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Posts posted by baduy
































































































































































































    kim jung said: Live Stream her legend http://goo.gl/bjT6GV

































































  2. Finally, JTBC has put up a text preview for ep 15, and  it covers noticeably different ground from the video teaser. I guess they're  worried about losing viewers to the first episode of The Suspicious Housekeeper in the same timeslot [Terrible translation of the first main word in that title. A basic rule of translation is NEVER introduce an ambiguity into your translation that wasn't in the original. "Suspicious" in English can mean two distinctly different things: "giving rise to suspicion", and "harboring/following up suspicions". The latter sense is simply not there in the Korean. The title "Mysterious Housekeeper", which is what SBS called the drama when publicizing it to potential network buyers in other countries at various media fairs earlier this year, was a much better translation. But then it got changed it for the worse, probably on the advice of some clever-clogs who thought they knew English better than a native speaker. There are quite a lot of those people about in Korea. One of them once emailed me about the subs I used to do for Viki, chastizing me for using "many words that are actually not English" and thus "confusing" people. He or she meant "many words that are not in Korean-English dictionaries for high-schoolers" which is not quite the same thing. I must confess I'm tempted to desert to the SBS live stream today. If the jtbc stream is as jerky as it sometimes was last week, I may do just that, then catch up with Her Legacy later.]

    HOWEVER, back to Her Legacy, ep 15 text preview. Here's my translation.

    JH, having confessed his feelings to JS, carries on being good to her in the hope of persuading her to accept his heart.

    JH gives Dae Pung  the album of JS's designs and tells him to set to work making a prototype, but Dae Pung's hands are shaking too badly and he says they'll need to go elsewhere to get a prototype made.

    However, when it emerges that they are going to an outside agency for the prototype, JS is placed in a tricky situation. Soo Ho summons her to a private meeting, tells her  to stay away from JH, and orders her to transfer all the rights to her designs to Shinwha. Rather than do that she quits her job at Shinwha.

    Meanwhile, Do Yeong's husband senses something suspicious, and starts an investigation into JS's and KH's family background.


  3. I just noticed in today's episode of Goddess of Marriage that that drama's giant teddy has been hitting the fur dye in a big way and has turned several shades lighter during the past week.


    The only explanation I can think of is that in his understandable urge to escape from that drama, he's plotting to bearnap JH's giant teddy and assume his identity. Maybe KH will help him out in the hope that the trauma of discovering that his beloved bear is an impostor will distract JH from JS, and that the resulting confusion will draw everyone's attention away from her own identity switch.

  4. @prosperity, I remarked a long time ago that jtbc character profiles are generally much more reliable in their plot predictions and hints than those of other networks, and this is a case in point. That profile of Soo Ho's wife that I translated a while back where it was said that she suspected MK might be her husband's son is now duly being borne out.

    What you say about JS calling herself KH makes excellent sense. Come to think of it, it may well be that DY was never made aware of the business about the girl's "real" name turning out to be Kyeong Hee. Perhaps the laywer did what good lawyers ought to do to earn their fees, namely handle all the details diligently at their own discretion then get the clients to "sign here". He certainly made it clear in his meeting with Evil Aunt where she spun him her yarn about the names that it was his brief to get the girl's name officially changed to Seo Hyeon as part of the adoption process which he was charged to push through ASAP.   So maybe the name issue was never brought to the attention of either DY or her husband.  And if the lawyer put through the name change first before finalizing the adoption documents, it may not even be recorded in the adoption papers themselves. But you're right. That name is bound to be in the documents somewhere, and if either DY or her husband dig into those documents, the can of worms will be well and truly opened thanks to JS's spur-of-the-moment fib about her name.

    Or another explosive possibility might be if either JS's Uncle, out of guilty desperation, or her Aunt, in a moment of heedless panic, call their daughter "Kyeong Hee" in the hearing of DY or her husband...

  5. Choi Jung Won's latest me2day posting at the top of this page has apparently nothing at all to do with this drama or her work in it, and it might be questioned whether it really belongs in this thread.

    However, that can be fixed. I can make anything relevant to anything else, given time...

    Jung Won's message starts by saying that someone has just pointed out to her that it's 50 days to go till the dreaded Korean SATs. So she's wishing all her high school senior followers the best of luck in the exam and hoping they get the grades they want.

    Now, tying that in to Her Legend might seem like a much trickier problem than the one JH posed for JS. But it can be done.

