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Posts posted by marrsq

  1. ahhhhhh..ES must have watched THE LEGEND aka TWSSG coz that was exactly what Sujini did for Damduk,.. putting on the armor for CY. LOL ...heheheheee 
    During those times helping put on clothes is solely the WIFE's job... that is what was insinuated in TWSSG and that is what was here too. ES has become HIS women completely and fully now. 
    DID YOU GALS SEE CY's SMILE when he saw ES and his armor....HE WAS SO FREAKIN HAPPY !!! 
    If there is a happy ending to this drama than the silent prayer that ES gives each time she puts on the armor will be their ritual till he is to old to go to war....such tender moment, makes me want to cry..just like in TWSSG...
     I seriously have a burning and perverted question on my mind...I wonder if ES is still a "V" ...? she did come from the 21st.... =)) huahauhauhuaaaaaa :\">

  2. This is not good.... Aishhhh...WAY TOO MANY SWEET SCENES of our IMJA COUPLE....rule of the thumb with K dramas...way too many sweet scenes means only one thing...SAD ENDING!!!...

  3. bobsavero said: tjis is from softy : (OMG, i never know that CY is romantic person,)
    "Young makes her sit and asks why. You are going to go back to heaven soon so why stay together in my room. she explains the king said it was the safest here. he asks if the king said that. she says I asked him for that request. He says he couldn’t figure her out from the start. But one day he realized she got angry and stuff cuz she worried about him. And this time too – you came back cuz of me cuz you were worried about me cuz I kept looking at the palace. Even though your life was on the line, you came back here. She says but I didn’t die. he takes her hand and sits closer. He says this is the order we are going to do things. I am going to get your antidote first so if you don’t have to go back to heaven I am going to ask – can you stay here. I know there are people in heaven waiting for you – I know but I will ask – will you stay with me for the rest of your life cuz I will protect you. she says it wont be easy to protect me. But he says I know. but I will protect you for the rest of your life. so when I ask at that time will you give me an answer. She smiles and nods yes"
    Why no hug? just stare each other???? WHY WHY WHY  #-o

  4. OK...bad premonition abt the CY' s hand shaking... if he said to ES, if she says yes to staying there he will protect her for the the rest of her life but now if he can't fight means he can't protect her..so does that mean he WON'T ASK HER when the time comes? ANDWEE, ANDWEE PD NIM....NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

  5. lililovelilica said: anne said: I read an excellent post on timeline branching & thought you all might be interested...

    Written by Kim Yoonmi

    The thing is that the drama so far is predisposing a branching timeline theory. I’m pretty sure people are going to be uber upset at the end when they find that it is a branching timeline theory, because:

    There are no paradoxes in a branching timeline theory

    You think it’s a time loop, but at two points already we know that it *has* to be a branching timeline.

    1. The Trap

    She said that the trap *happened* and that Choi Young *died* according to the diary.

    If he wasn’t there, he wouldn’t have *died*. As in Future Eun Soo’s timeline Choi Young was dead.

    As in it happened, and he was gone, dead, and buried.

    But nothing happened to the current timeline, the fabric of time didn’t collapse.

    Event 2: What happened in *this* episode.

    This new Eun Soo of the future supposedly *already* went to the future, got some film canister, and went to the past of current Eun Soo.

    She said that it already happened that Noguk *died*, the King fell apart and Choi Young ended up (in summary) sad and blaming her, never to smile at her again. That she ran in fear.

    As in *that* happened.

    Clue 3: I submit to the jury what is known as Il Mare.

    Used a branching timeline and broke people’s heads over trying to figure it out. Also all those radio-themed movies.

    So then, how does a branching timeline work?

    Part A:
    At any given point a person is given CHOICES.

    So, I’m choosing to type right now. Could I be doing something like traveling the world (far fetched choice) or I could be doing something like taking a shower (less far fetched choice)

    Part B: The potential to choose those choices creates dimensions of parallel existence *when not chosen* but in time travel can coexist.

    So, the fact I’m typing to you now means that the choice to take a shower has vanished, but it’s now in a parallel dimension.

    Part C: Time travel only travels along the path of choices and going back in time *erases* those choices thus any point in time can be rewritten for *change*.

    Thus, if Eun Soo goes further back than current Eun Soo, she still can *not* exist, but it would be in a different parallel dimension.

    So the fact that future Eun Soo rewrote current Eun Soo’s present by staying here and the message *did not disappear* means that we are most likely on the *branching timeline* model. ’cause if it were the circular linear model, then the message, by tradition would disappear entirely from the timeline. But they are coexisting along with the diary.

    This is so a branching timeline model. And I know people are going to go on and on about Paradoxes, but I’ve found that the *majority* of time travel done in Eastern Dramas do the branching model (which has no predestiny to it since it’s dependent on individual choices) rather than predestiny model of fate and no choices. (Which seems backwards, but yeah)

    So the Eun Soo of the Future *is not* our Eun Soo and our Eun Soo will neither be Diary Eun Soo (as with the pot breaking and Choi Young dying) nor the Eun Soo who wrote the message in the Film Canister. (Because in that the Kingdom crumbled already and CHoi Young hated her, and this Choi Young doesn’t)


    The Branching Timeline for geeks fits into the string theory model, which is why it’s becoming popular…

    Anyway, parallel dimensions of choices made is how this all works out. So you can have millions of Eun Soo, but what counts is *current* Eun Soo’s decisions, so she has volition and agency. It will not be fatalistic because current Eun Soo can make decisions on her own.

