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Posts posted by teamsongsong

  1. I just woke up (Pacific Time). I had to pinch myself when I was checking Instagram. First, I saw Jiwon's post and seriously, I thought I was dreaming. Today is seriously the HAPPIEST day ever for WONWEN shippers!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    Does anyone know what Siwon's speech was about?? Dying to know what he said that made his Super Junior brothers point toward Liu Wen's direction at the concert! 

    They are seriously so adorable together. 

    The way Liu Wen has her arms wrapped around Siwon :wub:

    "Siwon: you are the most important to me. tell me if you can't do this okay."


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  2. Anyone post these pictures?



    If LW actually showed up on SS6 encore, no doubt, they surely 100% dating

    I wonder if SW wearing  bracelets and ring at concert and sing Lost Star again

    I begining to hate the broadcast station. Sometime they make me sad, sometime make me excited

    I know - they really know how to play with our emotions! There were so many un-aired scenes that we wished they could've showed.  

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  3. What will you guys do if LW actually showed up on SS6 encore..:wub:  lets have a delulu imagination :rolleyes:

    I think siwon will be so happy and proud and showing her off , to other members... it will be funny.. he will be so proud *sigh 

    Lol, let's join hands and pray super hard for this delulu thought to come true! I remember she mentioned to Siwon that she wished she was at his concert during the episode where Siwon sang "Lost Stars" to her. Ah, please, come true, delulu thoughts!!!!

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    And I doubt the rings Siwon bought are engagement rings as in engaged to be married, but I don't think he'd get these expensive items just because it's standard practice to gift couple rings at the end of WGMs, and I also don't think they'd be bestowed without there being some intention to formalize a commitment between the two.


    I share the same thought, @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv. Let's wait and see how this pans out. Looking forward to the next three weeks. 

    All I'm interested in is for this thread to continue on until the show finishes. So it'll be a shame if we aren't able to come here and at least enjoy the next three weeks, and appreciate the generosity and goodwill of our dear @liddi and other lovelies who very kindly spare time to share photos, updates and translations with the rest of us.

    At the rate this thread is going with all the circling and volleys, @liddi, I hope you don't mind but as added insurance, can I please contact you separately for translations in case we get shut down? :P:sweatingbullets:

    I completely agree as well - mainly because I remember Siwon mentioned somewhere in an interview where if he meets the girl he wants to propose to, it would have to be at the same church as the one where his father had proposed to his Mom :). I'm also waiting anxiously for Sunday to come! I know many posts mentioned to not make such affirmations since we haven't seen the coming episodes yet, but here we are, just sharing our perspectives and thoughts with each other - that's what forums should be about. Thank you, Angelangie for regulating the thread and reminding us to spread positive vibes. Please do not shut down the thread!!

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    Look carefully at Siwon's fingers. Do any of you spot a ring b/c I clearly don't. That ring is most likely an onscreen couple item than an actual engagement ring. Just like how they have gotten couple bracelets. And if it was an engagement ring, there would be rumours spreading around saying how Siwon is secretly engaged or stuff like that.


    Hehe you make too much sense girl! I agree with you btw but like someone said let's let the shippers enjoy their day.The last two episodes are probably gonna be goood!! I"m really anticipating it. Siwon can be really cheesy and sweet so I expect a lot from our favorite horse. The crying could be from the misunderstanding or actual sadness that the show is ending. In a lot of WGMs I've seen the girls cry at the end.


    Lol, omgosh. You just reminded me of the scene where the Chief in episode 10 asked Siwon how he and Liu Won met. Siwon said he chased her. So the Chief was like, how did you chase her? With a HORSE?! What a great metaphor, even though the Chief didn't know that was Siwon's nickname (due to his looks, height and muscles). That was funny, even though Siwon didn't catch that irony at the time since he immediately responded with a "oh, no by a car!"  

