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Posts posted by teamsongsong

  1. The show might've rushed the development of their love and pushed the couple to get out of their comfort zone quicker but honestly, maybe that's what the two really needed as well. To have that sense of urgency to express what their true feelings are as their love for each other grows every time they meet. From watching and re-watching the episodes, even if they do not end up together, the two has grown as a person tremendously. Siwon, becoming an even more caring and patient man and Liu Wen, becoming a stronger, more expressive and confident woman who's able to now, bravely open up her heart to love and let someone to love her just as much. 

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  2. Liu Wen saying "I love you" in the latest episode felt very forced to me, and in a sense it was. Maybe that's why Siwon didn't look that over the moon when hugging her in response? It's like he knew that was just for the show. Like Siwon said, I'm not a fan of...oh, we must be in a relationship by the end of the show...oh, we must each say "I love you" by this episode...the show is trying to force things along which should really be happening at their own pace and in private. I can understand why they're doing it for viewership purposes, but it still doesn't sit right with me if the relationship is real.

    And poor Liu Wen - this must be the third or fourth time she's visiting London in less than a month! 

    Wow, lol. What episode 11 did you watch? It must've been from a completely different channel! I'm sorry but this has to be the most depressing analyzation I've read. Let's all send allnaturalcrunchtime_stv more love, hope and trust for Liu Wen and Siwon!! Despite the negative and depressing thoughts that were shared, we will stay positive and thank you for possibly trying to keep us delulu's grounded :D. However, I must say we've all been quite rational and level-headed lately because we no longer need delusional thoughts about the two since our thoughts are already coming true! It's going to take a lot more to move our happy mountains. 

    I feel like there's really not much to explain if you already have those thoughts about Liu Wen. If there's anyone who is the least scripted, consistently real and genuine on a reality show, it'd be Liu Wen. She made a strong point in that episode expressing with or without the challenge (the party that loses the kayak race has to say what the other person wants to hear), she was ready and wanted to tell Siwon those words. Liu Wen didn't say it on the spot because she felt like it wasn't the moment to and Siwon respected her for it. When Liu Wen finally found what the "perfect moment" was for her (which was after the non-aired pedal boating part. also, let's note that Liu Wen genuinely expressed herself despite having so many cameras around, which Siwon acknowledged during his part of the interview), she bravely sent her "very, very, very love you" message to Siwon and then melted into his arms because she got super shy (despite having so many cameras around, which Siwon acknowledged during his part of the interview). So adorable. 

    Anyway, just in case you watched a different episode for some strange reason ;) ... translation starts at 28:28 

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  3. Siwon always just likes to stand there with his hands in his bum pockets being a bum when Liuwen hugs him...... twice now!! hehehe if I was Liuwen I would want him to have hugged me back tight! >_<

    Always acting cool ;) probably trying to conceal his super beating heart - he always told the interviewer in the black room that his heart was "beating wildly" since episode 1! lol

    Gosh, can we just take another moment to look at how Liu Wen looks at Siwon? If that's not real love, I dont know what is. :wub:

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  4. Since the show has started, every week seems to feel slower and slower. Sunday, please hurry and arrive soon! 

    Liu Wen is genuinely beautiful, inside and out. Here's a video of her work earlier this year for Staccato

    [Edit] Thank you @siwonie407 for the reminder that the finale episode will be aired this Friday and not Sunday!



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  5. Alright guys, Siwon totally loses himself when he spots Liu Wen in the audience! Starts at 1:05 

    Siwon appears to have gotten a little shy (hai xiu :P) after seeing Liu Wen. For the rest of that song, (skip to 2:13) Siwon is just running everywhere, not sure what to do with himself with all that happiness and completely forgets to sing!

    haha, I'm just teasing! He's so adorable. Never seen Siwon so disoriented at a concert! The things love could do to a 'man who could do anything'. :wub: Liu Wen must've been one proud girlfriend and fan!


