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Posts posted by marrsq

  1. You Know what guys?...besides the cook-out, BBQ and what else we what to do to the really ugly villain...WHY DON"T WE JUST CRASH THE WRAP UP PARTY AND SKIN THEM THERE......hehehe...besides we can also join  URI DAEJANG to PARTYYYYY...BOTTOMS UP with DAEJANG...
    ahhhhh..DREAM COMES TRUE...after I get him drunk ...than 'operation uncovering LMH" begins.....frm top to bottom...maybe to linger somewhere in the middle...  >:) >:)
    ......." MY PRECIOUS"....... =)) =))

  2. @Tinkiebell
    Don't get to big for your breaches Missy...you are still under probation for causing all this drama... Tomorrow must report to DAEJANG  and clean his room as well as his PRECIOUS SWORD. That should be enough  "HARD WORK" , don't you think so? Sensitive Nincompoop and a DORK is definitely YOU! :P
    HOWEVER, I am ssssoooooooooo HAPPY you are back! GLAD actually...Thought we lost you to the 'YUAN ENVOY'...turn to the dark side on us... >:)

    :x :x :x :x 

  3. Aigoo...this forum is moving faster than a Lamborghini....at this rate, we will all just drive our way to Goryeo right into CY's gorgeous arms...provided that ES is not occupying those arms of course... :x
    Agghhhh...I'm divided, Do I or Don't I?...Do I want Monday to come soon so that I can watch DAEJANG cares for ES...never to leave her side again even if the world is collapsing around him. Hugging, kissing, playing with her hair and perhaps one balmy nite as they lay in bed ( which will have to be MON) he will share his hope and dreams with ES... or Don't I want Monday to come as it will signal the end of FAITH....aarrgghhhh ...ANDWEE! cannot live without FAITH....OTTOKE? OTTOKE?      :-S :-S 

  4. icesiren

    said: episode 23 text preview: (credit: sbs)

    최영은 마지막날까지 은수를 한시라도 떼어놓지 않으려 하고, 은수는 해독제의 희망을 버리지 않으며 최영 손의 이상을 주시한다. 벼랑 끝에 몰려 도주 중인 기철은 마지막 역습을 위한 작전을 실행하는데..
    CY is determined not to be apart from ES for even a moment, until the very last day. ES, who has not lost hope in her antidote, closely observes CY's hand irregularity. On the run and at the edge of a precipice, GC begins his last counteroffensive... 
    @vangsweetie637: i, too, have not lost my faith that a happy ending awaits out Imja couple. The amount of tears that have been shed in the last episode, and what I anticipate will continue into episode 23, means - at least for me - that we should get some smile-worthy moments at the end. *crossing fingers. Over on Writer Song's homepage, somebody asked for more "couple" scenes showing their life together, and Writer Song apparently answered, "ok".  Nobody knows if she was humoring the poster or not, but according to dcinside, the final episode script has not  been completed as of yesterday. Eeeep!! Sending positive thoughts filled with happy Imja to her right now. 

  5. ahoxan said: Just to add an ahjussi's musings...
    As @Bambiina said...We rarely, if ever, use crude or offensive language.It's much more fun and amusing to make use of multiple entendre and let our imaginations soar.
    @Tinkiebell & I, plus others, like to make fun of "Faith", the characters, and ourselves through innocent language and lewd innuendos. :):DI hope we all can enjoy the last week of the drama together in fun... with all the high-flying metaphors we've gotten addicted to... as well as the episodes. :)

  6. ahhhh...I'm sad now :-S
    not only am I losing FAITH in a few more days but it seems I have lost some chingus as well in this 'battle'. 
    Our voice is the loudest form of freedom and the hardest form of responsibility. It starts with a whisper and it ends in a ROAR. With just one word, it all comes to an end.  I agree with @Bambiina 100%, we are all adults here and if there are underage girls than I am sorry but perhaps your time should be spend on more productive things that children does these days.
    In life not everything goes according to what you want and like. There are always others around who too has its likes and dislikes. But we try to live together in this mad world hand in hand with tolerance and understanding. Yes, everybody has a right to voice out their opinion and thoughts but besides just your own need, consider others too. If you can avoid it than do so. Because nothing good comes out from pointing fingers and blaming others...
    It was and still is a wonderful forum. And I too had stop posting for a while coz it was just not fun anymore for me. Than I saw that Faith's forum was just so enjoyable and friendly and the rest was history.
    I hope we all can live together without any barriers and misunderstandings. In this very violent times, we need all the laughter and friendship that we can find.
    When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun and free
    Lets stick together my chingus. I have Faith in all of us to continue being friends with K drama as our binding agent.I have met and maintain friendship with so many wonderful people that I met here in Soompi.
    What have I learn from watching FAITH? that life is about never giving up and never to surrender. Life and love will find a way to mend and give us what we need. 
    I have FAITH....
    We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers. Our abundance has brought us neither peace of mind nor serenity of spirit.
    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Strength to Love, 1963.

