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Posts posted by marrsq

  1. @awesomeduck @maja
    WAAHHHH...I'm so happy....I was just testing the waters with you guys to see if netizens are ok with the idea of YEH and LMH together...but  guys...you do know that I am talking about REALITY...as in a real couple.. :D
    On screen...no issues since he has done it with KHS...eeerrr...in reality if LMH were to date YEH...what say you?...hehehehe!

  2. awesomeduck said: @sia3 She's from Coffee Prince and Goong (she was at her best in those two dramas) I like her (she's pretty and talented) - I think she did a cameo as LMH's ex in Personal Taste...I didn't watch her in her last two dramas (I heard they were not that great :))) But yes come join us in 'I miss you' - it will be angsty but I think @Maja, @mrrsq and @cikamoi will be there :)

  3. awesomeduck

    said: @mrrsq - I think I will watch 'I miss you' (but I'm not sure if I will be as active as I am in this thread though - I might just be lurking in and out lol


    )) and I hope it's good but in between I think I will still re-watch Faith hehehe


    ) I can't seem to get Faith out of my head - I keep hearing Daejang's deep and sexy voice!!! I'm doomed 


  4. rrmski


    Here, I found the link for Great Doctor Morning. It was posted by @anne in page 67. I cannot believe how much we've progressed since then.

    Download link: http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/HIHTHJEYKYLQ



    And look what I've found! This is the BTS from bed scene in High Quality. Oh, I loving this BTS. They're so playful!

    Download link: http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/MLMDEHPOQIBN



    Opening Credits, Rapidshare link: https://rapidshare.com/files/3436812308/Faith.OP.1080i.HDTV.MPEG2.tp




    You know that I like to post songs here, so here are two more songs :-)

    This song is probably what CY thinks everytime he sees ES.

    And here is another song from ES viewpoint...

  5. myphim said:
    marrsq said: QUESTION A 
    In no less than 1000 words please explain thoroughly and to include alternatives or other options to  WHAT ARE WE TO DO ON MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS NOW THAT 'FAITH' HAS ENDED? Bonus points to those that are able to gives specific dates or facts on how to follow/keep track of  the IMJA COUPLE after concluding FAITH.
    Good Luck  :-B  ( hehehehe)

    I think KHS is just LMH's type...he seems genuinely infatuated with KHS...I'm not saying he is in love with her, but he can still have a crush on her...there's nothing wrong in that...  :x

    In no less than 1000 words please explain thoroughly and to include alternatives or other options to  WHAT ARE WE TO DO ON MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS NOW THAT 'FAITH' HAS ENDED? Bonus points to those that are able to gives specific dates or facts on how to follow/keep track of  the IMJA COUPLE after concluding FAITH.
    Good Luck  :-B  ( hehehehe)

  8. @pallycute
    thanks for the BTS...so cute...but...aaarrgghhhh...I HATE BTS videos...it shatters my illusion of the IMJA couple...besides I can't ship them...  :((
    LMH really treats KHS like a friend..like a sister...that is so nice of him....
    LMH really look different when he laughs and smiles...so cute...now I know why girls go crazy for him...BTW...can I be the 1st in line to snuggle with LMH? how many toes should I step on to get to be NO 1?...hahahahahaaa

  9. icesiren


    hello my friends! still no power, but i'm leeching off my cousin and the first stop i made is to sooompi. hahaha. :))  (i missed you guys..) I know its a bit late, but I came to drop some script tidbits of the last two episodes. If this is duplicating a previous post by someone else, I apologize. But since I"m on borrowed time with the computer, i don't have the time to go through the hundreds (literally hundreds) of pages that I missed. My apologies!~ [ @sia3: loved your translations of the Q and A.. i'm gonna go read them myself!] 

    episode 23 tidbits: 

