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Posts posted by teamsongsong

  1. wow please give as link or screenshot of that :-)

    Here is the link for Liu Wen Weibo, check the date May 17 and 18 and it near the end of first page.  Siwon posted a lot so the reposted kick back to page 2 now.





    I love the unaired scenes that they shared with us! So Liu Wen did seduce Siwon's legs during tango :wub:!!!! Gosh, the production crew sure know how to mess with us viewers... :crazy:. Thanks a bunch, @bibidep!

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  2. Wow, you are amazing - how do you tackle down all those little details and dates? Hm, do you guys think the Tiffany gifts are most likely gifts from Liu Wen to Jiwon and Mrs. Choi?? 

    Do you want my answer for this??  I think that Tiffany gifts were from Liu Wen for mother day and his sister present.  The reason she posted the gifts and the basket of flowers on the 17 or 18 because that was the date Siwon agreed to be a real life couple with Liu Wen.  Liu Wen even posted on her Weibo on May 18 a message said that she took their relationship seriously, can he feel it??  And Siwon reposted her message to his Weibo a few hours later on that day.

    Wow, interesting. Awww! Thanks, @bibidep for sharing all of that. That's some incredible analytical skills you have. Is Siwon's repost of what Liu Wen said still on his Weibo?

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    @bibidep The 16-rose bouquet picture was posted by Jiwon on 2 Jun 2015. Liu Wen landed in Guam on 1 Jun 2015. And kudos to you for noticing there were 16 roses... I did not even make the association until you mentioned it. Coincidence much? :) 

    EDIT: When did Jiwon and Liu Wen start following each other? Before or after the meeting with Daddy Choi? Any idea?

    Liu Wen landed on Guam at 1:30 am on June 2nd, Monday afternoon in China June 1 she left to Soeul, Korea and same night on that day which earlier morning on June 2nd in Guam she arrived at Guam Airport.

    Jiwon start followed Liu Wen on May 13 or 14 of May.  Liu Wen followed Jiwon back on 15 or 16 of May.    Daddy Choi met Liu Wen on the 10 of May, Liu Wen left Seoul on May 11.  May be what Liu Wen said about I'm waiting for you with Siwon at the Airport scene was the answered from Siwon about their relationship in real life, not for the show.   If I remember correctly on May 15 Siwon posted nonstop about his sister, his mom with him (he covered his mom face of course) on his SNS and even God about Love.  After a few days, around May 16 to 18 Jiwon posted all the gifts from Tiffany and a big basket of Flowers and the caption said:  Fill with Love around the World.


    Wow, you are amazing - how do you tackle down all those little details and dates? Hm, do you guys think the Tiffany gifts are most likely gifts from Liu Wen to Jiwon and Mrs. Choi?? 

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  4. I just rewatch the episode again.  One thing keep bother me is the distance between the two, whether sit on the same sofa or at the chair in the airport or stand next to the ticket counter, they never sit close to each other or their hand holding etc..  When at the counter Liu Wen tried to fix something on his shirt near his chest, he quickly move away from her hand and look at that part....I wonder why he was acting like that??  It' so hard to understand his action sometimes.

    Yes, I think the last gift is the bible and a card written in side no one can see what is it.

    I know, I completely know what you mean and it bothered me too after I rewatched it and tried to pay attention to the scenes you mentioned, lol. But honestly, it didn't really bother me the first time when I watched it without analyzing their body language so much. To make some sense out of this, I think it's important to remember how Liu Wen and Siwon started. Liu Wen has always been a very conservative and shy woman since the start and Siwon, despite being known for being the king of skinship has learned and grown to respect where Liu Won is coming from. Also, imagine how awkward and unnatural it must be to have 6 cameras filming your every move. 

     I'm trying to imagine my boyfriend and I being documented and honestly, with knowing that my family and friends are going to watch me live on TV, I'd naturally and instinctively not appear as attached due to what and who's around me at the moment and rather do those things in private or at least when I know I won't be on live television because trust, I love hugging and being very close to my boyfriend (like a ball of rice would be an idiom we use in Cantonese (being inseparable, lol) - but definitely not when everyone's eyeballs are on us. This reminds me when I was leaving to attend a conference for school and my parents and boyfriend at that time accompanied me to the airport. When I was about to enter the security gate, my boyfriend and I even hesitated to give each other a "see you later" kiss because our parents were there! lol and that was just two pairs of eyes! we come from similar conservative Chinese backgrounds such as Liu Wen's).  It may be very easy for Siwon to be more affectionate in front of the camera but remember, that's because he's shown skinship and showed a lot of physical attraction on stage at concerts and in front of massive groups of people before. Even if it's not that and we just want to see them act like a normal couple (ex: "hug me forever, I'm gonna miss you so much! hold my hands forever and don't let me board the airplane! *being over dramatic but I'm just trying to make a point across, lol), how about we replay those times when Liu Wen would gently take care of Siwon such as wiping his sweat for him and fixing his hair for him numerous of times! I love when she fixes his hair for him, lol. It's so cute. To me, that's even more romantic than seeing Liu Wen sit on Siwon's lap (woooooo, delulu train is back again! Jk, I wouldn't mind seeing that happen on the tabloids or something but it'll definitely be a bit too much to see that happen if it were to happen in one of the scenes right now. As goddess Liu Wen would say, TOO SOON!

