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Posts posted by ecs707a

  1. Happy birthday to our charming and talented Joo Won!! 


    I know I haven't been here in forever.  I did rewatch Naeil's Cantabile just a week or so ago, though, so I guess I'm still a card-carrying member of the Joo Won fanclub. :)  (So it also makes me happy to see Go Kyung Pyo up there, too)


    Gaaah.  I think that was the last drama of his that I really, truly liked without reservation, though.  I just wasn't so much a fan of large parts of Yong Pal and really any of My Sassy Girl.  So, we know he's incredibly versatile and it probably doesn't matter much what genre, he just needs a good script with well-written characters and I'll be totally on board for the comeback.  Soon (-ish)!

    • Like 6
  2. On 1/21/2018 at 4:22 AM, nisfii said:

    Do you know where i can download 'my older brother'?

    I try to search some sites, but i cant find it ...


    I read the preview about my older brother in this thread, and it's seems interesting :)


    On 1/21/2018 at 3:36 PM, fauna said:

    I would love to see it too, but can’t find it. YouTube has a short clip of it: https://youtu.be/XVVR_oRTxms

    The episode is actually available in full on the DramaKBS youtube channel, not so great quality, but it's there.  Softsubs are also available; I believe I got them from d-addicts once upon a time. 

    Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL822CD5F6FA697C7A

    Hope that helps someone :)

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  3. 4 hours ago, kittyna said:

    There's a good chance I won't be continuing with the show myself - I just can't get past the points that I really disliked, and because I somehow can't disconnect the original drama and ABC's adaptation in my head, I'm worried that the stuff that I disliked in the ABC version will end up affecting my love for the original. E.g. Claire Brown's introductory fling - hell, I'm not even sure if I could look at Moon Chae Won's take on Cha Yoon Seo the same way ever again if the ABC version were to pull a stunt like that again! And I don't want to risk that, so I may have to sit out on this one.

    I honestly remember very little about the characters other than Park Si On, so as far as I'm concerned, they're all different anyway.  From what I do remember, they're not making Claire anything like Moon Chae Won's character, so I don't think I'm even making much of a comparison in my mind as I watch.


    I'll probably try to watch at least the first few episodes, but I'm not very good at this follow-through thing with American TV shows unless I really love it.  That's probably the main attraction of kdramas for me - that they end, and they don't take 7 seasons to do it :wink: 



    ...on a totally different topic:

    I know I just said this movie was terrible, but Sweet Sixteen was just added to dramafever a couple of days ago!  So for those of you who have dramafever and want to see it...



    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Ma OO said:

    How did they credit the Original K drama?


    3 hours ago, kittyna said:

    There was a caption in the beginning saying, "Based on the Korean Broadcasting Station Program" or something like that - I don't remember the exact wording. It was shown after the introduction and superimposed onto the actual action/footage, the same way that, say, a producer or director would be credited.

    Yeah, it did say something like that at the beginning of the first episode.  In addition, it was interesting that they listed Ki Min Soo, the original show's director (and also the director of OB!), as a producer of the adaptation:



    I didn't scour the rest of the credits or anything, I just happened to notice his name.  I don't recognize the other name listed with him at all, though.


    I watched most of the first episode and I'll probably finish it tonight.  I'm not super-attached to the Korean version, even though I love Si On, of course :)  It might be a plus for me if they don't follow the original tooooo closely, haha.

    • Like 3
  5. 3 hours ago, kittyna said:

    Oh, wow - Lee Se Wook's in it, too? Now I'll really have to see it.

    Ummm..barely?  I'll let you find him.  :wink:  He appears towards the end, if I remember correctly.


    3 hours ago, kittyna said:

    lol - I just really, REALLY liked the whole gang from "Life Log". Shin Ju Hwan was one of my own personal favourites of the bunch; he just had this really contagious smile, which made him stand out to me both on "Life Log" and on the Fashion People special of "Happy Together.

    Haha, I like Shin Joo Hwan too, which is a good thing, because he keeps showing up in things I watch.  Monster last year, then Circle earlier this year.


    And then Min Jin Woong in Father is Strange...I probably would have known something about them anyway, eventually, because they're all in the same agency, but Life Log kind of burned them into my brain, lol.


    I can still hear the title in my head from all the little cut scenes :)



    13 hours ago, airplanegirl said:

    Moon Chae Won has touched on his quite a few times when reporters asked her 'how do you feel about Joo Won?' And she would reply 'we have the same surname!' 


    This might seem unimportant to some since Song-Song couple are getting married. The difference is that the 'Songs' have more that 1 clan, whereas the 'Moons' have only 1 clan. Making Joo Won and Moon Chae Won distant relatives.

    I'm pretty sure it's all legal now, regardless, as long as they're not actually closely related.  The stigma or prejudice may still be there, I don't know.  But bearing that in mind, I always thought she would point that out just to politely hint that it wasn't a subject she was interested in talking about.