    @fcatxpop that's a possibility. but please just let us sleep in this delulu land until Sunday comes. It's been a while since we've seen a photo that made our hearts sing like it did today! :wub: Siwon definitely has more things to take into consideration - whether or not to wear jewelry that has been shown on WGM  (ELF fans, etc.). But hey! I'm a happy girl just knowing that the ring that was on Liu Wen's finger during her game of ping pong could have possibly been the same one from Siwon! So let's just sleep on this cloud for a bit shall we? :P 

    I'd be so happy if they two really did get engaged but I know that realistically, it's best if Liu Wen and Siwon take things slow and steady as well. We have their best interest in mind. I think Liu Wen would also find getting engaged on the show to be "TOO SOON" as well. A promise ring would definitely be more realistic. :) 

    Wouldn't it be better to accept the truth as it is instead of being in delulu when the truth is already placed in front? But I'll respect those who continue to ship :P

    Delululand is more entertaining and fun :D. There are enough posts that keep our feet on the ground, so it's a good balance. ;)

  6. @fcatxpop that's a possibility. but please just let us sleep in this delulu land until Sunday comes. It's been a while since we've seen a photo that made our hearts sing like it did today! :wub: Siwon definitely has more things to take into consideration - whether or not to wear jewelry that has been shown on WGM  (ELF fans, etc.). But hey! I'm a happy girl just knowing that the ring that was on Liu Wen's finger during her game of ping pong could have possibly been the same one from Siwon! So let's just sleep on this cloud for a bit shall we? :P 

    I'd be so happy if they two really did get engaged but I know that realistically, it's best if Liu Wen and Siwon take things slow and steady as well. We have their best interest in mind. I think Liu Wen would also find getting engaged on the show to be "TOO SOON" as well. A promise ring would definitely be more realistic. :) 

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  7. Thank you, Yao Li for uploading this to Youtube! This video is so cute. It looks like Siwon and Liu Wen has been together for over a year when in reality, they've only known each other for a few months! It's amazing to watch their love blossom. They looked so cute and shy in the beginning and during the last clip, they looked more mature and confident in their relationship. :wub: I feel like a proud mama bear watching the two lovers progress with their love for each other. Also, Siwon's mandarin seriously improved so much. He commented in an interview that he thank his "wife" Liu Wen for helping him improve so much! So sweet. 

    The video is edited by mun十won on Weibo.


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  8. The past few pages of this thread hasn't been the most welcoming and warmest. Let's remember that life's too short for hate or being critical towards one another. There is only time for love. When I first joined this thread, it was incredibly fun - discussing with an open mind about our favorite couple, Liu Wen and Siwon and exchanging delulu ideas about their relationship, etc. I know this is just a forum, but I respect each and every one of your opinions and thoughts. One thing that's important whether it is how we communicate online or even in real life is that we should always be kind to each other. There are many times when certain posts make me upset, disappointed and frustrated but I've learned to just ignore and scroll past those posts instead of letting it get to me. We don't know what the person behind the screen is going through. Maybe they had a bad day and unintentionally, this forum gave them an outlet to verbally express some frustration deep inside that is more personal instead of being towards the topic we're discussing in this thread. There are not enough hours in the day for hatred or anger. Let's continue to be kind to each other and take posts with a light-heart, but have a kind heart towards each other. If you feel strongly against something, that is completely fine because we are human but we can improve the way we communicate by the words we use to get our thoughts across. We're here discussing about Siwon and Liu Wen's relationship because we have all watched their relationship on screen. We should know that the two always places a high importance towards love and that love is the most important in our lives. Love isn't just for our family and friends, but also towards people we don't know. I feel grateful for the show for bringing Liu Wen and Siwon together - but more than that, without them, I wouldn't have found this thread. It's been incredible to share what's on my mind (delulu or not) because my real-life friends would surely find me crazy! Love you all. 

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  9. In episode 10,

    When they were making the coconut candy, not sure if it was the steam that made the Chief tear up or he was indeed very touched by Siwon and Liu Wen's love. I would have to say the Chief was just very emotionally touched by their love. :P This episode was seriously so sweet. The two couldn't stop letting the world know how lucky they both feel to have each other.

    Liu Wen: He always says he's very lucky but I have to say I'm very lucky as well. 


    Later on when the two were sitting down by the shack waiting for the rain to stop.

    Siwon: I'm a lucky guy.

    Liu Wen: I'm a lucky girl.

    Siwon: I'm lucky. You're okay. (emphasizing heavily to Liu Wen how lucky he feels to be her boyfriend).


    What's most beautiful between Siwon and Liu Wen is the love they give each other in the form of small gestures. Such as Siwon's immediate instinct to block the rain for Liu Wen and Liu Wen's gentle care throughout the episodes - helping Siwon wipe his sweat, etc. The smallest gestures are often time the most simple and purest form of love. 

