do with catering at all). She tells Yoo Jeong in so many words that she really likes her as a person, so she's sure she'll like her presentation, and her products, just as much. Not sure what to make of all this, Yoo Jeong settles for the customary Korean response to encouragement from a superior, namely that she'll "give it her best effort" and in a voiceover we hear Dong Hee secretly saying "That's right, Eun Soo -- let's both of us together pull this one off" and we guess she's thinking about more than winning a contract.

    At that moment, however, Dong Hee is summoned to the President's office. The President doesn't beat about the bush with his sister-in-law. He doesn't want to hear any more of this nonsense about putting the supply of lunch boxes out to tender. Se Yeon in that line of business and she's good as family already, quite apart from being on the verge of becoming his daughter-in-law, so of course the contract should go to her without further ado. But Dong Hee stands her ground, apparently light-heartedly, but making no secret of her determination. The President put her in charge of that department, she reminds him, and that means she has the right and the duty to decide that department's policy as she thinks fit, and she intends to do just that. With which she dashes out of his office, leaving him spluttering his protests in vain.

    Jeong Hoon, in the meantime, is drafting text messages to Yoo Jeong asking can they meet, but deleting them again before they're sent.

    Yoo Jeong, happening to pass by the post office, suddenly recalls going there with Jeong Hoon to dispatch a box of goodies to the orphanage kids, and suddenly the memory of the orphanage, and the warden who was so kind to her, overwhelms her. She obviously heads for the orphanage right away, because we cut to her coming into the storeroom where the kids once locked her in for the night with Joon Heong. She remembers in particular the revelation that he's scared of mice [though you can bet that some fansubbers would make this into a -- far less irrational and comic -- fear of "rats". Korean, in common with other major East Asian languages, makes no clear verbal distinction between "mouse" and "rat": the word 쥐 stands for either, the difference being made either by context, or by attaching "little" or "big" to the noun. To add to the confusion this sometimes causes translators, there is a different word, though with the same pronunciation and spelling, meaning "muscle cramp" and this is often fodder for the Korean love of punning. In Pasta, for instance, where a character who's been sleeping in a kitchen locker awakes with leg cramp and on complaining of that condition starts a panic about a non-existent mouse infestation.]

    While Yoo Jeong is still in the grip of these memories, the lady warden comes in and recognizes her instantly as Eun Soo. With no attempt this time to deny who she is even for one instant, Eun Soo hugs the warden, who is thanking God for this miracle as they both weep.

    Back in Seoul, Jeong Hoon has abandoned modern communication devices for a while and opted for the trusty Kdrama Yell of Despair, choosing the nearest of the four possible locations for the Yell of Inner Pain, namely a city rooftop.  Location #2, the Han riverbank, being a bit of a hike from his office, and locations #3 and #4, an ocean beach or a mountaintop, being incompatible with the timeframe of a daily drama episode.)

    Back to the orphanage. Eun Soo is kneeling beside a memorial that the children have made in the grounds expressing their love for her and their devastation at her loss. She has formed a new resolution. "I shall never forgive them. Those people."[There's an intercut forward here to a scene we will see in full in a moment, with the President, Se Yeon and Dong Yeon laughing heartily in the President's Office as Se Yeon boasts of the way she'll use her business connections to introduce powerful people to her father-in-law] "The people who made me like this. People who caused children such grief. I can''t forgive them. And I never, ever shall."

    With the President's gleeful anticipation of what a  useful daughter-in-law she's going to be ringing blissfully in her ears, Se Yeon goes to Jeong Hoon's office (who we know, but she doesn't, is out on the roof doing a spot of cathartic yelling) and is puzzled to find he's left his cellphone behind on his desk. While she's there she decides to do a little poking around, finds a file with the preliminary assessment of Yoo Jeong's proposal, and is stupefied to find that Jeong Hoon has given it 98/100. He's never been known to grade anything even remotely so high, she muses bitterly. Then she hears Jeong Hoon coming back and hurriedly replaces the file.

    He gives her a very frosty welcome, and responds to her tentative remark that perhaps she'd better be leaving by saying, in effect "quite right, you had. Goodbye." Which she does, in a huff. [if this was a high-budget prime time drama, she'd have slammed the door hard behind her, but that's not advisable on as cost-paring daily drama set, because it makes the walls go wobbly. Watch how the equally cheapskate mansion staircase at the President's abode sways alarmingly whenever anyone steps on it at all energetically.]