     I'm sure Liu Wen and Siwon must have talked about how much affection Liu Wen is comfortable in showing when they're shooting. Imagine Siwon's mom and sister are watching, too!  Knowing how sensitive and caring Siwon and Liu Wen are for their family's feelings, I'm sure this was taken into perspective and discussed between the two after the episodes when they know they are taking the relationship seriously. To be honest, if Liu Wen was really open and affectionate, that may also bring some challenges because Siwon would question if she's like that to every guy when he's not around. Also, if Liu Wen suddenly starts to show a lot of skinship with Siwon, that'll also make us question how genuine Liu Wen was about her authenticity and "conservative" girl image that she has always portrayed. I'm really glad Liu Wen stood by her standards and know her worth because she deserves all the respect and love from Siwon oppa. 

    If there's something we can get out of these scenes, it's that Liu Wen and Siwon are just being real and not acting a certain way just because they are being filmed. As a fan of them as individuals and as a couple, what should matter most is what they do when there aren't cameras around - because at the end of all this, people who love to see them work out as a couple in real life just really want to know that despite the distance and challenges, they are officially an item and will work against all odds to continue to fall in love, support and help each other continue to grow as a person and as a beautiful couple together. Soo... something we could focus on is how comfortable Siwon is with calling Liu Wen his "honey!" - the little small gestures like that are seriously the sweetest things ever and they definitely advanced to that comfortable stage when cameras were not around. Heck, they probably cuddled and Siwon probably won himself a peck on his lips before (possibly when Siwon drops Liu Wen off after whatever date they go on after shooting ;) - see, having fun on delulu land is better than over-analyzing what they do on-screen.) 

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  5. She learn a lot of Korean lately ;)

    I also think Liu Wen is just a really smart individual who picks up things really quickly. She probably just need to understand one word from an entire sentence and would be able to make up what Mr. Choi was asking or saying. There's also a very important part which I'm not sure if anyone mentioned yet (my apologies if someone already did state this!) but I think the Mr. Choi also mentioned during dinner time that he feels as if it's not his first time meeting Liu Wen.

    The kindness and genuine aura that Liu Wen gives out makes it really easy for people to speak to her and make anyone feel as if she's already a good family member or friend to them.  She probably gained this from just her life experiences in general: learning survival mechanisms from traveling to New York without knowing any English (imagine the insane challenges and hardships she must've gone through) and working hard so that she's now in the position where her career allows her to be exposed to so many different countries, people and languages.

    But at the end, it's her being herself, compassion and genuine character that truly won both Senior and Junior Choi's hearts! :D 

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  6. By the way, Siwon made a new post on his Instagram 

    This couple sure knows how to tease and entertain their 16 fans. :D His caption is quite misleading because the message is really on the image of the organic "pomegranate"!!!! Just a few days since Liu Wen posted herself picking pomegranate fruits from the market, this is what Siwon does. Oh, man. These two!!!!! As if they weren't already addicting enough!


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  7. 695e864bgw1etl01964wwj20sg0izad2.jpg

    Unaired scene!.... hopefully they can show it also  to us.. :)


    Wow! Why did they not include this scene in the main video? Sigh! Sometimes, it really makes us question what goes on the producers/video editor's minds when selecting scenes. This would've been such a sweet scene to show! Lol, but yes, fingers crossed they will release more unaired scenes. 

  8. After winning the games, they get to ask each other a question:

    SW: Do you really trust me?
    LW nods
    LW: Will you always love me?
    SW: Yes
    That is the question that made SW so happy.,. that she would ask this question now :) 

    Meeting Papa Choi now!