    She *could* have run and went through the door but she didn’t.

    Branching Timeline does run into the whole Dues Ex machina, however, the consequences outlined here are different. Eun Soo said that she wanted to see her family and friends from the future–she can’t go back and do that. She can’t go back and get medical supplies. She can’t jump whenever she wants to. If she screws up in her current choices, her future *as she knows it* is also screwed up (Which makes for a different Eun Soo jumping back). She could make Noguk end up living. Then her future as she knows it is something else. She could end up killing Choi Young before the legends are made. So she can *still* screw up. =P Find the magical thing that gives everyone powers and take that away.

    The problem with the circular timeline besides being fatalistic is that there are no consequences for current action because you can just lay back and do absolutely nothing and it still will happen. No matter how you mess with it, the timeline will prevent you from doing anything, which means the character has absolutely no agency and there is no real consequence for the action.

    You can think of the branching timeline like a tree or a bunch of railroad tracks where the track switches. So if she screws up and goes to the future, the future she sees will be different. because she’s on a different railroad track and the sum of choices is different.

    Branching timeline model would also allow in some sense for two simultaneous versions of oneself to coexist as well. Because they aren’t the same person. The one in the future is the *potential* person that the other can become.

    This might make it possible for her to save Choi Young (from his terrible History book fate) and save Queen Noguk, which is an interesting possibility. Then this would go from a time travel story to an alternate reality time travel story.

  6. ahoxan






    It seems like the ladies of this thread think Choi Young is very versatile and potent. 

    He has and can use: - "Precious Sword" - Little Sword- Dagger- Big "Naval Guns"- "

    Daejang Stare"
    Not only that... he, like most men, are like babies.And someone has already posted that Kim Hee Sun is a "hot mama".They've been locked in his room for five days.I'm sure they've put that time to good use. :):D

    What else? :):D =))

  7. alekaonu


    Annyeong my dear Faithlings :-h

    Hurray tomorrow is Monday, its Faith day!!! Is ep21 still on tomorrow?

    @LuvMinHo annyeong blood sis :) yup i do notice that we have many things in common. You luv Min Ho, me too. Of course majority of the Faithlings here also love Min Ho. @cikamoi loves RDH ;) maybe I will start to love him too after I watch God's Quiz Season 1-3.

    @azzurri Apa khabar dik? :) Yup me too, I used to prefer Western dramas too. I watched Meteor Garden but that didnt start my obsession with Asian Dramas. It was until I watched Winter Sonata that I fall in love with Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo and Park Yong Ha. After that, my addiction to Korean dramas started gradually and now its a full-fledged addiction. Everyday must watch anything that is Korean, can be drama, movie, music show or variety show.

    Looking forward to Ep21 and Ep22 this coming week, want to see how is Choi Young's reaction to Eunsoo living with him in the same room. Cant wait to see what hes gonna do to keep Eunsoo continuously by his side.

  8. otchosais said: looking forward for these drama's ending... :)

    seeing these thread's growth I am so happy to see that many are in LOVE watching FAITH! :)

    I miss myself spazzing here but due to busyness I can only watch Faith episodes every weekends and can't come here like before...!
    I miss the galz here having the PERVERTED FAITH MOMENTS.. :x

    anyway, ANNYEONG to all!  >:D<

    QUESTION : Anyone here will be coming at my country Phils. to see LMH??? This coming Nov. 16, 2012???

  9. @myphim *coward*....hahahahahaaaaaaa...but the "PROCESS" is well worth it..don't you think so? 
    @snowflake10 *yikes* mini woodalchies...wonder if they will come out with sword and headband already in hand and on the forehead?...hahahaha 
    FOR GODSAKE...THIS IS THE MODERN WORLD...who gives birth for 16 hours anymore...?..its all over and done with within a few hours...and PLUS you don't feel a thing with all the drugs they feed you...you can POP out 10 woodalchies while watching your next FAV K DRAMA =)) =)) =)) \:D/

    awwwwww...thank you so much chingu...my fellow comrade in arms of the AHJUMMA BRIGADE... and we are neighbors to....you know I am a fan of your posts...AWESOMENESS!!...eeerrrr who else is in this AHJUMMA BRIGADE? should we ask URI DAEJANG CY to "LEAD US ON"?...  =))
    My children are way neglected when I am so much into a drama like FAITH...they just fend for themselves.....and they are just 5 & 2...hehehehe ( do not call the police on me ...PLEASE...LOL)  =))

  11. Utin said: ciraleon82 said: hi everyone. To pass time I've been rewatching episodes to pinpoint that moment when CY first realizes he is falling in love with ES. For me I've decided on episode 9, the scene where he sees ES go crying into JB's arms. Speaking of which, I'm so bummed PL had to leave the show due to injury. I really loved his JB role. 

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