    CJW says she's making these wishes as "The Candy Girl who stays strong".  꿋꿋하다 means to stick at something determinedly despite all setbacks, though it's rarely encountered in that form, and you'll mostly find it transformed into a noun 꿋꿋함 meaning "determinedness". And most Kdrama watchers or manwha readers know what a Candy Girl is, deriving from the Japanese cult manga, movie and novel series  キャンディ・キャンディ, the saga of an ("American") girl abandoned in an orphanage and her subsequent high-flying fortunes. I don't think however, that the way "Candy Girl" has also come to be used in Japan as a term for a certain lifesize inflatable item which if you don't know about, you probably wouldn't want to know anyway, has made its way to Korea, otherwise wholesome-imaged young ladies like Jung Won wouldn't be quite so keen to have it applied to them.

    However, there's a connection between candy in its common-or garden sense and Korean SATs, which is going to allow a link to our current drama. Eventually. (I really am heading that way, trust me.) It's to do with the Korean variety of taffee that's  called 엿. It's very hard, and, once licked and chewed a bit, gets very, very sticky. Prising it off your teeth with your fingers and taking your fillings with it kind of sticky. Because of its stickiness, 엿 is given by relatives and friends to students about to sit their SATs, or other important exams, though different people offer different explanations of why this stickiness is supposed to help with exam success. Some say it's a metaphor to encourage students to "stick at" their exam preparations, others suggest that it symbolizes "sticking" them to the top College they hope to enter as a result of getting high grades. Whatever, school janitors have a busy time on SATs day stopping anxious moms (the ones who aren't performing multiple ritual bows in a temple or lighting rows of candles in a church) from sticking wads of half-chewed 엿 to the schoolyard railings in the belief that it will help their offspring get those vital grades. [All the same, despite the association of 엿 with exam success, if a Korean tells you to "Go eat 엿" they aren't wishing you luck. 엿 in that particular expression is a euphemism for something else which you certainly wouldn't want to eat.]

    At last, I can get round to our present drama. Remember this scene from episode 5?


    It's breakfast time on the morning when JS is expecting to hear whether she's through to the final selection round at Shinwha. JS has just dipped her spoon into the bowl Evil Aunt has placed in front of her when Kyeong Ho comes in, notices to his horror what Jeong Soo is about to put in her mouth, and knocks the spoon out of her hand, so that the piece of seaweed JS was on the point of eating ends up sticking to his mother's cheek. What's his mother thinking of, he yells, feeding JS seaweed soup on a day like this?  And his father does a double take and says, yes, come to think of it, Kyeong Ho's quite right, JS certainly shouldn't be eating seaweed soup today, and he motions her to put her soup bowl to one side and just eat the side dishes, at which Evil Aunt goes into a huff and snatches the seaweed soup away from her husband and son as well, despite their protests that it's fine for them to eat it.

    So what's this all about?  JS's remark to her uncle, excusing her aunt, "오늘은 시험 날 안이고", nicely subbed as "It's not like I have an exam today", provides the clue.  Most Kdrama viewers know about serving up seaweed soup for someone's birthday, a custom that stems from the practice of feeding seaweed soup to women who have just given birth, because it is rich in iron and so beneficial after blood loss. But less well known (and I think this is the first drama I've seen in which this particular supersition has figured) is that there's another, contrary, folk belief, which says that seaweed soup should never be eaten before taking any kind of exam (even if the exam day falls on your birthday). As with the positive effects of 엿, the negative consequences of eating seaweed soup at exam time are given different explanations by different people, but the general idea is plain. Anyone about to take any sort of test should stay clear of seaweed soup, and anyone inducing someone about to face such a test to eat seaweed soup is trying to sabotage their chances. Which is of course exactly what Evil Aunt was trying to do to JS, and that's why she's so cheesed off when she's rumbled.

    So the seaweed soup breakfast in this drama is the exact opposite of giving 엿 to the SAT candidates CJW is wishing good luck to.