    I think I just experienced what Siwon felt in a previous episode where he said he's usually really good at expressing his feelings but what Liu Wen shared and said to him when she gifted him the bracelet left him speechless

    That short and simple exchange of questions between them matters and means so much. Their love seriously left me speechless. It's running so deep. I think this may be one of the very first times he felt more waves of love and emotions without skinship but through the importance of communication with persistence, patience, body language and verbal expression. I wish I had the superpower to jump into time and hold Siwon's winning kiss for a good 10 minutes for him! Then I realized there's this pause button for videos to "stop time" for them. Even though it's not the same of course but I guess it'll do for now. Alright, taking a tiny break -  running too wild on this delulu train of thoughts I'm on.

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  9. I just want to share that I didn't even watch any parts of episode 9 yet and am already experiencing all the emotions from all of your posts, everyone. Thank you @liddi so much for your kindness in translating for us! @newone expressed it so well. There would be many lost, wandering souls here if it wasn't for @liddi - I'd probably be yelling at google translator (sometimes, their translations seriously makes my face go :crazy:).

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  10. @euphoria83

    Wowwww.. What a sweetheart.. We miss you Liu wen ... 

    Kinda sad and heartbroken to see boyfie pics are everywhere but the girlfriend is no where to be found :(.. 

    Hope ur doing fine our wen ...

    I said before that she probably doesn't read the comments on her SNSs, but maybe I'm wrong. Her latest update on IG has drawn a disproportionately large number of replies (now pushing 2,000), so it wouldn't surprise me if she's taken a gander at some of them. Imagine her reaction upon seeing such hatred directed at her; she likely got scared off and is in no mood to update.

    It's at times like this that I wish she never did this show. Fans used to show nothing but love and appreciation on her SNSs, and now we have more than a few calling her ugly and a female dog and a prostitute and wishing she'd never been born. She really doesn't deserve that kind of crap. I mean, she's a sensitive girl and I'm sure she did the show to get paid, but a primary motivation must've been that she'd finally get to go on a date; she probably figured that if she didn't jump at the chance, she'd never date! She never even knew she'd be paired with that wondrous Oppa so it's not like she did the show just to snag him; it's fate that threw these two together which makes the hatred for Liu Wen further unjustified.

    And I have to be honest, the dislike I have for his fans is starting to bleed into how I feel about Siwon because their behaviour reflects badly upon him.


    by the way, I have a question and was wondering if anyone feels the same.. this whole skinship thing is quite new to me. some clips i saw on youtube showed a lot of moments where Siwon literally kisses SuJu members on the lips. is this normal? there are definitely times that make me wonder if he could be gay or bi... or is this a normal thing that korean artists, especially the males, would do for the fans? i just feel like it's a bit too much if so, lol.. plus, the photos of him and Eddie's eye contact and possibly him inviting his body "trainer" to Guam kind of furthered these thoughts. don't get me wrong, i grew up in a very liberal city but still, i've never experienced guys kissing male friends or own brothers in that way (without romantic feelings) so i'm just looking for some insight to understand this whole 'skinship'.

    specifically, it's this video that I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr1cVaDGapY by all mean, Siwon and SuJu look handsome and so so so sexy but sometimes, their body language makes me go "oooOo, okieeee, that's too much!! stop, please!" any thoughts are appreciated :)

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  11. Ahhhh seeing n_407 ID again next to Liu Wen.   7 hours ago when Siwon liked his sister picture n_407 next to his too.  I wonder why last few days this ID appeared again after the last night in Guam.

    See the below picture from Siwon liked and comment on his sister.

    I think both Siwon and Jiwon have access to that account, since it's a new company set up by both of them.

    ah, interesting. but that's kinda funny as well - using the account to like your own photos but it's all good. gotta love yourself a lot right? :P

    some of the fans said their company's logo for n_407 is satanic.. :sweatingbullets:

  12. Wow Liu Wen instagram still so hot with haters.  I feel bad for Liu Wen, if I were her I have to post a very pretty picture in there to let people comment in the new picture.  I have to admitted that picture of her dress like a man, the look is not my type.  Don't throw rock at me.  You may like it but for me not really.  I hope they don't have a lot of pressure to change whatever their relationship right now.  They have to ignore the fans and just follow their hearts.

    Let's all comment and give Liu Wen's instagram posts more love and positive vibes. Love always wins.

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  13. LW just retweeted La Perla's official Twitter Page. Where is she now anyway? :( She's been so quiet. She's been online on weibo these past 2 days tho.


    Definitely one of my many favorite photos of Liu Wen! She looks like a goddess - so flawless, inside and out. Knowing how humble she is, she possibly might not know what an incredibly positive impact she makes on us. Do you guys remember your first love or relationship? I can't imagine how hard it is to finally meet someone who you get to know and possibly fall in love with and then not being able to be with them or see them whenever you'd like due to your career. There must be so much going through her mind and I think all she really needs is our support and love. I'm gonna head over to all the social media platforms to show her some love RIGHT NOW!