    In another part of the building, Jin Goo is trying in vain to get through to Yoo Jeong. He leaves her a voicemail saying he's worried and asking her to call him back.

    Se Yeon has made straight for her brother's office, where she demands to be told the truth. She's not a child, she protests, and she can take it. Jeong Hoon knows that Yoo Jeong is actually Eun Soo, doesn't he? After briefly stalling, her brother gives in and admits that, yes, Jeong Hoon does indeed know that, but he assures her there's there's no cause for undue alarm because Eun Soo is apparently intent on keeping her true identity a secret from everybody, Jeong Hoon included, and seems not to want to return to her former life.

    Back at the orphanage, where Eun Soo has apparently now left again for Seoul, the warden is clutching her cellphone, visibly struggling with a difficult decision. She dials a number and it proves to be Jeong Hoon's. She explains who she is and that there's one thing she has to tell him, namely the Eun Soo has got her memory back.

    Jin Goo is on the phone to his friend, asking him yet again if he has any clue as to who it was who threatened him in order to find out Jin Goo and Yoo Jeong's whereabouts. He repeats that since he was blindfolded, he saw no faces. He doesn't want to talk any more about the matter, but he will say one last thing. He thought he heard his abductors address someone as 실장, the title given to the head of a company department. His informant has of course no idea which company or organization the person so addressed belonged to, but Jin Goo immediately suspects this is the "person high up in Man Bok" who had connections with gangland through Kim Tae Seong.

    Comic relief time again. Dong Hee is on the phone, rather testily telling her sister she doesn't need reminding that she has a blind date arranged. And ho ho ho, who would have thought it, the rendezvous for the blind date is at the diner where Dae Goo works. And of course, he overhears the would-be suitor talking on the phone before his date arrives and then... But this scene is dire enough without me inflicting any more of it on you. Alas, you don't need to understand any Korean to get how daft this little incident is, so I can't really shield you from it.

    Back to the serious stuff for the cliffhanger run-up. Yoo Jeong has got Jin Goo's voicemail and is phoning him to say she's OK and is now on her way to collect Dong Hee and go back home with him. But after she hangs up, Jeong Hoon emerges, grasps her arm, addresses her as Eun Soo, and insists they have to talk. She responds with cold and angry formality. "Vice-President Kang! How many times more do I need to tell you? I am not Lee Eun Soo. I am Oh Yoo Jeong. So please never call me Eun Soo ever again." Jeong Hoon is in a state of bewildered panic. "Why on earth are you doing this?" he responds (in familiar speech). And why are you doing it to me, of all people? I know you've got back all your memories. They've all come back to you". But she doesn't waver or soften. "Vice President Kang. I don't know what you mean by that. I never lost any memories. So there are no memories that could come back to me." Now it's Jeong Hoon's turn to get angry, but his anger is anything but cool. "Stop lying to me. Of course you got your memories back. You know me. You know who I am. You know what we mean to each other. You know that. Eun Soo!" But she stays firm, precisely because of the meaning which his claim that she knows "who he is" carries in her ears. Because what she (thinks she) knows he is, is that he is the man who abandoned her, may even have connived at her attempted murder, and who is obviously prepared to marry a scheming and manipulative woman. So she tries to continue "Vice-President Kang, as far as I'm concerned, you are..." But he frantically cuts her short. "Eun Soo. Stop all this, won't you? The Warden of the Orphanage called me. She told me you got your memory back." She blinks as she takes that in, but recovers herself and replies with barely restrained contempt in her voice "And what the hell has that got to do with you? So... If I have got my memory back, just what business is that of yours?"

    EDIT: Just to round things off: In this morning's episode (ep 30) she continues over the cliffhanger, "Alright, what you said's correct. I do remember. Who you are. Who I am. But what business is that of yours? I've become a different person now. So stop continually harrassing me, and my husband, this way. Goodbye now.
    She walks away, and as he calls out "Eun Soo" after her, she is thinking "Whether it was you, or whoever else it was, who made me the way I am now... whoever it was, I will never forgive them. Never, ever."

    Jeong Hoon watches her go, shouting out in desperate frustration, "But why? Why are you doing this? Eun Soo! Why?"