    Connection made.  Coffee time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    shaselai said: anyone know the name of the song JS sang in ep 14? I think I heard it from Boys over flowers too..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    shaselai said: i am glad i stopped math after Diff Equations and Multivariable Calculus

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  8. Seeing that Kim Jeong Hoon's real-life hobby is math, it must have been quite an effort for him to take the "explanation" of the problem provided by the writer seriously and deliver it with such apparent conviction. The solution JH shows JS is, of course, correct (it's actually one of at least two equally correct ones), and we can see it working, but the explanation the script provides of how to tackle the problem and why the solution works is mathematical nonsense.
    First off, though JK had stated the nature of the problem very clearly in what he'd written on the glassboard above the drawing, as usual the DF subbers didn't translate the on-screen text, so it may not be entirely clear to viewers whe can't read Korean precisely what the "homework" (JH's term for it on the post-it note under the dinner plate) he'd set for JS consists in.
    The challenge is to reproduce the pattern of lines in a single stroke (= without ever lifting the marker from the board and without going over, in either direction, any line that's been drawn already). This is what mathematicians call a "unicursal line" or a "unicursal path".
    Exactly how and in what circumstances it is possible to draw such a unicursal line joining a given set of points had pre-occupied mathematicians for many decades before it was solved in the mid eighteenth century by the great mathematician Leonhard Euler. It had become known as the "Bridges of Königsberg Problem" since it was exemplified by the layout of what was then the Prussian city of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad in Russia, with its ancient town center altered beyond recognition, so the Problem can no longer be illustrated, let alone solved, there).
    Königsberg had at its center two river-islands, connected to each other and the surrounding land by a total of seven bridges. In non-mathematical terms, the "'Problem" was to find a route that would visit all the parts of the city by crossing each and every bridge once only in a single direction, ending at the precise point it started at. Adding the condition that you must end up where you started (rather than just crossing each bridge once, but once only, without necessarily getting back to your starting point) made this "unicursal path" into a "unicursal circuit".  
    Common-sense folk might think that to count as a solution to this problem, you would need to come up with just such a route. But mathematicians have a different notion of what a solution is. And Euler's mathematical solution to the Bridges of Königsberg Problem was to prove by rigorous and irrefutible formal arguments that there was no such common-sense solution, and never could be: the task as posed was impossible. In honor of this finding, the term "eulerian" circuit or path is now commonly used in math textbooks alongside or instead of "unicursal".
    We might think that's a fat lot of use, but Euler's proof, and further principles that followed from it, turned out to be of enormously practical use in ways Euler himself and his contemporaries never dreamed of. When Amazon deliver your books and CD's to you, their carriers use methods directly derived from Euler's work to figure out the optimal routes between all the destinations they have to deliver to to minimize fuel costs and driver working hours. And the way my current ramblings are being conveyed to you and potentially thousands of people in hundreds of different countries is only possible because of the design of the Internet, which relies heavily on work based on Euler's reasoning.
    Those Prussian bridges and the city areas they linked are concrete embodiments of the discipline Euler founded, known as graph theory, where a "graph" means a set of junction points ("nodes" or "vertices") linked to one another by lines ("edges"). To understand the core of Euler's discovery, and to see how the solution to the "homework" that JH set for JS should actually by explained, we need just one more bit of mildly technical terminology, as follows. A "node" or "vertex" (one of those points where lines or "edges" in a "graph" meet) is classed as "odd" if the number of lines that meet at it is odd. And, unsurprisingly, it's classed as "even" if the number of lines meeting at that node is even.

    With that in mind, what Euler established can be simply stated. Given such a "graph", there is at least one "unicursal circuit" of  it if, and only if, each and every node is even. And because in Königsberg, some bridge endpoints had an odd number of paths (counting the path over the bridge itself) radiating from them, it was impossible to follow the required unicursal circuit path.
    But Euler also proved that though a unicursal circuit (ending up exactly where you started) required a "graph" in which each and every "node" was even, he also proved that in some "graphs" where the condition of all nodes being even was not met, it was still possible to follow a unicursal path passing every node, although not one that ended up at its own exact starting point. However, such a unicursal path was only possible if the "graph" concerned had exactly two odd nodes, no more and no less.
    Right class... it's time to fire up our media players or bring up our screenshots collection, put ourselves in JS's shoes and go look at the specific problem JH set her for homework.
    The first thing anyone clued up about math would do if given such a problem was to look at each node and check if they were all even. If they are, then Euler assures us that not only is there a solution to the problem JH set, but that the maximally elegant solution of a single stroke that would end up at the exact starting point is possible, too.

