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Posts posted by marrsq

  1. Don't kill me if this has been mentioned in the thread before, but ES could be the reincarnate of Hwata a few times over. Meaning maybe ES is dreaming her other self in previous life. But the circumstance is the same it always starts with hwata coming to the future n ES being kidnap by CY.

    But each time its always to late,CY dies without both ever actually declaring their true feelings. So the previous ES decides to change fate by writing the letter to the next incarnate hoping she will change their destiny. Putting All her FAITH that the next ES will do the right thing.

    what di u guys think? To many loopholes? Hahaha!

  2. Thanks @myphim. This Ahjumma usually is not that slow just that using the phone to do evrything now since my PC decided to end its life.... :(( yes, ur right it will be very hard for ES to leave CY if he ask her. That time at their special place when CY ask u still want to go back and ES just kept quiet nor saying a thing coz she don'r want to but not sure if she stays will anything happen between them since he has not said anything to her. Perhaps after this near death both will realize how important to live each day with their love ones....

  3. Sorry for the multiple posts...just thought of something. Somebody mention that we will know the end of ES's sentence of ' u cannot die bcoz......'in the upcoming episode. Also somwbody mention the PONR for CY.....I think the point of no return for them was in ep 5 when ES thought she lost him and that single tear that drop onto CY's face that thawed his heart to accept another love, another woman in his heart. He knew frm that moment he has real feelings for her.. But both is actually trying to protect the other thinking that its not their destiny to be together. One feels she should leave to protect him while he believes she wants to go ba k so much that he feels its not right for him to ask her to stay. While perhaps deep down ES is waiting for CY to ask her not to leave.

  4. @myphim Like old souls who hve been together seperated by time n destiny meets again after being apart. They are so comfy with each other like old pair of slippers that makes u feel loved n comforted at the same time....OLD SOULS =SOULMATES LOVING THE SPOILER PICS....U GO URI GENERAL.GIVE THEM HELL!

  5. Forgive this old Ahjumma if I bring up some points that have already been discussed. Coz by the time I am ready to post the thread has moved by 100 PAGES! :D

    love all the points brought up here...all of them are plausible for sure. But besides waiting to see uri general go nuts trying to save ES, their first moment together after she regain conciousness, I WANT TO SEE ES GOING BALLISTIC SCOLDING CY FOR MAKING A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL AND IN THE PROCESS SELLING HIS SOUL N LIFE. THE LIFE THAT SHE HAS SAID MANY TIMES OVER WHICH IS HERS COZ SHE SAVES HIM.

    can't wait to see CY squirming frm being berated. But I'm sure the berating will end up being one of their sweet moments... :x

  6. hello everyone.. good  morning :)

    old but new at yoon eun hye thread..just a silent reader

    ms. eun hye and yoo chun in the same drama?

    i'm okay with that

    i'm a fans of yoo chun and i love ms. eun hye

    i have both of their dramas file (except ms. eun hye and oh man seok "vineyard men") 

    she's good, cool and funny :) and of course, she's hot and sexy ... 

    last but not least.. she's talented ..

    not all yoo chun fans has the same opinion about ms. eun hye :)

    wish all the best for her :)

    Thanks for the support. Yes, not all of PYC's fans have the negativity. Some actually are looking forward to it.

  7. Firstly to @wisteria7 my heartfelt condolaces to u n the family. Hoping u will stay strong.

    Secondly this thread is really Daebak! The discussions can rival any roundtable discussion in Harvard...LOL

    I have nothing to contribute except that I hope CY does not have to go back to get the antidote but the Suribang can help heal ES. I hope CY won't need to sacrifice to save ES. I just want them to have a great live together. Sooooooooo looking forward to see CY going crazy with worry over ES. This will be his first time after his fiancee's death his armor will crack. His emotions will overflow bigtime!

    Monday can' t come quickly enough for me.

    Just an Ahjumma's ranting n raving...


  8. @mariYEH I know. This is not good. U know PYC has some of the craziest fans. I doubt if this will just blow away.

    LOL most of our friends who are not YEH's fans sending me condolonces and ask me to brace myself for the rough ride.

    Eunnie n Mickey themselves have no issue. I'm sure they r friends. *sigh* hoping for the best.

    BTW I would have LOVE LOVE LOVE it if Eunnie had played the ARANG character. I thought she would have been perfect for the role. Next to Jung Ki too....hahaha

  9. Anyeong Chingus!

    How is everybody? *Wave* meback

    So i heard this news abt Eunnie's rumored comeback frm a very long time soompi member n K entertainment. She ask me if the rumor was true. I know that everybody here is very happy abt this but we are talking abt Park Yoo Chun . He is well known for his 'fans'. So I ask her if its good for Eunnie. She told me in most of PYC's site they have begun to bad mouth Eunnie. They have started the 'attack'. Honestly I hope its not true but I believe my friend. Some of you here knows her too.

    I hope it won't last and Eunnie will come out triumphly. I really want the best for Eunnie and if by doing this drama with PYC will make her better than I am 100% behind her.

    So lets support Eunnie all the way

  10. @myphim a definite turning point. He will actually encourage her to leave now coz he can't bare the thought of ES being hurt or worst dying. If she goes back at least she is safe and our general will be contented . However NOT before our general get some NOOKY N LOVE frm our doc thus impregnating her with his child which she takes back to the future. Since she knows the secret to the door, the happy family will meet each time it opens...hehehe! Can I be a writer?