  12. Daily Kramas are especially prone to pass off complication as complexity. As @Auntie Mame remarked right at the start of this thread, it was plain from the very first sequence that this drama was going to have a lot of complications. However, so far, there hasn't been much psychological complexity (and consequent scope for good acting), which is the stuff of good K-melo writing.

    Things seem to be looking up now, though, thanks mainly to the situation in which Eun Soo has completely recovered her memory. With that discovery, her previous merely occasional mild curiosity about who she used to be and the life she once led, which didn't get in the way of her living her new life, has been replaced by all-round anxiety and doubt.  No longer doubt about who she is, but disabling doubt about who the people around her are, in the sense of what their true motives and feelings are.

    She can't make sense of Jin Goo's behavior, but she can't understand what makes Jeong Hoon tick either. The main reason for that is the (fake) text message, supposedly from Jeong Hoon as he left so unexpectedly for Japan, which fitted in so well (as indeed it was meant to) with Se Yeon's implication that Jeong Hoon had just been toying with Eun Soo and that she had deluded herself into thinking they really could marry. So even if she can't bring herself to believe that Jeong Hoon himself would have arranged her killing, she has  a nagging suspicion that her disappearance from his life in the event suited him well enough, no matter what he may protest now.

    That suspicion plays a strong part in the opening sequence of ep 27. Se Yeon knows full well that Yoo Jeong is Eun Soo. But she also thinks that Eun Soo has still no inkling of who she really is. We know that her meeting with Yoo Jeong is part of some plan to disgrace her  (presumably she plans to sabotage the goodies she's asking Yoo Jeong to provide), but she's clearly also sending out messages that even if Eun Soo does recover her memories, she doesn't have a chance with Jeong Hoon.

    But of course Eun Soo knows full well that Se Yeon is trying to manipulate her. Especially since she notices the parallel between this meeting and their previous one six years ago, both of which centered around a printed invitation that provided "proof" that Jeong Hoon belonged to Se Yeon (though on the former occasion, the wedding invitation was a fake, whilst the current engagement invitation is genuine enough). But Eun Soo is rather taken aback when Se Yeon lays it on very thick that she lived together with Jeong Hoon througout his six-year stay in the States, and that their blissful intimacy (in that decadent land of free love, universal drug-taking, gross disrespect for elders, and BSE-riddled beef which always lies across the Pacific in morning-slot Kdrama dailies) completely eradicated whatever "insignificant upset" it was that led to Jeong Hoon leaving the country with her. We see that she half-realizes that this is yet another deliberate lie, but she can't quite be as sure about that as she is about Se Yeon's overall deceptiveness. Eun Soo's certainty that Se Yeon is malicious and scheming means she is much less of a pushover than Se Yeon complacently imagines, failing to see that Eun Soo's apparent habitual mild submissivness is now just an act,

    Jumping to the other end of the episode, we have Eun Soo alone with Jeong Hoon, who, like Se Yeon, is sure of Eun Soo's real identity, but unlike Se Yeon has a growing certainty that Eun Soo knows that identity too but is,  is for some reason that perplexes and disturbs him, hiding that knowledge.

    Of course, he knows nothing of that fake text and its fateful effect, so he has to entertain a suspicion that, whatever Eun Soo may have felt for him back then, she now really has started a new life with a new identity and wants to stay with that new identity, regardless of what she may recall about her old one. That's why the necklace, his plans to give it back to Eun Soo, and Se Yeon's deliberate thwarting of those plans by stealing it from his room, are so important. He figures that, although she may not want to "come back" for his sake, she may change her mind if she has the prospect of finding her mother. And of course we know that right now she is actively trying to pick up the thread of her mother's identity and whereabouts by going back to the lost property office, but is getting nowhere on that track for the moment.

    There is a powerful contrast between, on the one hand, Se Yeon's complacent self-confidence and Eun Soo's composed air of innocence in the opening scene, and on the other, Jeong Hoon's desperate and awkard attempts to get Yoo Jeong to talk about her past in the closing scene, which meet with Eun Soo's equally awkward and uneasy determination not to get drawn in. And the key to this contrast is in a quite deliberate linguistic parallel which the writer has put in between the two scenes, which is rather difficulty to get across in English.

    Eun Soo's voiced-over thoughts in the first scene, as she pretends to be taken in by Se Yeon, are 나는 당신 기억해.  당신이 누구인지.  ["I remember you. Who you are"]. And this is matched in the final scene by Jeong Hoon's plea, as he desperately abandons the tentative probing Eun Soo has just rebuked him for, and pleads with her straight out 기억해 줘.  내가 누구인지. ["Please, please remember. Who I am"].