    But, alas, we quickly spot that that drawing has odd nodes as well as even ones. So we could try to find a unicursal circuit ending up at our starting point in it till the end of time, and never succeed.
    But steady on... How many odd nodes are there? Well well, EXACTLY TWO (at either end of what JH describes as the troublesome "awkward tail" at the very bottom of the diagram: the bottom node has one line only coming from it, and node at the top end of that "tail" is the junction of three lines). So, Euler also assures us that there is at least one way of satisfying the conditions JH wrote at the top of the board, and all we have to do is find it.
    Euler doesn't offer us any help with that part. For that we need to turn to a systematically methodical approach (or algorithm) first published in the late 19th century by the French mathematician Fleury. Fleury assumed that the problem was equivalent of the Seven Bridges Problem, i.e. you need to find a path that can not only be drawn in a single continuous stroke, but which also ends up exactly where you started. And of course that can only be done if we have a drawing that meets Euler's condition of having only even nodes, which the one JH has provided doesn't.

    Applying Fleury's approach to a graph that does indeed have only even nodes, you can start at any node you like, and provided you follow the approach Fleury laid down, you will discover a single-stroke path that takes you right back to your starting point. There's a good demonstration of that here

    (What a pity, though, that the guy who made that video didn't know a little Latin as well as math. He uses the term "vertices" instead of "nodes" for the interconnected points, but alas he thinks the singular of "vertices" is the nonsense word "verticee". In fact, it's "vertex".
    Though it's not demonstrated in that video, Fleury's method can also find a single-stroke path in a network like the one JH has set as a problem for JS, with only one difference. Whereas in a graph where every node is even, you can start wherever you like, if you have a graph like the one on JH's glassboard which has exactly two odd nodes, you MUST start at one of those odd nodes (it doesn't matter which) and you MUST end at the other one. That aside, you follow the method explained in that video and you'll solve the problem.
    That's why the explanation that the writer has put into JH's mouth is so daft. It makes out that the "tail" joining those two odd nodes at the bottom is the "awkward" problem area and that you have to "think out of the box" to spot that. Whereas in fact (as I'm sure the mathematician in the real KJH was itching to say) that "tail" is, to a mathematically informed eye, the obvious one and only place to start. Ironically, the explanation could have been written in a way that made mathematical sense and still allowed JH to draw the same lesson where JS's current real-world problems are concerned: don't be frazzled by trying to take in the whole complicated tangle, locate the real core of the issue and focus yourself on that.
  9. I don't know of any jurisdiction where identity documents distinguish between adoptive and biological parents. That's because, legally, adoption *is* parenthood, period.

    Some years ago my wife had to deal with a case which would have been dismissed as incredible in a Kdrama plot, but actually took place. A man who had been given up for adoption as a baby and placed with parents in Australia discovered in late middle age that his birth mother had won the lottery jackpot, married, and had several legitimate children. She had then been widowed and subsequently herself died without making a valid will. Hence her large estate was divided up equally among her legitimate children. Discovering this had happened, the adoptee tried to bring a court action claiming his share of her inheritance, but had to be told very firmly that in the eyes of the law he was simply not that woman's child. (Had he never been adopted he would have had a valid claim in law, because he would have remained his birth mother's legal offspring, even if he'd had no ties with her).

    JS's aunt and uncle didn't adopt her. They merely assumed guardianship.  As her mother's elder male sibling her uncle did not need to take any steps to be given full guardianship rights under Korean law, though in most Western countries such guardianship, even by close relatives, has to be legally documented and approved by a court.) So the extract from the family register (the closest document to a birth certificate which Koreans have) which the lawyer is given shows the aunt and uncle as having two children only, Kyeong Hee and her brother. As such it's perfectly genuine. 

    But the aunt tells the lawyer that she and her husband had only one biological child, their son, and that the girl they are giving up for adoption had in turn been legally adopted by them which is why she appears as their second child on the document.  She then explains the name Kyeong Hee on the family register as being indeed the girl's legal name, but says that for family use they changed her name to Jeong Soo because a fortune teller advised them that the misfortune of losing her parents was down to an inauspicious choice of name. 

    So it's not as unrealistic as it seems from the perspective of Western practices. Of course, the aunt can only risk this scam because she's been assured that Do Yeong has lost all her memories, and she knows, too, that DY's husband never knew KH even existed. Remember too, that the day of the lawyer's visit, JS was fatefully late home from school, so that not only did the lawyer jump to the conclusion that the girl who came in from school was JS, but he was also ushered out of the house before the real JS got home, so he never knew there were two girls of the same age under that roof.