    • omitted scene from beginning: ES walks along Woodalchi headquarters holding two apples in her hands, cleaning them on her shirt. She stops when she hears the sound of swordplay. CY is practicing with the sword; first with one hand, but then he breathes heavily and switches to two hands - as if the sword weighs more than it actually does. It's as if he wants to practice his way past his hand's irregularity. ES watches with troubled eyes. On one movement, the sword slips from CY's grasp; he goes to pick it up but it falls out of his hand again, and then again. An apple comes flying out of nowhere, and CY catches in on reflex. Another apple comes flying, and he catches that. He turns around and sees ES. Then he looks at the apples in  his hand and realizes that there is nothing wrong with his hand when he unconsciously moves it. 
    • The scene where CY tells ES to return to her time: after he tells her he will try to make her laugh during their time left, ES cries and CY wipes her tears away with his hand. 
    • Scene where ES accompanies CY to GC's house: while she is walking with all the Woodalchi, they are walking to fast for her to keep up. So she starts to walk faster, almost as if she is running, ahead of them. Behind her, CY turns a corner; ES doesn't realize this and keeps going straight; CY grabs her by her nape and and takes her in the right direction. (hahaha :)) ) 
    • Scene when ES asks CY what he likes: after taking a moment to think, he lifts his hand and puts his hand on her shoulder. then he pats it twice. when ES turns around she looks at him with a puzzled face and laughs - CY then pushes her from behind and starts walking. [aww, awkward CY]
    • After CY chases GC's spy, he turns around and starts running to get back to ES. When he sees her talking with the other Woodalchi, he breathes a sigh of relief. ES laughs and stops suddenly; as if she feels CY's gaze upon her she turns around and smiles when she sees him. 
    • CY's room: CY takes off ES's armor for her; he turns around naturally; ES then begins to take off his armor for him. This is when their conversation about going out on a shopping spree. ES gets so excited, she forgets she was helping him take off his armor. CY ends up having to take off his armor, himself. 
    • The Date: CY and ES are walking side by side. ES happily looks here and there (Writer Song recommended the apple hairstyle) while CY looks around on guard. When he turns back, ES isn't there. She is walking in the other direction. CY sighs and follows her. (Woodalchi/Suribang ppl are mixed in with the crowd). Inside a clothing store, CY is standing by the door with his arm's crossed, watching ES. ES is with the storeowner, picking out clothes. She picks out an outfit and holds it up to herself, asking CY: "What about this color?  Does it suit me?"  CY awkwardly replies, "I don't know."  "Hmph," ES says. She picks up another outfit and looks at herself in the mirror. "How am i supposed to wear this? This is what you wear on the outside, right? Can I try this on? Isn't there someplace in here I can try this on?"  CY comes to her side and swoops up all the clothes she picked out, including the one she was holding, and gives it to the storeowner. ES says, "You said you were going to buy me something. i'll pick something quickly. Just one."  CY: (to the storeowner) We'll take them all. CY then calls for DM and tells him to carry the clothes. CY pushes ES out of the store. DM takes out a pouch; the storeowner sneaks a peek and is amazed because there is several pieces of silver. DM takes out one piece and smiles. 
    • The Date continued: CY looks to the side slightly and sees the GC's spy he saw at GC"s house. He pretends not to see him, and furtively pulls ES in by her shoulders to walk more closely next to him. ES walks out of his embrace and heads straight to an accessories shop. CY notices someone else watching them. ES takes an ornament and holds it next to CY's head but he grabs her by her wrist. ES puts it against her own head and shows CY. CY looks at her, at a loss. ES holds another ornament against her head. CY looks at the table, picks one, and holds it out to her. ES holds it up to herself, as if asking him to put it on her. CY looks behind ES and sees another man approaching. "When I say right now, there is a wall over there". ES looks at him in alarm. "Right now". ES heads to the wall without another glance. CY fights off the men attacking with bare hands and stands in front of her. 4 -5 men surround CY with weapons. As they attack, CY defends ES with bare hands. ES watches, plastered to the wall. "Why is it just you guys, what about the men behind you," CY asks, and kicks one of them. The men surround CY again. "Are these guys it? There aren't any others around?" CY asks loudly. The attackers look around in surprise. The other people around them, merchants and townspeople alike, take out weapons and point them at the attackers. Amidst them is a disguised DolBae. "No, seems like this is it," says DB. All of a sudden, one of the men swings his sword at ES; CY kicks up one of the fallen swords into his hand and meets the attacker's sword mid-swing. But the moment the swords touch, CY loses his grip and his sword falls out of his hand. DB uses his spear to block the attacker's sword, while other Woodalchi come and block the attacker in.  CY grabs ES and takes her further away. DB concernedly takes peeks at CY. From behind, ES looks at CY's right hand, which is clenched in a fist. ES covers his hand with her own. When his hand un-tenses, ES laces her fingers with his until he regains control. Then she releases his hand and walks in front of him. Woodalchi is tying up the men they caught. CY says that there is no way they would've only sent these men. In the distance, we see HSI watching the whole thing. 
    • When CY tucks ES into bed, he watches her because he doesn't want to forget her. :(
    • Scene when DB pleads with CY to stay as Daejang even if his hand doesn't work. When DB asks, "if you need a hand, i will be by your side. it might not compare to your sword but my lance is pretty good. can't this be your hand?"  CY looks at him with warmth before he smacks him on the head. 
    • Conversation with GC in jail: when ES is speaking with GC, she finds herself unconsciously leaning towards CY, who puts his hand on her shoulder. 
    • When CY first finds out about ES's fever, the script says that his heart starts to waver and he begins to lose focus, while ES feels sorry. When he hugs her, it is with sadness and tears that he can't allow to fall. 
    • After CY finds out about using poison as an antidote, ES unwraps and shows him her arm because the wound has swollen twice its original size and has blisters forming. He is shocked by it. CY turns around because he can't bear to look at ES's face. 
    • Hair-combing scene: ES sits in a chair and releases her hair. CY smoothes her hair and combs it. ES sits and feels his touch. CY carefully, awkwardly and painlessly combs her hair. Sitting on top of the bed; CY sits behind ES who leans on him. Little by little, her breath starts to quicken. CY turns her around and looks into her face. Her breath is unsteady and fast. CY lays her down and touches her to check her temperature. CY lies down next to her and holds her. He holds ES tighter and tighter as she shivers from her fever. 
    • When CY gets the S.O.S. about GC's ruckus, he hesitates for a bit next to ES. He can't bring himself to leave her. He brushes her hair back and kisses her forehead, and finally leaves in a hurry. 