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  6.  Now why didn't I make that leap in deduction? :w00t: :lol: Oooh ... I'm one step closer to their personal entourage ... not:P

    Who knows? What is the symbolism behind not one, not two, but three crystal balls? Deductions working overtime? :P But please, as and when you become a part of their personal entourage, do let us know which airline, which flight and which airport they are flying into... so that we have a clearer picture of timelines and duration. Far easier than hunting up airline websites :D

    Rewatching Ep11... lots of funny moments (Super Mario brothers lol!)... but in particular I love those moments when he unconsciously shows the kind of man he is, especially towards her. The swimming lesson when he quickly protected her from knocking her head against the side of the pool... him wiping her hands for her after her skydiving experience... and his understanding and acceptance when she was so hesitant in expressing "I love you"... as he said during the black room interview, that he now knows how to be accepting of her, to give her time and not rush her beyond what she was comfortable with, even though he really wanted to hear those words from her. And good things come to those who wait... when she finally told him when he thought she wouldn't muster the courage to do so. How can anyone see that and still think they are just acting? How much more real can this couple get? 

    Seriously. Siwon mentions again how there were so many cameras around and Liu Wen still said it to him. Wooooo, made his heart beat so fast, he said! Siwon oppa, if you're ever reading this, know that all of our hearts were beating just as fast for you and Liu Wen when we were watching that scene! Now, can you please advise where your entourage from this forum should meet? We'd like to sign a contract and set things in stone with you and Liu Wen!

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    Anyway, as long as we have been respectful to WonWen individually and as a couple, I don't see why we should be concerned if Siwon and/or Liu Wen ever started lurking and reading all the posts here. 

    Har ... I was just thinking this today. It's not a long stretch that either might have read the posts here or have been alerted to them by people they know. Those crystal ball icons that captioned Liu Wen's IG update at the hotel yesterday are such a tease.

    EDIT: Btw, @bibidep, the way Siwon has been fidgeting with his hands during the concert solo ... in the pocket, out again, hovering ... I think your advice to him might have got him self-conscious about those hands. Or rather, something has to make him that way.


    Can we also mention how well-dressed Siwon was for his Lost Star solo?? He's always been wearing just a simple and plain t-shirt with jeans when he performed the song. Well, he was in a nice dress shirt on Day 1 of SS Encore as well but with Liu Wen there on Day 2, the Prince Siwon went all out with a vest with matching slacks! Oooh lala, wonder who he was trying to impress in the audience? :w00t:

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  8. We are famous :crazy: thanks @bibidep for the info....  hahahahha


    ooh My!!!!

    copy thatttt....:wub:.. thanks @bibidep !!

    We analyze a lot and said about our feeling in this forum hahah.  Serious I may need to stop myself from doing that.   May be I do last one right here hahah.   Look at the 2 pictures Jiwon posted in her Instagram with Liu Wen and Siwon.  The hairs of Jiwon and Liu Wen are different from their hairs in the picture took with Siwon, the two together the hair lines both next to each other, the one with Siwon Liu Wen hair line is on Siwon side and Jiwon hair line on the left side.   Look at Liu Wen shirt, the one with Jiwon a lone the pocket on the left if you look direct to the picture and the one Liu Wen with Siwon the pocket on the right side if you look straight to the picture.  How can it be that different with a short time frame during the concert??  May be they had a party before they came to the concert and took the picture at that time, or it could be the one with Siwon Liu Wen already change to new clothes and ready to fly back to HongKong when the party over.


    Ah, seriously too good with having attention to details! Almost sent me to a whole new delulu world where maybe Liu Wen was at the SS6 Encore Day 1 concert, too! But after looking at the photos, the first photo they have together (without Siwon) could be a selfie taken with Liu Wen's long arms (when the camera's setting is flipped for a selfie, it also flips everything as well (i.e. hair line flipped from the left to the right, pockets changed from being on the right to the left, etc.). Great find though, @bibidep! There's definitely a 130% chance that the Choi family and Liu Wen got to have a nice late dinner or early breakfast together before Liu Wen flew out of Korea for work! :wub:

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  9.  It's scary how this show has gotten us to notice the smallest details.

    Is that you comments in Jiwon Instagram about one fan said Siwon did not love the Siwonest any more??  Well done dear!!!  That's the way to go.  Don't argue with them but lead them to the love road.  Really smart way to deal with the fans that lost their way in how to love a person and how other love them.  I don't have Instagram account so I can't comment but can read the 50 current comments hahah.

    Look like today one more Victoria Secret girl or the Model had found her other half, and he is a billionaire.   When can Siwon and Liu Wen hand in hand walk on the street like them, hope soon.