    In response to earlier posts, sometimes we might hear Liu Wen stutter a bit when calling Siwon her boyfriend but remember, Liu Wen is a very shy and conservative girl deep inside. Imagine having so many cameras and eyes looking at you, that heightens her shyness probably at least 95%. I think her stuttering and nervousness just comes from being shy when proposed with intimate/relationship questions. She's become so much more comfortable and brave since the previous episodes. Such as during the facial mask part, she told Siwon that it's okay, they're boyfriend and girlfriend now, he can lay on her bed so that she can put the mask on him (even though Siwon respectfully goes back to the couch chair later, lol). This really shows how much they respect and take into consideration of the people around them (not wanting to make things awkward for those around them, etc.) and their viewers (considering their own family members and younger fans who are watching, too. they really set a good example for the young generation. how a female should respect herself and how a male should respect women, etc.). The affection they show each other is what makes us all hope that they do officially end up together in real life. :wub:

    In regards to doubts and inquiries about their relationship due to their differing levels of maturity. I personally feel that they both balance each other out very well. Liu Wen learns from Siwon that everything in life is about having a healthy balance. I was also disturbed by how Siwon barged into Liu Wen's make-up office back in episode 5 but having seen how Liu Wen's been handling things and communicates with Siwon, plus, in real life such as how she graciously settled the ridiculous rumor regarding Sui He, I feel that Liu Wen wouldn't have a problem communicating how she, as a girlfriend, should be treated should Siwon throw a fit like that again.

    It's true he really is a lucky guy to have found Liu Wen and vice versa.




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  10. Very 

    @liddi  Thank you so much. Can you translate these news  1  2 , maybe same content. It seems rumor  about them

    These are just rumours that apparently started with a Weibo post saying He Sui and Liu Wen have had a massive falling out. He Sui supposedly said malicious things about Liu Wen out of jealousy for the ShiLiu couple because she was involved with Siwon / liked him before. Others claim she was jealous of Liu Wen's success. It was also claimed that He Sui and her 2 or 3 model friends (one source cited Shu Pei Qin) ganged up against Liu Wen. Some netizens noted that when the fallout happened, Siwon unfollowed He Sui. The article then asked if there was still any point to He Sui slandering Liu Wen, since Siwon's actions have made it clear where he stands.

    In a separate Weibo post which spoke of He Sui, Liu Wen and other Chinese supermodels, it noted that this rivalry has been ongoing for the past several years. One year, a fashion weibo poster compared Liu Wen, He Sui and Shu Pei Qin... criticising Liu Wen in all aspects while praising the other two. Apparently, when Liu Wen saw the post, she responded: "I humbly accept the criticism, but am adamant that I will not change!!" The post also noted that when Liu Wen joined the show with Siwon in April, He Sui announced her marriage in the same month, as if to tell Liu Wen that if she wasn't married, the one chosen to date Siwon in the show would have been her. There were indications that Siwon's manager followed He Sui on her SNS. The poster then compared the models' characters based on how they introduce themselves on Weibo. Both He Sui and Shu Pei Qin introduced themselves as international, famous supermodels. Liu Wen described herself simply as "Model Liu Wen". The poster then noted that true greatness does not need to be flaunted.

    This is apparently a hotly debated topic on Weibo, resulting in clashes between the fans of both models, as well as WonWen lovers.

    Thank you so much for the translation as we know how lengthy that was, @liddi! 

    Wow, Liu Wen handled everything still so graciously. He Sui just sounds like a total insecure and egotistical girl if the rumors are true. Liu Wen always talks about being supportive of Asian artists, especially if they come from her home country because that's what you do, you support each other - especially as women in a field where Asians are minorities. Btw, no offense or anything, but I don't think Mr. Choi would have approved He Sui. Maybe I'm just really biased or love Liu Wen too much but there's something eerie and complicated about the looks of He Sui, especially in her certificate photos. By all means, He Sui has features that I know others would find appealing and she does have some nice features - just that she definitely doesn't look as simple, elegant and genuine as our goddess Liu Wen. B) Also, I dont think Siwon would unfollow a fellow "friend" (if she was one) without a legitimate reason. Having a guy who puts love above all else to unfollow you, that she say a lot about He Sui, too.