    4 hours ago, kittyna said:

    MCW's made no secret of her reasoning since even before "Good Doctor" went on air - methinks because she wanted to nip any sort of shipping in the bud.

    Yeah, basically that :) 


    I also thought she seemed very protective of him and affectionate in a sisterly way in Good Doctor BTS.  I'm thinking mostly of that one Joo Sang Wook Life Log-like thing on the day they filmed PKW's cameo, I think :D  MCW kind of herded him off camera with her arm around him and he seemed totally happy to let her do so, haha. 


    Anyway, shipping is weird to me, period.  I wish people would remember that they have no say in the matter, and that we do not actually know these people :D And even if we did, we would still have no say.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, kittyna said:

    Thanks for the recommendations! I had my eye on these two to begin with - "Catch Me" because it sounds like a fun rom-com, and "Fatal Intuition" because it stars JW together with Yu Hae Jin. :)


    I've heard some people say that "Fashion King" was rather mediocre, though - have you seen that? What did you think of it? I kinda want to watch it for the "Life Log" gang, but...would it be a waste of my time?

    I still haven't watched Catch Me.  I'm just rarely (if ever) in the mood for rom-com.


    Fashion King was stupid but fun.  You just have to know going in that it's completely over the top and very comic book come to life.  I liked it :D  And yeah, Life Log kind of made it more interesting.  Shin Joo Hwan's character is fun.  And if you keep eyes peeled, you'll even get to see his BFF Se Wook in a blink-and-you'll miss it cameo.


    Fatal Intuition I enjoyed to a surprising degree.  The story is really not anything special, but I liked the characters and the overall vibe of the film.  It's my favorite of his movies.


    I am guilty of just skimming, so I don't remember who mentioned it (sorry!), but I finally watched Sweet Sixteen a couple of months ago and since I'm talking movies...that movie was straight-up awful.  Only watch if you don't mind trite and melodramatic, somehow at the same time.  So much eye rolling I'm surprised I didn't strain something. The only thing I enjoyed about it at all was the side couple, who got a couple of cute moments.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, kittyna said:

    To be honest, I'm not one of those who strongly prefers JW's more serious roles to his comical ones. Yes, I will admit that he does dark, intense, conflicted, etc. REALLY, REALLY well - such that he's a tough one to match there - and he seems to hold a personal preference for more serious roles over the rom-coms (which are usually the thing that propels actors to Hallyu Star level due to their popularity with the younger audiences that thrive on the teenage heartthrob). However, I definitely think he can also pull off comedy really well.

    For me, I think I prefer the dark roles because I think those dramas were better.  But I know he can be funny, and I would really like for him to be in a comedic role that really could showcase that (in addition to Clocking Out, of course).  So that's why I'd have him go dark and tortured again, or funny is my second choice :)


    1 hour ago, kittyna said:

    By the way, again in regards to the first video. I'm...not exactly sure which of the guys is JW. I know that the main singer in that video is supposed to be Melchior, the character JW plays - but that's not him (if anything, just at first glance, I thought that was KHN, but I'm not entirely sure on that either). I know that he was originally the understudy for Melchior, and understudies are usually hidden somewhere in the Ensemble when not called upon to perform - so is he just one of the many people in the background?

    I only watched the beginning of the video, but that's definitely Kim Moo Yul, who was the original Melchior.

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  8. On 9/8/2017 at 1:31 PM, airplanegirl said:

    A new never been released BTS pic from Good Doctor


    Source: Joo Won DC.

    Man, I don't want to be picky, but I definitely have a (slightly) better version of that (terrible! sorry, sleepy, overworked Joo Won haha) photo from the Good Doctor days:



    Not sure how it's unseen since I recognized it immediately.  Perhaps just forgotten :D  (and maybe better that way?  I remember being sad when I saw it the first time...he just looks totally worn out)


    And I am glad soompi seems to be behaving a bit better these days :)  Except for the next page thing, which is annoying.


    I don't know what to add to the discussion about what role he should take next.  Anything he is genuinely excited about.  I'd prefer darker, but funny's all right too.  (Of the recent things he's been in, Overtime/Clocking Out has been the biggest hit with me, lol.)  And I'll leave it at that.


    @kittyna I like your compilation of child actors!  But *psst* I checked dramawiki and all of them are listed there on the various drama pages so that could have saved you some legwork :D Except for little Tae Hee, but since your post made me curious, I checked the credits of one of the episodes he appeared in.  I don't know for sure either, but my guess is that little Tae Hee was actually Kim Joon Sung (this one), not Hong Hyun Taek, based mostly on resemblance, since I can't confirm it either.  They were both in the show, but I don't know who played whom.

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  9. On 8/17/2017 at 10:18 AM, stearly said:

    Hi dear, it's so nice to see you :)

    Hi @stearly!  Awwww 1N2D.  My weakness :)

    And @sagaseed!  Long time no see!