    @Auntie Mame why stop short of her tummy? Must check her chest too! O:-)

    WOW! The sound that came out of ES while in pain is just Awesome. Thats why our general rushed in thinking he struck gold...hahaha

    however loving CY so much for loving ES that deep. For a warrior there's nothing more sacred than his sword especially our CY whose sword is a precious gift. But for ES he threw it across the room not caring abt anything else but his love. That was so romantic and it showed how much he loves her.

    @padhari *wave* nice to see u again


  11. Anyeong.....

    What are we looking forward too next week?




    How am I going to survive this week knowing ES IS NEAR DEATH?....HAHA

  12. @Auntie Mame How r you? LOL, it's been awhile since we shared the same forum. Miss our discussions. You r right, without the subplots it would not have been interesting.

    I was seriously looking forward to this drama than I was taken aback for a moment coz it felt so alien to me and by 8th ep, I finally able to accept it and it took over Arang for me. Now I'm giddy like a school girl each time the OTP is on...haha

    @wisteria7 thanks for the warm welcome. I'm sure any points that I bring up now would have been analized over and over again previously.

    No worries will try to participate as much as I can ;)

  13. Anyeong Chingus!

    My first time posting.

    I thought I could stay away but the itch to share n discuss with all of you overrides my resolution not to post ( not to mention I'm dying to share my fangirling over LMH & our OTP o_O)....hehehe

    FAITH is not everyone's cup of tea I have to say...if any of you follows the PD and the writer ,you would know that they are not into fairytale ending with happy ever after for our OTP. I have a strong feeling this is what is in store for us here. PD and writer both love to tease us with sweet n tender moments that r touching as well memorable but with a very sad fate in the end. Also, I doubt there will be any kissing scenes too base on his sageuk dramas.

    Having said all that I HOPE I AM TOTALLY WRONG IN MY ASSUMPTION! I hope the PD has changed his style and will give us all that we want.

    I seriously refuses to accept anything but a HAPPY ENDING FOR OUR OTP.

    I personally enjoy the plot n sub plots. There are layers n layers of characters n aspects to watch n learn rather than just a straight love story. This way we really feel the tenderness n care both have for each other. The time they do share they make the most of it. Showing how they feel rather than saying it. Slowly but without any doubt both depends on each other to be a whole being. Both are not who they are until they are together again. Both need each other like how we need air to breathe.

    WHY? Coz before ES CY lives just waiting to die. Living has no purpose. With ES he sees how his life will be turn upside down. He will again feel a myrid of emtions frm fear ,worry ,anger to LOVE.

    ES to use to live just for herself. Like any other yuppie

    in the rat race all she thought of was making a name n money for herself. Now she has something n someone she needs to care for. A cause. A purpose besides just her. Both feel the need to protect n care for each other. The true mark of love than trancends everything else even time. Both will die for each other coz neither one will be happy or able to live without one in the



    LOL... Enough frm this Ahjumma today or I' start crying thinking of their future.

    FAighting Faith! ;)

  14. ChoonHee21



     said:[size=2]Did you guys notice that during the water in the eye incident, after LT gave the comforting hug to Sora, she actually put her hand where LT's hand was, around her waist? ..since LT moved his hands too quickly, I thought Sora wanted to put her hands on top of his..but he pulled it by the time Sora did it...  :-S[/size][size=2]did anyone else saw that?[/size][size=4]



    @marrsqThe comforting hug .. you mean the last one ... 
    but when LT touch her waist, SR open her eyes .. and when he removed it, she put her hands where LT's hand was and closed her eyes again .. why ?!!!U can see that SR need another kind of things, no just a hug .. hahaha :P
  15. Anyeong Chingus!!!
    Please switch to DELUSIONAL mode before continuing to read this post   :P
    Did you guys notice that during the water in the eye incident, after LT gave the comforting hug to Sora, she actually put her hand where LT's hand was, around her waist? ..since LT moved his hands too quickly, I thought Sora wanted to put her hands on top of his..but he pulled it by the time Sora did it...  :-S
    did anyone else saw that?

  16. viyra


    first off - just don't understand why some people still say WGM is 'scripted' - if it is, why all the spazzing? Never mind!

    secondly - SM and SR age not even close.  SM is one of the hyungs in SJ - I believe after Yesung or ShinDong, SM is next - and the closest to SR age would be the two maknaes - KyuHyun and Ryeowook.  And if there is someone in SJ he should be worried about, it would be either DH or KH - both their eyes were glued on SR on their first meeting. 

    The reason SR apologized to SM as he was leaving was, IMHO and observation, they engaged in a lovers quarrel while in front of him - and SM is too smart to side with SR which angers LT more.

    and instead of enjoying the remaining days they will be together in front of us, do we have to dig some more of LT's past? 

    Why am I ranting? Because I have to and need to!

  17. Anyeong FDs....
    I don't know whose ring or which ring it was however I do know this....LT was trying to put it back onto Sora's finger when SM entered. LT had the ring between his thumb, middle and ring fingers wanting to slip it to Sora's ring finger...but at that moment Sora move her hand away....Its a very telling incident to me...very much like a GF and BF would be doing....
    BTW, anybody knows what happened to SM's hand? did he break it?

  18. I like to ask a Q...perhaps @viyra could answer this as she have watched many WGM couples before DC....
    If I'm not mistaken this is the 2nd time the production team have sent flowers to LT. Have this ever been done before to other virtual spouses? I'm just curious..because if its not normal, than WHY is the production team so 'enamored' with LT 'the virtual hubby'. Perhaps they know something that we don't know ? Perhaps they are sincerely rooting for DC to became a reality ;))
    Anyway my train of thought will be moot if the answer is yes, that it is normal for the pro team to congratulate couples on their personal achievements.
    BEING DELUSIONAL AGAIN!..what to do...a hot babe ahjumma with a wild imagination  =))

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