    My apologies if my words sounds harsh and hurtful. But when you have reach my age, you realize that life is good if we take it easy and accept others with an open heart. Accept the difference as well as the idiosyncrasies because nobody is PERFECT.... "C'est la vie"
    PEACE...Just an Ahjumma's musing ;)

  7. dhyla said: I've read that they're shooting at the location of the portal - both Goryeo and modern which makes me think ES will really return to the future. I really hope she goes back to CY's time. Because entering the portal again does not guarantee that she will be brought back to the same time she left. I really hope she doesn't have to go back. The 3rd hwata item should by all means be the antidote.

    I'm now imagining my life the moment after Faith ends. I'm not sure what to do. Should I watch a new drama? I'm not sure if any drama can surpass my love and addiction for Faith. I know there are noticeable mistakes with the filming and editing but I just love the show that I really don't care at all. Ottoke... I'm getting really crazy.

  8. @anniehoney111...you are absolutely right..she did become a different person...She was a shallow person back in Gagnam coz she didn't allow herself to feel too...she only thought of  "making a kill' with her plastic surgery hospital...she said so to Dr Jang Bin -R.I.P, that she never allowed herself to feel anything for anyone...
    While Daejang CY was also in the same boat as her...not allowing himself to feel..he too "makes a kill' ...literally! His life is about killing...Than these two met and their whole life changes....and That's why I said that they fell for each other at first sight...sort of felt the kinship...the connection...
    Thank you for pointing out a very important aspect of the drama...WOW...you are AWESOME!!!  

  9. Tinkiebell said: Right. I feel indebted to issue a sincere apologize for lowering the standards of the discussions in this thread by bringing it down to the gutter with all of the connotations, double/triple entendre and sexual innuendo, that I often use in my posts. I have by no mean intended to offend anyone with these posts. So if I did, please accept my apologies.  
    For anyone's record though, although my posts were mostly indecent and often employed rhetoric that contains a LOT of weaponry connotations, never have I, in those posts, scrutinized Mr. Lee's body parts in any way. Those connotations were meant solely for his character in the drama, CY, and his interaction with ES, also a character in the drama. I have never posted any pictures of Mr. Lee's particular body parts, nor have I partaken in the excitement of discussing Mr. Lee's butt, dimple, pimple, abs, etc, etc, etc. No offense to Mr. Lee's fans or any other people who just sincerely care for him, he's a fine man, but I'm not his fangirl, really. Can hardly call myself a girl anymore, let alone a fangirl.  
    Having said that, I will refrain myself from taking this thread further down in the gutter. I'm just gonna sit back and join the crickets. Sorry ladies, no more cookies from me. ;) 
    Again, I apologize, and I hope for you all to continue to have fun here. :)
    Oh wait, that's not the only thing I hope for. I also hope for a happy ending. :D
    Anyhooo, have fun peeps! Adios! ^:)^

  10. OTTOKE? I am late in expressing my opinion about the scene when CY came back from his fight and threw his sword carelessly...but better late than neverlah! And I apologize if my opinion has been voiced out in previous pages...( this Ahjumma cannot back track that many pages...hahahaha)
    I thought about it for a while and I think CY was actually just in a hurry to bathe and change his clothes coz he didn't want ES to see him like that. Like HOW you ask? According to CY's 'understanding of a woman call ES 101' she hates all this killing and violence. She also hates the smell of blood. She does not like it that CY kills coz she thinks each time he does it takes a little out of of him. She worries for his safety as well thus he wants to rid himself of all the blood. In CY's mind he did not want to taint ES with his "BAD MOJO"...thus he quickly wants to scrub away all the dirtiness and 'GUILT' before he comes to ES. He just wants ES to be happy, he wants to see ES smile, he wants to breathe the same air as ES...magical air! 
    I rejoice and also feel sad about this scene coz it shows that ES is much more important to him now than his precious sword which has never left his side through all this time. Happy that he was thinking of ES and her needs and wants that he disregard his own.
    I'm sad coz a warriors life really is a sad and lonely life. A life of him and his sword. The sword that would kill and protect him. But now, he no longer can be an effective warrior coz his sword cannot kill mercilessly anymore. It has become burdensome...'heavy'.
    It was really sad when CY struggle to explain that those he kill was no match for him but nevertheless he felt heavy and remorse in killing them. This also ties back to his explanation that there was blood on his sword this time. All he can see now is ES and her loveliness and her sweet smell. ES knew that CY was struggling this time, she gave him what he needed the most, her warmth, understanding and unconditional LOVE.
    Somebody said this wayyyy back a  'few hundred pages' ago, that finally in ES's arm CY was able to breathe again..PERFECTLY SAID...

  11. jerboa83




    OMG...I just had a THOUGHT.... 

    [size=2] he knows what happened but he is just letting the game play it out on its own accord. [/size]

    He was a Gorguyeo Man...that was what he said...he was one of those that fought to establish the Gorguyeo Kingdom. That was in 37 B.C. 668 AD to be exact ( THANK YOU JUMONG...LOL)...at present, the date should be 1351...that's nearly 700 years difference....and also he has the pocket watch..which means he has traveled to the future...HE knows what it is...its not something that is pass down to him but something that he knows what it does. 