    episode 24 tidbits:

    • missing scene: CY is talking to DukMan and CS about how GC escaped. He asks when the Evil Siblings (HSI and CEJ escaped), and asks why they would enter the palace and then leave without GC. When he comes to the realization they were here for ES, he stands up suddenly to run, but that's when DM comes stumbling in to tell him that ES is missing (I can't believe JumOh turned out to be the bad guy here!!) 
    • missing scene: CY is sitting down next to DB's body, surrounded by the bodies of other fallen Woodalchi, all covered with white cloth. Aunt is standing next to CY. CY puts his hand on DB's shoulder, says goodbye in his heart, and raises the white cloth over DB's face. The scene that took place between Aunt and CY in his room in the drama, actually happened here in the script. And when he turns to leave to go after ES, Aunt, CS, DM and the rest of Wooldachi look at his back with sadness as he goes. 
    • Conversation between GM and CY actually took place in CY's room in the script. He enters and looks around his wrecked room with anxiety and fury. On the table there is the aspirin bottle - he picks it up and tucks away in his chest. He walks towards the rumpled bed and puts his hand on it. She was here until just before.. He thinks about how he wasn't able to be by ES's side and feels as if he is about to explode with frustration. He turns around and there is GM. 
    • When CY enters the tavern (after ES has already left), he had suppressed his feelings until he was hardened. He has a rough appearance as he looks around the tavern. When he sees the "I am fine" message ES left on the wall in Hangeul, he puts his hand on it. It's as if ES is standing next to him, telling him it will be ok. He almost cries. 
    • CY on a horse, racing after ES. A pharmacy owner points in a particular direction. CY pulls on the reins and follows.. (Mambo siblings got their network going, clearly.. awesome). 
    • When CY arrives where ES is being held, CEJ and Yangsa are sitting. They hear someone knocking on the tavern door. The tavern owner says, "We aren't open". The knocks stop. CEJ looks at the door with trepidation. In the crack in the door, CEJ sees electricity  sparking, and then the door bursts open. The fight between CY vs. CEJ/Yangsa ensues. 
    • Modified scene post-fight: ES is supposed to walk in on CY after he stabs CEJ. CY looks at her, but tears his gaze away to look for GC. After he opens the door that GC had gone through before, he turns around to look at ES. He opens his mouth but words don't come out. ES walks and stands right in front of him. He looks her over, and with a trembling hand, pushes her hair back. With a trembling heart. After he asks her if she can finally stay with him, he drops his sword. He pulls her in and kisses her. This is what he has wanted and waited for so long. 
    • Convo between ES/CY in bed: A closed door. CY's sword placed on a sword pulled close to the bed, for easy access. The two are lying on the bed. ES is lying face-up, with her eyes closed. CY is looking down at ES, with his head rested on his arm. He looks at her with thanks that she is alive. ES, who can feel his gaze, smiles with her eyes closed. When ES traces his features with her hand, she does so with the feeling, "so this is how this person looks..."
    • By the tree: Its a happy time as ES rides the horse that CY is leading. Whenever their gazes meet, they smile at each other. Until CY tenses up; he looks around and sees GC. He passes the reins to ES and takes out his sword.  
    • Modified fight scene between CY/GC: CY tells ES to stand back. "Now". ES crouches down. GC's sword passes over her head; CY grabs GC from behind which is when GC manages to place his hands on CY's and freeze him. CY tries to move away but cant; it is clear that GC's causing big damage to him. ES is scared and tries to move closer, but CY is barely able to say, "Don't come any closer". After CY and GC fall to the ground, ES runs to CY and helps lay down. She doesn't cry yet; as a doctor, she checks him over first. Hurriedly, she checks his pulse. There is a rapid decline in his body temperature. Heartbeat slows.. CY's breaths slow. CY looks at ES. ES starts to cry and begins CPR. 
    • The ending: ES's return to Goryeo: when she enters the tavern, she pulls her hat down so hide her face and sits in the corner. She orders a plate of food in Goryeo-speak - its clear she has become used to speaking this way during her 1 year stay in the past. As ES listens to DM/DM/CS speak, she has tears in her eyes, particularly after they mention CY. ES stands up, and the bag she was holding her lap fall on the ground unnoticed. ES leaves; CS looks towards the door and notices a woman wearing a hat leaving.. 
    • ES walks the road to heaven's door. she walks faster and faster; almost falling in her eagerness. She can see the tree by which CY lay dying; Partly with fear, partly with eagerness she walks towards the tree. Maybe..maybe... but there is nobody beneath the tree. The place where ES buried the aspirin bottle with the chrysanthemum is now filled with chrysanthemums. ES walks towards them but stops abruptly, almost as if she received a signal. ES turns around. From a distance, she sees CY looking at her with incredulous eyes. ES takes off her hat. CY looks at ES with disbelief.  He turns his head as if he saw a vision and then turns back. "Imja?" he mouths. They look at each other thus. 
    • Epilogue: Then passes a montage of scenes, starting with CY escorting the royal couple from Yuan in the rain. CY wearing the cloak looks up at the sky.  Then the scene where CY is lying on the field beneath the tree as if dead. A drop of rain falls, then another. ES's voiceover about how she likes the moment before rain starts to fall. CY's arm is spread over some chrysanthemums. CY opens his eyes and slowly turns his head. There is something caught amidst the mums - without much strength CY clears away the mums and sees a halfburied aspirin bottle. He is able to lift the bottle out - we hear the sound of CY's heartbeat. At first slow and quiet; it starts to speed up. CY looks at the bottle closely - although it has moss on it and looks old, it is clearly an aspirin bottle. With his other hand CY digs in his chest pocket and takes out his aspirin bottle. He looks at them side by side; his heartbeat is now normal. As raindrops fall, CY smiles. He has survived. 
    • ES walks towards CY and then starts running towards him. At this point, CY opens his arms to her, still in disbelief at this miracle. As if flying, ES runs into CY's arms. CY holds her close. 
    if that were the case...nothing happened that nite in the Inn coz ES would had to give a crash course on flavored candies and other type of candies.
    Besides don't think Daejang could wait long enough to peel the wrapping and eeeerrrr...EAT IT? =))