    When Eun Soo says to herself that she remembers who Se Yeon "is" she's saying much more than that she recalls her rival's identity: she's saying that she knows full well what kind of person Se Yeon is and what her true motives towards her are. But when Eun Soo hears Jeong Hoon plead with her to remember who he is, her problem, and the reason she determinedly rejects that plea (saying, in the cliffhanger continuation of the scene in today's episode, "How often do I have to say this? My name is Oh Yoo Jeong", then turning on her heel and leaving his office) is that her recovered memories of the facts about her past with Jeong Hoon, far from making her realize "who he is", in the way she now knows all too well "who" Se Yeon "is", make her deeply uncertain about what kind of person he was and is, and hence how she should respond to him now.

    And she is, of course, in exactly the same terrible dilemma with Jin Goo. She has so much palpable evidence of his devotion to her and her son, and yet at the same time it's becoming increasingly plain that he is concealing some awful truth from her.

    Ironically, the sudden return of complete recall, which undermines her relationship with Jin Goo, comes about when she strikes her head on the ground as he is fighting courageously to rescue her from the kidnappers. So this latest demonstration of his devotion to her triggers her discovery of how consistently and stubbornly her has been lying to her, a discovery he's been dreading since she told him, in the first episode, that every time she had that recurrent nightmare, the face of the man responsible for her injury got that little bit more distinct, though still not clear enough to be recognizable.

    To give people with little or no Korean some flavor of how the opening and closing scenes of ep 27 come across in the original, I've made two sets of mini-subs of those scenes. If you have a raw and want to view these subs with it, just cut and paste them into a text file, give it an appropriate *.srt name, and use it as if it were a normal full subs file (players don't worry about the sub numbering or gaps in time stamps, so you've no need to fiddle with them unless the overall synch doesn't match your particular raw: the subs will stop after the first scene then start up again in the final one) I've included a bit of typical banter between our oddly matched but undeniably cute couple-to-be before they leave Eun Soo and Jeong Hoon alone for their embarrassed exchanges.

    00:00:11,475 --> 00:00:15,000
    I'm getting formally engaged
    to Jeong Hoon in April.

    00:00:18,105 --> 00:00:21,906
    We're inviting family and friends
    to a little celebration party.

    00:00:22,411 --> 00:00:27,088
    I'd like to give each guest a
    choice selection of rice cakes.

    00:00:27,686 --> 00:00:31,244
    So I thought I'd entrust you with providing them.

    00:00:31,600 --> 00:00:34,134
    They need to be nicely packaged,

    00:00:34,285 --> 00:00:37,528
    and the taste and appearance have
    to be absolutely first class.

    00:00:37,548 --> 00:00:39,101
    Why ask me?

    00:00:39,307 --> 00:00:41,296
    You're much better than I
    am at that sort of thing.

    00:00:41,745 --> 00:00:43,951
    Rice cakes aren't really my specialty

    00:00:44,400 --> 00:00:47,669
    You said earlier that you'd worked
    in a rice-cake bakery in Ansong?

    00:00:48,031 --> 00:00:51,839
    With your abilities, I think you'd come
    up with something really good.

    00:00:52,482 --> 00:00:53,965
    <i>Min Se Yeon...</i>

    00:00:54,364 --> 00:00:56,189
    <i>I remember you...</i>

    00:00:56,688 --> 00:00:58,132
    <i>and who you are</i>

    00:00:58,907 --> 00:01:01,033
    So please do this for me, won't you?

    00:01:02,543 --> 00:01:03,594

    00:01:03,935 --> 00:01:05,720
    "Love", you call it?

    00:01:05,917 --> 00:01:09,873
    The moment trash like you encounters
    a man way beyond your wildest dreams,

    00:01:10,904 --> 00:01:12,744
    you seem to lose all your wits.

    00:01:15,922 --> 00:01:17,353
    Actually where Jeong Hoon
    and I are concerned,

    00:01:17,510 --> 00:01:20,392
    engagement and marriage ceremonies
    are just a matter of form.

    00:01:21,337 --> 00:01:23,346
    After we went to the States six years ago,

    00:01:23,366 --> 00:01:25,042
    we set up house together.

    00:01:26,106 --> 00:01:29,151
    So in the States ... you were living together?