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  14. As someone who's rather curmudgeonly, I'd really like to know how Liu Wen manages to be floating on Cloud Nine all the freaking time. :P

    Of course, there is the fact that she's living a life which is the stuff a lot of girls' dreams are made of, but then there are many top models who have notoriously poor attitudes...

    She seems to be a pure soul. So hard to find someone who's so radiant like her. She exudes a very positive aura.

    i wonder that too @allnatural ...

    correct me if im wrong, from all the backstages, behindthescenes and interview videos, i've got an impression that she is rather a quiet person when it comes to interaction with other models.

    I remember i saw a video while wen was on interview, one model just walked infront of her and camera, and wen just smiled.. Oh our dearly beloved wen ... ❤️

    I saw that video as well! The comments under the video were hilarious and incredibly supportive of Liu Wen though. So glad Liu Wen has amazing fans who root her on and virtually support her when seeing her get disrespected. 


    This is the video Missruthieruthie and I are talking about - in case any Liu Wen fans are interested in watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-0wwWpYTtU

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  15. As someone who's rather curmudgeonly, I'd really like to know how Liu Wen manages to be floating on Cloud Nine all the freaking time. :P

    Of course, there is the fact that she's living a life which is the stuff a lot of girls' dreams are made of, but then there are many top models who have notoriously poor attitudes...

    I think this has to do a lot with her upbringing - she credits her parents a lot, especially her mom. I can't imagine how hard it was for her to leave her comfort zone (Hunan, China) without knowing any English to pursue her passion and curate her life in New York. It takes a lot of strength and ambition to do that. She must have went through so much to get to where she's at right now (dealing with culture shock, the fashion world was full of non-Asians, etc). It takes a lot to work through all of that. The fashion world is not all glitz and glamour. Her simple and humble life, along with amazing support from her parents overseas have contributed to the beautiful aura she exudes. 

    She reminds me of the quote, "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and have found their way out of the depths. Beautiful people do not just happen.

    I feel like there's always a lot of drama and comparisons whenever our top male/female finds a significant other. However, this time around, it's amazing how a celebrity couple like Siwon and Liu Wen can bring so many fans together - despite some of the crazy jealous immature fans, WonWen seriously won the hearts of so many and is spreading their love to everyone who truly cares about them. 

    Anyway, end of my rant :P. Happy Friday you guys, I'm so grateful that I found this thread and you guys to share delulu thoughts! My real-life friends already think I'm crazy. Thanks for making me feel normal for having this infatuation for such a beautiful couple! We made it through the week, just 1-3 more days for the new episode!!!!

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  16. Thank you, Yao Li for uploading this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iSa-V_pI28 

    "Liu Wen's Online interview on Weibo on 2011-1-21: Q: You've been to so many countries because of fashion. Which city is your favorite and you want to live in the future? LW: I will live in the city where my future husband lives. Love the man, love his city. That must be romantic."

    Happy Friday everyone!!!!!


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  17. Gosh, this week feels especially long. Most likely because I'm anxious to see Si Won and Liu Wen again and the coming episode is going to be a pretty dang great one featuring Senior Mr. Choi. Having Siwon's dad appear on an episode seriously speaks volumes to their relationship. 

    I went through some of the older posts in this thread and I gotta be honest - whenever I came across posts that mentions anything along the lines that Siwon and Liuwen's relationship could be scripted, I squirm with disappointment and denial. I respect everyone's opinion though and thanks for keeping us grounded by offering various perspectives on their relationship. Whether their relationship is genuine or not, I feel like the program really brought two very deserving people together. I caught myself re-watching several of their episodes and there is never a time when I'd pause and doubt their feelings for each other. I could be very biased though because duh, #teamwonwen all the way! haha jk, but I've watched episodes of the other couples on WGM and the feelings that the couple's project on screen is just not the same - sometime, it's rather awkward and would make me not interested in watching any further. 

    Even from the first episode where Siwon saw Liu Wen for the first time and vice versa, they were so nervous to a point where we could even feel their awkwardness/excitement. They could be good actors but Si Won always says there are things that the eyes cannot deceive :P. The way the camera catches Siwon staring at Liu Wen, moments like those are hard to act out bc you gotta truly have feelings for that person to project feelings in such a candid way - and seriously, Si Won and Liu Wen have a lot of intense and cute moments and it knocks me out of my bed when I'm watching right before sleeping. This couple's love for each other is so addicting! 