    On 8/17/2017 at 11:00 AM, lavender2love said:

    you guys with gif making talent and knowledge of Korean are now volunteering to be in the subbing team

    I have practically zero gif making talent and only basic knowledge of Korean, but thanks!  I only brought up the subbing team because there's so much activity here now, and JWC subbing team has been inactive for some time.  I know @mrdimples offered to hand over the reins if anyone wants to get the blog updated and fanclub activities going again, so I'm sure the offer still stands if anyone is up for it.  I can't do it, but I've missed subbing :wink:


    You guys.  I just realized it's been 5 years since Gaksital.  (Or will be on September 6th anyway)  How has it been that long?


    Favorite scene from my favorite drama <3

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  10. Ahhhh all this Lee Kang To is making me come out of hibernation :) 


    So nice to see activity here after such a long time of this thread crawling along.

    On 8/15/2017 at 5:39 PM, kittyna said:

    In my opinion, though, during the second half of Season 2 of 1N2D, I actually think JW might have been closest with Sung Si Kyung

    Yeah, I always thought SSK genuinely liked him, and that both were somewhat similar in that they were not so "TV".  Both had a harder time with the variety thing and being "on"/giving the "right" reaction or whatever.  If that makes sense.

    I made this yeeeeaaaaars ago.  I had to dig it up.


    On 8/13/2017 at 3:55 AM, airplanegirl said:

    You just know that the both of them will get up to no good if they spend too much time together.

    Up to no good? Never :D



    ...and if anyone wants to resurrect the subbing team, I might be up for it :) 

    • Like 5
  11. Definite date, finally, and no more denials from HB, huh?

    Joo Won’s Enlistment Date Confirmed

    R. Jun April 13, 2017

    Actor Joo Won is next in the line of celebs taking off to the military this year. According to Joo Won’s agency, Huayi Brothers, the actor received his draft notice yesterday; his date has been set for May 16.

    During a V Live broadcast, Joo Won said, “I will serve diligently and to the best of my ability.” Upon enlisting, Joo Won will undergo five weeks of training, after which he will serve for 21 months. His last project before service is SBS’s pre-produced drama “My Sassy Girl,” co-starring Oh Yeon Seo, which will air after Joo Won enlists.

    Source: soompi / original


    Let the countdown begin?  Or the countdown before the real countdown, at least. 

    • Like 4
  12. 50 minutes ago, ctfrsgp said:

    I just read a Chinese article that JW and Boa had known each other since 2015 through gatherings with their mutual friends.

    Well, there was also this, which may or may not be the same source:

    TVXQ’s Yunho Suspected Of Being The Matchmaker Behind BoA And Joo Won’s Relationship

    C. Hong January 17, 2017

    After singer BoA and actor Joo Won confirmed that they were in a relationship, people have begun speculating whether TVXQ’s Yunho might have been the common link between the couple.

    BoA and Yunho are both under SM Entertainment and have been same-aged friends for over 10 years. When Yunho enlisted in the military last year, BoA visited him and even posted about it on her personal Instagram.

    Meanwhile, Joo Won had previously mentioned his close relationship with Yunho in an interview. “Yunho recently called me when he was on leave,” Joo Won had said. “His style is quite manly. He sent me a video of him getting his head shaved the day before he enlisted.”

    Even if he wasn’t the matchmaker, it’s a good thing the couple already have so much in common!

    Source (1)

    credit: soompi news


    Which of course just gives me the urge to repost these hahahaha

    From this:

    So now I have that song in my head again :) 

    (Seriously though I find that video way too entertaining for my own good.  It might be one of my favorite things we ever subbed, lol.)

    That was in summer 2015, so I guess it's possible.

    • Like 12
  13. WHOA.

    Breaking: Joo Won And BoA Are The Newest Celebrity Couple!

    G. Jeong January 17, 2017


    We have a new celebrity couple for 2017!

    According to local media source TV Report, actor Joo Won and singer-actor BoA have been dating since the end of last year after meeting in a gathering of their respective colleagues and acquaintances.

    What links them together are their similar hobbies and values. They both enjoy hiking and golf, and felt attraction towards one another because of their healthy lifestyles. Joo Won and BoA are also said to have similar taste in music.

    Joo Won and BoA also talk about their acting together, with Joo Won having watched BoA’s recent drama, “My Wife Is Having an Affair This Week” and giving her advice.

    A source close to both described the two as a “heartwarming couple” that are able to communicate well because of their similar interests and tastes. “It’s cute to see them cherish one another and date cautiously. Many around them are envious of the couple.”

    After the report came out from TV Report, Joo Won’s side quickly confirmed the news. Joo Won’s agency confirmed that the two started dating near the end of last year, but because Joo Won is currently filming, it is harder to find out more details apart from that.

    Congrats to the new couple!

    Source (1) (2)

    Credit: soompi news



    Okay, I had to think for a sec about who she was since I don't follow kpop at all, but she was all kinds of awesome in My Wife's Having an Affair this Week, so...I find the little backstory of him giving her advice for that role cute. :)

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