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  11. No no, I didn't say she is acting, but may have to careful a little bit now because what had been exposed to us in every episode they aired.  I'm not the type if later Siwon like someone else not Liu Wen then I will hate him to what he did to Liu Wen.  Same with Liu Wen, if she had another man from the US I will not upset because she does that to him, I still ok and move on with no blame to any one, not like the fans they both have right now, fighting over the girl/guy for their Idol/Supermodel.  We only the fans of them, not their family, we have no right to say or concern about their life and make them to follow the way we want them to be. 

    Everyone can have his/her own opinion, you can not jump into the conclusion that she or he wrong or right because the way they talk about the couple, you like Liu Wen and you had more favor for her doesn't mean everyone have to have the same feeling like you.  Same with Siwon, honestly with your heart, do you treat Siwon the same what you have for Liu Wen??  Of course not.  But for me, I don't know them both before the show, I'm confident to say I treat them the same, no more no less.  If they can't be together no blame to any side.  If they end up with a happily marriage together then I will congratulate them and happy for them.

    Well, you've always been very saintly, dear bibidep; we all know that. You do have a habit of jumping to the most bizarre conclusions, though, and you're quite the little fire starter like when you introduced the middle-aged managing director of Piaget HK and possible relation of Siwon, Peggy Choi, as a potential love interest for him. :P

    And you're preaching to the choir here - I will have absolutely no problem if Siwon and Liu Wen aren't really together. Of course, I think Liu Wen can do better because I'm such a huge fan of hers, and I won't "hate" Siwon one iota if he goes for someone else. Naturally, I'd think he's an idiot because most guys I know would kill to have a girl like Liu Wen, but I definitely wouldn't "hate" him - what an extreme word to use over a potentially fake relationship on a TV show! If all this turns out to be hot air, I will move on with my fandom of Liu Wen intact and hope that she does indeed do better, and my interest in Siwon will end. I certainly won't "blame" anyone for anything; that is, unless Siwon knows Liu Wen has really fallen for him and is intentionally leading her on for reasons other than that he's really fallen for her too.

    Anyway, all this hand-wringing is for naught because you and I both know that they are really together; we're not blind, after all, and we can't ignore evidence that's right in our faces.

    I'm on the same page as you, @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv! Definitely going to move on and continue my 130% (hehe, see what I did there? :p)  fandom for Liu Wen should the results come out that the program is indeed just a show. I have high hopes it's not - mainly because I'd be ridiculously disappointed in Siwon as a man (making Liu Wen fall in love with him and then withdrawing. It seems to happen often nowadays where people just want what they can't have. He did mention in the very first 2 episodes how he finds it odd that a very beautiful girl like Liu Wen has not dated before. She was already like a challenge for him.) But anyway, that's really the worst case scenario. In regards to the other girls, it doesn't matter if there's Peg or Sui or any other girls that come into the picture. New and former people will always come into our lives - love isn't just what's on the surface bc looks aren't everything. I'm probably biased but Liu Wen is beautiful and what makes us love her so much is not just because she has the looks, but it's her personality and character who we love and support even more. Siwon seems to be a smart guy. He wouldn't introduce a bimbo with just a figure and good looks to his Father. If either Siwon or Liu Wen only goes for looks, down the road, that'll only show what a shallow person they are - and if either one thinks they can continue to do better in terms of finding someone better, that is also quite selfish if you've already found a great person in your life. I think this relates back to why Mr. Choi gave them a little lesson on love. "Love, like fire, might be put out sometime. But as long as there's still a flame, even if it's the smallest flame, it can be ignited again." Mr. Choi knows they still have a long road ahead together and challenges are bound to happen, whether it's due to work or having other options/opportunities come up, if two people have feelings for each other and love each other, there is no flame that could be completely put out if they put care into it.

    I probably wrote too much but hopefully that made sense.

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  12. Siwon & Liuwen - We are in love ep 09


    Siwon: It's my first time introducing my girlfriend to my Dad. It's almost my Father's first time, too. First time to see me introduce my important girl to him. How do you say something's important in Chinese?

    Liu Wen (in Chinese): You yi dian dian jong yiao ("a little important")

    Siwon: It's not a little important but very important. [You (Liu Wen) is very important to me]


    :wub: :D:Dx 1000

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  13. Honestly, both sides are messing with us. Siwon's most recent Instagram post is an image of a pomegranate! Aiyah, these two... up to no good. :w00t:

    Is it the one on the book cover? Is it really pomegranate? Like @bibidep said, it looks more like a potato :D

    Update from Liu Wen's manager on weibo...