    @bibidep, it was! lol *insert shy face* thank you for your kind words and acknowledgement. xoxo

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  10. So this is what it feels like to have a ship sail. Truthfully, as @liddi said, there is a distinct surreal feeling - like nothing that happened has truly happened. Still, converging evidence is hard to disbelieve. This isn't a case of a hint here and a clue there... Like a bangle here and a coincidence there that feeds certain ships for YEARS. No this is very very clearly a show of Choi Family force and a public declaration that Liu Wen is now under the protection of super dongsaeng, Choi Ji Won. (Did I mention I love her???) 

    That concert event was a clear message: It's straight up, "This is the woman I'm dating, she comes to visit me in the concert, I dedicate a song to her and she visits me backstage". Nothing can be clearer, seriously. There is no beating about the bush. I have to say, my respect for SiWon as a straight shooter just went up. I mean, many and I mean MANY people go on WGM and it's ilk lying that they'll take it seriously, and it's all fake romance. But this guy, I can't even tell when he decided, but it was wayyyy early on, and he just went for it. He didn't even give her any wiggle room (which I am still ambivalent about. My husband, who saw the ep with the couch, claims he 'wore her down', and I am on the fence of how forceful one should be in chasing a girl, because there was a little bit of ultimatum setting in that conversation. On the other hand, Liu Wen did and continues to have some massive walls, so I doubt he'd have gotten to her any other way? Ah, who knows.)

    Anyway, I digress. 

    The point is, like Liu Wen, I had difficulty trusting his words, especially his "It's real, it's all real". But like Liu Wen, Mr. Put-it-all-out-there has convinced me that he's not fooling around about wanting to be with her. And truly, like Liu Wen, no matter how cheesy, I'm starting to buy into "Oppa can do anything." 

    To hit this level of public declaration this quickly - I've said it before, but now I'm convinced A LOT WENT ON OFF-SCREEN. A LOT! I was half-kidding with @liddi the other day, that when he left her room after the Facemask Farce, there was a distinct sense of okay, now I am leaving the room, now I am saying good night, because I am leaving the room... watch me walk out the door... yes, I have said good night, therefore I have officially left the room.... followed by okletmeturnaround once the cameras went off.  But now, I am pretty much convinced the night didn't end after he left the room. I'm not saying anything about apples and oranges, but perhaps there was a fruit salad later that night. :P

    Thanks for reading my long overdue spazzing. :D


    Oh, sister @mywebfoot! I'm on the same page as you in regards to the fruit salad party you mentioned! It was barely 7:00 PM when Liu Wen, Siwon and Liu Wen's friend Facetime'd each other - so by the time they're done video chatting and Siwon failing with the cream mask (lol), it was probably barely 8 or 8:30PM. Who goes to sleep that early, especially when you're on vacation at Guam?? The time was noticed when Liu Wen opened her laptop - the time was shown clearly on the top right corner :lol:. It's scary how this show has gotten us to notice the smallest details.

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  11. @silvergrey Please continue to work out your story! Definitely fuel for more delulu and spazzing here :P But what you say is highly plausible... so perhaps we are not so delulu after all. And yup... I highly doubt that it was a surprise to Siwon that she was at the concert, since Keenie was the one with her. Which then makes her having met the family after arriving in Seoul prior to the concert, a pretty plausible scenario. Perhaps she even had an authentic Korean meal with them, as Daddy Choi promised? As for Keenie now being part of her entourage, I would prefer to think they have combined their respective entourages... just because ;) 

    Noticed that some posters are bashing Jiwon for blocking Siwon fans who hated the picture of the siblings with Liu Wen. Good on Jiwon for taking steps to counter the outpouring of vitriol over her post. Funnily enough, Siwon also copped a lot of flak for posting "Start with Jesus, Stay with Jesus, End with Jesus", pretty ironic especially since he has always made his religious views known? Not forgetting, it is his personal Instagram, which he has every right to post what he wants?

    That's very awesome to know that Jiwon is taking those measures on the immature haters who bring their negative to her posts. More than blocking them, the action she took also really shows how protective Jiwon is towards her brother and Liu Wen - which says a lot about the love and care they have for each other. We love you, little sister, Jiwon Choi! 

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  12. Alright, friends from all over the world, here's for some entertainment and laughs for those who are just starting their mornings or for those who are about to call it a night!