    00:01:29,171 --> 00:01:30,569

    00:01:30,589 --> 00:01:34,474
    Six years ago, Jeong Hoon
    had an upsetting experience,

    00:01:34,619 --> 00:01:36,903
    but going abroad with me
    got him over it completely.

    00:01:39,266 --> 00:01:41,301
    That upsetting experience...

    00:01:41,599 --> 00:01:42,916
    what was it?

    00:01:43,126 --> 00:01:44,387
    Nothing terribly important.

    00:01:45,018 --> 00:01:47,828
    I don't even remember
    now exactly what is was.

    00:01:48,511 --> 00:01:49,653
    But anyway...

    00:01:49,824 --> 00:01:51,425
    our engagement ceremony is next month.

    00:01:52,436 --> 00:01:54,196
    Can you see your way to catering for us?

    00:01:55,129 --> 00:01:56,468

    00:01:56,941 --> 00:01:58,031
    I'll do that.

    00:01:59,239 --> 00:02:00,263
    Thank you...

    00:02:00,394 --> 00:02:01,641
    Yoo Jeong...

    00:33:50,107 --> 00:33:52,248
    Uh, what's going on here?

    00:33:52,862 --> 00:33:54,314
    Everything's suddenly vanished.

    00:33:54,334 --> 00:33:55,979
    You haven't zapped the data, have you?

    00:33:55,999 --> 00:33:58,729
    No. Of course not.

    00:33:58,749 --> 00:34:00,938
    I just need to plug this into a printer.

    00:34:01,229 --> 00:34:02,581
    Hey, scrawny-neck!  I knew you'd mess up...

    00:34:02,743 --> 00:34:04,702
    Ah... Ahem...

    00:34:05,073 --> 00:34:07,447
    You just come along with me.

    00:34:09,071 --> 00:34:10,960
    That's enough of the "scrawny neck",
    if you don't mind.

    00:34:10,980 --> 00:34:12,083
    Shut it!

    00:34:18,442 --> 00:34:19,969
    You've worked very hard on this.

    00:34:21,139 --> 00:34:22,168
    I have.

    00:34:23,089 --> 00:34:26,242
    How did you get into the lunch-box business?

    00:34:27,495 --> 00:34:29,586
    Oh, just by chance.

    00:34:30,650 --> 00:34:33,073
    The accompanying illustrations
    are really fine.

    00:34:33,546 --> 00:34:35,521
    Did you study graphic design?

    00:34:35,541 --> 00:34:37,296

    00:34:38,385 --> 00:34:39,895
    I've sampled one of your lunchboxes.

    00:34:39,915 --> 00:34:41,323
    It was really delicious.

    00:34:41,721 --> 00:34:44,306
    Are you a trained chef?

    00:34:44,326 --> 00:34:45,551

    00:34:45,833 --> 00:34:47,675
    But you enjoy cooking?

    00:34:48,209 --> 00:34:49,421
    What sort of thing <i>do</i> you enjoy?

    00:34:49,441 --> 00:34:52,143
    I think you said a while back
    that you liked hot chocolate.

    00:34:53,358 --> 00:34:54,421
    Oh, and yes...

    00:34:54,441 --> 00:34:56,686
    You mentioned you have a child.

    00:34:57,184 --> 00:34:58,296
    How old's your child?

    00:34:58,462 --> 00:34:59,723
    Excuse me, sir.

    00:35:00,266 --> 00:35:02,606
    but please confine your
    questions to work matters.

    00:35:02,955 --> 00:35:03,619

    00:35:03,639 --> 00:35:06,971
    Work issues are all you should be asking about.

    00:35:08,417 --> 00:35:11,305
    I'm not sure why you take
    such an interest in me,

    00:35:11,778 --> 00:35:14,517
    but I have to say
    I don't welcome it.

    00:35:15,296 --> 00:35:18,749
    So please refrain from asking
    about my private life.

    00:35:19,942 --> 00:35:22,830
    I think we've dealt with all I came for.

    00:35:23,573 --> 00:35:24,503
    Eun Soo!

    00:35:26,063 --> 00:35:28,636
    Please don't act this way!

    00:35:29,217 --> 00:35:30,544
    Please remember.

    00:35:30,959 --> 00:35:32,403
    Remember who I am.

    00:35:32,868 --> 00:35:34,345

    00:35:42,479 --> 00:35:43,707
    Eun Soo!