    What if he really is the HWATA? maybe that's why he went for the medical instruments....

  12. OMG...I just had a THOUGHT.... 
     WHAT IF THAT YUAN AMBASSADOR IS ACTUALLY HWATA? he knows what happened but he is just letting the game play it out on its own accord. 
    He was a Gorguyeo Man...that was what he said...he was one of those that fought to establish the Gorguyeo Kingdom. That was in 37 B.C. 668 AD to be exact ( THANK YOU JUMONG...LOL)...at present, the date should be 1351...that's nearly 700 years difference....and also he has the pocket watch..which means he has traveled to the future...HE knows what it is...its not something that is pass down to him but something that he knows what it does. 
    What if he really is the HWATA? maybe that's why he went for the medical instruments....

  13. Tinkiebell said: @Bambiina, what is IJUKSA? lol at your eye sockets moving. 
    No stupid ending like reincarnation either, please. We love CY because he IS CY. His life experience has shaped him into the CY that we've come to know and love. CY's reincarnation, with the same face and body is simply NOT CY. Not even a bigger weapon size would do it for me. :|
    I think this is the ending I would hate the most, much more so than a sad ending. 

  14. I have to say that watching it with SUBS just made me cry that much harder ...tears was streaming down my cheeks ....OMG....how beautiful their love is...just so much love...one definitely will not be able to live without the other.... No matter how the ending is, THEY MUST BE TOGETHER...that's all I am asking...CHAEBAL PD NIM..CHAEBALLLLLLLLL! :-S

  15. I'll try to BE SHORT AND SWEET HERE...hehehee but I want to sum up this episode in 3 words: 
    she totally owned this episode and she was just SUPER amazing. I never once felt that her tears and cries were fake or pushed out of her..I thought her sadness and tears were so real that I felt her pain...her loneliness if she were to go back to heaven and leave him. She is fighting with all her might against one of the toughest and baddest man of Goryeo history...a man that is unshakable in every form known to men. She is fighting for her life...her life is CHOI YOUNG, her life is her love for CHOI YOUNG...without that love and CHOI YOUNG than she will truly be dead. 
    She is willing to trade the rest of her life for just a mere 14 days of pure happiness and bliss of being with the man who she loves deeply and she who Daejang CY cherish above everything else...the only person that could make him break his oath.... 
    KHS was just AWESOME..she has been on fire for the past couple of episodes and I for one is truly honored to be able to watch this amazing actress take this role...KHS is definitely YOO EUN SOO...no one else could have done the role justice the way she does.... 
    And pat on the back for LMH as well...amazing acting by LMH...this man just gets better and better by each episode...I feel like I am truly in the presence of a man in love and a man on a mission to protect his woman ...I take it all back...in the beginning I told some of my chingus perhaps the role of a sageuk drama hero does not suit LMH...I thought he will be better expressing himself in a modern drama...I take it back...LMH is just poetry in motion..he has nailed this character to perfection....he too has become DAEJANG CHOI YOUNG...LMH has definitely graduate from a rom-com with a pretty boy face to a very adult and very deep layered character acting and for that I totally respect him and I totally SALUTE him for his hard work.... 

  16. Bambiina said: Mood - Rant (contain spoiler for Drama - Answer me 1997)
    Seriously - I hate the way the story progressed ... I see doom ending... what's with this Parkison disease? if it's not gonna be something major in the next few episode I am sure PD wouldn't have introduce the issue. I am sure this hand issue will be the main reason ES has to go back... 
    Can Daejang come to the future? 
    :sigh: I can tolerate bad editing, bad screen shot (kekekeke I didn't notice anyway, I don't have good eye sight for such thing).. I can tolerate anything but not Bad ending... I want to see little Choi or little ES running around I want to see they continue to bicker and this time really married... Can I have an answer me 1997  ending..

    (THE BEST Ending ever.. true satisfaction after faithfully watchin KD for 10 years - Answer me 1997 has the best ending ever that leave you breathless and it's so perfect you will feel contented ... SATISFACTION to the core)

    ... Please let me have a happy ending..... 
    After faithfully keeping the Faith... please happy ending.. CHAEBAL ...
    Sorry.. for this outburst... I am worried.. I don't want to be traumatized ... like IJUKSA days ... traumatized for 5 years

  17. I just came back from work and what did I do? plop infront of my PC and look at this THREAD....I NEED A LIFE...one that has nothing to do with FAITH, LMH or KHS....(yeah right...fat chance!...hahahaha) 
     I cannot take this anymoreeeeee....*scream*  ~X( ~X( ~X(

  18. myphim

    said: Okay, so we did not get our bed scene today, but instead got this heartfelt confession/proposal from Choi Young.

    I love his sweet proposal, so for now, I am happy in my Dimple Heaven. :x



    His words were so sincere and perfect.

    I would say 'Yes' to him a thousand times over. :x

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