    "102 Days ago: Awkward even when dancing Sorry Sorry in front of her. 
    SS6Encore: Dressed into a mermaid in front of her. Even getting rid of his bra with one hand.
    Conclusion: Love does change a man"

    Oh, my. I think we will be re-watching WGM Siwon and Liu Wen (from the very first episode) together after the finale. There's going to be so many sweet and funny memories to talk about together. I can picture us laughing about all those speculations that turned us crazy because Sundays felt like it'd take forever to come. 

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  13. This picture might've been shared before as Siwon's make up artist posted it about 5 weeks ago. Posting it again because Liu Wen looks so beautiful in this photo and silly Siwon is peeping in the background :P 
    Does anyone know Korean? The caption was "여잔데 나랑 키 똑같아서 너무 좋아~

    #guam#beatifulgirl#Liuwen#착한#매력쟁이#이뻐#나는#오징어" Thank you!

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  14. I bet you guys 16 dollars that Siwon got up and gave Liu Wen a kiss and a hug during this scene! Once he stood up and faced Liu Wen, the part was immediately edited out. Gosh, this episode was filled with so many cute scenes that were edited out. But I understand, the show has to do its job and they're seriously doing a great job at keeping us on the edge of our seat!!!!


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  15. Here is youtube link but they had all 3 couples, our WonWen couple at the 1:00 minutes.  Happily enjoy episode 11.

    Thank you so much, @bibdep!!!! 

    Wow... the song they played when they were watching the recap of their love is so sad. Literally thought I turned on a Korean Drama or something. The editors seriously know how to put our emotions on a roller coaster.

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  16. There I was thinking this guy's bordering on perversion, continually taking photos of her legs underwater, then realised on watching the epi that it was his way of getting her to put her head under the water. :P:lol:

    Hahaha, omgosh, too funny. Underwater selfie with Liu Wen's legs gone from wild to super innocent! But seriously, I think at that time, Siwon's mind was more delulu than ours for once. B)

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  17. Credit to @elf_ninida

    On skydiving
    Siwon: She likes extreme sports but this is really too dangerous so I tried it out once first.
    Siwon: when she is scared, she has many little gestures. Her hands sweat alot and her face turns pale (LOVE how Siwon knows her so well.)
    Siwon held Liu Wen's hands and kept reassuring her not to be scared. everything is ok they will do it tgt
    Siwon: it's ok it's ok. I LOVE U!
    Siwon jumped out of plane but Liu Wen was the one who screamed. Siwon said he went first so that she wont be scared after seeing him
    Flying kisses and making little hearts in the air.
    When they landed, Siwon had a banner opened with the words "Liu wen i love you"
    Siwon: what did u do when I jumped?
    Liu Wen: I screamed so hard. I felt like you were leaving me (ahhh!!! Liu Wen <333) 
    Siwon:but i was waiting for you (on ground)

    (notice: Siwon's hand on Liu Wen's knee and gently fixing Liu Wen's hair)


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  18. Credits to JSTV~

    We all love the 3rd pic, don't we? :P:lol: 

    Sorry I wrote 2nd previously.




    Omg, love allllll of them!!!! I haven't seen the episode yet :( so these gifs and photos have been a blessing! Wow, look at Siwon's amazing reaction to saving Liu Wen's head from hitting the wall!!!! Definitely shows Liu Wen's trust in him and for Siwon, his protectiveness and attention to detail when Liu Wen is in his care.

    Lolll, the first clip is hilarious! Siwon looks more anxious and worried. Liu Wen is like "oh, honey, this is no big deal. I'm just gonna relax and take a nap now that I'm under your guidance." :D

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  19. @silvergrey, my pleasure, love! all the hardwork and credit go to @siwonliuwen on Instagram :) 


    Here's more eye candy :D from @dchoielf (thank you!)

    Can we just take a moment. Liu Wen's body is seriously so beautiful. She is so insanely proportional! Siwon, what a lucky man - he had the best seat in the house.

    Getting incredibly close and comfortable aren't they ;). There's so much to love about Liu Wen. Siwon loves every part of her, including her underarms! Embracing Liu Wen every opportunity he has! Lol! :wub::rolleyes:

    Close up. "

    SW wrote "i love u very much" in sand. LW wrote "ai tiger oil" (chinese). SW read it many times n finally realised it sounds like I love u.
    Siwon:this is my first time spending time with my gf on an island. First time kayaking. First time skydiving (with gf)
    Liu Wen: 10 dollars, i really love u very very very much. Very very much."



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