    Okay, I'll hop off the delulu train for a little bit. Rationally speaking, whether or not Si Won and Liu Wen becomes official, at least these two beautiful people crossed paths. They met at the most perfect time. Siwon has military obligations soon and his schedule is insane but that works out so well because Liu Wen is also a very busy superwoman. They both can use the next 2 years focusing on themselves and helping each other grow even more. Everything happens for a reason and they both seem to be very level-headed. I feel like the time that they're going to have apart from each other is going to be difficult but are also healthy challenges and much needed time for them to think through how or if they'd like to continue their relationship. I can totally picture Liu Wen being the most supportive friend or girlfriend when Siwon leaves for the military. It's incredible how the little gestures and things they do for each other can express how genuine love should be whether when you're in a relationship. Episode really hit home for me that the two really like each other. The way how Siwon almost gave up because skinship is so important to him and he thought Liu Wen did not have feelings for him but to find out Liu Wen's genuine feelings for him, etc. Ah, every episode seriously just gets better and better. 

    Now, let me step back onto my delulu train of thoughts. After Siwon completes his time in the military, he will find Liu Wen and never ever let her go. He will propose to her, get married and then make beautiful babies! Haha, just kidding! (NOT! I hope all these thoughts come true!!!!) 


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  18. Siwon twitter and weibo update with Eddie Peng  

    For the Kids. #UN #Unicef #unibella


    In that photo they look so similar, like brothers :)

    While we wait for the next episode of wonwen, here's the link to the rest of Siwon's appearance on Infinity Challenge, after that interview. He wasn't the 6th man chosen, but Infinity Challenge does require participants to record 1-2 days/wk, which I don't think he has the time for. http://kshowonline.com/kshow/3240-[engsub]-infinity-challenge-ep.421

    He was really quite entertaining on the show. He was so funny in how he responded to reading the mean comments.:lol: And even though he told Liu Wen he's not into horror movies, on Infinity Challenge he doesn't seem to get scared easily.

    Yes siwon and eddie are a riot together. Infinity challenge was soo funny. ELF never believed he would get it though since you like said it requires a lot of commitment and he just can't. Plus, he's enlisting this year :tears:

    There are a ton more pics from the movie premiere and some recent airport pics but I feel like I've posted enough :) 

    It's never enough :D I love all your posts, keep 'em coming! haha 

    Seriously - going to miss Siwon updates once he enlists.. I honestly don't know too much about the military duties. I read somewhere that Korea has shortened the duty time to 1 year only now, is that true? During this time, does that mean Siwon cannot visit family at home? How does this work? Hope the 1-2 years go by fast... :(

  19. I just watched the hotel scene again and something Siwon said struck me. I've never been much of a fan of Siwon, so those in here who are, please feel free to correct what I am about to say.

    Siwon said: "I never call my Dad for help"

    It's a very significant statements. From what I've seen of him, Siwon struggles to get out from under the shadow of his father. He wants to make it on his own steam, which is something I applaud him for, because not only does it speak to his character, it also speaks to his determination to escape. His fathers' influence is huge, and he himself is a very public figure. You can imagine the ease and number of strings he can pull to achieve whatever ambition he has burning in his chest. I am pretty sure he does have a very specific dream, because he's alluded to it before, but has never shared the details. It's something he's been planning for years, if I understand correctly. 

    I've often wondered what has driven the son of a medtech mogul to go into idol training and cast his fortunes with kids who barely have anything. (Super Junior is made up of kids from the country, kids who grew up poor and hungry, and kids with working class parents). Frankly, in my opinion, Siwon is talented, but not outstandingly so. He's neither  a fantastic singer nor  a fantastic dancer, and yet he has this mysterious ambition to make it in the entertainment industry. Maybe he chose for himself an industry as far away from pharmacy and med tech as he could get. 

    So the point where he says "I never call my Dad for help" is no exaggeration I think. He pulled the Dad card, the biggest card he had, because Liu Wen was in trouble and he needed help, quickly. 

    "And if it were for anybody else, I wouldn't have done it."

    Should I be totally fangirl squeeing? Does that mean Liu Wen stands above everyone else in his estimation of importance? ELF, don't hate me, but does that mean he wouldn't do the same for Teuk, or Hae?


    Just to add more reasons to your fangirl-ing... Siwon is a very talented individual. He definitely may not be the best dancer but his voice is amazing. Here's the song that I'm sure you listened to in one of the episodes. He dedicated his favorite song "Lost Star" to Liu Wen and ELF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOqAlNrn-tg&index=6&list=RDpoRV3CkLE20 (ahhh, just look at how much emotion he pours into singing the song!)

    Also, here's a song that he wrote for one of the projects he had for Super Junior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T65aqIHEHec&list=WL&index=15 It's beautiful.

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