  10. It just occurred to me that there's something the DF subbers may on past form neglect to translate, but which it's rather important to know to get the drift of the last sequences of ep 14.  We see in ep 13 that JH has changed his cellphone nickname for JS (I explained his previous four-character name for her in an earlier posting). His new name for her is "Dimwit", alluding to how slow she is on the uptake about him, though in Korean it's often used as a term of endearment, rather like "pabo", which can mean an affectionate "silly thing" as well as an offensive "idiot"  He's infuriated by the way her "dimwittedness" comes up against his shyness, especially after he hears her singing that song about confessing love "by installments" which he tries to explain to her is the most he too can hope to manage. His closing remarks at the cliffhanger are installment #1.

  11. The text teaser was also misleading in saying that at the gallery DY gives JS a "severe scolding" (나무라다 is the verb in the preview, which I bet Mr Google Translate thinks is something to do with swinging from trees). In fact, she speaks to her firmly but calmly and considerately. Even to the extent of suggesting that they should go somewhere more private than a Kdrama ladies washroom, which as we know is is a prime eavesdropping spot in many dramas.

    Once they are in a spot where JS needn't fear the embarassment of being witnessed receiving a rebuke from an elder, DY says she can understand why JS feels resentful towards KY since she blames her for getting her fired over the alleged plagiarism, but she assures her that KH was entirely innocent in that matter and she knows her daughter would never do anything like that, whatever JS may have been told.

    She adds that she is not without influence in the company where JS now works (though again, we appreciate that DY has gone out of her way not to let her friend, the Shinwha boss's wife, hear this exchange) and she'll feel obliged to take steps to defend her daughter if JS persists in threatening her. But she also adds, with evident sincerity rather than in any menacing way, that she feels sure that now JS has been assured of KH innocence, she won't misbehave in that way again, and that she's sorry if a mother's wish to protect her daughter has led her to be rude to JS.

    JS hastens to assure her that she hasn't been at all offended by DY's words, and that she fully appreciates that every mother does whatever she can to protect her daughter, right or wrong. Which leads DY to make the remark that really devastates JS, saying that she's sure JS's mother feels exactly the same way about her and would leap just as eagerly to her defense.

    Seeing how moved JS is by those words, but not, of course, really understanding why, DY's tone becomes warmer and she says that she has a distinct feeling that they've met somewhere before. To help her fathom out where and when that might be, she, very politely, asks JS's name. Which is when JS hesitantly tells her her family name, then after a long pause, comes out with Kyeong Hee as her given name. At which point I lost the stream, so didn't catch DY's reaction to that.

    However, we recall that in the earlier episode where DY told her husband about discovering the name "Eun Jeong Soo" in KY's log of calls received, she remarked that although "Jeong Soo" was a fairly common name, the family name "Eun" is by Korean standards relatively unusual, so it was indeed a remarkable co-incidence that KH should be working as the same company as someone with her own supposed former name. DY may well in due course apply the same logic to the name "Eun Kyeong Hee" and probe further.

  12. More teaser tricksiness uncovered. When KH called out "Dad" to her real father, her adoptive father, standing just behind him, thought he meant her.  So it wasn't the give-away that the teaser made it look. She explained her agitation, and her real father's distress by saying they'd just heard that her "aunt" had been injured, so she needed to leave with her "uncle" right away.  But the incident has added to her adoptive father's growing suspicions, especially when he recounts the event that evening to his wife and she reveals to him her discovery of the torn up picture of JS's mother.

  13. Yes. I don't think there's any problem with comments, or even with translated/ recapped tidbits, on a currently streaming episide. What's not supposed to happen is a full-on live commentary on an ongoing episode, except in a thread specially designated by mods for that specific purpose. I think the ban dates from long-gone days when if more than half a dozen people posted at once the soompi server fell over. But it's still sometimes enforced (though it's also quite often ignored, as well).

  14. My stream has collapsed.  And anyway, we aren't really supposed to realtime recap in soompi threads (it's against the general rules in the top post of the drama forums) and it can get you banned if you encounter a strict moderator.

    But I'll just add that that bit in both the video and text previews about DY and JS's meeting was VERY tricksy. Even down to editing out a word in DY's dialogue to make it sound as though she were saying "We're meeting for the first time, aren't we" when in fact what she said in the actual episode means in its proper context "We've met somewhere before, haven't we?"

    Oh, and another misleading bit, from the text preview: the technician assigned to them is a actually drunk and a liability, obviously another sabotage attempt from on high. (But maybe JS will reform him?

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