    00:35:45,263 --> 00:35:46,956
    Eun Soo!

  13. Only just got a stable connection back, and I have a lot of other things to catch up on, but here's a recap for ep 19 which I had been about to post on Saturday before I was cut off.

    I've only just managed to watch ep 20. I decided not to alter anything in the 19 recap to take account of what ep 20 contains, because that really would have been spoiling....  

    But now I see that there has been massive spoiling here already. So there won't be more recaps from me, because I don't hang around in forums where such things go on. In my view, it shows disrespect not only to other soompi members, but the to the production team who put so much effort and skill into keeping us guessing and surprising us. That initial surprise element is part of what they've worked so hard to achieve, and I'm very unhappy when it their work is thoughtlessly undone like that.

    But, before I go, ep 19 recap.

    We start with a reprise of the final sequences of the previous episode. SA is the first to hear by phone from her accomplice in HK that Roy has been killed in a hotel fire there. WJ asks what's so shocked her. She admits she's just heard of the unexpected death of someone she once knew, but denies that it's anyone WJ would know too.

    Back at the homestead, demented Grandama is watching the news report and has recognized the "thieving jerk" shown on screen, but no-one else is in the room to see.

    Na Bi continues to get along well with her MiL and decides it's time the sons took on more the work for the restaurant. Stepping into her full household role as Senior Daughter in Law / Drill Sergeant she draws up a new duty roster for bulk cabbage chopping and makes her brothers-in-law stick to it, despite their stepmother's reluctance to "burden" them with such "womanly" chores.

    SA and WJ are in a café, with SA thinking to herself that if WJ finds out Roy is dead she'll have a big problem. He says he has something to tell her that will make her feel better, namely that he'spacked in his "apprenticeship" and won't be going to the homestead or seeing Na Bi again, except in the line of business. He says he knows full well that all the hassle Sol Ah caused the family was to get at Na Bi out of jealousy over him rather than revenge for her brother, so he hopes that in future she will leave the family alone.

    So Ah can hardly conceal her delight at this news, but finding it too good to be true, she asks him why, and hears something that makes her feel a good deal worse. WJ tells her straight out that the reason he's breaking all contact with Na Bi is that he loves her. But he knows Na Bi can't and won't ever return his love, so for both Na Bi's sake and his own he's decided to stay out of her life in future. So, Sol Ah asks, hardly able to keep her show of composure, if by some chance Na Bi no longer had her husband, if she were single, would he... He cuts her off by saying she need have no worries on that score. He's sure that even in that case, which isn't going to happen anyway, his feelings would remain one-sided. But Sol Ah is obviously anything but sure of that, and unable to control her distress, hurries away.

    At their apartment, Soo Jeong is on the phone to her father, persuading him to have some surgery he apparently needs, when Sol Ah comes back, still very upset, and opens up her laptop to check the news on-line. SJ looks at the screen and asks who is this Kim Jeong Wook whose death is causing her such distress. She'll start to find the answer to that, and discover the dark side of Sol Ah, the next day.

    Next morning, Na Bi and her mother-in-law set out on a mission to make an unnanounced visit CG's school and sniff out more about his intended bride. No sooner have they left than father-in-law finds the news in the morning newspaper. Granny and Na Bi's mom wants to know what's in the newspaper that's so taken him aback, but he screws up the newspaper and takes it away with him, saying he has to go somewhere urgently.

    In the teachers' room at the school, CG has just asked SJ whether she really meant it when she said she had no intention of marrying him, and she's just started to explain, with a smile, that it was just that he threw her off balance the other day by wanting to haul her off to meet his family right then, but that doesn't meant that...

    At which his cellphone rings, and his father gives him the news and tells him to come meet him at once. SJ sees he's nearly collapsing with shock, and picks up that he's just heard that someone's died, but he refuses to tell her any more and leaves, saying they can talk later. She is still standing there puzzled when the Potential Daughter-in-law Vetting Delegation arrives and ask her is CG around (they don't know that they're actually speaking to Potential Daughter in Law, she just happens to be the first teacher they come across). SJ immediately recognizes Na Bi, as does everyone else in Korea, but then when mother-in-law hints that their mission is to meet her son's intended, SJ suddenly remembers having met mother-in-law, too, too and is desperate to get out of the place before recognition dawns on mother-in-law's side as well. Of course, there's another factor in her disquiet. She's realized that it was ChG's family that Sol Ah's vendetta was directed against, and that Sol Ah has tricked her into helping damage the family of the man she loves. She says that ChG has been called away on urgent business and that she has a class to teach, then literally runs out. Mother-in-law says that she's sure she's met this odd woman somewhere before and Na Bi reports feeling the same. While SJ is skulking in the corridor, up comes Sal Goo, who of course SJ learned last week is ChG's little sister, and says she just saw her Mom, and she's sure she must have come to size up SJ, who thereupon decides she's better flee the premises altogether.