  11. toychoi said: myphim said:
    marrsq said:   I was thinking of the same thing...PHONE CALL...better yet a video call to her parents...hahahaha...DAEJANG would freak out!..and also ES taking Daejang to MCDONALDs or something...since ES loves to eat... :))
    and..maybe bring back to goryeo a camcorder with extra batteries...at least a few months worth..so they can filmed stuff...or better yet..a portable solar equipment so that she has electricity.....  =))

  12. myphim said:
    marrsq said:   I was thinking of the same thing...PHONE CALL...better yet a video call to her parents...hahahaha...DAEJANG would freak out!..and also ES taking Daejang to MCDONALDs or something...since ES loves to eat... :))
    and..maybe bring back to goryeo a camcorder with extra batteries...at least a few months worth..so they can filmed stuff...or better yet..a portable solar equipment so that she has electricity.....  =))

  13. sia3 said: marrsq said: Not sure if this has been mentioned...but do you guys realize that DAEJANG called ES by her name in ep 23? We had discussed this a few hundred pages ago as to when will he call her by her name...and VOILA..he did..infront of all his men...
    DJ: YOO EUN SOO...answer....  ES: YES..... DJ: You will escort ME!!

  14. Not sure if this has been mentioned...but do you guys realize that DAEJANG called ES by her name in ep 23? We had discussed this a few hundred pages ago as to when will he call her by her name...and VOILA..he did..infront of all his men...
    DJ: YOO EUN SOO...answer....  ES: YES..... DJ: You will escort ME!!_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Suddenly I have so much to say....LOL :D
    I know you guys have been discussing this 'hotly' for the past few weeks, I am only now want to add in my 2 cents...
    I think from the 2nd day ES was in Daejang's room...THEY HAVE BEEN SLEEPING together. And I think not just to "sleep"...I believe that's what the hand holding was trying to indicate...it starts with hand holding, than a hug, than a snoogy, than BOBOs...than.....TADA...no longer a "V" as I thought she was....  =))
    Because by the time they got to that Inn when CY saved her...they sure were comfy with each other...Under one blanket and Daejang's hand was casually on top of the blanket on ES's tummy ...SO....1+1 = YEAH BABY.. ( I love Austen Powers...hahaha!)

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