    From what I translated from google it said "see the bicycle also"... Is she hinting at something?:phew:

    I feel like anything from her or Liu Wen is aimed at Siwon these days...either they got mixed up about Siwon's zodiac animal or the rabbit is a reference to the soft toy Siwon gave Liu Wen when she was sick or the rabbit is a stand-in for Siwon and she's hugging it while on a bike...or all three...see how they're messing with our minds? :lol:

    And every time the sister likes one of Liu Wen's posts I feel like Siwon has an understanding with Liu Wen that he'll only like her pictures under his sister's handle for fear of being stoned by ELFs if he does otherwise. :P

    But I don't think Siwon's using her sister's account to like Liu Wen's pics.

    If it's really the sister doing the liking, she's certainly become a massive fan of Liu Wen since her brother hooked up with Wen considering she's been liking Wen's updates sometimes as soon as Wen puts them up and sometimes at unearthly hours in the morning in South Korea.

    Choi Jiwon...stalker much? :lol:

    Gosh, I'd be thrilled if Liu Wen could be my sister-in-law too! Maybe Jiwon has some sort of automatic "like" system set up just for Liu Wen's udpates. Lol, jk. That'd be a bit crazy.

    LOL... His sister is probably obsessed with Liu Wen :wub:


    Lol, I think we all are crushing on Liu Wen. Ah, who wouldn't? :D

    Oh, yes. I'm pretty sure that is an "organic" pomegranate. The stem that is sticking out is definitely the stem of a pomegranate :P. Siwon must've tried using a darker filter to make it not so obvious in red but he can't fool us, honey*!

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  14. Update from Liu Wen's manager on weibo...


    From what I translated from google it said "see the bicycle also"... Is she hinting at something?:phew:

    I feel like anything from her or Liu Wen is aimed at Siwon these days...either they got mixed up about Siwon's zodiac animal or the rabbit is a reference to the soft toy Siwon gave Liu Wen when she was sick or the rabbit is a stand-in for Siwon and she's hugging it while on a bike...or all three...see how they're messing with our minds? :lol:

    And every time the sister likes one of Liu Wen's posts I feel like Siwon has an understanding with Liu Wen that he'll only like her pictures under his sister's handle for fear of being stoned by ELFs if he does otherwise. :P

    But I don't think Siwon's using her sister's account to like Liu Wen's pics.

    If it's really the sister doing the liking, she's certainly become a massive fan of Liu Wen since her brother hooked up with Wen considering she's been liking Wen's updates sometimes as soon as Wen puts them up and sometimes at unearthly hours in the morning in South Korea.

    Choi Jiwon...stalker much? :lol:

    Gosh, I'd be thrilled if Liu Wen could be my sister-in-law too! Maybe Jiwon has some sort of automatic "like" system set up just for Liu Wen's udpates. Lol, jk. That'd be a bit crazy.

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  15. Ahh, how did I miss this unaired episode when Siwon met Liu Wen's friends?? Gosh, seriously, the unaired parts are the best. The program seriously selects parts that keep people guessing about their love. Such instigators! Lol 


    Remember how in the episode where Siwon said Wen made him feel like a bad boy because the kiss felt so forced towards Wen? Well, what they didn't show is that Siwon actually ask Liu Wen for a second kiss! Siwon was being very gentle with her and told her to relax. Awwww, innocent Liu Wen:wub:. She's so cute and Siwon looks so handsome in the apron ;):D

    My mandarin's not that great so please edit my translation if I get anything incorrect. At the dinner table, one of Liu Wen's best friends (girl in the blue dress aka Miss World 2007!) asked Liu Wen if she enjoyed the feeling of her career or family life. Liu Wen said before, she thought working is more important but now, she's learning to find a better balance between her work and personal life. Miss World continues to let Siwon know that throughout all these years, Liu Wen put all her time towards working hard for her family, etc. So as friends, they hope Liu Wen can find a good boyfriend who can help care for her and love her. Liu Wen is very kind and innocent. Liu Wen thanked her good friends for all the kind words. Excellent friends. In the quick interview, Liu Wen said that she's learning to have more courage (possibly to put her heart out there to experience what love is). Miss World told Siwon that he looked happy and gave her a good feeling that he's a good guy and is rest assured that Liu Wen will be in good hands. #friendshipgoals :P 