    In the store, it's Baek Gi's turn to get the news from his father, and he passes it on to Guk Hee before dashing off to meet his father and brothers. She tries to phone Na Bi but gets no answer.

    Na Bi and Mother-in-law report back to Granny and Na Bi's Mom on the failure of their expedition to the school. They all wonder where father-in-law has suddenly gone to. We find that he's at the police station with his sons. The officer in charge says that someone needs to go to Hong Kong in person to identify the body. They've been trying to ring the deceased's wife all morning, but there's been no answer. At which ChG asks the officer to stop trying to contact Na Bi with the news. Her family will break it to her themselves when they've prepared her for the shock.

    Na Bi finds her cellphone, but before she can check for missed calls, she gets a call from the PD inviting him to meet him for lunch. She doesn't know that WJ is invited as well, and he wasn't expecting to see there either. The gathering breaks up uneasily, with the PD puzzled why the two are so awkard in each other's company, but not before he's issued a warning to Na Bi to avoid any more reckless behavior or scandals.

    Sol Ah reveals to Sam Goo that Roy is dead says that but WJ doesn't know that yet, and its imperative to get him out of the country on an urgent foreign trip so that he doesn't find out. Sam Goo agrees and issues appropriate instructions. But his daughter-in-law hears the news of Roy's death as she eavesdrops on the conversation.

    At the homestead, the menfolk are in conference about how to break the news to Roy's mother. Father-in-law says it's his duty and he'll do it, but just his wife emerges all in a bustle and says she's on her way out, accompanying her mother-in-law.. The menfolk let the two of them leave without plucking up the courage to enlighten her.  ChG reminds his father that although they wanted Roy's mother to be the first to know, they now can't put off telling his wife any longer.

    But they're beaten to it. Yi Jun hears the news from Sam Goo's daughter-in-law, and encountering Na Bi in high spirits at the shoe store, she says in full hearing of everyone that this is the final proof that Na Bi's marriage was part of a scam, because her husband's just died, but here she is regardless, obviously without a care in the world. This begins an increasingly violent confrontation as Na Bi believes that Yi Jun is trying to play a cruel trick on her. She hits Yi Jun, damaging her surgically enhanced nose, halting production of the drama and infuriating the PD. At the height of the row, Na Bi finally gets the call from her father-in-law, just as her mother, back home again, also learns the news.

    SA chivvies WJ to get going on that trip, since his flight will soon be leaving. But then he learns from his private secretary, first about the rumpus on the drama location set, but then about Na Bi's husband's death. Suddenly realizing why Sol Ah was so anxious to get him out of the country, he goes to find Na Bi, who has collapsed to the floor, still in the store, abandoned by everyone. She initialy refuses his help and totters a little further, before falling again. He insists that she must let him drive her home.

    In the meantime, the menfolk and Na Bi's mother and Na Bi have agreed not to tell Roy's mother or grandmother until they have been to HK and identified the body. ChH, father-in-law and Na Bi all give separate pretexts for suddenly going off for a few days to supposedly different destinations, before all leaving in the same taxi. But in this drama, benevolence and dim-wittedness go hand in hand, and neither of the two women still in the dark spot anything odd. Of course, it all falls apart because a TV crew arrive wanting to shoot a feature about the death of the fugitive husband of the former celebrity and the truth comes out for the two remaining bereaved persons in the most brutal way.

    In Hong Kong, father-in-law, ChG and Na Bi are shown a burned wallet with Roy's ID and taken to the morgue, where the body is under a shroud. The attendant uncovers the head and all three take a brief glance before recoiling in horror. But they all seem in no doubt that it is Roy and confirm that to the official. Then a charred hand drops out from the side of the shroud, and Na Bi sees the wedding ring on the hand. She and her companions are absolutely certain they have identified the body.

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