  16. Oh did siwon say that liuwen is the first girl he introduced to his dad? well, he'd been in relationship with someone for years & there was a stupid coincidence that the girl had to clear up on twitter that his mom gave her a present etc etc. I just hope he didnt lie tho ;)

    bed sheet case ? and she said just family friend

    siwon had been in relationship with this girl for years since they're still teenagers

    yes the almighty bed sheet, nope she did say that the gift was from his mother.

    isnt it coincidence that both (his ex gf& liuwen) live in NY? lol, he is supposed to be an expert when it comes to long distance relationship

    Definitely a very ironic coincidence, lol. Seriously, what are the chances both live in New York? It's interesting how the ex gf is following Liu Wen on Instagram, isn't that like self torture? From what I've read in the past, Siwon and the ex gf dated for like 5-6 years but considering that it's been a long distance relationship and those were the prime years when Siwon was working very hard, they probably rarely saw each other. It seemed like the relationship ended poorly, too. It was along the lines where the ex gf assumed Siwon was lying to her and he wasn't, I think it was just a lot of trust issues because Siwon was getting really famous and popular and we can see where the ex gf could've started getting insecure and wary of what Siwon is doing 24/7. It seemed like Siwon and his ex gf lacked a lot of communication because they eventually ended things through passive-aggressive messages on Twitter. Siwon mentioned how trust is so important to him in a relationship and if there's no trust, then that's the end to a relationship. This explains why he mentions having trust so much in the program and is even the question that he asks Liu Wen if she trusts him during Episode 9 and gosh, Liu Wen's answer made Siwon's heart swoooon! I mean, c'mon, his facial expression says it all.  This also brings us back to the huge talk in Episode 5 where Liu Wen and Siwon had a heart to heart. If Siwon didn't hear it verbally from Liu Wen in regards to what her feelings are for him, he was going to request to have their segment of the show end because he didn't see a point in continuing the program without real feelings for each other. During their talk, Siwon brings up how before, even if he had a girlfriend, if people asked, he'd tell people he didn't have one (which happens a lot among celebrities - a lot of factors to consider, etc.) and although he was in a relationship before, he wasn't proud of it. So Siwon said that's why he is so grateful and appreciative of this show because it makes him really happy to be able to meet a fantastic girl like Liu Wen and being able to proudly tell everyone that she's his girlfriend. :wub: x 100. Without saying too much, he definitely did that in Episode 6 where he literally introduced Liu Wen to everyone!!  There seriously isn't a better fit for Siwon than Liu Wen. :rolleyes:


    For memories sake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgp2enm6D0I Every guy who sees Liu Wen is like "wow! you're a lucky guy... you stole our beautiful woman!" 

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  17. @bibidep...u' re so amazing , thank u for that...but if i wasn't wrong before jiwon posted the tiffany gift with caption fill with love around the world...she posted the tiffany gifts with caption a gifts from sister in law with chinese wrote ( i think already posted in this  soompi)...but she deleted that pic and caption and posted again with bibidep already said before...sorry if i was wrong...



    Um, wow, I never knew about this; I'd love to get a screenshot of Jiwon's "gifts from sister-in-law" post. WonWen shippers, get to it! :P If she really did post that, all the drama we had earlier about whether they're really together would've been pointless; they are a real life couple, period.

    And I have a feeling Siwon has been sending Liu Wen loads and loads of gifts (if not everyday, then every week); he probably does it even now as he seems like the type. You know, ply the girl with everything until she's senseless and can't resist you anymore - that type. All I can say is...stay strong, Liu Wen! :lol:

    Here you go! The gifts from Liu Wen to Jiwon and Siwon's mom :) . Liu Wen is truly a sweetheart and so giving. 


  18. I just saw a pic from his sister cosmetic products' instagram(bycream_insta) that siwon gave something to liuwen; judging from the caption its like promotional link to her products, so I assume he did give lw her sister's products? Well, isnt liuwen stil the spokerwoman for estee lauder? thanks

    Liu Wen is still a spokeswoman for Estee Lauder, and that was tacky of her, um, sister-in-law to include a pic of Siwon gifting Liu Wen the cosmetic products on the bycream poster, and she was rightfully criticized for it on IG.

    Yeah, that is quite bad taste to make that post on her company for social media purposes. I think gifting Liu Wen the products is perfectly fine but when you have intentions behind what you're gifting, that's a different story. Hope the products are reputable and good. Lol. We'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she's still young and hopefully she learned from the comments. How old is Jiwon anyway?

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